Super Energy Power

Chapter 572 The Last Moment

A quarter of an hour before the end of the bidding, only three companies have not submitted tenders

In the auditorium of hundreds of people, the representatives of the company who handed in the tenders were like students who had just handed in the papers, talking excitedly, loud and small, noisy.

The tender has been handed in, and there is no change whether it is dead or alive. The mood is relaxed, and the adrenaline secreted in the front has naturally become a source of excitement.

BP's Ducate is also an excited member. This time, BP fully bid for 11 oil fields in Azerbaijan, which cost countless human and material resources. In order to unblock the relationship alone, it specially invited four shadow cabinet members of the British Labour Party. In addition, they also discussed with Turkey, the United States and other countries the possibility of building an oil pipeline in the Caspian Sea, thus affecting diplomatic activities throughout Asia. Bidding activities of this scale are rare in the history of BP.

As a senior director, Ducat ranks far from the top 100 in the huge British Petroleum Corporation Group. It is both a coincidence and a lot of accumulation to be able to host such an important oilfield project in Azerbaijan. Ducat has enough reasons to be excited.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to obtain as many oil fields as possible, as well as the shares of the oil fields.

For the latter, Ducat did a good job. For the former, he was actually not very sure. When the tender was handed in, his work was completed. Although Aliyev made a promise to the shadow cabinet members of the Labor Party, Ducat knew with his broken lame legs that Aliyev would definitely make similar promises to Shell, Exxon and other companies.

This is fairness under unfairness.

The last thing Ducat can do is to circle the specific bid of the bid within the company's board of directors and the company's group of the price range, and then submit the tender.

It is not like Dahua Industry. It is a collective act for BP to bid for 11 oilfields at the same time. Ducat must obtain the consent of all parties and reach unification before writing the tender. Therefore, important factors such as price, as early as a day ago, have been determined that what he can do when bidding is to control the time of delivery of tenders.

In the last quarter of an hour, in Ducat's opinion, the tender is already difficult to modify. This is not a simple crossword puzzle. The difference in price and proportion will change many items in it. Unless the tenders for various plans are prepared in advance, how can the tender be completed in the last hour?

In the simplest case, there are dozens of combinations of price and proportion. Because the ratio of 0.1 is a huge sum of money, any company that uses secret operation methods will try its best to increase the proportion of 0.1, from 50.1 to 60 or more, from tens of millions of dollars to hundreds of millions of yuan of signing fees. These two conditions alone can lead to a lot of tenders. Yes.

A company usually bids for several or all of the oil fields, so that the company has to prepare too many tenders. At least, the visionary BP company does not mean to make all the tenders in advance.

Ducat found that the bidding group of Dahua Industry was still silent. He couldn't help but pretending to be surprised and thought to himself: What on earth did Su Cheng think?

He still doesn't know that the real focus of Dahua Industry is only one oil block No. 6.

No one will think so. The industry insiders can see Sucheng's efforts in Azerbaijan, so a large number of companies are looking for Sucheng, hoping to form a company group.

Such a payment is just a desperate effort to go to the No. 6 oil field, and those who know the inside story will only feel incredible.

Although Dahua Industrial has announced a separate bid for the No. 6 oil block, more people would rather believe that it is a smoke bomb.

There are also many companies that like No. 6 oilfield, but when the existence of the super oilfield has not been determined, these companies naturally can't compare with Dahua Industry.

However, in order to avoid being known by Dahua Industry, Ryutaro Watanabe, the main representative of INPEX, and Francis of the Italian Eni Group all kept the same silence.

Until 5 minutes before the bidding, Francis couldn't help but turn his head to look at Su Cheng and Ryutaro Watanabe. He muttered something, and then got up and handed in the tender.

The Azerbaijani official sitting in front skillfully checked the appearance of the tender, then sealed it in the box, affixed it, stamped it, and sent it to the back room.

Seeing that all the steps were completed, Francis breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Sioux City curiously. Although he has experienced many bidding, he still doesn't quite understand what Su Cheng did.

In the last few minutes, if you don't submit the tender, do you want to give up?

Ryutaro Watanabe was also a little uneasy. He is like the last two candidates to hand in the papers. Unlike Su Cheng, the latter seems to have any plans, and he is just procrastinating.

Just like the difference between a poor student and a top student.

"What did he think?" Ryutaro Watanabe suddenly asked Shigeru Nishioka beside him.

"I can't figure this out, too." Shigeru Nishioka bowed his head deeply. He has been observing or scouting Dahua Industry, but the effect is not very obvious. Now he can't answer the questions, and there is nothing he can do.

The meat on Ryutaro Watanabe's cheek fell loosely, as if he had always been angry, and asked, "In your opinion, we have to wait for Dahua Industry to bid? Or have they actually bid quietly, and we are the only ones left?

This question was so sharp that Shigeru Nishioka dared not answer it and whispered, "I'll ask again."

"There are still 4 minutes left." Ryutaro Watanabe looked at his watch and said, "I can wait until 1 minute before the deadline at most."

"Undert it." Shigeru Nishioka lowered his head, left from the edge of the venue, and immediately went to an official he was familiar with to ask.

However, it is extremely difficult to get the exact information of Dahua Industry in Azerbaijan.

Although the newly established Azerbaijani government is the same as the sieve, it is because it is newly established that the channel of gossip is not mature, let alone a consulting company that specializes in selling business intelligence like European and American countries. Therefore, Dahua Industry's approach is to flood the market with a large number of fake news. Just as the Internet era has come to Baku in advance, anyone can easily get fake news about Dahua, but it is difficult to say that it is really credible.

A white hair sweat of Shigeki Nishioka ventured to call Saqbal...

As time went by, Su Cheng sat on the chair like a sculpture, without any change.

"There are still one and thirty minutes to the deadline, and the last notice is one and thirty seconds to the bidding deadline." Azerbaijani officials on the stage stared at Sucheng and Ryutaro Watanabe and had to remind.

Ryutaro Watanabe couldn't help looking at Su Cheng, and then frowned and looked to the right.

Shigeru Nishioka rushed over and shook his head.

Ryutaro Watanabe decided not to wait. He picked up the suitcase under his feet and handed it to the front.

The Azerbaijani official in charge of the audit was relieved and simply checked, sealed, sealed and sealed. He nodded to Ryutaro Watanabe and said, "We have accepted the INPEX tender."

"Okay." Ryutaro Watanabe saw that the tender was sent to the outside until he could not see it.

Shigeru Nishioka looked at Su Cheng with unprecedented sharp eyes.

He didn't believe that Su Cheng would give up bidding, but he also wanted to know what Su Cheng was waiting for.

At the last moment, the representatives of the companies stopped the heated and happy discussion and focused their eyes on the pendulum clock overhead.

The deadline is based on the time of the pendulum clock.

In the conference hall, the quiet falling needle can be heard. Hundreds of people stared at each other breathlessly, secretly counting down, which looked like a countdown to the New Year.


The door of the conference room makes a faint sound of the door shaft turning

The people on the chair turned their heads back and made a "wow" sound like military training.

The double door of pure wood is being pushed away by two people.

Then, there is the sound of running.

A young man with Dahua's badge, holding a suitcase in his arms, ran a 100-meter race from the other end of the corridor.

After only a few seconds of time, the young man crossed the gate, ran straight to Su Cheng, and stuffed the suitcase into his hand.

The crowd turned their heads together and made a neat and uniform "wow" sound.

At this moment, Ryutaro Watanabe was surprised to find that Sucheng had already stepped away and went straight to the Azerbaijani officials in front of him.

"Our tender." Su Cheng shouted in English.

Absolutely there is a problem!

Ryutaro Watanabe does not think that just a few tens of seconds, or a few minutes, can allow Dahua to complete the filling of a tender.

However, he intuitively thought there was a problem.

If there is no problem, why do you have to be so stuck in time? More importantly, there is no need to send tenders from outside. Everyone's tenders are all carried with you.

With no time to think about it, looking at the Azerbaijani official taking over the suitcase of Su City, Ryutaro Watanabe simply shouted, "It's time."

Shigeoka woke up from a dream and shouted in English, "It's time, it's time."

At this time, the large pendulum clock overhead made a "dong, dong" sound.

The official who received the document smiled and said in English, "This time is the criterion, and the tender delivery of Dahua Industry is valid."

Ryutaro Watanabe's old face trembled, and there was a bad feeling of palpitations.

His INPEX company also has a strong interest in No. 6 oil block, so it has a direct competitive relationship with Dahua Industry. Therefore, he has always paid attention to his and Azerbaijani official intelligence control.

But it is difficult for him to determine whether his intelligence control is effective now.

Shigeru Nishioka had the same sense of crisis, but he said, "In such a short time, our quotation is unlikely to be leaked. Even if it is leaked, Dahua Industry will not have time to modify the tenders, unless they have prepared multiple tenders in advance... At least dozens of tenders are needed. Three months is still possible, and three days is completely impossible.

Ryutaro Watanabe agreed, "Well, it's very fast to make three tenders in three days."

"Therefore, the top priority now is to let Azerbaijan announce the bidding results on the spot. You must not spend the night."

Shigeru Nishioka reminded that Ryutaro Watanabe immediately stood up and said, "We ask you to check the tender on the spot and announce the conclusion on the spot."

"Look at it on the spot and announce it on the spot." The representatives of each company were very smart, and the quiet conference hall immediately became noisy again.
