Super counter-time strong

94 Gao Yang's plan

Today, he learned a lot in the spider queen's office.

It looks beautiful, but in fact, the situation of the Spider Queen in the sixth training camp is not so optimistic.

I don't know what the Spider Queen is scrupulous about. With her personality, she won't let a few students come to blame herself.

In this way, there are really strong backing behind those students;

Or someone secretly encouraged them to do so behind their backs.

What are those people doing? What benefits can they get?

For Gao Yang, who has just entered the killer training camp and still has the title of a newcomer, he still knows too little about it.

He is not in a hurry to enter the strengthening center, but also hopes to know something from these old people that he doesn't know.

At this moment, a lot of information was slowly sorted out in his mind and slowly began to make a general clue.

The Spider Queen is not simply trying to cultivate herself, but determined to completely break some rotten and old things in the sixth training camp.

Well, it seems that I can't always strengthen the center in the future.

Those training centers, battle centers and other places where the strong gather are the places he should go.

At present, what he needs to do is to improve his strength as soon as possible and find more powerful masters to compete with the martial arts spirit.

At this time, Gao Fei had come to him.

Gaoyang is very satisfied with the work done by Gao Fei.

The weights in the hearts of the elderly and newcomers in the whole intensive center have begun to lean towards themselves.

No matter how much this can play, at least he has begun to grow up slowly.

At present, what he lacks most is time, and the current growth rate is far from enough.

Gao Fei briefly told Gao Yang about the gathering of people.

Gao Yang nodded and came to the tenth floor of the intensive center with Gao Fei and others.

This place has obviously been cleared, and only 20 middle-level warriors stood in two rows and lined up neatly in the open space of the time.

They seem to have admired Gao Yang for a long time, and everyone has a proud look on their faces, as if they were soldiers waiting for the chief to review.

For these people, Gao Yang swept roughly the same, which is almost the same as what he expected.

As we all know, the killer training camp is a place to speak with the potential for promotion. The more potential people are, the more valued they are here.

On the contrary, people like them who may not be able to win high-level masters all their lives are destined to be abandoned by the organization.

If they are lucky enough to grasp the opportunity and seize the opportunity, they may survive for decades, but maybe one day, they will be sacrificed by the organization in the execution of the mission and become a cannon fodder slightly larger than dust.

This is a problem that every old man who struggles to smash the newcomer area must face.

If there is no accident, at least half of them will be sacrificed as cannon fodder by the organization.

Because many people have been here for three years.

It's not that they don't want to be promoted to martial arts, but that the road is too bumpy and difficult. If they don't pay attention, they will easily be taken to a road of no return.

Take looking for energy upgrades as an example.

In large recovery cities, there are not many tasks, most of which are the source of the tasks of those middle-level warriors who are at their peak.

If you take on some small tasks, I'm afraid it will take longer.

If you want to seek a way to survive in a large development city, although there are more opportunities, it also indicates more dangers.

They once tried it with hope, but they all came back after hitting their heads and bleeding.

The world is full of too many unspoken rules.

Even if you take a better task, you have to be dived.

If you resist, you think you can't get along in the city, and you may even be excluded.

It takes a lot of time to build up your own small power in a strange city with your ability to work little by little.

Exactly, in the killer training camp, these people are the part of the people who lack the most time.

It's not that they don't want to make progress, but they can't adapt themselves to those hypocritical praises and flattery, putting their faces to others' feet and licking others as a gift of charity.

If they really want to choose, they would rather die than sell their souls.

When Gao Yang saw the decisive eyes in the eyes of these people, he seemed to think of his childish but extremely strong self in the past.

How good is the life of a mercenary without a killer training camp?

Gao Yang came to these people, adjusted his slightly excited mood, and said:

"As a newcomer, I know everyone's feelings very well."

"Everyone has their own ideals, has had their own ambitions, and has worked tirelessly for it!"

"But the world is still cruel, still dark, still full of injustice, and there are still many unbearable things."

"Of course, these are inevitable."

"This is the greed of human nature!"

"The killer is also known as the Terminator of Life."

"They always lurk in the darkest corner of the world, holding the horn of death, the death bell of all the superiors, and the panic and uneasy people all day long*."

"There are too many unfair things in this world that need to be understood by terminators like us, some seemingly ordinary disputes."

"This is the purpose of our killer, Terminator all unnecessary troubles."

After saying that, Gao Yang silently closed his eyes and thought quietly for a while before opening his eyes and saying:

"Like many newcomers downstairs, I have just joined the sixth training camp, which looks like home, but it's not much better than hell."

"Maybe I can call you a senior, but have you ever thought about why you have fallen to this point?"

"If it hadn't been for my appearance, how many of you would have been sacrificed as cannon fodder?"

"Maybe you don't know how miserable it will be as cannon fodder. Now I'll play a video for you!"

Gao Fei turned on the holographic projector, and a picture appeared on the projection. Each picture is a scene where living life is destroyed and life is worse than death.

The best end of these people is to be killed on the spot and become dust and disappear forever in this world.

The end of more cannon fodder is that life is better than death.

They are either cut open and separate the most vulnerable parts of the body from the body little by little, which is a hundred times more cruel than Ling Chi's death.

It is not easy for Ling Chi to be executed with only more than 1,000 knives at most, and this cannon fodder has been cut alive for ten years.

This kind of life is better than the hell at the bottom!

Too many such pictures have made these 20 middle-level warriors see the ugliness of human nature, the cruelty of human nature, and some extremely abnormal special cases in human nature, which not only make them shudder, but also some have even slowly realized the pain of those people in the picture.

Because they know that the chance of being abandoned by the organization as cannon fodder is only 1% to survive.

This probability is so small that every student who becomes cannon fodder is desperate.

This number almost represents death.

This is not simple. Every 100, there is a probability of survival.

Facts have proved that the survival rate of becoming cannon fodder, only one person can survive without 10,000 people, and the final situation is extremely miserable, pitiful, even worse than death, and finally commit suicide.

A killer is destined to be killed by others on the day he becomes a killer, but everyone has the desire to survive, and no one wants to be destined to be a victim of an interest group.

It's just that they don't have the strength to resist.

If he dies in the task, at least his family will get a lot of pension.

If you die because of resistance or rebellion.

Not only will they be extremely severely punished, but their families will also be implicated, and even being exterminated is a common means to treat traitors.

It turns out that resistance and betrayal are more tragic than being cannon fodder.

After reading these, Gao Yang returned to everyone's sight and said calmly:

"I think everyone has seen this picture, which is so vivid and dazzling and unavoidable."

"As a killer, it is naturally the best to die without pain, but once you are controlled and experience the pressure of life and death, what will you choose?"

"Is it betrayal, or continue to suffer non-human torture?"

"I have my own thoughts to each of you, so I don't have to say more!"

"Today, the reason why I worry you is to tell you that you still have hope and a brighter future."

"And your future can be created by your own hands!"

"Now the opportunity is in front of you, it depends on how you choose!"

"Do you choose to die gloriously in battle or die humiliatingly after being subdued? Tell me!"

Speaking of this, Gao Yang shouted, as if his voice had completely penetrated the hearts of these twenty people and deeply penetrated their souls.

"I'd rather die in battle than bow my head!"

"I'd rather die in battle than bow my head!"

These middle-level warriors repeated over and over again. The slogan of the sixth training camp, they want to get ahead and wash away the shame that they had left deep scars in their lives in the past.

"Good! In this case, I will give you a chance to promote each of you as a martial artist within this month, and there will be greater development in the future.

"As for the future development, it's up to you!"

Gao Yang motioned Gao Fei to hand over the affidavits with blood-red characters to the 20 middle-level warriors.

It's very simple. This is the life-and-death contract.

Although in this era when the virtual world is gradually replacing the real world's scientific and technological powers, a paper has become more and more unconstrained, Gao Yang wants them to write their ideas on this paper and read them every day.

Gao Yang will arrange a stricter special training for them to explore their physical potential more deeply, and this team will become his magic weapon in the battlefield in the future.