Super counter-time strong

Preliminary analysis of the training camp of 95 battle division alternate list

The prototype of any team must have iron discipline and strong core cohesion, which requires vows and strong perseverance.

Although these things do not seem to have too high requirements for qualifications, and even some ordinary people with mediocre qualifications may do so, this is an indispensable decisive factor that determines whether a powerman can have the opportunity to develop to a higher level.

Now in front of Gao Yang, these 20 teenagers standing have these conditions. The only thing they lack is an opportunity that can allow them to grow rapidly. Otherwise, what awaits them will be the most ruthless elimination within the group.

After feeling the extremely hot battle** in their hearts, Gao Yang felt very satisfied.

The next step is to send it into mysterious time and space for training.

Although time is limited, Gao Yang is still confident to ensure that they can advance to martial arts in the shortest time and get rid of the troubles of the knockout competition.

In this way, he has recruited a group of loyal subordinates and laid a solid foundation for his recovery city and promotion to a higher-level revival city.

Gao Yue has been used to the life in the mysterious space and prefers to play happily and freely with the windbell bird, so she chose to lead more than 20 middle-level warriors into the mysterious space with Gao Fei's five-person group, and whether she will continue to pester him around Gao Yang.

As soon as Gao Yue and others left, Gao Yang received a message from the bee spider and asked him to go to the fifth floor of intensive training and find her in the rest hall. There were some important things to tell him.

Gaoyang is not surprised by the invitation of the bee spider.

The Spider Queen's time is limited. What she can tell herself must be the top priority he needs to understand, and some basic attempts still need to be completed by her instructors.

The rest area on the fifth floor of the intensive center is a very spacious place.

There are no instruments and equipment used for intensive training here, but only appropriate relaxation places for quiet enjoyment and relaxation, as well as reading rooms that can provide all kinds of information.

After all, the killer training camp is a place to train killers, not to slave owners who make you work hard.

This is equivalent to a school, which is used to cultivate talents.

Learning requires relaxation and relaxation, and reasonable arrangements can improve efficiency.

After all, there are still a few people who train, kill and fight all day long. Especially today, when killers have also been grouped, the cultivation of talents requires more humanized management.

The five floors of the whole reinforcement center, part of which is a compact reading room, where some newcomers will learn, most of which are basic knowledge.

Part of the sleeping area is full of massage beds that can provide students with deep sleep. Resting during the massage** can ensure that you can recover your strength in the shortest time.

Most of the rest of the places are used to provide students with round table-like restaurants for communication, and even small independent spaces.

Here, you can taste different kinds of delicious food from many countries, more wine and drinks.

Each location will charge specific fees according to the degree of comfort and sound insulation, ranging from 100 to 10,000 points per hour.

As an instructor, you naturally enjoy the privilege of discounts in the restaurant, and the discount is quite high. After all, they spend most of their time here, especially some instructors who are destined not to develop much in the future.

If the students graduate, they will be arranged to go to the group as the bottom killer, and the instructor will not need it. They can choose to hold some civilian positions within the group, or they can be allowed to serve as senior managers in some branches of the group companies under the group.

This has prompted many people with intentions to try their best to please instructors, chief instructors, and even general instructors to seek a more stable and safer development path for themselves.

However, unlike instructors and students, most of them are not promoted from students, but talents cultivated by the senior management of the headquarters.

The biggest feature of these people is that they are not very qualified, have no ambition, usually only follow the arrangement of the leader, and are very safe.

Here, instructors can also be trained, and even at the instruction of the chief instructor, they can get a certain degree of special preferential treatment. This allows all instructors to work at ease, thus cultivating better talents.

The bee spider is such an instructor.

She is the adopted daughter raised by the Spider Queen since she was a child. She has mediocre qualifications, but she has the patience and sense of responsibility that ordinary people do not have, and her interpersonal relationships are also handled very well.

It can be said that in the whole sixth training camp, the vast majority of instructors and students will give her some thin face, especially her very old-fashioned vision, and she has found a lot of talents for the six departments.

If her qualifications were not too poor, I'm afraid she would have been transferred to the Chinese Empire as a local liaison officer.

That is an enviable fat job. It is not dangerous, the treatment is good, and the status is extremely noble. The power in hand is greater than that of the mayors of some small cities in China!

As a bee spider without good qualifications, it is now facing the problem of understanding martial arts and advancing to martial arts.

Although she is the adopted daughter of the spider queen, the spider queen does not have time to take care of her. Most of the time, it is done by the red spider. Everyone's understanding of martial arts is different, and the speed of understanding is also different. The red spider naturally can't help the bee spider.

The red spider itself has not yet understood on the road of understanding martial arts, let alone helping others.

If you want the help of higher powers, you need to make some sacrifices, which are not what the bee spider is willing to do.

Therefore, the bee spider's understanding of martial arts has been delayed again and again, and it has been unable to be promoted.

Compared with the red spider, the 13-year-old poisonous spider has greater potential.

She is five years younger than the red spider and three years younger than the bee spider. Even if she is placed in the whole training camp, she is a well-qualified student.

At this rate of development, she still has the opportunity to attack the middle-level fighters before the age of 40, and after the age of 40, the success rate is greater, even inevitable.

Among all the instructors, she is also a few special cases of gradually being promoted from students to instructors. Naturally, she is also the direct line of the spider queen.

In this seemingly calm sixth training camp, in addition to the always strong spider queen, there are still several other forces.

For example, the direct line of the sixth minister, the direct line of the group's real decision-making boss, etc.

The direct subordinates of these powerful people are all at the level of warriors. Not to mention the trainees, even the Spider Queen is difficult to shake their position in the sixth training camp.

Staying here for longer and longer, some powerful chief instructors naturally inevitably have some more defiant bad habits and breed many bad habits, and even the Spider Queen is a little ignored.

Of course, in this world where killers live, subordinates are absolutely not allowed to attack superiors. Unless you have the potential to be comparable to a peerless genius, you will only be suppressed by blood. And even if you die, many people will clap their hands and no one will stand up for you.

In the world of killers, we pay attention to loyalty, potential, strength and ability, not just having * and backers that can solve all problems.

Although the nominal work of the instructor here is to guide students to learn, there are very few students who can really get the guidance of the instructor.

It's not that the instructor has no time, but that most students are unwilling or can't afford to pay the guidance fees charged by the instructor.

For example, the bee spider is charged per second, with a record of one point per second.

The charge seems reasonable, but if you calculate it carefully, there are three thousand and six white points per hour. This is not a simple consumption of the instructor, such as ordering a few drinks in the restaurant.

If you really want to learn real skills from the instructor, some simple consumption is necessary, otherwise it will not be so easy to make an appointment for the instructor's spare time next time.

After all, instructors also need to practice, learn more knowledge, and spend achievements to please higher-level leaders.

There are special cases in everything. In front of some students with an unlimited future, instructors also need to be courted and even deliberately please them.

No one can guarantee that none of these students will become their immediate superiors, senior managers of training camps, or even managers and decision makers of the whole department in the future.

This is an investment. A small investment can be exchanged for a large income investment. Of course, it may just be a waste of money.

However, the bee spider believes in her own vision, especially when every instructor has taken action, and she can't fall behind others.

The unique feature of the bee spider is that even if she really deliberately pleases you, it will make you feel very natural and want to enjoy it, and even unconsciously be infected by her and become her friend.

As soon as he arrived on the fifth floor, Gaoyang was guided by the waiter to the best independent small space in the restaurant.

It is said to be an independent space, but it is actually just a small room with transparent soundproof glass.

After all, this is a strengthening center, not a place for students to enjoy.

Everything here has nothing to do with rest. Excessive ways of enjoyment are strictly prohibited and even severely punished.

The punishment is far greater than the terrible consequences of killing a new person.

I have to say that the bee spider is still a very mean person.

Whether it is the style or the sculptor of each piece of jewelry, the decorations here are exposing an extremely elegant cultural heritage, which is more in line with Gaoyang's concept of appreciation.

As soon as he entered this small space, Gao Yang saw the bee spider welcoming him at the entrance, and his two instructors were also waiting for him inside.

It can be seen that this time, they formed a group to comfort Gao Yang.

After all, his growth during this period is so fast that people can't pay too much attention to it, and the iron triangle of these three newcomers' areas has become the biggest beneficiary of the first-come, first-served platform.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time, genius!"

"Well, now that we have been successfully promoted to martial arts, have you forgotten us instructors?"

"Ha ha, the instructor's words are heavy, how dare you!"

"Since everyone is here, let's make the dishes. Let's eat and talk at the same time!"

After all, the red spider is older. He knows that Gao Yang doesn't like meaningless polite words, but directly gives Gao Yang to the main seat and is ready to start eating.

Gao Yang was not polite, but sat on it generously.

Although the poisonous spider was a little dissatisfied, she didn't say anything. After all, she was not treated so high when she first came to the training camp.

Everyone greeted each other again, and soon the dishes came up.

Looking at the harmonious atmosphere, the red spider knew that it was time to get to the point.