Super Network Manager

Chapter 130 Defense Ability

With the feeling that everything is under control, Niu Ben's heart is naturally very happy.

Tut, look at you people, although they are sweating hard, on the surface makes people feel very majestic. But in fact, as long as I move my fingers casually, you can only turn to ashes. In particular, Mo Xiangxue and others are simply omnivorable, but this director of the Department of Network Security Supervision, a solid department-level cadre, is still not as good as his buddies!

In front of my brother, you security departments and the people of the Red Guest House are just scum.

Had a few times, Niu Ben was ready to turn his head to study the 18 defenses set up by the Red Guest House. Although he is sure that it is impossible to break the 18 defenses without the help of the power of software purely according to his own technical level, this kind of level-like defense is obviously from simple to difficult, and it is more difficult to break layer by layer. In this case, it is very suitable to hone your skills.

In other words, Niu Ben feels that this is a good opportunity to learn.

So soon he put aside the software written by Lin Mei and began to think about the defense set by the people of the Red Guest House alone. First of all, he must face the first level, which belongs to the most peripheral defense. Even in Niu Ben's view, it doesn't seem to be too difficult. Because the other party has set up the simplest DOS flood attack here. In other words, when you enter this defense system, there will be a lot of DOS attacks rushing towards you.

Although this level is defensive, it obviously has the meaning of counterattack.

It is well known that DOS attacks are the most basic means of computer attacks, and almost all people who enter the door can do it. The difference is only in the amount of data in DOS attacks. Of course, attacking others and being attacked by others are two different concepts, and there are also many differences in coping methods. Fortunately, Niu Ben has not seen this kind of thing once or twice, and he has also had the experience of attacking well-known hackers.

So the first level of the Red Guest House is really ordinary and tight in Niu Ben's eyes.

"It's just a DOS attack. There are a lot of software to deal with this thing. If I find one, I'll send you away." After muttering slightly, Niu Ben immediately called out a more practical software from the computer and was ready to easily take down the first level. But unexpectedly, after running this software, he was surprised to find that this thing, which has been used by countless people, has no effect here.

stared, Niu Ben found that the system occupancy rate of this virtual computer was steadily climbed by the DOS attack in the level, and even slowed down quickly. After that, he couldn't help shouting, "Let me go, what's going?"

"Failure." The pig killer stood next to him and watched. Looking at his stunned look, he suddenly curled his lips with disdain and said, "This level is not as simple as you think. The other party not only set up DOS anti-attacks in the defense, but also blocked most of the known software that can cope with DOS attacks. In other words, unless you have any software in your hand, or the current writing after entering the level, you can only rely solely on excellent technology to pass the test.

"Wray, block a lot of software?!" Niu Ben patted his thigh and said, "No wonder this software has lost its effectiveness!"

After a pause, he said with a sad face, "It seems that I despised these guys from the Red House. It's just the first level. With my current technology, there is basically no hope. From the flood attack in the opponent's level to the slowdown of the computer, and finally all the programs are unresponsive, this time is only about two and a half minutes. I can write software, but it requires such a short time..."

"It's no good!" This is the conclusion that Niu Ben made to himself after muttering.

He shook his head helplessly, and Niu Ben was not in the mood to continue to study this thing. He turned his head and asked the pig-killing **, "They have a total of 18 defenses. If they follow the ability of the system, how long will it take to break through?"

"This has not been tested, and it is difficult to say the specific time." **, who killed pigs, said coldly, "However, according to the first level, I use system technology to attack these defenses, which should only take half an hour at most to break through. Of course, this is just a speculation. I haven't really understood the defense methods of each level of the other party, and it is really difficult to give you an accurate time.

"Wh, is it expected to take half an hour?" Niu Ben opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it so difficult?"

When he said this, he directly turned an idea in his mind, that is, if he uses the software written by Lin Meimei, he may only need a few simple operations to directly disintegrate all the defenses of the other party, but the pig-killer ** said that it would take half an hour... the same Is it possible that the gap between the two spokespersons under the virtual system is so big?!

In surprise, Niu Ben's heart moved and said, "Are you and Miss Lin different in technology?"

"Of course." The pig-killing ** was not ashamed and said calmly: "No. 1 belongs to the preferred spokesperson of the system, and its technical level has already reached a world level under the influence of the system. My No. 2 spokesperson is only at the provincial and district level, and No. 3 is only at the township level, which can reach the level that can guide newcomers. As for the last few, they didn't even open their own intelligent thinking.

"Er, the system spokesperson is also divided into levels!" Niu Ben was stunned, and then his heart was over happy: Niang Xipi, it seemed that he really maintained a wise and magical posture, and the first reward chose to exchange Lin Beauty. Tut, the world-class level, I'm afraid according to the level of the system, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that it belongs to the dust in today's era, which people can only look up to.

You see, the pig-killer ** is at the provincial and district level, and he can break through the defense system of the Red Guest House. In this way, I'm afraid that those people in the Red Guest House are only stronger than the prefecture-level and city level and weaker than the provincial and district level. And these people in the Red Guest House are already first-class in China. So let's estimate that the highest level of hacker computers in China is probably only between provinces and districts.

As for looking at the world, if you can reach the national level, you should already be a top figure.

That is, even if a talented guy emerges and has the ability to reach the intercontinental level, it will still be a low-level forest beauty. So to sum up, beauty Lin belongs to the world's first technology leader, which is basically an indisputable fact!