Super Network Manager

Chapter 130 Defensive Ability

After thinking for a while, Niu Ben, who had been a little aggrieved by the first layer of defense of Hongke Home, had been completely released. Even after laughing a few times, he was quite proud of the fact that he was unrivaled. Yes, people who have been hegemons since ancient times may not have outstanding abilities, but they can't stand their talents and network a prominent figure under their own banner, which can achieve a long-time hegemony!

Judging from my buddy's past deeds, it seems that we also have such ability!

Of course, the thing of claiming to be the king belongs to the harmonious existence in modern society, and Niu Ben does not have the idea of taking the king as the king. Or at best, he is just proud that he can take Lin Meimei under Luo's banner.

I was happy with myself for a while, and Niu Ben did not continue to study the 18-level defense. Anyway, he knows that with his own technology, he is not even enough to be cannon fodder, so why do he have to do something? So soon after, he evacuated from the defense set up by the Red Guest House. Then start to wander around the Internet, look here and there, and prepare to find something interesting to pass the time.

Not long after, he really saw a very interesting situation.

This is in the hacker concentration camp, and now it is noisy and happy. After looking at it, Niu Ben quickly found that the hackers in this place did not know where to learn about the defense set by the Red Guest House. Most of them went to try and found that they could not even break the first ten levels at all, so they came back to gather the people of the Hackers' Home to conquer collectively to see if there was anyone. It can break the defense set by the Red Guest House.

In this noisy atmosphere, Xiaoluo, a public figure in the hacker's home, quickly stood up and said that he was entrusted to set up an award for this defense: who was the first to break through the 18th defense of the Red Guest House and rewarded RMB 100,000!

Previously, everyone's noise was only circulating among the bottom hackers, but after Xiao Luo issued this announcement, many famous guys in the hacker camp suddenly shouted that they wanted to have a try. Although 100,000 yuan is not a large amount for many awesome hackers, it has aroused the enthusiasm and covetedness of many people in places like the hacker concentration camp.

Just kidding, those first-class hackers have become technical directors of those network companies, but in places like the hacker concentration camps, those with strong technology are not enough to be technical directors, but they are not interested in joining those network companies as ordinary technicians at all. Therefore, the real benefits of such people are not high. . Nowadays, 100,000 yuan is there, and it only needs to attack, which naturally aroused the interest of many people.

It's probably three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are a group of good hackers calling for everyone to try.

When Niu Ben entered the hacker camp, it was time for these hackers to shout to show their skills. So not only him, but also many soy sauce-like beings in the hacker concentration camp were excited to follow these awesome people from the Internet to the outer area of the defense of the Red Guest House to watch the excitement. At 315, these hackers who were ready to try their hands began to attack the defense of the Red Guest House as agreed.

A moment later, through Xiao Luo's technical observation and live broadcast to the whole audience, the hackers immediately saw the whole picture of the first level. As soon as they saw that the first level required strong programming ability, many people immediately made an uproar and talked about it.

"No, writing a software in two and a half minutes is too demanding!"

"Tut, all-round flood attacks, once they fail, they will be kicked out of the level. The people of Hongke Home are really good at technology!"

"People from the Red Guest House obviously have a deeper understanding and application of defense and attack than others. Defense and counterattack, attack in defense, their first level has already revealed simple technology!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to brush away a lot of people!"


After a period of discussion, as many people predicted, although nearly two halves of the whole hacker concentration camp participated, more than 120 people have been kicked out of the level just within the first level.

The overall elimination rate is as high as 60%!

This situation surprised Niu Ben a little. Although he knows the characters in the hacker concentration camp, his technical level should not be too outstanding, but after all, this is also the concentration of domestic hackers. Even if it is like the number of people in the Shenma Hacker Alliance, it is only less than half of the number of people in this place. It can be imagined that although this is not the highest-end place, how many people have attracted to hacking technology.

However, the people with good skills selected in this place were eliminated by more than 60% in breaking through the first layer of defense.

This is too embarrassing to say!

Many people who have been kicked out are obviously difficult to accept this reality. So when the 80 people left behind continued to attack at a deeper level, these people suddenly couldn't stand loneliness and called their friends in their communication tools. This is basically the case in China. If I can't handle you, then I will call people who think they are stronger to mess with you. If the people I greet can't handle it, they will be called stronger people...

If you don't believe it, you are invincible!

For a while, it can be said that the group was excited and countless people shouted.

In a short time, many people called the masters who thought they were relatively good and began to attack the defense of the Red Guest House. And these hackers who are favored as highly skilled at the level of the hacker concentration camp do have two brushes. Soon after, the number of 80 people who had broken through the first floor quickly soared to 170.

This data suddenly made many people excited again.

"Fuch, the hacker concentration camp is awesome, the hacker concentration camp is full!"

"The hacker concentration camp is an invincible existence. Believe that the hacker concentration camp will be resurrected in place!"

"Well, it is indeed an elite among the elites. The first layer of defense is the same as playing in their hands. According to this situation, it is absolutely impossible to stop them, not to mention the first layer, more levels later!"


For a while, many people watching on the periphery were full of confidence, shouting that those who broke through the first floor should work hard to break through all the defenses set up by Hongke Home this evening and win honor and reputation for the hacker concentration camp. And those who broke through the first floor did not disappoint everyone. Soon, as they continued to make progress and breakthroughs, Xiaoluo's live broadcast of the area was full of good news.

"The emperor of the underworld is the first to break through the second layer of defense and has entered the third level!"

"Wind and rain song, led his men to crush the second layer and also entered the third layer of defense zone!"

"Eagle fox, Tian gdk, the memory trio at that time successfully resisted the other party's flood attack and organized an effective counterattack. I believe that the time to break through is just around the corner. Let's look forward to their excellent performance together!"

"Oriental demon, ten-finger beating, old C, and frozen love, vow to break through the defense and succeed!"


Many onlookers watched the defense behind gradually being broken, and even the emperor of the underworld attacked to the fifth floor. For a moment, everyone was full of joy and excitement. There are even many guys shouting to buy fireworks immediately. Just waiting for the emperor of the underworld to break through the defense, they lit fireworks to congratulate these technical elites. This proposal was once echoed and apprave by many people.

Niu Ben was somewhat sad at this time. He secretly thought that people like the emperor of the underworld were not the guys who used to wander in the rookie park, but he participated in the attack at the invitation of the hacker concentration camp. Of course, since he can rouse in the rookie park, the technology is naturally not bragging. Seeing him directly break through the four layers of defense and enter the fifth floor in front of Juechen, you can infer that his technology is absolutely above the level.

However, the people from Cainiao Paradise came to participate in this attack, which represents the relatively cutting-edge level in China, and I don't know how many layers the emperor of the underworld can work.

When Niu Ben thought about it, he found several IDs wandering in the rookie park. Although these guys were all at the top, breaking through the three-layer and four-layer defense one after another, and even the emperor of the underworld entered the sixth floor later, Niu Ben's eyebrows still frowned. Because at this time, the pig-killing ** said next to him: "Through observation, I can be sure that this 18-level defense is also a hierarchical level."

"What do you say?!" Niu Ben looked up and asked.

"If I didn't expect anything wrong, this 18-layer defense movement is divided into five levels." **, who killed pigs, said coldly, "First of all, the first layer of defense is to distinguish between ordinary technical rookies and novices. If the technology does not meet the standard, many people will be brushed down. The second to fifth floors are followed by another level. Then come down the 5th to 10th floors, 10th to 15th floors, and the remaining three final levels.

"Five grades?!" Niu Ben was stunned and said, "So you mean that Hongke Home can easily master the technical level of domestic hackers through this level?"

"That's right." The pig killer** said, "This defense level is somewhat intriguing!"

"As you say, Mo Xiangxue has entered the eleventh floor, which only belongs to the fourth block." Niu Ben touched his chin, meditated for a moment, and said, "It means that it is basically difficult for people here to break through to the tenth floor?"

"Basically, unless the real elites in the rookie park take action." The pig-killing ** nodded and said, "Otherwise, I'm afraid it's a luxury to really enter the final defense set up by the Red Guest House. However, I guess that those people in Cainai Paradise can only stop on the 15th floor except for Diyao. In the last three layers, there must be a few people at the top level in China to hope to conquer it.

"Tut!" Niu Ben squeaked his mouth and said, "It seems that the defense ability of this Red Guest House is really excellent!"