Super Network Manager

Chapter 145 Five-Star Level on

When Niu Ben is indignant, some people are having fun at this time.

This is a software review editor called "wuruijx" in Huaxia Software Center. Of course, "wuruijx" is just his nickname on the Internet. In fact, his real name is Wu Rui. The reason why he used this nickname is that when he started working, the editor-in-chief asked everyone to take a network nickname as a code name, so this guy knocked down a series of baby words to report it, because once The report cannot be changed, so now, he can only use this baby name.

Wuruijx, ut, this name is very strange. Let's call him Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's main job is to be responsible for checking whether the software uploaded by users to the website is up to standard every day. For example, whether there is a Trojan program in the software, whether the software has malicious programs and other security issues. As for the function and function of software, this is something that users need to consider. To put it bluntly, this work is actually no different from the review and editing of those novel websites. You just need to check whether the novels uploaded by the author are plagiarized and whether there is **. The sly content, whether it involves politics and other things that must comply with the laws and regulations of the Celestial Empire, as for whether the content of the book is good or not, it needs to be judged by the reader.

Of course, such a statement is just a metaphor. In fact, there is a special skill in the industry. Since he is a software security audit editor, Xiao Wu naturally needs to have a considerable understanding of computer technology before he can be qualified for this job.

In fact, Xiao Wu has worked in Huaxia Security Center for two years, and these things are already very familiar. At noon, when he saw this software called Penguin Online, he first checked whether Penguin Online contained a Trojan virus and confirmed that it was a security category, and then he began to test the compatibility of this software in various platforms and systems. Then I can make an editor's comment on this software.

It is actually very troublesome to review a software. Just for the security detection, we must take Rising. After testing the two standard small-white version of anti-virus software and give a rating, we have to use such as Kaspersky, Norton and so on. All the anti-virus software that can basically be counted will plow the software once, so that it can barely be regarded as a security detection party. Meet the qualified standards.

In addition, the compatibility of platforms and systems is more extensive. Therefore, in Huaxia Software Center, there is a instruction for those who upload software: if the uploading software meets the standards, it will pass the review within 24 hours.

This time is quite generous for review and editing.

Because Xiao Wu is a veteran, it only took a little more than two hours to complete this test. However, after finishing these, he did not stop immediately, but began to carry out another test.

He copied a copy of the software and then changed to a computer. This computer's hard disk contains millions of various virus programs.

Yes, the name of this test is called virus backdoor verification.

To put it bluntly, it is to use a variety of viruses to attack this software, take a look at the anti-virus ability of this software, and whether he will mutate under the attack of some viruses. According to the previous test, there was actually no such procedure, but later something happened in the Huaxia Software Center, which had a very bad impact. Therefore, this audit step called virus backdoor verification was added later.

That incident was also uploaded by a netizen, and the security and compatibility testing was very qualified, so the review editor passed the review. There was no problem before passing the review, but after more people used the software, the software suddenly mutated into a very powerful Trojan horse during a virus trend and stole all kinds of users' accounts and passwords.

After the incident, after testing, it was found that there was a backdoor left when the software itself was made. Once this backdoor comes into contact with a special worm virus, it will turn into a Trojan horse program that steals various accounts and obtain huge benefits for software makers. Because there are tens of thousands of people using that software, the incident caused great losses to network users and suffered a lot of damage to the reputation of Huaxia Software Center.

To put it bluntly, it is also an act of hackers that facilitate technology to steal. However, because people have a long-term vision when using means, they are very smart enough to cover themselves with a layer of legal software, which makes people unconsciously get a trick. However, this legal coat was put on by Huaxia Software Center, so the consequences and impact caused by the announcement of this matter are very bad. Even Huaxia Software Center has fired a vice president-level executive!

In view of this, reviewing the software uploaded by netizens now adds such a step called virus backdoor verification.

Because of these millions of viruses, it has covered almost all kinds of viruses already known in the Internet. So under this millions of virus attacks, if you really have bad intentions, you will naturally have nothing to escape.

Of course, there are not so many bad-minded people in the world. Therefore, although this test is a backdoor verification, editors have another name for it within the Huaxia Software Center: defense index test.

Why there is such a name? It is about how far the software can persist under millions of virus attacks.

To put it simply, it is like many computer novices who like to use 360 security guards as personal computer security defense software. However, what makes people speechless is that as long as many viruses enter the computer, this software is often the first to be killed. Take many users as an example, that is, one day when you were playing, you suddenly found that the 360 security guard in the computer could not start!

Yes, a software has its defense limits. He may be able to operate normally when infected with this virus, but if it is another virus, he may immediately be paralyzed and completely become a decoration.

In terms of this defense limit, professional security software is generally stronger than other types of software in front of viruses. A lot.

Yes, even if there is no mutation, the quality of a software can also be seen to see how strong it is in the face of the virus. According to the classification of the editors of Huaxia Software Center, professional security software must be qualified at least 80% of those that can defend against this million viruses. As for non-professional security software, if it can still run well under more than 50% of virus attacks, it can certainly be passed.

At first, Xiao Wu only used Penguin Online as an ordinary non-security professional software.

However, when he copied the software to a computer full of viruses and opened the tool to make millions of viruses attack the software, his face gradually became serious, and even unconsciously opened his mouth!