Super Network Manager

Chapter 148 Singing and advancing

Another week has passed in the blink of an eye.

After various integrations and the cross-platform publicity of Huaxia Software Center, the download volume of Penguin Online has shown a blowout growth. If the number of downloads of nearly 100,000 after the first week is enough to make this software a popular software, then in the second week, when the number of downloads increased to nearly 400,000, it is a fact that no one can deny.

In this situation, the bosses of more than a dozen companies led by Yanhuang Security who have cooperation projects with Pentium Network have called again to complain that Niu Ben is not interesting enough and do not think about old friends when there are good things. Niu Ben's head was a little big when he was disturbed by these guys. In the end, he had to let Li Xiaoan buy another phone for himself for daily use, which was slightly better.

In addition, the number of positive comments that attracted Niu Ben's attention has already exceeded 10,000.

In other words, the task of the second phase of the system has been completed by this time. As long as Niu Ben is willing, he can receive the rewards given by the system at any time, and raise his network management level to the corresponding town level, and then continue to move towards a higher level. However, when he was busy with things, Niu Ben put this aside. It was not until a week later that he remembered to enter the virtual space to see the situation.

"What, what are the rewards for this upgrade?" After entering the virtual space, the pig-killing ** still stood there with a serious face. He endorses in the virtual system, and the beauty of Blin is much colder, and it always makes people feel that she lacks a little flexibility and humanity. Or on the other hand, Beauty Lin is more like a living person, and he is closer to artificial intelligence, or simply like a robot.

So, his answer is always very formulaic: "After the task is completed, please follow me to receive the system reward!"

Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders and then followed the pig-killing ** directly to the side. This time, the reward is still like last time, with a three-dimensional touch screen. **, who killed pigs, walked over and began to explain: "This system reward is still several options. First, there are still four artificial intelligence robots, each of whom is proficient in computer technology, and the host can choose one of the four.

"This is a direct skip, and there is no need to use these people now." Niu Ben waved his hand and directly rejected this option. The first time I took the opportunity to exchange Lin Beauty, which was a huge advantage. Moreover, Beauty Lin's skills alone are not as good as all of them, so she wastes the reward of this upgrade to exchange it for one person. It's not a complete waste, but at least it seems very useless.

It's better to look at the following options and make other choices.

"Well, let's talk about the second one!" Seeing that Niu Ben was completely uninterested, the pig killer ** quickly moved the screen and said, "The second option is that the host can choose an attack 80 years ahead of the world, or defense software."

"Uh..." Niu Ben was stunned and said, "Aren't these two almost the same as last time?"

"Of course it's different." **, who killed pigs, shook his head and said, "The rewards in the second stage have been improved, not to mention the four people you can choose from, all have more advanced computer skills, that is, the second software is ahead of the current world level, and has also expanded to 80 years. Although it seems that the scope has not expanded much from 50 to 80 years, the technological innovation of computers is changing with each passing day, not to mention that the 30-year difference will change greatly in three years.

paused, and the pig-killing ** also added, "You can think of the developed use of the computer Internet now, and compare the level of computers 30 years ago, and you can see a general idea."

"Wh, can this compare!" Niu Ben curled his lips and said, "Thirty years ago, many people in China had never even seen computers. Now, after 30 years, computers have entered every household, but they are also very popular. Thirty years of reform and opening up in our country, the changes have been earth-shaking. Even if the future development is very fast, I'm afraid it will not be as fast as the development speed of the previous 30 years!"

After a pause, Niu Ben also added: "In the past five years, there should be no great progress in the development of computer level!"

"Of course, there has been great development in the past five years, but you are not aware of it." The pig-killing ** refuted him and said, "Just five years ago, 3D technology was still a very cutting-edge technology, and many places were only in the process of research and development, but now you can see, 3D has developed to a very popular level. Not only games, but even movies have begun to use this technology.

Niu Ben curled his lips and said, "Well, if you want to say so, it means that I should choose the second item now?"

When the pig killer ** heard Niu Ben's words, his face suddenly straightened and said in an almost dull tone, "I didn't say that. I'm just talking about the matter."

"What else? That's the second one. You don't have a third choice here!" Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders and said, "Second, give me a defensive security software, preferably the most cutting-edge anti-virus software."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The pig-killing ** nodded, then changed the screen again and said, "In this option, there are three software for you to choose from. The first is the antivirus software jointly developed by more than a dozen programmers who retired from Microsoft 37 years later. The second is anti-virus software developed by a domestic team, which is basically an upgraded version of 360, and the third is a masterpiece of an Argentine virus master in his later years.

Niu Ben frowned and said, "How many years later are the products of the last two softwares?"

"The domestic one is 72 years later, and the Argentine one is 78 years later." **, who killed pigs, reported the data and then said, "However, the work born in Argentina seventy-eight years later is not a very complete work. The author died before it was really developed. One problem with this software is that when it kills the virus, it will be like the commonly used Kaba and Rising, sometimes It will even kill the system files.

"Damn it, even system files will be deleted or shredded. What kind of software is this!" Niu Ben curled his lips disdainfully. Then he said to the pig-killing **, "I said that an unfinished work is also used as one of the rewards, not like this. This software technology is the most advanced, but it is a semi-finished product. In this way, the system let me choose. It's simply a trap!"

After a pause, he said again, "Well, the system can't fix it and turn this thing into a finished product?"

To be honest, Niu Ben naturally wants to be a later age. It is said that there will be a big innovation in computer technology in a few years. The last two anti-virus software have been separated for six years. Technically, it is obviously not a high-grade thing.