Super Network Manager

Chapter 148 Singing Forward Next

Niu Ben's idea is good. If the system can help repair the software that is the farthest, he will naturally choose this. If there is a good one, don't call it stupid. Of course, he can talk a lot about how good he is. Even if it is not limited by the rules of the system, he can't wait to move all the resources of the whole system to reality, so that he can really be a shopkeeper without worrying about anything.

At that time, Shenma slept until he woke up naturally and counted money until his hand cramps, which was simply a simple thing.

But it is obvious that this kind of thing is just a luxury. As far as the current situation is concerned, he still hopes that the system can help repair this software. If not, it is not too late for him to make other choices.

And he said more like this, but the pig killer ** was suddenly stunned and did not answer directly.

This discovery immediately made Niu run into his heart. You know, since the appearance of the pig-killing **, he has always been a cold and serious man, always saying the same thing, leaving no other room. But now the spokesperson of this system is obviously hesitant, and this situation is obviously worth digging into. Therefore, Niu Ben immediately said, "I didn't get a discount when I completed the task. The system rewarded me, and it shouldn't be discounted, right?"

"Of course!" The pig-killing ** reacted immediately under his words: "How can the system be discounted? Now let me ask you again if you want to choose this software. If so, the system will start repairing it immediately.

"Bingo!" Niu Ben pinched his finger and said, "Ok, then fix it!"

The pig-killing ** nodded and said, "Ok, it is expected to take 20 hours to repair. Please copy the main program of the software after the time."

Niu Ben answered, and then came out of the system space. To be honest, Niu Ben's sense of surprise for this mission reward is far less than that of the first upgrade. Maybe this is because the options given during the two upgrades are almost the same, and at the first time, I exchanged Lin Beauty from the system. Compared with the choice of the second reward, it is undoubtedly much more practical.

However, there is nothing he can do. The system is arranged in this way, but he has no ability to change anything.

Fortunately, since the system gives a security software, it is worth looking forward to from the perspective of the level of the system and the world's leading level. At least, such a software should bring great profits.

After sett down, Niu Ben left these things behind for the time being and was ready to go out for a stroll. It is said that the nest has strengthened its technology here for a week, and in addition, it has been staying with Mo Acacia for three months before, which adds up to the long time. Speaking of which, he is still young, but young people's lively mind has not been lost, so sometimes it is reasonable to relax.

But unfortunately, he had to give up this idea before he walked out of the company.

This is Di Yao's call again. Niu Ben was not ready to pick it up at first sight, but the other party couldn't get through twice, and it continued to get through twice. After waiting for the phone to ring intermittently for nearly ten minutes, he estimated that there might be something really wrong with him, so he had to answer the phone and asked with a smile, "Brother Diyao, what's wrong with calling me this time?"

"Of course!" Di Yao immediately answered and couldn't help complaining again: "Mr. Niu, it's really difficult for you to call. I don't know how many times I've been able to get through in the past two days, but I'm so anxious. If I hadn't been too busy, I might have gone straight to Binhai to find you."

Niu Ben shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's the matter?"

"Big deal!" Di Yao said, and then began to explain: "Well, didn't we cooperate to operate Yanlong No. 1 before, and the sales have been growing steadily and the results are good. Now the impact is getting bigger and bigger. Even foreigners know that our software is very convenient. Well, a Russian company contacted us a few days ago, hoping that we can make a Russian version for them and authorize them to publish it in the Russian-speaking area!"

"Hmm?!" Niu Ben was stunned. After a long time, he came to his senses and said, "Do you think Lao Maozi wants the Russian version of Yanlong No. 1?"

"Yes, yes!" Di Yao repeatedly answered and said, "Although our software has not been patented and others can encroach on the past, the protection and core technology are really good. If others want to copy, they can't copy it out. Otherwise, not to mention Lao Maozi, there must be various versions in China. Tut, it's worthy of firing at me. This software is really necessary!"

"Lao Maozi wants Yanlong No. 1!" Niu Ben quickly calmed down, brewed for a moment, and said, "This is a good thing. It proves that our software has been fully recognized. You want the Russian version, right? Ask them how much it costs?!"

Di Yao responded, "They quoted me an imaginary price of two million US dollars to buy out the ownership of the Russian version."

"Two million dollars." Niu Ben pondered for a moment and immediately refused, saying, "For more than 10 million yuan, I just want to buy out the ownership of the Russian version. Tut, if this hammer sale is done, it can earn a profit, but our sales in China are much more than this. If we really sell more than 10 million, isn't it too cheap, Lao Maozi? No, no, this price is purely for making wedding clothes for others. It's not cost-effective!"

Di Yao was stunned for a moment and said, "What do you mean, Mr. Niu?"

Niu Ben smiled twice and said, "Well, I want them 8 million US dollars. You can reply to them like this. Don't even think about it without a dime. Old man, you want to take advantage of me, not to mention the door, half of the window!"

"Eight million, U.s. dollars?!" Di Yao hissed on the phone and said, "Mr. Niu, this is too cruel!"

"What's the cruel!" Niu Ben curled his lips carelessly and said, "For many years, Lao Maozi has never been soft when he invaded us. Now if it's them to beg us, if we don't hit him well, we will be sorry for the people. Besides, since Lao Maozi has a company that is optimistic about this software, it means that this thing will also have a large market in foreign countries. At worst, let's go to other companies to cooperate, or simply go to Lao Maozi to register a company to operate by ourselves. Isn't it all possible!"

"That's what you said." Di Yao nodded and said, "However, I estimate that there are as many as 8 million US dollars, and they will not agree."

"Speak first!" Niu Ben smiled and said, "We call it a sky-high price. No matter if he agrees or not, we have other ways to choose, but what about them? This software is the only one that has no other centimeter. What's going on? You let them think about it by themselves... Well, forget it, I won't talk much nonsense about these things. I remember that you have a lot of negotiation masters in Yanhuang Safety. You should know how to deal with these old people!"

"Oi, then I'll find someone to contact them first." Di Yao also smiled relaxedly and said, "Anyway, no one said that we must negotiate for the first time. There will be no loss if we spend a few more time with them."

"Oc, it's up to you. Call me if you have any questions." Niu Ben nodded. When he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly said, "Yes, since Lao Maozi is interested, you can contact more foreign companies. It seems that those foreigners still want English, French, or Spanish, Arabic and other versions. At that time, we can earn a lot of money!"

Di Yao was happy to hear what he said and laughed a few times. Then the two exchanged a few words before hanging up the phone.

It is said that Niu Ben is also very rich now, and money is almost a digital code for him. Such a situation makes him not have much thought and ambition to continue to make money in China. However, there is an exception. Although he is not very interested in making money, he is still quite interested in getting some money from foreigners.

So, after hanging up the phone, he directly lost his mind about going out to play, turned his head and went straight to Lin's office, chirped and shouted, "Beauty, quickly put down the work at hand first. Now, you can get Yanlong No. 1 out various language versions first."

"This thing is simple!" Beauty Lin smiled at him, but she still didn't stop the work at hand. She hurriedly said to him, "When I go back in the evening, I will add various language libraries. Whether you want a Yanlong No. 1 that can cover all kinds of languages in the world, or disperse each version, this is a very simple question. Question. It can be done in a few hours!"

Niu Ben patted his thigh and said excitedly, "Okay!"

After saying that, he directly took out the phone and told Diyao that he had contacted me to shoot me, and the other party had promised that he would take time to make the multilingual version of Yanlong-1 in the near future. By the way, he also told Diyao to contact him as soon as possible and try to complete all the cooperation matters of Yanlong 1 within this year. I will also strive to get a domestic software out of the world, so that computer practitioners from other countries can see our domestic technicians in China, which have never been ambiguous!

When he said this, Niu Ben smiled happily and broke his fingers in Lin's office and silently calculated: Dude, if you sell a language version, you don't have too much income, and you always need a million dollars.

So the buddy sold him ten, 100, and sold all the countries in the world!

I'm a good boy, how much money does this have to make? Who can help me calculate it!