Super Network Manager

Chapter 189 Follow the situation

3%, how can Niu Ben still take it out?

Just like people say that something is like a woman's cleavage. Sometimes it doesn't look like it, but it's always a little bit of squeezing. Moreover, now that the incident has almost risen to become an international event, some of the previous considerations will basically change relatively. At the very least, after the emergence of the goal of the state as a unit, most of those companies or forces can only stand aside.

At least, except for some influential companies, the rest should not be qualified to win one independently.

And 3% of the relationship between the Hu family is accepted, which is still a very cost-effective thing for Niu Ben. So when he heard Hu Yueying say this, he would not have any idea of refusing. After asking when the Hu family's share was needed, the matter was settled.

There was such a small episode in the middle. There was no need to talk about it. After Niu Ben stayed in the Great Wall Hotel for a day, at about nine o'clock the next morning, Mr. Song came to inform him to go to the long-established conference room in the Great Wall Hotel for a meeting. After Niu Ben followed him, he found that there were already many people in the conference room, and except for a limited number of people with yellow skin, black eyes and black hair, the rest were people with obvious foreign characteristics.

When Niu ran in, many eyes in the conference room focused on him almost in an instant.

In the face of this scene, Niu Ben was not afraid at all and even smiled. He also greeted the people present with poor English that he did not learn well: " Hello, welcome to China!"

Everyone obviously knew his identity and immediately responded, and some people even used Chinese.

In everyone's response, Niu Ben quickly sat down the position pointed out by Mr. Song. Next is naturally a lack of plot, because Mr. Song began to speak on behalf of the official, which made Niu Ben feel a little sleepy, and the time lasted for almost 15 minutes. It was not until Niu Ben did feel a little impatient that Mr. Song turned the topic to poison for 100 seconds and let Niu Ben come forward to speak.

At this time, Niu Ben was still facing the eyes of everyone present. After a slight smile, he did not beat around the bush and said directly, "Let's not talk nonsense. Since everyone is here for the 100-second anti-virus software, let's discuss it for a moment. For example, Mi Guo, such as Germany or the Empire where the sun never sets, how do you want to introduce this software, or what kind of license do you want to get?!"

Niu Ben speaks Chinese, so someone translated it into English for everyone.

Hearing this question, the representative of the United States immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Niu, we in the United States have always led the trend and trend of computer technology in the world. Many of our products have been applied to countless industries in the world. The harm caused by the Phantom II virus is not only the loss of our United States, but also the world All industries and people who need to use computers have suffered greatly. Therefore, in accordance with the principle of solving problems for countless people around the world, I hope Mr. Niu can authorize us to distribute 100-second antivirus software in the United States as soon as possible, including military and civilian and all the necessary versions!"

The representative of Germany also immediately echoed, saying, "Yes, it solved our problem, that is, it solved the problem of most of the people in the world troubled by Phantom 2. Because this involves people's livelihood, finance, education, and many things closely related to people's survival and life, Mr. Niu, your authorization should not be any different or hidden. This is not only a matter for our country, but also a problem facing many countries.

"The Empire is a great country. We have many products that have affected the world, and we have suffered from it. If we can't solve it quickly, I believe that the people who use our country's products in China will not be able to resume normal production." This is what the representative of the sunless empire said closely followed by the two people in front of him, and it is easy to see from this person's face that his posture always maintains a trace of arrogance and height.

And not only them, but also some other powerful representatives have expressed similar opinions.

However, Niu Ben still only smiled for these and did not even give any response for a long time. Bullshit, you are begging your buddy to do something. You'd better put away your arrogant face, otherwise you won't serve you again.

I still have such a gesture in my hand what you want, so no one can agree immediately!

So after a pause, Niu Ben saw that the voice of everyone's opinions stopped, so he slowly cleared his voice and said slowly, "I admit that the countries represented here have products closely related to people's lives. The rampage of Phantom 2 has caused great losses to you, but..." After a pause, he looked around at everyone present and shrugged his shoulders and said, "But it doesn't seem to be my business."


Everyone was stunned and couldn't interface immediately.

Yes, Phantom 2 is not a virus created by Niu Ben, and the losses of those countries are not caused by Niu Ben. What does this have to do with them? Instead, the most important thing is that the only way to solve the problem now is in the hands of Niu Ben. If you guys don't hold on tightly, then when the loss further expands and the impact of Phantom 2 is further, it will be directly affected, but you yourselves!

In addition to Niu Ben's words, there is another meaning, that is, you'd better lower your attitude, otherwise, what will happen depends on your buddy's mood!

These people who can negotiate on behalf of a country are not fools, and for convenience, many people also bring Chinese translators. Therefore, whether it is a person who has a quick mind or a person who doesn't understand the national conditions of China, he will more or less understand the meaning of Niu Ben later. Looking at Niu Ben after saying this, he leaned on the back of the chair leisurely. It seemed that whoever wanted to make him dissatisfied, he would let him die...

The people present were suddenly shocked, and they didn't know how to open their mouths.

Because no matter what, since they can sit here, they must belong to people with faces, or who stomp their feet in their respective territory may cause earthquakes, and even some people can cause discussions and disputes around the world in one sentence. However, the more a heavyweight person is, the more he will maintain a reserved posture, or self-respecting identity. Let them look high in front of them like market figures, turn their heads and bow their heads and tails...

Well, anyway, they can't change their faces directly if they say they change their faces like the unique skills in Sichuan opera!