Super Network Manager

Chapter 189 Follow the situation

People with status and status naturally can't do things like ruffians.

No matter at home or abroad, this is the case.

It was said with Niu Ben, which caused a cold scene for a long time. Some people even turned their heads directly and chatted with the people around them. It seemed that they had no intention of continuing to negotiate with Niu Ben. Seeing this situation, Niu Ben's expression on his face did not change at all, and he couldn't help sneering secretly. He thought that since this was the case, it would be better to stop today's discussion.

Anyway, the only resource is in the hands of my buddy. If you don't come to beg me, will I still beg you?!

Move his lips, and he wanted to say the idea directly in his heart. However, before he opened his mouth, Mr. Song next to him quietly pulled him with a smile, and then handed him a look that could not make the scene so deadlocked.

"Hmm?!" Niu Ben looked back and was really surprised.

What does Mr. Song mean? This grabbed me and handed me such a look. Was he afraid that the negotiation meeting would change from a stalemate to a collapse? There is no reason, right? In such a good situation, you need to be afraid that those foreigners will not submit?!

Under his mind, Niu Ben saw that Mr. Song gave a wince again and motioned himself to go out with him.

Seeing this situation, Niu Ben had to hold his doubts, greeted the foreigners present, and then slowly moved out of the conference room. After leaving the scene and seeing Mr. Song waiting outside, Niu Ben couldn't help asking first, "What's going on? Why did you pull me out to talk? Is there any scruples in this situation now?"

"Of course there is something to pay attention to." Mr. Song looked solemn and said, "Mr. Niu, you should know that those people represent the world's front-line countries, and there are large and small interest groups standing behind them. If they talk directly, someone will definitely put pressure on our country. It doesn't matter if it's just one country. The key is that so many vested interests unite, then..."

"Can't stand the pressure?!" Niu Ben's eyes shrank and said, "You mean, we must compromise?"

"Compromise, unwilling!" Mr. Song raised his head and sighed. After a long time, he said slightly gloomyly: "Of course, direct compromise is not cost-effective. The above requirement is that we must strive to maximize our interests without provoking protests from all countries in the world. This is not just a matter for you or a company, but also a matter that many of my colleagues must face. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, it will be really troublesome!"

"That's it!" Niu Ben said for a moment, and then his face turned slightly cold.

I have to say that Mr. Song's concern does have some truth, but Niu Ben seems to be too weak in this way. It's like the original Chinese embassy was bombed and finally solved the matter in a negative way, which made him feel a little a little aggrieved no matter how he thought. And now in such a good situation, some people want to compromise, which makes Niu Ben have a strong resistance from the bottom of his heart.

What does it mean? If you don't grasp the situation well, you will have to retreat in the face of a little pressure from others. It doesn't take into account the overall situation at all. Instead, others will not appreciate it, but will say that you are stupid, okay?

No matter what, we can't go back to the level of the Qing Empire.

So in the face of Mr. Song's words, Niu Ben couldn't agree at all, and even he couldn't help doubting that the guy in front of him represented the political ideas of that series, which also made people feel a little aggrieved.

Although Niu Ben does not understand politics and can't figure out how many private interest exchanges and compromises have been made when a political proposition prevails, he feels that since he is not a politician, he does not need to pay attention to these painful political trends. Based on the basic principle of being a man, a buddy has not been a loser since he was a child. How can he be greeted in such a situation?

After a pause, Niu Ben shook his head directly and said, "I really can't accept Mr. Song's statement. In such a situation, I must strive for my best interests, otherwise it is against the principle of businessmen!"

"You!" Mr. Song looked at him in surprise, but did not answer.

Niu Ben didn't care what the other party thought at this time. After saying that sentence, he just glanced at this guy coldly and turned around and walked to the conference room. Anyway, no matter what you say, buddy must do it in his own way, otherwise who will help me advance the following things!

Back to the conference room, when I saw that the foreigners just glanced at themselves, they still started to negotiate. Niu Ben quickly came to his position and raised his voice, "I don't think today's negotiation can continue. Why don't we stop here?" As for the follow-up of 100-second antivirus, if you are interested, please go to our company to negotiate with the relevant staff. I have other things to do, and I will not accompany you!"

Leaving this sentence, Niu Ben went straight out of the conference room under the surprised eyes of everyone and had no intention of looking back.

And his hard sentence was thrown out. First, everyone present was stunned, and then the whole conference room burst into a lot of discussion and noise like ignited explosives.

"What do you mean? Aren't you going to talk to us?"

"Just leave and ask us to find the staff of his company. Is this getting more and more complicated?"

"Well, didn't the man just tell him that we should solve the 100-second anti-virus problem as soon as possible, otherwise our responsibility will be greater every day. If we don't know how to come, we will be a minister, and we will become ordinary civil servants when we go back!"

"It seems that you have to inform the people above about this matter immediately!"


Obviously, the vast majority of foreigners present feel difficult to accept Niu Ben's tough attitude. In any case, they have made a lot of effort to sit here, but now the parties say they will leave and put them aside directly, which is not in line with their previous vision and requirements. Therefore, after making noise for a while, they began to use communication tools to contact people.

As for who it is, it is completely imaginable.

Without gossip, he only said that Niu ran out of the conference room. Seeing that Mr. Song was just staring at himself, he just thought he had not seen such a person and turned to the room where he lived. After returning to the room, he quickly took out the phone and called Hu Yueying: "Woth, what does this matter mean? You have to give me a letter of approval, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

Although Niu Ben is very tough in front of Mr. Song and those foreigners, it is completely bullshit to say that he is not guilty at all.

After all, Mr. Song conveys the so-called meaning above. As for who is represented in his mouth, Niu Ben can't guess arbitrarily or define anything directly, but in any case, it is impossible for him to say that Xiong is a coward in his first meeting with foreigners. Even Mr. Song's so-called meaning represents the final resolution of the whole upper class.

However, I think this should be impossible. According to the national conditions, things have always happened. There are always hardliners or moderates, and it can also be said that there are main war factions and main peace factions. Generally, it is difficult to have practical conclusions and results after a period of time.

It hasn't been long before this 100-second anti-virus, even including the ravages of Phantom 2. How can it be so easy to come to a conclusion?

Therefore, according to Niu Ben's guess, what Mr. Song conveyed should represent the political proposition of a certain department at best, and must not be summarized as the meaning of the whole upper class. So under this speculation, Niu Ben made a phone call to Hu Yueying.

Fortunately, the facts are indeed as he thought. After listening to his story, Hu Yueying immediately hummed and said, "Niu Ben, don't care what others say. What do you think is good about this matter? And I suggest you show your momentum and prestige. Don't let those foreigners take advantage of us and finally laugh at our cowardice. Now the old man is negotiating on this matter, and the hardliners have the upper hand. I think the message you received is that someone sees that the momentum is not right and wants to make this matter directly a solid reality. Humph! These guys..."

Later, Hu Yueying did not go on in depth. Obviously, she could not talk to Niu Ben about some of the things involved.

However, her words are enough for Niu Ben. Therefore, after chatting with Hu Yueying, he simply dispelled the intention of continuing to discuss with those foreigners later, but turned to call Li Xiaojian and said, "According to my point, no matter which country's representative wants to obtain the authorization of 100-second anti-virus software, he must pay a billion dollars, and Don't interfere with my right to use an advertisement on the 100-second anti-virus software!"

After issuing such an order, Niu Ben couldn't help sneering in his heart: Since you foreigners have this attitude and want to do everything you can to get 100-second anti-virus software, you must pay for the promotion of my online game project.

You can't take advantage of what you have made. Anyway, you have to let me make a profit first!