Super College

Chapter 10 Two Wishes

"I don't know my father's identity. After all, I grew up here. Although I met my father when I was a child, I had no impression of his appearance. I only knew that there was a jade card engraved on his waist with the word Yi, and Xuanfeng on the back. I think it must be my father's name! "

"I remember when I was young, every time I wanted to see the jade card, my father would always stop it with various reasons and never let me see it. Fortunately, he didn't let me see it at that time, otherwise, I might not be able to remember that inconspicuous little thing now!" When Yi Xuanfeng spoke, there was a trace of sarcasm.

"Sister, what do you mean? Shall we go to this birthday party or not? Yi Xuanning didn't know what to do at this time. He wanted to go, because he wanted to know what his father was. As a mother's father, he must know about his father, but he didn't know what his sister was thinking. He had to worry about his sister's feelings, not simply According to your own wishes.

"I'll think about it for a few days. This matter makes me a little confused. I always have a hunch that it's not appropriate for us to go to such a birthday banquet! At that time, my mother left the family because of my father. At that time, my grandfather didn't agree at all. Finally, my mother had to break off the mother-daughter relationship with my grandfather. Now we go back..."

"I know what my sister means. This birthday banquet may indeed be a Hongmen banquet! But we have nothing to be afraid of. I feel that I am about to break through the middle of the day after tomorrow, and there is still a month left for this banquet. You can think about it during this period. If you want to go, I will go with you. No matter what they are, our sister and brother will always be of the same!" Yi Xuanning looked at this weak woman and really wanted to give her more care. Of course, this is only limited to sister and brother! It's completely out of the body's instinctive reaction! The sentence that blood is thicker than water is not unreasonable!

"Well, by the way, Boss Zhang of the pharmacy said that he wanted to see you, which seemed to be an apprentice. Didn't he always want to accept you as an apprentice? This time, when you broke through to the middle of the day after tomorrow, he wanted to accept you even more. In the past, you had been refusing others. Would you like it this time? Let me tell you a piece of news. This is the boss's secret. His pharmacy not only sells ordinary medicine, but also his real identity is a pharmacist! It can refine elixir for martial artists!" Yi Xuanfeng is like a woman selling vegetables that hasn't sold vegetables for a day, constantly recommending Boss Zhang.

"Stop talking, I really don't want to go, sister, these days I want to concentrate on practicing. When I come back from my grandfather and make money, you can leave it to me! It's just that my sister will work hard these two days!" When Yi Xuanning said these words, he was really embarrassed. Since he entered this body, he has not made any substantial contribution to the family, but it won't be long. Now he has a plan in his mind. If his sister hadn't mentioned that the pharmacist would have accepted him as an apprentice just now, he I really can't remember this!

"Sister didn't say anything about you. Really, I knew you didn't want to go. Well, then I'll go back and find a way to get rid of it. Let him find a few more medicine pickers, and you can practice at home. When you become a natural master, and then casually find a family to be a guest elder, you won't worry about your sister's food and accommodation!" Yi Xuanfeng was amused by her brother's words. She didn't care about it at all. Besides, her brother himself was injured and should rest!

"Bear by the way, sister, what's wrong with the elixir used by the warrior?" Yi Xuanning wanted to figure out this matter. Just heard Yi Xuanfeng say that Boss Zhang was a pharmacist, and he remembered that he also chose a refining system in the super college!

What does this mean? If he learns the refining system in the college, it can also be used in reality, so as long as the price of these elixirs is clear, he can refine and sell them in reality!

"Why do you ask these questions? What's the matter? Are you excited? Yi Xuanfeng said with a smile.

"Hey, it's okay, just ask casually." Of course, it is impossible for Yi Xuanning to tell his sister the real situation. He is afraid that it will be too amazing. What if he scares his sister?

"Hey, well, then I'll tell you again. I've told you these things before. It seems that your memory has not been restored. The elixir used by this warrior is divided into three levels, Chudan, Zhongdan and Houdan. In fact, these three elixir can be understood according to their names. Chudan is specially prepared for martial artists who have not become acquired martial arts, while Zhongdan is prepared for acquired martial artists. As for Houdan, it goes without saying that it can only be taken by innate masters! And each level of elixir is divided into three levels, which are the simplest things!" When Yi Xuanfeng said these things, it was as if these things were in front of her.

"Well, sister, I see. What are the prices of these elixirs?" In fact, this problem is what Yi Xuanning wants to care about most!

"Well, the price of Chudan is 50 taels of silver to 500 taels of silver, Zhongdan is 500 taels of silver to 5 taels of gold, and the reserve price of Houdan is 5 taels of gold. On our Shengqi Star, the price of the highest Houdan is 10 million taels of gold! This is equivalent to 30 years of tax in our Tianlong Kingdom!" Yi Xuanfeng thought about it and told Yi Xuanning everything he knew without any concealment.

"Uh-huh, okay, sister, I know, haha..." Yi Xuanning seemed a little complacent when he heard the news and began to laugh before he finished his words.

"What's wrong with you? Laughing so happily? Does the price of the elixir have anything to do with you? Yi Xuanfeng looked at Yi Xuanning, who was about to laugh like crazy, and asked doubtfully.

"Hey, okay, sister, I'm practicing. Go ahead!" Yi Xuanning restrained a little, suppressed his smile, walked out of the kitchen and returned to his room!

"When I learn the art of refining medicine, I will refine three of each medicine, one will be sold, one will be eaten by myself, and the other will be thrown into the water! I have been a poor man for so long in my last life, and it seems that God really wants me to turn over! Haha••••” Yi Xuanning recalled that he used to work hard every day and didn't earn much money. Thinking about his future life, he practiced and enjoyed it at the same time. His sister didn't have to suffer. The more he thought so, the happier he became!

Yi Xuanning was originally a little person. I'm afraid that it was his wish to enjoy happiness and make his family happy. Unfortunately, in the previous life, he didn't even know who his family was, and he had no ability in the previous life. In this life, since he could squander, He can enjoy himself and let his family enjoy happiness. Of course, he will be happy, and he will never let this opportunity go!

At this time, his goal has become two. The first is to cultivate the truth, which remains unchanged, and the other is to let his sister live a happy life!

In fact, this second goal is not difficult for him at all. Yi Xuanning still did not feel the changes brought to him by the super college. With the super college, he has opened too much from the foundation and others. If he wants to get rid of poverty and become rich, it is not a problem to cultivate it at all!

"Xiao Bai! Are you there?" Yi Xuanning thought about it and suddenly began to summon Xiaobai. If there are some questions, it is more appropriate to ask Xiaobai!

"What's wrong!" Before long, Xiaobai's voice appeared in Yi Xuanning's ears, but his tone was not very kind.

"Hey, Xiaobai, I want to ask you a few questions!" Yi Xuanning tried his best to make his voice kind, but it was not like that when he stopped in Xiaobai's ears.