the road to becoming a god

Section 95

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just asking." Tie Xinling smiled gently: "When did you leave the First Army?"

"Report, sir, 45 days ago, when the First Army was still stationed in Yanguan City, our fifth squadron was ordered to go to the Iron-blooded City to escort supplies." Li Yuchao's regular answer.

"So before you leave the army, what's the situation of the army, I mean, the emotions of the soldiers, or the emotions of the generals."

"Report, sir, after rest, the brothers are in high spirits. As for the mood of the generals, report that the subordinate level is too low to see the general.

"Since you left when the troops were stationed in Yanguan City, where are you going to transport this batch of materials at this moment?"

Li Yuchao replied loudly: "We have been notified by the Military Affairs Office of the Iron-blood City Headquarters that the station of the First Army has changed, and the changed map of the station has been sent to us. After resting in Yanguan City tonight, we will follow the map to the new station.

"It seems that they don't know those things." Tie Xinling whispered to the two elders and said clearly again, "Captain Li Yuchao, although I am not your direct commander, the headquarters of the Iron Blood City granted me a privilege. According to the situation of the war, I can give orders to any first-level officer in the coalition. Do you understand the meaning of this privilege?"

"Yes, sir, please give me an order." Li Yuchao answered loudly.

"I ordered that the original escort task of the Fifth Squadron was cancelled, and now I order the Fifth Squadron to escort the materials to the newly established Blueprint City for hand over. I will send people to the First Army on the handover documents of the new order and the map marked with the Blueprint City. You can go back to the station and wait first."

"Yes, sir!" Li Yuchao made a military salute, turned around and strode away.

"Miss Jiu, the location of Blue Pattern City is a first-class secret of the headquarters. The change of Yanguan City is our lesson. Would it be too risky for you to let such a low-level officer send supplies to Blue City? Tiedu asked carefully.

Tie Xinling whispered: "No matter how much the conflict between the First Army and the Fifth Army is, new troops should not be involved at this time. If this is an ordinary army, I will let him station in Yanguan City. But the supplies they escorted were urgently needed on the front line. Rather than letting these materials stay here and be consumed meaninglessly, we should let them go where they should go and play their role. Moreover, I believe in the first army brought out by the eldest brother.

"Since Miss Jiu has said so, I naturally have no objection. Just for the sake of safety, I want to select a few people from the guard to keep the map and act as a guide for the army. In case of change, they will destroy the map first. In this way, even if there is any accident, Lanwen City is still in a confidential state, and there is no need to worry about similar problems in Yanguan City again. Tiedu's proposal was approved by Tiegang.

Seeing that the two elders are so concentric, and what they said is also very reasonable, Tie Xinling whispered, "Then do it according to the meaning of the two elders."

Written by Tiedu, the order of Tiexinling was written on paper and handed over to Tiexinling for review. Holding the ink-free * letter paper, Tie Xinling pondered slightly and added a sentence by herself. Tiedu Tiegang said at the same time: "Miss Jiu, this..."

Tie Xinling smiled: "For the sake of safety."

Tiedu and the two did not say much. After stamping the official seal on *, Tie Xinling handed * to the hands of Tiegang and whispered, "There are two elders who have selected four highly qualified guards and sent * and the map to the Fifth Squadron of the First Army. I'm tired. If there is a new situation between the First Army and the Fifth Army, I will invite the two elders to discuss it.

"Yes, Miss Jiu, I'm leaving." The two elders turned out of the study, and Tiedu carefully closed the door of the study.

Only Tie Xinling was left sitting quietly in front of the desk in the room, and then she heard her soft sigh.

She stretched out her hand and took out a blood-red jade card from her arms. The front center of the jade card was engraved with a big "iron" word. Her pen was strong and impressive. On the back of the jade card, there is a big word "Jade", which is like a knife, and the word is like its front, emitting a strong murderous spirit.

Looking at the jade card in the palm, Tie Xinling sighed again and muttered in an inaudible voice: "Second brother, you are so wrong..."

While Tie Xinling sighed, the new military order was quickly sent to the garrison of the Fifth Squadron of the First Army. Together with the military order, there were four practitioners in the later period. The military order and the map are on these four people, and the two elders have made it clear to them that as long as the situation is wrong, the map must be destroyed as soon as possible.

Li Yuchao, the squadron leader of the fifth squadron, carefully asked about the authority of the four. He was really relieved when he confirmed that the four were only guiding the squadron and did not have the right to jump into the team to make decisions. Like all officers' thoughts, if he is interfered in his army by outsiders, Li Yuchao's heart will be upset. Although it is one thing to execute orders, if another supervisor is sent above, it is another matter.

Fortunately, Miss Jiu of the Tie family is not so unreasonable. She just sent a few guides over, and the main task is to keep the map. Li Yuchao still agrees with this in his heart. After all, the existence of Blueprint City is a first-class secret of Iron-blooded City. Although a small officer like him has heard of it, it is not his turn to know the exact location. This practice of Miss Tiejiajiu is reasonable.

According to the military order, the fifth squadron had to leave the city for Lanwen City before 9 o'clock the next day, and Li Yuchao quickly conveyed the order to each team. The soldiers who thought they had a three-day vacation in Yanguan City were found by their respective officers and thrown into tents to sleep one by one. At this time, a practitioner assigned came over and asked Li Yuchao: "Is your department really a squadron?"

Looking at the practitioner's doubtful face, Li Yuchao understood that what he did not say was too much for a squadron, the soldiers stationed there. Li Yuchao smiled and whispered, "This is the old rule set by our commander-in-chief. Because food and materials are related to the food and clothing of the brothers, the commander-in-chief asked us to escort two squadrons every time to ensure the safety of the materials. But when marching, he could only fly a flag. The commander-in-chief said that this was to confuse the enemy so that they could make a wrong judgment on our guard strength.

The practitioner suddenly realized and said with admiration, "General Iron Eagle is really thoughtful."

While the Fifth Squadron in Yanguan City was nervously preparing for departure, other of their companions faced a difficult decision.

In the temporary headquarters of the First Army, the officers carrying stars on their shoulders went in and out, one by one, full of anxiety, and even many people's faces were covered with smoke that was too late to wash away.

Tiehan and Tieliang, the chief and deputy commanders of the First Army Regiment, who were pointed out by the iron eagle, were frowning and looking at a huge black dot on the map. Beyond the black spot, three big red arrows have formed a trend of encirclement.

The black dot represents the Fifth Route Alliance of the Iron Family, and the three red arrows are the three main regiments of the First Army. After three days and nights of hard work, thousands of soldiers have died. Finally, today, the three major combat forces of the First Army finally surrounded the Fifth Army in an endless plain.

The deputy commander's face was murderous, and a pair of powerful hands clenched into fists, and his eyes fell on the map like a pair of sharp steel knives, which could easily cut the black dot like cheese.

"Damn iron cold, commander, I beg for my life. After a while, the general attack will begin, and I will take the second battalion to attack the main attack!" Tieliang made a heavy military salute to the iron, and his arm was as hard as if he was going to pierce his head. When it came to the main attack, his bloodshot eyes were suddenly three points redder than the scorching sun.

Tiehan, who had been staring at the map without saying anything, turned his head, and his eyes showed deep fatigue and sadness. Until now, he doesn't understand why Tie Leng, who is also a son of the Tie family, pointed the finger at the first army with whom he had no hatred.

Looking at the iron blue face, he seemed to see the disappeared figure and many brothers who walked away with him. His thoughts fell back to the unbearable dusk again.

The First Army received an order from the Tiejia Headquarters, and the whole army has just entered the newly built, even a very simple station. Although Tiehan also saw that there were very obvious hidden dangers in this station, after five days of high-intensity long march, the soldiers of the First Army were exhausted. In this case, the soldiers themselves became the biggest hidden danger. It was Tiehan who ordered the whole army to cook food and then rest for one night.

Many soldiers fell into tents without even eating. In that case, even the sentries on duty were exhausted. So when a surging black line appeared on the horizon outside the station, no one found it.

The black line became bigger rapidly at an alarming rate. In the blink of an eye, the black line turned into a running river. The river turned into a sea, and the earth began to vibrate slightly. When the sentry on duty at the gate of the First Army station was awakened by the shock, he widened his eyes and saw a sea of metal.

With their backs to the sunset, the cavalry in the blue uniforms of the Iron Alliance roared in a dense charge formation. Before the sentry made an enemy whistle, a knife light flashed, and the blood rushed out of his neck rushed to the sky like a fountain, and then slowly fell into a blood mist.