the road to becoming a god

Section 96

The cavalry leader with a blood-red afterglow rushed into the first army station and waved his knife: "Kill them all!" The dull sound rolled through the whole station like thunder.

The cavalry who followed him shouted "H Long Live" and rushed into the garrison of the First Army like a whirlwind. More than a dozen tents were trampled flat by the dense horseshoes at the first time, and the soldiers of the First Army who slept in it only had time to make a scream and died.

The soldiers in the other camp were sleeping in a daze, although the soldiers' instinct made them grab their weapons and rush out of the camp. However, before they woke up, the oncoming saber cut them to the ground first. The screams came one after another, and the first army station suddenly bleed into a river.

This is no longer a battle, but a naked massacre!

When Sun Fang, the chief of staff of the First Regiment of the First Army, came with the hastily gathered troops, the blue cavalry camp was roaring at him. The rushing position of tens of thousands of horses made the earth sink slightly.

Sun Fang's face suddenly turned white.

In the traditional * tactics, to deal with the high-speed cavalry offensive, one side should take the shield hand as the front row, and the spearman behind, and hit the enemy with a neat square array. But the troops they brought gathered in a hurry. The big soldiers held in their hands were short blades such as steel knives, long swords, and many people didn't even have time to put on their clothes.

It is undoubtedly desperate to block the intensive charge of the cavalry with such a lineup.

He turned his head and quickly glanced across the faces of the soldiers, and everyone's eyes fell on his face. Then, Sun Fang heard his voice thrown out of his mouth: "We are the first army, let's fight to the death!"

"Yes, sir!" The steel knives moved forward uniformly, and the queues were lined up, and the untidy soldiers with their faces hung with expressions of death.

The cavalry surged down like a tide and instantly collided with the infantry lined up in a line.

In a series of muffled voices, countless tragic voices rose to the sky. The cavalry's knives are like the invitation of death. Every time the knife flashes, an infantryman will fall to the ground.

The First Army is indeed the famous iron army in the five-way coalition. In such a bad battle situation, the infantry are fierce like a tiger that only comes out of the mountain. The brother in front fell down, and the soldiers behind rushed up without thinking, jumped up, and jumped down the cavalry on the horse's back. The two of them struggled to entangle in the yellow sand. Before waiting for the victory or defeat, the subsequent horses' hoofs were like a tide and trampled the two into a ball of mud together.

The raid cavalry continued to slaughter and attack to the center of the station. At this time, the two battalions of the First Army of the Iron Family had been assembled. Looking at the cavalry rushing, the officers ordered in a low voice: "The shield hand is firm and the gunner is ready to meet the enemy!"

As the order was issued, the shield hand in the front row immediately half squatted down. The spearmen put the long bayonet on the shoulder of the shield hand. The barrel of the gun was on the ground, and their hands were a little white because of too much force.

The cavalry rushed closer and closer, and as they were about to enter the range of the bayonet attack, the officers began to raise their hands. At this time, a low roar suddenly came from the bodies of the cavalry, and with this sound, the cavalry formation that should have hit the upper array heavily suddenly turned away like running away like running water, and then quickly gathered again. However, the horse's head had turned to the direction, like the tide at low tide on the same road. It retreated quickly.

Although I don't understand why the enemy suddenly withdrew, the first battalion, led by Tie Han, also quickly chased them out. But the speed of the infantry is far less than that of the cavalry. The iron volume leads the team to chase, just like leading the team to see off the other party's departure.

When Tieliang returned to the station with the first battalion that returned to no success, Tie Hanzheng stood at the gate of the station with a sad face.

In the first sentence of the meeting, Iron asked, "How many people have we lost?"

"The three regiments and three battalions at the far end of the station suffered the greatest losses. The three brigades were disabled, and the surviving one was less than 2,000. The casualties of the other regiments and battalions were still being counted. In addition, Lao Sun died." Tie Han lowered his head with tears and cried bitterly.

The iron volume seemed to be unable to accept this fact, and he couldn't help but take two steps back. It was only 50 minutes, and even an hour had not arrived. The first army was killed by more than 9,000 people, and even the chief of staff of the legion was killed. He only felt black in front of him and almost fell down. Fortunately, he was supported by the two guards in time. After a long time, he came to his senses and said in a tearing voice, "Have you found out which army these bastards are?"

Tiehan# gritted his teeth and said, "I caught a dead man and recruited him. He is from the Fifth Army."

"The son of a bitch, he dares to fight our first army! I destroyed him!" Tieliang turned his head and roared at the messenger, "Go and gather now. If you are still alive, you can move, and avenge me!"

"Iron amount!" Tiehan grabbed the amount of iron in anger and said in a low voice, "Don't be impulsive. The Fifth Army suddenly launched an attack on the First Army, which is the charge of conspiracy against rebellion. As long as we report the original report of this matter, the headquarters of Iron-blooded City will naturally send someone to solve it. We have lost more than 9,000 brothers. Do you still want them to die meaninglessly in the hands of their own people?

"My own son of the bitch!" Tieliang clenched his fists and stared straight at Tie Han: "Brother! The rules of our first army, the position we lost, and we will grab it back by ourselves. This is the matter of our first army, and there is no need for the old men of Iron and Blood City to intervene! Soldier, what the fuck are you doing? Go and call someone!"

"Iron, I'm the leader, and I have the final say here! Do you want to disobey your superiors and plot a rebellion?!" Tiehan roared and turned his head to shout to the messengers, "Who dares to ask people to try? I will cut him first!"

Seeing the sudden intimidation of the commander who was usually kind, the soldiers immediately shuddered.

Tieliang looked at Tiehan, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He said in a trembling voice, "I'm your own brother. How dare you deduct such a big shit basin for me to plot and rebel?"

"This is the army, it's the army! There are only superiors and subordinates here, and there are no brothers and brothers! I am the regimental commander, you are the deputy commander, and I am your superior. You can gather the army without my authorization. You are plotting rebellion! I can make your formation!" Tie Han roared repeatedly, and the ferocious expression, even the tiger would be scared to lie down.

His face turned red, but there was nowhere to vent. He sat on the yellow sand ground and punched the ground one after another, as if to pierce the whole ground.

"The messenger, record my order. Due to the sudden attack of the Fifth Army on our First Army, more than 9,000 people were killed in action, and the wounded were countless. In response to the malicious attack of the Fifth Army, our First Army carried out a passive defensive counterattack. I hereby urgently ask the headquarters of the Iron-blooded City to deal with the raid of the Fifth Army. Tiehan thought for a moment and felt that there was no mistake in words. He took out the arrow and gave it to the messenger. He said in a low voice, "This is an urgent document. If something happens suddenly, I won't write a written report. You take ten people and immediately send this news back to the headquarters of the Iron-blood City. Just say how big our losses are, how big it can be? It can be said that it can be a loss of half of the army. And the headquarters believes what you said. When you come back, I will upgrade each of you! Go!"

Eleven messengers nodded and went to the Iron-blood City to report.

"Notify other generals that the First Army will conduct an offensive and defensive exercise to gather the uninjured brothers. All the injured will stay here to recover. We will be back soon." Tiehan looked at the amount of iron still beating on the ground and said in a low voice, "Don't get up yet to prepare."

"What are you going to prepare?" He asked angrily.

Tiehan suddenly got angry and slapped him: "I'm going to have a joint offensive and defensive exercise with the Fifth Army. Don't prepare yet!"

"The exercise with the Fifth Army..." Tie Liang's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother, no, commander, have you decided to do it?"

"Bullshit, we are conducting a joint exercise with the Fifth Army. What should we do? Of course, if the Fifth Army intends to release water, making our brothers miscalculate their strength, thus causing unnecessary casualties, especially the accidental injury of the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, this is really a very unfortunate thing. At this point, Tiehan has made it very clear. This is just an exercise. As for the iron family headquarters, whether it is believed or not, it is no longer within the scope of iron content.

"It's time to do it, commander." The urging of iron volume pulled back Tie Han's thoughts.

He looked back on the map and said in a low voice, "Notify the second and third regiments, no need to wait for new orders, start attacking! Iron quantity, you take the second battalion to fight the main attack. Within two hours, be sure to open the gap and end the battle within five hours!"

"Yes, commander!" Iron volume saluted in a low voice, turned around and strode away from the camp.

Soon, a low marching horn sounded outside the tent, and a large number of soldiers left the station, and the sound of low footsteps seemed to break through the ground immediately.

At this time, the night is very deep, but it is deeper than the night, but it is a cold mood.

Since he failed to assassinate the Iron Eagle, he has lived in the shadow of panic all day. From the moment the assassination failed, he knew that the owner of the Iron-blooded City, and his father, Iron War, would never let him go. His third brother was a good example.

However, he still has a little expectation.

The third brother has left. He is the only man in the Iron War except for the Iron Eagle. He also hopes that the Iron War can open up to him for this sake. But how did you know that the assassination of the Iron Eagle caused an uproar in the Iron-blooded City.

Iron War made a detailed suspicious list within 30 minutes, and there were not many names on the list, just more than 30. But the people on the list never thought that the Iron War would not even give a chance to explain, and the bloody cleansing had begun.