happy concubine

Chapter 9 Burning

Fuduoduo was confused and drowsy, feeling a cold object covering her forehead, and there was a sound around her ear that kept chattering, disturbing her sleep. She knew that this person must be Bi Tao, because only she would take care of herself so painstakingly.

Thinking of this, Fu Duoduo couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth slightly.

She slowly opened her eyes. First of all, she saw the faint candlelight, and then Bitao's slightly tired face.

Fuduo wanted to speak, but found that his voice was as easy to ignore as the call of a newborn kitten, and it was difficult to raise his arms. After some efforts, I had no choice but to give up, thinking that I would never stand in the open air and get wet in the rain in the future, so that Bi Tao would not only worry about herself, but also be busy.

Thinking like this, Fuduoduo did not wake up the tired Bitao lying on the edge of the bed for a nap, so he closed his eyes to refresh himself and wanted to recover his health as soon as possible.

Before resting, she turned her eyes and looked around and found that the night was deep, and there was a lot of silence outside the house. Only the small candle wick burning on the candlestick occasionally made a muffled sound.

Fuduoduo felt that the scene at this time was very warm and unconsciously fell asleep again. When she woke up again, the silence was ruthlessly broken, replaced by the endless noise, and the strong smell of choking smoke constantly penetrated into her nose, which was suffocating.

Fu Duoduo covered his mouth, coughed violently and got up, and found that it was red all around, filled with thick smoke.

She was shocked and hurriedly pushed Bitao, who was still sleeping in a mess, to wake up.

But I don't know if it's because Bitao is too tired. No matter how Fu Duoduo calls and pushes, she still doesn't wake up.

Seeing that the fire was getting hotter and hotter, it was approaching the bed frame, and Fuduoduo didn't care much. He picked up the wooden basin placed on the round stool at the head of the bed and threw it on Bi Tao.

The water was cold. Bitao was suddenly awakened, bounced up, and exclaimed, "What's wrong? What's wrong? What happened?" When she touched the fire in front of her ruthlessly devouring the house, causing many beams and pillars to collapse, Bitao's chaotic head instantly woke up a lot. The first reaction was to protect Fu Duoduo closely and asked, "Auntie, why is this fire?"

Fuduoduo shook his head, gently pushed Bitao away, and said, "The most important thing now is to escape from here first. Put the quilt on your body and we will rush out together!"

Bitao nodded and hurriedly brought thin to cover herself and Fuduoduo, but looking at the wood dregs that kept falling down in front of them and the fierce fire, the two of them could not take a step for a moment and could only be forced to retreat by the fire.

The situation was urgent, and Bitao raised her voice and shouted for help, but now the situation is so critical that even if she knows that there are still people in the house, who will risk her life to rush into the house to save people, just splashing water outside the house desperately.

In this case, there seems to be only a dead end.

"Grandma, what should I do? In this way, the house collapsed in just a quarter of an hour. Fu Duoduo looked in the direction of Bitao and saw that the beam supporting the whole house had been burned dark and crumbling, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

Since both horizontal and vertical are dead, it's better to fight to death.

Fuduoduo held Bitao's hand tightly, stared straight at her and said, "Bitao, do you believe me?"

Bitao nodded violently and said firmly, "Auntie, I believe you. You are the only person I can trust in the world."

"Well, let's fight with God, but we won't let him take us away!" After saying that, Fuduoduo pulled Bitao and ran to the door.

Although at ordinary times, it is only a few steps from the house to the outside.

However, because the current situation is different, Fuduoduo not only has to avoid falling beams, tiles and so on, but also has to be blurred by thick smoke from time to time, and the ventilation is not smooth, making the short walk of a few steps seems to be half a spring and autumn.

Fortunately, the two of them are wrapped in quilts, so they don't have much burns on their bodies, and they are getting closer and closer to hope, only a few steps away.

"Ah! It's aunts! My aunt is not dead yet!" The servants who put out the fire saw Fu Duoduo and Bitao staggered out of the house and couldn't help cheering and speeding up the fire fighting.

Seeing that hope was right in front of her, Fuduo was excited, and her weak body also had some strength. She looked back at the smile of Bitao behind her, but when she turned around, what she saw was not Bitao's happy look, but panic and fear.

Before Fuduoduo asked the reason, Bitao suddenly rushed to her and pushed her fiercely, causing her to lose her balance, staggering to the ground, and then immediately felt someone behind her dragging her out of the dangerous zone.

Everything came so suddenly that Fu Duoduo didn't react at all, and there was a loud noise and a scream from Bi Tao in his ear.

In an instant, Fuduoduo felt that time suddenly stopped, and all the noise suddenly disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, Fu Duoduo blinked her sour eyes, as if her blinking was like the switch of time. The people around her who were slow to move returned to normal, and the quiet scene returned to the noise of talent.

However, only Fuduo was still stunned. It was not until the little maid around her handled her burned arm and accidentally hurt her that she came to her senses and suddenly pushed away the people beside her and cried to rush into the fire to save Bi Tao, who was crushed by the beam.

"Quick! Hurry up! Stop my aunt!"

I don't know who shouted. When Fu Duoduo was about to enter the burned threshold, countless hands stretched out to her to block her way.

Fuduoduo twisted his body desperately, grabbed his hand tightly, and shouted vigorously, "Let go of me! I want to save Peach! I want to save her! Let go of me!"

But Fuduoduo struggled more and more, the maids hugged her to death, making her unable to move.

The fire is still ruthlessly devoured in front of Fuduoduo. The bucket of water of the slaves is simply a drop in front of this blazing fire. In a short time, more than half of the house has almost burned. Wherever the fire goes, it must be dark coke.

Watching that Bitao was swallowed up little by little by ruthless fire, but she was unable to save her. Fuduoduo was about to go crazy. She shook her head desperately, punched and kicked the person who bound her, and opened her mouth with red eyes and bit her arm fiercely. It was not until she loosened the clamping on her that she transferred another restriction on her. Free people.

Fu Duoduo's crazy behavior made those maids retreat. After her resistance, no one dared to come forward and let her run to the fire.

I don't know if it's because Fuduoduo's high fever has not healed, or because she is physically and mentally exhausted. Before she takes a few steps, she feels the world spinning, and the darkness is eroding her at some point.

"Bitao, if you want to wait for me, you must hold on. I'm here to save you." Fuduo shook his head vigorously, intending to wake him up, and grabbed the bucket from the slave who passed by and poured it on his body without mercy.

The cold well water dripped down from the top of her head, wet her whole body, and touched the burns on her arm without cover, which made her feel pain, but it still couldn't stop her determination to save Bi Tao.

Because of the hot pain, Fu Duoduo woke up a lot in an instant. He shook off the wooden barrel in his hand and rushed into the fire that was still burning.

All the people present were shocked by Fu Duoduo's actions, or moved.

Because in the eyes of the superior master, these lowly servants are dispensable. Without you, other people will replace them. At all, they can't be so desperate for an inconspicuous maidservant. At most, it is a little sad, but this is also a powerless and more inferior than a beast. It's a great honor for the servants.

However, now Fuduoduo has broken this stereoty and saved Bitao regardless of his own safety. How can he not be moved by those slaves who are used to being trampled underground? At the moment, someone shouted, "Come on! Hurry up! Everyone's movements are sharp! Take care of your auntie!"

After being driven by people, the dead atmosphere at the scene became active, and they lifted their sleeves to fight the fire vigorously. Several nurses automatically ran into the extremely dangerous fire to save people.

Bitao was originally pressed not far from the door. As soon as Fuduoduo rushed in, she found it. She squatted down and moved away the upper body of Bitao with bare hands. The pillar was still burning, but because the pillar was too heavy, she was sick again and could not move away for a while.

Seeing that the whole house was about to fall down, several strong men in wet bedding broke in and helped move away the pillars on Bitao without saying much. In addition, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes took off the protective bedding and wrapped it around Fu Duoduo. He said 'offended' and took her to a safe place. Take.

When he first saw the man's behavior, Fuduoduo subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but he repeatedly promised that he would save Bitao and let other incoming partners take the fainting Bitao out first. Fuduoduo followed him away peacefully.

When Fuduoduo stepped out of the house, they only heard a 'boom' behind them, and the whole house collapsed.

Before Fuduoduo had time to escape from death, she saw Bitao, who had been placed on the ground and motionless. Her heart was raised again, pushed away the congratulatory people, and staggered to close her eyes, as if she were breathingless Bitao.

With Fu Duoduo's behavior, the scene of cheering became silent again, and they watched Fu Duoduo and Bi Tao with their breath.