happy concubine

Chapter 10 Thoughts

Fuduoduo knelt beside Bitao and stared at her, trying to reach out and feel her nose, but he didn't dare.

She was afraid of the result.

However, if she doesn't understand, her heart will be even more frightened.

After a moment of hesitation, Fuduoduo finally reached out decisively.

Fortunately, although the breath is relatively weak, it is also very stable and can be clearly found.

"It's okay, you're fine..." Fu Duoduo's highly nervous nerves finally relaxed and muttered to himself.

When the servants around saw Fu Duoduo's relaxed look and muttering voice, they knew that there was nothing wrong with the little maid. They were also relieved and dispersed, continued to put out the fire, find the doctor, and reported it.

"Auntie...Auntie..." At this time, a bursting cry came from behind Fuduoduo. Before she realized who it was, the voice was close to her side, pulling the corners of her clothes and crying, "Auntie, fortunately you're fine. I'm worried to death. If something happens to you, the maidservant won't live..." With that, she began to sob.

How can something happen to her under the life-threatening protection of Bitao?

And there was something lying in front of her, but it seemed that she couldn't see it.

At this moment, Fuduoduo was full of disgust with Bilian, pulled back his clothes without a trace, and said lurely, "I'm fine, but your sister is for me..."

Maybe she felt Fuduoduo's indifference to her. Bilian's eyes turned around and interrupted Fuduoduo's unfinished words. She fell to the ground and rushed to Bitao, who had been placed on the temporary wooden ** and cried, "Sister! Sister! How can you just leave like this! Sister!"

The sad appearance is so heartbreaking that it is difficult to distinguish.

If Fuduoduo hadn't been wary of Bilian, she would have been fooled by her acting skills. It seems that the small punishment in the afternoon did not improve her, but she knew how to hide it.

It's really the same rice to raise all kinds of people.

Fuduoduo couldn't help sarcasing in his heart.

"Your sister is just in a coma, not as serious as you think." When Bilian almost cried, Fuduoduo made a statement, which made Bilian embarrassed. She was stunned here and looked at Fuduoduo with tears and innocence.

Fuduoduo did not pay attention to it and came forward to tamp together with the bedding that was messed up by Bilian.

Looking at Fu Duoduo directly ignoring her expression, Bilian bit her lower lip and was very wronged, but the other party was an aunt, and she was just a little maid. No matter how much grievances she had, she could only endure.

However, if she is the same subordinate, Bilian doesn't think she needs to do this.

She put her hands on her waist, raised her chin slightly, and said proudly to the young man who stood aside to guard and forced Fuduoduo to leave the sea of fire, "Hey! What are you doing standing here? Didn't you see that everyone was busy fighting the fire? Or...or do you have any other intentions?" With that, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the man maliciously.

The man glanced contemptuously and did not say anything.

"You!" Bilian was so angry that her mouth bulged. When she wanted to humiliate the man, Fuduo couldn't stand it any longer and scolded him, "Do you still want to make trouble like that in the afternoon? Or do you want to clean the courtyard on a rainy day?

"Auntie, I..." Bilian wanted to explain aggrievedly.

Fuduoduo waved his hand, interrupted her and said, "If you have the time to dail with others, you might as well take care of your sister. Although she is not a serious matter of life, she is still very injured and needs to be taken care of."

Bilian looked down at Bi Tao lying on the board, and peeked at Fu Duoduo, who was pale, and muttered unwillingly.

Bilian's expressions fell into the eyes of Fuduoduo and the man one after another. The man was very disdainful, and Fuduoduo was more helpless. After all, no matter how much she hated Bilian, she was Bitao's own sister after all. What's more, this time Bitao sacrificed her life to save herself, even if it was not Looking at the Buddha's face, we also need to look at the monk's face. It's not good to be too difficult for Bilian. We can only hope that it can improve under ** in the future.

Thinking of this, Fuduoduo looked at the man beside him apologetically. It happened that the man's eyes were also looking at her, and their eyes met each other.

Fuduoduo looked back calmly and did not dodge. He nodded and smiled and whispered, "Thank you for your help just now. Otherwise, Bitao and I would have been buried in the fire long ago."

The man was slightly stunned, but he did not think of Fu Duoduo's generous fall and did not avoid his sight. Instead, he frowned slightly and his eyes flashed with a trace of contempt, but he soon disappeared and said faintly, "This is a small thing to do." After saying that, he turned around and faced the slaves who tried their best to put out the fire, with his hands behind his back straight, and his feet apart, like a general in command.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo is not too careful.

Because she was originally concerned about Bi Tao, who was still asleep. For the man's active conversation, it was just out of gratitude to him and Bilian's rude apology. Now that she has thanked her face to face, there is no need to pester it anymore and turn around to take care of Bitao.

After about a stick of incense, a white-haired doctor in a dark gray robe and his medicine boy were brought over by a young man about eleven or two years old and said to Fu Duoduo, "Auntie, the little one is Wenzhu, who is served by the young master. This is Dr. Li, who specially asked the young master to bring it to his aunt.

Dr. Li? It's not the one who specializes in seeing the young master of the medicine jar!

Seeing that Fuduo showed doubts, Wen Zhu answered in a timely manner: "Grandma, you don't know that the young master heard that the courtyard you lived in was on fire and heard that you were almost trapped in the sea of fire. At this moment, he asked the little one to call Dr. Li all night to heal your wounds. He also said that since the small courtyard was burned, he would live in Fushouyuan from now on. Xie's mother has been busy sending someone to clean your room and sent a message to the little one, saying that if your aunt has any requirements for living, please feel free to ask for it, and I promise that it will be done for you.

What? Do you want to move to Fushouyuan?

Fuduoduo opened his eyes wide and resisted.

But looking up at the house in front of him, Fu Duoduo knew that he had no choice but to accept it. "Xie's mother is really too polite. Please tell Xie's mother. Don't be too troublesome. I'm just temporary..." When Fu Duoduo just wanted to say that he wanted to stay temporarily, he inadvertently saw Wenzhu's exploration. God quickly changed his words and said, "I just went to serve the disease. It's my duty as a concubine to serve the young master. You don't have to be too particular about it. Just be comfortable."

Wenzhu said, "Yes, I understand." With that, he led Dr. Li, who was standing aside, to look at the burn wound for Fuduo.

In fact, Fuduoduo's is not so serious. Most of the pain has been resisted by Bitao, but it is not easy for her to directly let Dr. Li take a look at Bitao as a servant. After all, Dr. Li is not small. I heard that he used to be the chief imperial doctor in the inner courtyard of the palace, but he is old, and he misses his hometown very much. Only then did he resign and return to his hometown. And the reason why his high status will treat his little aunt late at night is just in front of Yu Shiyi. How can she speak? In case of a crime, the gains are not worth the losses. It's better to act according to the opportunity.

"D. Li, what do you think of my injury?" Fu Duoduo raised his eyes slightly, carefully observed Dr. Li's expression, and asked without a trace.

"It's okay. I'm just a little scared. Just prescribe some calming pills." Dr. Li stroked his white beard, and Long Feifengwu wrote the prescription of medicine on the small square table that had not yet been burned. Then he picked up the ink that had not been blown, gave it to the medicine boy beside him, and asked, "I don't know what's wrong with my aunt?"

Fuduoduo's eyes turned and thought about how to answer. He glanced at Wenzhu saying something respectfully to the man who saved him, and the man looked serious and did not talk to him. He couldn't help but doubt the identity of the man and made Wenzhu around the young master treat him so politely. Apparently, he is not an ordinary domestic servant, but he claimed to be small before, so who is he?

Fuduoduo was full of confusion, but when he saw Dr. Li's inquiry, he couldn't help restraining his look and said seriously, "Well, when I escaped from the fire just now, I was accidentally tattooed by fire. It was very painful. I don't know what Dr. Li has to cure it." With that, he looked at Bi Tao lying on his side intentionally or unintentionally.

Dr. Li was a wonderful man and came out of the palace courtyard. How could he not know Fu Duoduo's thoughts? He smiled and was not annoyed by her little tricks. He took out a special ointment for burns from the medicine box, handed it to Fu Duoduo, and said, "This is jade\muscle cream, three times a day. After applying it for a month, the burned skin will recover as before, and other diseases caused by wound infection have not been avoided. Auntie has to make other decoctions.

"Thank you, Dr. Li." Fuduoduo bowed his knees very gratefully.

"Auntie, you're welcome. It's the job of the medical profession to treat the injured." Dr. Li waved his hand and wrote a few more prescriptions and gave them to the medicine boy next to him.

Bilian, who was not very willing to take care of Bitao, saw that Wenzhu brought a doctor who seemed to be well-versed in medicine to see Fuduo, and then diagnosed Fuduo's lower pulse and prescribed a prescription to leave. He didn't even look at Bitao, who was in a coma.

Obviously, Fuduoduo did not let it visit Bitao.

Bilian's heart couldn't help but think about it. She quickly stopped Dr. Li, who was about to leave. Li Hua cried with rain and said, "D. Li, please stay."