happy concubine

Chapter 217 Red Leaf

The wind in Yufu is strange, and the villages in the suburbs are also similar.

After a few days of maneuvering, Fuduoduo found that Lady Liang had no other special action except to peek at her daughter's girl's situation, so she was arrested and sat in the hall with Yu Shiyi and Dr. Li in three sessions to find out the purpose of Liang's entry into Zhuangzi.

It was expected that Lady Liang seemed to know the result earlier, and she looked very calm. She asked and answered anything without the slightest mistake.

Seeing this situation, Fuduoduo couldn't help looking at Dr. Li.

Dr. Li was as determined as an old monk, with no reaction, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

This makes Fuduoduo very difficult.

She couldn't help looking at Yu Shiyi again.

Yu Shiyi seemed to know the difficulties of Fu Duoduo and smiled gently at her.

Then, he asked Mrs. Liang, "It is said that you used to be the big maid beside my mother?"

The woman's body trembled slightly, but it was quickly corrected.

Yu Shiyi has been observing the movement of the Liang woman, and her subtle movements did not escape his eyes.

Pull off his lips, smiled slightly, and just like meeting an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. Yu Shiyi continued to remember, "You have served by my mother's side for a long time!" What kind of person is she? Does she look like the first lady? It is said that they are twin sisters. Before the woman Liang replied, Yu Shiyi suddenly turned his words and his voice was extremely low, full of sadness and indignation, "Oh, what about asking these? She has been gone for many years, and I haven't even planned for her. I think she is also an irresponsible mother. Otherwise, how can I have the heart to let me survive alone in Yufu?

"No! That's not the case!" As soon as Yu Shiyi's words fell, Liang women looked up and argued anxiously.

Seeing this, Fuduo looked at Yu Shiyi with worship.

I didn't expect Yu Shiyi to be so powerful, and a few short words made the Liang woman take the initiative to speak.

Yu Shiyi frowned and asked, "What is it?" Was it not that she foolishly fell into the eldest wife's calculation, or did she watch her son be taken away by others? But there is no way?"

The Liang woman was chok and couldn't say anything to refute.

It was not until a long time later that she muttered, "No... It's not like that. Miss, she was also forced to helpless."

"helpless? What helplessness?" Yu Shiyi chased after him.

When Lady Liang was about to say something, she didn't know what was going on, but she swallowed it abruptly and regained her previous silent appearance.

Fuduoduo looked at Yu Shiyi in confusion.

Yu Shiyi also doesn't understand.

At this time, Dr. Li, who had never made any noise, spoke. He said, "Why don't you say it? You must be guilty! Your lady will be like this. I'm afraid it's your credit! Am I saying that it's not, Hongye?

Red leaves?

It turned out that her name was Hongye.

Red leaf, that is, when Lady Liang heard the name, her expression was very strange. For a while, she was extremely sad, and for a while, her face was full of indignation. After a while, she seemed to think of something. A smile of memories raised at the corners of her mouth, lowered her head, and looked at the polished blue brick in a daze. Until a long time later, Hongye slowly raised her head, her eyes showed a bloodthirsty light, stared at Dr. Li closely, and said hatefully, "You! Li Yun! How can you still have the face to live in this world! Why don't you die? Miss is simply blind. She just saved your life! Go to hell! Go to hell!" In the end, the voice became more and more excited, as if to roar out all the anger in his heart.

Yu Shiyi and Fu Duoduo are full of fog.

Why did you get involved with Dr. Li?

Dr. Li was also very strange. Suddenly, he showed guilt and did not refute. He didn't seem to be able to relax. He admitted, "Yes, it's me. If she hadn't met me back then, maybe she would have had another scene."

"In that case, why are you still alive?" Hongye pointed angrily at Dr. Li, gritted his teeth, and couldn't wait to come forward to kill him.

"I..." Dr. Li had nothing to say and looked at the ground silently.

For a while, the atmosphere was very solemn.

Fu Duoduo looked at Yu Shiyi and asked what to do with his eyes.

Yu Shiyi lowered his eyelids and thought for a little thought. He asked Dr. Li, "Two years ago, did you recommend yourself to Yufu to treat me because you were guilty and ashamed of my mother?"

Dr. Li looked up at Yu Shiyi, as if he couldn't stand being stared by his burning eyes. He turned his head slightly and looked elsewhere. He quietly denied, "It's not all. I'm a forgetful relationship with your mother. Her son has something to do, and I won't help."

"Then why didn't you appear when my mother happened? Do you have to wait for more than ten years before you come late? Yu Shiyi's aggressive way.

Dr. Li sighed deeply and explained, "When I learned about your mother, I couldn't make it at all. I..." Halfway through the words, Hongye sneered and said shamelessly, "Can't make it? What a reasonable explanation!" After saying that, he took another sip at Dr. Li.

Seeing that Hongye treated him like this, Dr. Li did not have the previous momentum and completely withered, just like frosted vegetables and had no energy.

Looking at the situation, Yu Shiyi and Fu Duoduo had a headache.

If it goes on like this, Hongye will definitely fight with Dr. Li, but he can't ask anything.

So, Fuduoduo discussed with Yu Shiyi and decided to ask separately.

Fuduoduo asked Bitao and others to take the red leaves to the west room of the wing, while Yu Shiyi and Dr. Li stayed in the hall.

As soon as he sat on the clinical kang, Fuduoduo asked Hongye, "What was the matter back then?"

How about it? Didn't you know it from the hypocrites? What else do you ask?" Hongye didn't give Fuduoduo face at all and replied coldly.

Fuduoduo frowned tightly and was a little unhappy.

This red leaf looks slippery and a little difficult to deal with, and looking at her attitude, Fuduo deeply doubted that everything she said before was just a blow, diverting her questioned target, putting everyone's attention on Dr. Li, and then ignoring her and ignoring her for interrogation. The original intention.

If it's really as you guessed, this red leaf is not simple.

The left hand was gently knocked on the kang table, and Fu Duoduo was a little anxious.

Some things can't be delayed, especially in Yufu. The matter of the eldest wife has been exposed by the fourth aunt, but Yu Shiyi has not yet controlled the situation, which is very unfavorable to him, and now even the second master has intervened, and the situation is very bad.

Bitao and others are also secretly anxious in their eyes.

They looked at each other and, represented by Bi Tao, came forward and asked Fu Duoduo, "Grandma, do you think she will be tortured if she doesn't recruit any more?"

Fuduoduo waved his hand without thinking and rejected the proposal.

Although the torture may be able to pry open the mouth of the red leaf, who can prove that the information obtained is true? Besides, Fuduoduo lived in the 21st century, and she really can't do this for torture.

When Hongmei saw it, she came up with another plan.

She said, "After a few days of observation, Hongye is quite dedicated to her daughter. Do you think Nibune can..."

Fuduoduo just thought about this method.

It's just that there are three things, and the red leaves may not be fooled again.

After thinking about it, Fuduoduo didn't think of a good way to let Hongye speak and tell the truth.

Such as Fuduoduo didn't go around the bush and asked Hongye directly, "Why do you say that Dr. Li harmed your young lady?"

Red Leaf glanced at Fuduoduo contemptly and lowered his head again. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to her.

Bi Tao was so angry that she came forward and slapped her fiercely and warned, "Auntie is kind, she won't do anything to you, but I, Bitao, am not easy to mess with!" After saying that, he quickly slapped the red leaves, and there was no time for Fuduoduo to stop him.

Looking at Bi Tao like this, Chunfu was also bold and kicked a handful of red leaves with milking strength.

Hongye was very stubborn. Under such bullying, she did not ask for mercy. She stared at Bi Tao and Chunfu.

"How dare you stare at me?" Chunfu breathed angrily, put his hands in his waist, stared back childishly, and raised his right foot again, and he was about to be violent again.

Fuduoduo hurriedly stopped and reprimanded: "Those who convince others with strength are not convinced, nor are they strong. Those who convince people with virtue are also happy and sincere, do you understand? Although it can have a momentary effect to control violence, it is not a lifetime, and often the result is only a vicious circle. Looking at Bi Tao and Chun Fu's linger, Fu Duoduo was afraid that he would speak too much, so he let them part from himself and said soothingly, "I know what you mean, but the method should be appropriate, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

Bitao and Chunfu both nodded to show that they were taught.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little solemn, Hongmei stepped forward, stirred it in, and interrupted and said, "Grandma, you have been talking for a while. Are you thirsty or not thirsty? Do you want me to make you a cup of honey water to moisten your throat? Go dry?"

After Hongmei's stirring, Fu Duoduo couldn't stand up and said to Hongmei with a smile, "Go ahead, make a few more cups to let everyone moisten their throats."

Bitao and Chunfu looked at each other and laughed. Chunfu stuck out his tongue mischievously.

The people present were happy, but the red leaves looked solemn.

After a moment, Hongmei came in with a large pot of water, first brewed a glass of honey water for Fuduoduo, then Bitao, Chunfu, and finally herself.

Fu Duoduo pointed to the bound red leaves and said to Hongmei, "G her a cup too."

Hongmei was stunned and fell down without much words.

Bi Tao held a tea cup and looked at it quietly. She had always trusted Fu Duoduo and felt that it was her reason to do so.

Chunfu curled his lips unwillingly, but this time he didn't say much.

However, when Fuduo was about to untie the rope of the red leaves, Chunfu couldn't help shouting, "Auntie, what if she runs away?"

Fuduoduo smiled without any explanation.

The lips of the red leaf had already dried up. When the rope was untied, there was no more nonsense. He directly picked up the teacup and drank a cup.

Fuduoduo looked at the red plum and asked her to continue the red leaf.

Hongmei said to do it until four or five cups were renewed and the red leaves were never drunk again.

After drinking a few glasses of honey water, Hongye felt that her smoky throat was much better. She raised her eyes and looked up at Fuduoduo and said, "You are a good master."

Fu Duoduo smiled and said a few words humbly.

Red Leaf said again, "Don't you want to know? I can tell you, but you have to remove the people. I'll tell you alone.

Hearing this, Bitao and the others quit.

Fuduoduo agreed, and was not surprised by Hongye's behavior.