happy concubine

Chapter 218 Original

Bitao and others are worried, and they just don't leave.

It was not until Fuduoduo put on their faces and expressed their displeasure that they turned around and left slowly, and repeatedly told Fuduoduo that if there was anything abnormal in the red leaves, as long as they shouted or made a noise, they would rush in immediately.

Looking at their nervous appearance, Fu Duoduo is funny and angry, and there is also relief and helplessness.

Hongye said with some meaning, "Your method of buying people's hearts is quite a good move, and even I have your way."

Fuduoduo blinked and said, "Buying can only buy people's hearts for a while, but not for a lifetime. What I do is just a normal heart. From the bottom of my heart, it's not a buy." After saying that, without waiting for the red leaf to react, Fu Duoduo sat down again on the big kang near the window, pointed to Xiaozi in front of him and said to her, "You can also sit down!"

Hongye sat down rudely and asked directly, "What do you want to know?"

Fuduoduo thought slightly and asked, "Why do you think Dr. Li killed your young lady? What evidence do you have?

To be honest, in fact, Fuduoduo has some doubts about Dr. Li.

Before, he talked to himself and told about various secret events in Yufu, and according to him, Miss Liang was still his savior. In this case, Yu Shiyi has been so miserable over the years and has been repeatedly poisoned by the eldest wife and others. Why didn't he save him? Even if he was far away in the capital at that time, he was in Yufu in the past two years. Why did he let Yu Shiyi stay in prison, but he stood by and let him struggle?

Fuduoduo doesn't understand and doesn't understand.

Hongye smiled coldly and asked, "Why don't I think so?"

Hearing the words, Fuduo looked solemn.

Hongye sighed, and his eyes were lax, as if recalling, "In those years, Li Yun was just a refugee who was about to starve to death. If the young lady hadn't secretly saved him behind her back, otherwise, where could he exist now? However, he took revenge and hooked up with the bitch Wen Waner, instigating the lady to get to know Yu Lingxuan, who was in the rice shop business at that time, which made them know each other, which led to later. Do you think Li Yun is the culprit of the disaster? Does he deserve to die? The more he said, the more excited he became. Hongye stood up, his cheeks were red because of anger, his eyes were round, and he looked fierce, as if he was going to eat someone.

After hearing this, Fuduo was greatly relieved.

It turns out that things are like this, not as dirty as you think.

Dr. Li told her about the events of that year a few days ago, as well as the gentleness in Hongye's mouth.

At that time, they were bound in the temple and could not walk an inch. They could only passively wait for the people outside to send them to eat, drink and medicine. At the beginning, the supplies were still complete. In general, there would be something needed, and it would not be a problem to fill the stomach. However, as the plague became more and more rampant, there were more and more refugees, not to mention medicinal herbs, even the rations were eaten up, without a next meal, and they held up bitterly.

It's okay if the time is short, but once the time is long, the patients trapped in the temple will become anxious and try to escape.

The reason why the plague spread is because of mutual infection.

Dr. Li is well aware of this serious problem.

He knew that once the patient rushed out of the siege and disturbed the order, the government would have to take measures to kill the killer and eliminate the future.

At that time, Dr. Li had no way out. The only thing she could think of was Miss Liang Er. Because Wen Waner had some connections with Miss Liang Er, she entrusted her to write a letter for help, and Wen, her brother, who was guarded outside, to send a letter to Miss Liang Er.

After the letter was sent out, about half a day later, Miss Liang replied and asked them to calm down.

Dr. Li was overjoyed. Although he had not met Miss Liang Er, he believed that she had done what she said and saved them out of trouble.

Sure enough, the expected time was shorter than Dr. Li, but in three or five days, enough food and medicinal materials were delivered.

At that time, he didn't think much about where these things came from. He guessed that Miss Liang Er probably fought with her family and persuaded the elders of the family. After all, at that time, grain and medicinal materials could be comparable to gold, more precious than anything else. However, after the plague was controlled and the sick people walked out of the temple in good condition, Dr. Li learned that Miss Liang took the trouble to show up for this matter and lod the merchants in the town for a long time.

Dr. Li was very grateful, and also learned that during that time, Miss Liang met Yu Lingxuan, the young master of Yufu.

In order to repay his kindness, Dr. Li deliberately approached Yu Lingxuan, observed his character, and felt that he was worthy of Miss Liang Er, so he was relieved to go to Beijing.

It's just that the world is unpredictable, and the result of things will be so unexpected.

Fuduoduo and Hongye explained what happened back then.

But Hongye's mind has been firmly fixed. No matter what Fu Duoduo said, he determined that Dr. Li was harmful.

Seeing this, Fuduoduo has no choice.

Because once a person's heart is biased, it is difficult to correct it, and there is only time to slowly prove it.

Seeing Hongye holding Dr. Li unrelentlessly, Fuduo thought of her own doubts and couldn't help asking, "In this case, where were you back then?"

Red leaves smiled desolately and muttered, "Where was I back then?" Yes, where was I back then? After saying that, he hummed coldly. After a while, Hongye sat back on Xiaozi decadently, took a deep breath, sighed again, and said in frustration: "At that time, the young lady determined that Yu Lingxuan was a good man, and he had to marry him. At that time, Yu Lingxuan was also remarkable, thinking about the lady everywhere. I was also blinded by lard and did not see the potential danger at all. After experiencing the plague and famine, the lady felt that she had to hoard some food and buy good land, so I was placed in this village, temporarily guarded, and secretly built a secret road on the village just in case, in order to escape from there.

"Then this Zhuangzi... should be counted as the Liang family. How come?" Fuduo asked.

Hongye pulled the corners of her mouth and said disdainfully, "That bitch is very delicate. How could she miss a little thing? This Zhuangzi is also included in the dowry of the young lady.

"So, you also got married?"

Hongye nodded and said, "In order to hide people's eyes and ears, of course, we have to count all of us who serve ladies." Speaking of this, Hongye clenched her hands and said reluctantly, "In those years, I was also blamed for being too careless. Suddenly, the young lady made us maids who were close to teach the rules of the house to learn the rules of ghosts and old people. We were not aware of it at all and passed by stupidly, making The original lady didn't know that she had been transferred, and she was still secretly gloating about the bitch who was against the lady from time to time lying in bed. Later, after arriving at Yufu, she probably had peace of mind and married our big maids. That's how I was arranged to get married.

"Then how did you notice that something was wrong later?" Fuduo asked again.

"How do you know?" Hongyepi smiled and said, "That bitch is restless. Everyone knows that she was married by Liang Fangfei. How could I not know? With her high-profile nature, she can't wait for everyone in the world to know that she is married to Liang Fangfei, not her twin sister. The more he said, the more angry he became. Hongye held the tea cup tightly and couldn't wait to crush it to vent his anger.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and asked again, "Yes, how is the red stamen in the house now? Did you live a very handsome life and enjoy the glory and wealth?

Hearing this, Fuduo frowned and asked, "Don't you know?"

Red leaves were strange for a while and asked, "What do you know?"

Fu Duoduo told her about Hongrui and summed it up: "She has also been a loyal servant. She has endured for so many years and carefully protected the young master. Only now did she stand up and exposed the uncleous things done by the old lady in those years, and almost let the old man divorce her first."

"Is this really the case?" Hongye asked in disbelief.

Fuduoduo said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask the young master. He came to Zhuangzi to avoid such things because of such things in the house."

The red leaf immediately became depressed like a defeated rooster, bowed his back and looked at the ground in a daze.

"I thought that the reason why she was not married or beaten out was because she had collusion with that bitch. I didn't expect her to be like this. But why didn't she tell me the truth when I finally found her all the way? And pushed me away coldly, insulted me in front of a bitch, and abused the young lady?" Hongye muttered to herself, frowning, stretching out, and then locking her eyebrows tightly.

Fu Duoduo sighed a long sigh.

In fact, the matter is already very clear. Hongrui did this completely for the red leaves and to get the trust of the eldest wife. If this is not the case, the old lady will suspect that she has two hearts and will not reuse it on her, let alone put it by her side.

Hongrui is really well-intentioned.

Hongye also seemed to figure it out. Suddenly, she raised her head and slapped herself several times and cursed herself repeatedly.

Because of the great movement, Bitao and others waiting outside the door thought something had happened. Without waiting for Fu Duoduo to stop them, they rushed in, but they saw the self-abuse behavior of red leaves. They were all confused and looked at each other and stood still in a frenzy way. They didn't know what to do.

Fuduoduo waved his hand, let them go down, and comforted them a few words, saying that he had nothing to do.

After everyone was gone, Fuduoduo asked the questions he hid in his heart and asked, "Why did you go to Zhuangzi this time and open the secret road?"