Chongzhen Fengshen

74 Three Saints of Buddhism? Blood light reappearance

Zhu Youjian originally felt that the equality of all sentient beings in the Buddha family was bullshit. Isn't it possible to make an appointment for Buddha, Buddha, arhat, and venerable? This time, I entered the sea of consciousness, but finally experienced the equality of all sentient beings. There was an endless Buddha centered on him. Behind him, countless arhat Venerable King Jia Lanming shouted in unison: "The future Buddha has come to us and recite Buddha with sincerity! When Buddha is merciful and gives a scripture, it will be a step closer to the world of bliss!"

So countless arhat venerable people plus Lanming King recited the Buddha in unison: "The future Buddha will be immortal, immortals will be immortals, only exist alone, reincarnated for hundreds of generations, and see the lotus step by step! In the future Buddha, the Dharma is boundless, great virtue and power, the commander of Buddhism, thousands of true Buddhas, open up the world! In the future, Buddha, protect all people, believe in Buddha, and escape from the other side!"

Zhu Youjian has a splitting headache! These tens of thousands of people in Liaodong are just ordinary people, and the power of faith generated is terrible. Although Zhu Youjian took the initiative to accept the resentment of tens of thousands of people in Liaodong after their death, he was almost affected by his mind. This is still under the condition that his soul is extremely strong, and as the reincarnation of the ancient emperor, the Holy Emperor is good at guiding faith. Under the circumstances of power! But this time, countless Buddhas led countless Arhat Venerable King Jia Lanming with the power of pure Buddhist beliefs. Zhu Youjian couldn't help but feel that his brain was about to be broken. He just remembered Guo Kan's words, "Is the cheapness of Buddhism edible?" I had to support it desperately, but the power of faith of countless Buddhas was like the waves of the sea, continuous and unstoppable!

Zhu Youjian finally waited until the Buddha's voice stopped and took a breath, but he heard a woman's soft voice: "In the future, the Buddha did not respond to me. Naturally, we are not sincere enough. As long as we sincerely recite the Buddha, the Buddha will naturally have a response in the future. Zhu Youjian is a peerless beauty, sitting on the lotus platform with her legs. With the glazed jade bottle in his hand, he smiled when he saw Zhu Youjian's eyes and said, "The future Buddha is on top, and Guanyin is polite!"

Zhu Youjian was shocked when he saw Guan Shiyin. Although he understood that these Buddhas in the sea of his consciousness were only separated, otherwise, even in his own consciousness space, he was afraid that so many Buddhas would transform themselves into Buddhism! Zhu Youjian was slightly distracted. Under the impact of countless pure Buddhist beliefs, the endless Buddha light diluted Zhu Youjian's consciousness, but there was no pain, and even felt floating and immortal. Next, it was even more shocking: he couldn't help but perform a Buddha's salute and said: "The three saints of Buddhism are doomed. ! Chaos Bell appears, protect Buddhism! The two Taoist brothers of Amitabha Buddha still have to contain the three Qing of Taoism, and it is inconvenient to take action. As a disciple of Buddhism, you should put your split in this picture of heavens and condense the belief of Buddhism in the small world. When the time comes, this immortal disaster will only have Buddhism alone! Everyone in Buddhism can get out of the sea of suffering and reach the world of bliss! Let's all go down!" The Buddhas, Arhats, Venerable, Jialan, and the King of Ming all kowtowed and knelt down, and then dispersed to the small world contained in the Buddha map!

Zhu Youjian was extremely anxious, because he felt that his body was impacted by countless pure Buddhist beliefs. The endless Buddha light transformed his body inch by inch, and his body became crystal as jade inch by inch, emitting golden Buddha light, which is the sign of becoming a Buddha as the so-called Buddha, which is even more terrible. But his body and soul are extremely comfortable, just like a newborn child, lazy and unable to move, just like sleeping in again! My consciousness is gradually blurred, as if I'm going to sleep!

Where does Zhu Youjian know? Outside himself, it was also a big drama, and it was also the split of countless Buddhas who led countless arhats behind him to worship Zhu Youjian's body! After kowto, they all recited the Buddha's name: "Future Buddha, the power is boundless, the three saints of Buddhism, and the number of days is doomed! Chaos Bell appears, protect Buddhism! Thousands of people, out of the sea of suffering, immortals at the end of the disaster, only Buddha exists!" The Buddha's voice is loud, and heaven and earth seem to echo. There are visions falling from the sky, flowers blooming, white birds are happy, and countless golden lotus appear on the ground, making the world seem to be a replica of the pure land of blisss!

The power of countless pure Buddhist beliefs turns into golden Buddha light, echoing the Buddha light in Zhu Youjian's body, and the transformation of Zhu Youjian's body is getting faster and faster! Although Nianbing felt bad, under the impact of countless pure Buddhist beliefs and the impact of countless Buddha sounds, he had Buddhist skills on his body and unconsciously knelt down to Zhu Youjian, the future Buddha. Except for tears on his face, how could his body move at all? As for the demon ape, his face was full of solemnity. Although his whole body also faintly emitted Buddha's light, he pretended to be stupid and motionless.

The golden Buddha's light echoed the Buddha's light in Zhu Youjian's body, and finally completed the progress of transforming Zhu Youjian's body. When he became a Buddha, there was a voice snorted coldly: "The two Taoist brothers of Amitabha Buddha, do you really want to get out the three saints of Buddhism? Are the days doomed? I don't think so! Your Buddhism is shallow, and there is no innate Hongmeng Lingbao to suppress the luck, but you dare to seize the master and squeeze the authentic Pangu! I think it's true to accept our Taoist crusade! If you are unwilling, I'm afraid you will destroy all the religion! I don't know what to weigh!"

I don't know where the bracelet that Zhiping's father gave to Zhiping was, but at this time, it appeared in the sea of Zhu Youjian's consciousness and emitted a brilliant blue light! The voice of the two saints who dared to scold Amitabha Buddha sounded again: "Pangu authentic, side door retreat, the power of faith, endless fate, are all clouds and smoke! Buddhists, since this power of faith has been sent out and given to others, how to use it is their business. Isn't it a good fate to a bad fate? All sentient beings believe in returning to the original! Come on!" Although the green light was different from the power of the golden faith of the Buddha, it was like a chicken and an eagle, but the role of the chicken and the eagle were exchanged, which continuously squeezed the golden faith power of the Buddha and turned it into a few golden beads. As soon as the bracelet saw that the golden faith power of Buddhism was all refined, it was gently In a flash, I don't know where to hide!

The space of the big world outside also changed, and a blood-red light suddenly appeared, which scared the split of the Buddha who was kneeling down and the countless Arhat Venerable King Jia Lanming behind him scattered and fled. Even so, several unlucky Venerable people were blurred by the blood-red light, and then sent out a The heartbreaking screams seemed to have been swallowed up by the poisonous snake python. What flowers bloomed, the white birds were happy, and the countless golden lotus that appeared on the ground all disappeared. It was a mess. How could there be the atmosphere of the Buddha's sound and the Buddha's light?

If the people of Kongmen are here, I'm afraid they will scream. Isn't this the strange blood-red light that burns the original text of Confucius? Why did it appear again?
