Chongzhen Fengshen

75, the Buddha retreated, Yao Shun billion

Inside, there was an old man's Hu bracelet, and outside, there was a strange blood-red light that burned Confucius's original text. The vast Buddhas went clean in an instant. Zhu Youjian barely woke up and saw Nian Bing, crying into tears. He was about to speak, but the monkey came to make trouble: "Your Highness King Xin! My wife also asked me to make soy sauce, ah! It's the beauty of Ganoderma lucidum! As for the longevity rice with 10,000 catties per mu, it's convenient to help. If it's inconvenient, I won't force it!" After saying that, he immediately attracted an auspicious cloud and drove away. Zhu Youjian despised it for a while: the slippery monkey immediately turned into a rabbit as soon as he saw trouble! Show that you can control the storm after crossing the disaster? You still drive the cloud. You don't need to fly a sword or something. You can't drive well. People are all walking up. How easy is it? It's just you, turn over! What else are you showing off? Did you show that you have been in the circus? Bored!

When Nianbing, who cried into tears, saw that Zhu Youjian was fine and was wiping his tears. When he saw that, the monkey turned over and drove the clouds, he was shocked: it was actually the person of Huaguo Mountain, or the core, who would follow Douyun. Does the troublemaker also have to participate in it? This, you have to tell your husband to be careful!

Nianbing was worried about Zhu Youjian, but it was in vain. Zhu Youjian helped Nianbing with a smile on his face and said with a smile, "Love your wife, just respect your husband. Why kneel? Does a loving wife have any special service for her husband? Seeing Zhu Youjian's smile on his face, Nianbing knew that this guy didn't want to do anything good. He angrily scratched Zhu Youjian's ear and pinched it randomly. Zhu Youjian, the thief, suddenly panicked, but begged for mercy loudly: "Love wife! It's just a joke, do you? Do you want to kill your husband? Follow me to the sea of consciousness, and there is something good for you!"

Who knows, but it was patted on the horse's leg and was strangled by Nian Bing: "You are so stingy that I remember that you haven't given me anything for so long! Iron cock! I'll go and have a look. If it's not a good thing, I'll strangle you!"

Zhu Youjian quickly said that he hurriedly brought Nianbing's Yuanying into the sea of consciousness, but took out a flattering expression: "My wife, you look at the crystal clear golden pearls, they are all the best." As a woman, women's hobbies are as much as Western dragons. They all like shiny things. Seeing this crystal clear golden pearl, Nianbing also has two eyes shining: crystal clear and golden light. If you look carefully, there is a world in this crystal clear golden pearl. In that world, there are countless music The sound of Buddha's light came... Nianbing was shocked. What kind of pearl is this?

Zhu Youjian was fooling Nianbing with spitting, but he was hit hard by Nianbing: "What are you talking about! What kind of pearl is this? This is one of the most precious treasures of Buddhism, Buddha's golden beads! How did you get it? This Buddha's golden pearl is the Buddha's great Buddha, which condenses countless Buddhist beliefs in the Buddha's country! Buddha practitioners get it. Even ordinary people who don't know how to practice can live forever under the countless Buddhist beliefs emitted by Buddha's golden beads. Those who practice Buddha get it can directly fly to arhat, and there is no disaster, even heart disaster!"

When Zhu Youjian heard this, he was very happy and generous: "Then you can use it for your beloved wife. You're welcome. It's just that this thing is weird, but you should be careful and refine it before using it, so as not to be shocked by countless Buddhist beliefs and mess up your mind."

Nian Bing doesn't care: "Husband, you are too worried. I will carry this Buddha's golden pearl in a glazed jade bottle, and then slowly refine countless Buddhist beliefs. Naturally, there will be no risk! Goodbye, husband. I'm going back to practice!" Nian Bing sucked the glazed jade clean bottle, sucked the three Buddha golden beads into the glazed jade clean bottle, threw Zhu Youjian aside and disappeared.

Zhu Youjian still has a big deal. What's wrong with this Wanshou rice? You must ask yourself clearly! Yuan Shouyi, the head of the contemporary peasant family, was chased and killed by Confucianism for thousands of years without hurting a hair. He is a true treacherous old fox! This longevity rice yields 10,000 jin per mu, which is the supreme weapon to fight against the natural disasters of the Little Ice Age. I'm afraid it is also the key to reversing the future of the bright moon and mastering the humanitarian faith! Whether it is stealing, robbing or threatening to lure, you must squeeze out the oil from this cunning old fox and master this longevity rice!

It has been three times. Yuan Shouyi, the head of a contemporary farmer of the College of Agriculture, is still deduce something. Next to the case, he also threw countless rice papers full of strange symbols. Finally, Yuan Shouyi, a university scholar of the College of Agriculture, sighed and threw the pen: "Number of days, days, the number of days, Yuan Shouyi, the head of my farm has After trying my best, this longevity rice is the only hope that can save the people at the end of the Ming Dynasty, but I deduce endless days, but this longevity rice is a causal entanglement, and it must appear in the era of the end of immortals! It is also one of the precursors of the end of the Dharma era. Whoever makes it appear in the world will be the public enemy of the world! I, Yuan Shouyi, can't bear the cause and effect of this day! Well, you hungry people at the end of the Ming Dynasty should have died! How to blame me!" After talking to himself, Yuan Shouyi, the head of the farmer, was about to blow out the candle and return to his house.

"Lord Yuan Shouyi, a university scholar of Agricultural College, in order to change the fate of the starving death of the world, you want to change your life against the sky. Zhu Youjian admire it, but you don't have to be afraid to become the public enemy of the world, but I, Zhu Youjian, am not afraid. The cause and effect of this longevity rice, I will be next!" Naturally, Zhu Youjian, who said this, rushed back all night!

Yuan Shouyi, the head of the farmer, was not as cowed as Zhu Youjian imagined, but he sighed: "Your Highness, I am not afraid of myself, but for the people of the world! You must know that the more people there are, the more farmland there will be. The crops absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and mortals pollute the aura of heaven and earth! This is the fundamental reason why the Xiuzhen sect killed mortals! Although Wanshou rice is special and does not absorb much aura of heaven and earth, its output is very high. How many mortals do they have to feed? How many auras of heaven and earth polluted by mortals are nourished by Wanshou rice? How can the world's cultivation allow ant-like mortals to suffer so much? At that time, the world will cultivate truth and be forced to kill shamelessly, and I'm afraid that there will be more people who will die!"

Zhu Youjian sneered: "In order to comply with the number of days, I don't know how many mortals have been slaughtered. There must be a beginning! I want to achieve the great cause of surpassing Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in order to avoid the mysterious disappearance after soaring. I am not afraid of Buddhism. How can I care about this so-called world cultivation! Yuan Shouyi, a university scholar of the Agricultural College, the master of the farmer's family, I'm not afraid of anything, so why are you afraid?

Yuan Shouyi, a scholar at the Agricultural College, sighed for a long time: "But His Royal Highness! Although this longevity rice has no aura or anything, it only has a high yield, and it is not simple to need any aura, natural resources and earth treasures, special skills and so on. It not only appears in the end of immortals, but also requires the faith of all people! But it's not a kind of stupid belief in Buddhism, but it needs to be enlightened by the people! It's just that the people's wisdom and the people's faith are not enough! It is necessary for everyone to be public, not selfish, and even for the people of China to reach Yao Shun's ethics. I deduce that it is not enough for Tianji to reach Yao Shun's ethics. There are more people and 1 billion! There are not so many people in China! How can it be!"

Zhu Youjian was surprised, and one billion Shenzhou was Yao Shun! Sure enough, that era was really the end of the disaster!