Chongzhen Fengshen

186 find a dead end to kill

Gu Xiancheng is naked** and has no magic weapon to protect himself. The three people, the golden horn, silver horns and green cattle, did not hesitate. The golden horns and silver horns turned from a pink and lovely boy to a ferocious demon king two feet tall, each holding a silver giant horn and a golden giant horn in his hand. The giant horn was full of energy, and with the ancient demon clan to destroy everything. The tyrannical power, the golden horns and silver horns exchanged glances with each other and shouted together. The rain-like stick slapped Gu Xiancheng, who was naked and covered his face!

The golden horn and silver horn in the hand of the golden horn and silver horn boy is an ancient demon weapon. Gu Xiancheng is just a fairy and naked **. He has no magic weapon to protect himself. After a few times, he was beaten to open his skin and flesh, and bones were about to break. What's more terrible is that the yuan god seems to be broken! Fortunately, Gu Xiancheng was beaten several times and was ready to secretly use his immortal power to resist, and there was a heavenly elixir hidden under his tongue to save his life! The golden horn and silver horn were originally barbaric, but they were fierce. Where did they notice Gu Xiancheng's small movements? But it was almost won by Gu Xiancheng.

The green cow is furious! He took out the white and deep circle, smashed Gu Xiancheng's head and scolded, "Thank you, you are still a Confucian!" Don't you know that Thunder and Rain Dew are all your kindness? It is a great blessing for the sage to give an edict to beat you, and it is a blessing for several lifetimes! If you don't thank you obediently, how dare you secretly use your own protective immortal power to resist, and there is still a heavenly elixir hidden under your tongue to save your life? It's a great sin! The gend that should be alive dissipated! The extinguishing of ashes and smoke is the right way!" Qingniu was really angry. As he spoke, he hit him. Poor Gu Xiancheng's head was hit by Qingniu, and all the heavenly elixir hidden under his tongue spit out! The blood, spitting, and elixir fragments in the mouth vomited all over the ground, and the secretly used protective fairy power were also scattered. There was a scream, but fainted!

Gu Xiancheng was beaten and became a humanoid object with blurred flesh and blood. More importantly, the yuan gods were almost dissipated. Not only the eight immortals, but also the golden horns and silver horns were a little unbearable. He said to Qingniu, "Gu Xiancheng is already like this. Just throw him out. Presumably he will never dare to come to Xuandu Tiandou again. Gong is messing around! Just forgive him!"

Qingniu was helpless: "I and Gu Xiancheng had no grudges in the past. It should not have been difficult for him, but the saint Taishang Laojun had a charm and asked us to beat Gu Xiancheng fiercely and then put it into the purple gold gourd! Taishang Laojun's saint was told by Mr. Hongjun! I can't report it anymore, but Gu Xiancheng's original spirit has almost dissipated. If he is loaded with purple gold gourd again, he will be a mad fool even if he saves his life!"

The eight immortals in the cave were unbearable. Uncle Cao, Lan Caihe, Han Xiangzi, Tiegui Li, He Xianggu, Zhang Guolao, Han Zhongli, and Lv Dongbin all tried their best to persuade the three people to write mercy and throw Gu Xiancheng out of the Xuandu Tiandou Palace. It was too unkind to enter the purple gold gourd, but the green cow was not good either. So ruthless, but it's just the law of the emperor's saint, so I have to say submissively:

"In this case, the old gentleman asked if we should take responsibility together. I, Qingniu, can't bear it alone! If you agree, I will let Gu Xiancheng go. What do you think?"

Gu Xiancheng was woken up in pain at this time. Although his bones had been broken, he could only squirm like a ball of mud, and even the yuan god almost dissipated. He still shouted with his last bit of strength: "Mr. Yangming! Now Zhu Youjian has been taken away by the evil spirits of later generations, and he has exterminate Confucian inheritance! Mr. Yang Ming! If you still have a little affection for Confucianism, borrow Mingyang Baojian from me to exorcise demons in the lower world! Gu Xiancheng knelt down to thank you!" After Gu Xiancheng finished speaking, he fainted again and seemed to be dead!

"Alas, I, Wang Yangming, have already abandoned Confucianism and do not want to care about Confucianism anymore. Fortunately, Mingyang Baojian was originally condensed by the power of Confucian faith, but now it is returned to Confucianism, which is also a complete return of Confucian kindness to me. Mingyang Baojian is here! Brother Gu Xiancheng, let's go!"

Wang Yangming, who understood the deepest part of Xuandu Tiandou's palace, was squeezed by Gu Xiancheng's words. He was no longer easy to pretend to be deaf and dumb, but threw out a mirror that emitted seven-color glow. The mirror that emitted seven-color glow fell on Gu Xiancheng's body. Gu Xiancheng's yuan spirit was condensed again, his muscles and bones were also connected, and the trauma was healed. Only It's just a little bruise!

Gu Xiancheng knew that this was the real Mingyang treasure, and was overjoyed. He thanked Wang Yangming, who was in the deepest part of the Xuandu Tiandou Palace, "Thank you, Mr. Yangming! When Gu Xiancheng subdues Zhu Youjian, who tried to exterminate the Confucian inheritance of Taoism and was taken away by the evil spirits of later generations, I will naturally return it to you! Gu Xiancheng said goodbye to Mr.!" However, he didn't care about his naked appearance, which was against Confucian etiquette. Fortunately, he still remembered the rule that Xuandu Tiandou could not cast the law, but just ran away like a rabbit with Mingyang Baojian in his arms!

Wang Yangming hurriedly said, "Brother Gu Xiancheng doesn't have to return me. Mingyang Baojian is condensed by me with the power of Confucian faith. Now it is returned to Confucianism, that is, I have no relationship with Confucianism and will never do with it!" Gu Xiancheng was afraid of rebirth, but finally hummed in the distance!

Wang Yangming took a deep breath and continued to understand in the deepest part of the palace of Tiandou in Xuandu. When the eight immortals and silver-horned boy saw that Gu Xiancheng had run away, they all took a breath and were about to disperse, but only the broken gong voice of the green cow let out a helplessly howl:

"After the emperor asked me to beat Gu Xiancheng, he immediately installed it into the purple gold gourd and told you to disturb him. Fortunately, Gu Xiancheng did not enter the purple gold gourd, but ran away with Mingyang Baojian! What's the matter! Taishang Laojun saint was punished, how can I stop it?! You are very harmful!"

"If you don't respect my charm, you will naturally bear countless causes and consequences for yourself. If you are doomed and kill Gu Xiancheng, you will naturally cut off the cause and effect. Now that you are benevolent and violate the number of days of the road, I will save you!" The speaker is the Taishang Laojun saint who returned from the Purple Palace listening to Hongjun Avenue!

The Eight Immortals, Golden Horn, Silver Horned Boy, Green Bull and others were shocked when they heard it! How could I have thought that it would be like this? I and others just let go of Gu Xian's success and then suffer so much?! So they knelt down and asked the elder saint to be merciful and resolve the cause and effect!

The saint Taishang Laojun ignored it and said softly, "These are all fixed numbers! In order to resolve your cause and effect, I gave all the old man's beard bracelets to the evil spirits of Zhu Youjian's descendants, so that I won a glimmer of life for you! But you found a way to die, so that Gu Xiancheng got the treasure of Mingyang! It can no longer be resolved. In the future disaster, let's kill and stop it!