Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 33 Dolvia

In fact, the battle will only be wonderful when the two opponents are equal. When the strength of one party is stronger than the other party, and the weak person is not the protagonist, it is often a trick, just like the underworld fighter among the Saint Seator. As long as one move is hit, it is the end of death. In contrast, the bronze fighter But he can't be killed.

Ike's opponent this time is a typical supporting role. He is not strong and has little experience. After playing, he was knocked off the ring by Ike with an elbow.

"Caesar won this game, and there is the next group of players, No. 1054 vs. 1113 Blueprint Sky". The referee drew a little and announced the winner, and immediately announced the start of the next game.

"I knew you would win," Linda greeted him and said happily as he watched Ike step down.

"For good not to humiliate me," Birian stroked his chest with his right hand when he spoke, and the expression on his face was like a kind teacher when he saw his apprentice win the honor.

"What does it mean I didn't humiliate you?" Ike obviously heard Birian's self-contained and scolded angrily.

Does this guy have a pair of wind ears? Such a low voice can also be heard. Birian read a word and quickly explained, "Didn't I lose to you? If you lose to this guy, don't you look like I'm not as good as him? At that time, my old man will trouble me, and the college is really. There are obviously big loopholes in such rules. If The original second place met the first place in the first game, and in the end, it was not even a decent ranking.

Although Ike does not have a long wind ear, since the operation of the mixed energy in the body, the various attributes of the body have been greatly improved. Not only can he see far and listen carefully, but also the toughness and strength of the body have increased a lot. Although the sound just now is very small, he can still hear it.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with this. There are not so many fair things in the world. Princes and generals can enjoy a luxurious life. Merchants can whip slaves at will. Farmers just plant a little poor land and have to pay all kinds of taxes. There are even many things that can't be eaten in all corners of the mainland. Westerners exist. There is really no need to make a fuss about such a small injustice." Ike's father can't go to do business after he fell ill. The family's income depends on Ike's hunting, collecting herbs, and has to pay various taxes every year. It is already a happy family to be able to eat enough. Social injustice has long been broken. He was so numb that he made such a sigh. Maybe he wanted to remind Birian.

This guy is not as arrogant and domineering as rumored, and doesn't look at anyone. At least the people in the family can't say such a thing.

"You're right. There is no fairness in the world," Bilian echoed.

"I'm still going to watch it for a while. If you have something to do, go back first," he said to Linda. Ike won't miss such a rare opportunity to watch the game easily. Last time, he was in a coma and couldn't see the next game. Now he can watch it at ease. As for Bian, Ike is not in the mood to care about him. His legs are on himself, and he likes to leave and stay at his own.

"I have nothing to do. I can just stay here. I also want to see their performance and increase some experience." Of course, Linda will not leave. Not to mention nothing, she has to stay even if she has something to do. Now she feels that her feelings are at a rapid rise. At this time, it is the most correct choice to stay.

Ike naturally understood her mind, but he had no reason to drive Linda away, and there seemed to be a little pleasure in his heart. Was it because she chose to stay? Ike didn't know. When he thought about it, he naturally put his hand into his arms and took out his golden pipe. When Billian saw that he took out this thing again, he seemed to look at himself with a smile on his face, which made him think of his previous performance. Is he laughing at me? What's great? I will definitely learn to smoke this thing. He is not willing to lag behind and take out his pipe. The two of them are like fighting. You take a breath, I take a breath, you spit a smoke ring, and I spit a mouthful of smoke. Linda looked at the two people who were really two and a half-year-old children. Even this had to be taken out to compare. She just saw Ike's happy face, while Bilian felt funny with a bitter face.


The grade competition of Elon Soco Combat Academy is going on normally. Now it has reached the final stage. Ike's luck seems to be good. In addition to meeting a strong enemy like Birian for the first time, he has met some "newcomers" who have not been in one realm for a long time. Occasionally, there are one or two later situations. The world has also fallen under the powerful bull magic fist. Since Ike practiced chaotic creation, the energy in his body has run fast enough to be twice as fast as ordinary people. That is to say, his explosive speed is also twice as ordinary people. In the case of short-distance confrontation, many people can't punch with all their strength, because of time and space. It's too short to accumulate enough strength and the fist has been hit, but Ike is different. Even at a short distance, even if it is only a place the size of the fist, he can burst out the strongest power in an instant. With the melee martial arts such as the powerful bull magic fist, Ike has a faint posture of the king of fighting. It began to appear.

"The exciting moment has finally arrived. After so many days of competition, the final six players are about to emerge, but only the top three can get rich rewards, especially the broken elixir that can be obtained by the first place, which is a precious elixir that can help people break through the realm. Seriously, if I'm not a teacher, I will definitely compete with you to the end. Even I will be moved. Can't you wait? Unfortunately, only the first place can get such a reward. Students, come on, for the sake of honor, for glory, for the sake of breaking the elixir of life, fight. You are the protagonists of this era. Eagles can only soar by spreading their wings. Your fate will be in your own hands. Let the college be proud of having students like you and make this land tremble! Now, I announce that the 1032th grade martial arts competition has officially begun.

The opening of the host** did set off everyone's inner desire. Even Ike's mind was full of honor for a moment. The shadow of the elixir shook his head, and then he woke up. His perseverance was amazing and not comparable to ordinary people. Only then could he quickly get rid of these fantasies, while others were not like this. Fortunately, most people are blushing, with a sense of madness in their eyes, and only a few students can stay awake like Ike.

"This host is really bad. He deliberately took out the matter of the elixir. Now I'm afraid that the remaining players will be desperate. You should be careful when you come to the stage," Linda whispered.

"Well, I will," Ike replied.

"I guess that guy hasn't got the top three before. He must be jealous, but his eloquence is really good, and it would be very good if he changed his career to become a master of ceremonies." Birian arranged at will. He has long been eliminated and has no such an opportunity, so he has not been affected by words at all.

"I don't see it, you are quite good at talking nonsense." Ike seems to like to dismantle each other's stage with Biian. After listening to his words, he can't help but want to talk about this "sweltish man".

"Hum", Biyan ignored his sarcasm and took out his pipe and smoked it. He was now fully adapted to the smell of Lanxi grass and asked Ike from time to time. Ike was usually stingy, but he was extremely generous. If you wanted me to give it, and then the two smoked silently.

There are 24 players left now. 18 games will be held in the morning and afternoon, and each of them will participate in two games, so that the final 6 players will be determined.

With the bell ringing, Ike stepped into the ring. Today, he chose an iron fist as a weapon. After so many battles, he also found that he was more suitable for close combat. After all, everyone should be familiar with their own body, the boxing is smoother to use, and the change of moves is more tolerant. Easy.

Today's opponent is a little fat magician. Most people decide the path they want to take in the future when they are in the two-sided realm. On the one hand, they are mainly to boil their bodies. This little fat man is obviously not this kind of person. On the one hand, he is obviously a strong magician holding a magic wand. Ike dares not He underestimated the other party. This was the first time he had to deal with the magician and had to be cautious.

"The game began", and both of them were ready, and the referee gave an order.

The little fat man's name is Dolvia, a mutant fire magician. No one can tell what kind of mutation it is. Anyway, other people's flame is red, but his flame is black.

Before the game, Dolvia always had a naive expression, a round face, slightly curved eyebrows and a pair of small eyes, and looked harmless when she laughed. At the beginning of the game, his temperament changed. His slightly bent eyebrows suddenly turned into inverted eyebrows, and his eyes seemed to be a little bigger. There was a sense of anger all around him. No one would be associated with the previous little fat.

Looking at the amazing changes of the little fat man, Ike narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, no matter how unfair the game is, there is no simple character who can enter this stage.

Both of them seemed to feel that the opponent was not simple, and no one was eager to do it, but Dorvia was a magician and could not wait for a fighter's attack, so in the end he took the lead in raising his staff.