Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 34 Nether Fire Mage

"God of fire wandering between heaven and earth, please listen to my call. I am your most loyal servant. Please give me strength. Come on, fireball." After a deep and solemn spell, Dolvia waved her staff, and there seemed to be a black lightning flash in the crystal at the top of the staff, and then away from the water The temperature suddenly rose in a centimeter. At first, it was still a black spot, and then quickly enlarged. After a while, it was the size of two fists. This is a fireball, but it is different from the general fireball. It turned out to be a black fireball. The fireball was surrounded by electric light. After a closer look, it was found that it was a fireball. Strange phenomena caused by friction with air.

"Is this still fireball? Why is this fireball black?"

"I've never seen such a fireball"

"This guy seems to be very powerful"

"It can't be that the mage of the dark department did this on purpose. Only the magic of the dark department is black," a student said his opinion.

"Absolutely not. Magic spells cannot be chanted randomly. If he wants to induce his opponent, he should sing silently," another student analyzed.

"This student's fireball technique is strange," even the referee was puzzled, after all, it is against common sense.

"Dolvia is my fellow countryman. He is a mutant magician and a magic mutation. Do you know?" The next person on the stage shouted, as if he was a fellow countryman with Dolvia, which was also a supreme glory. He raised his chin and continued to say, "Just like the ice system in water magic, although the ice system has become independent. Come on, but it is a mutation of the water system. In the same way, Dolvia is also a mutation in the fire system, the Nether Fire Mage"

"I remember that I once saw a record in a classic book that there was a sixth-order mage of the Nether Fire system thousands of years ago, claiming to be invincible of the same level. It is recorded that the Nether Fire is more destructive than the ordinary fire system and has strong corrosion properties, which can erode certain physical defenses. Yu, it's simply horrible," a student added.

"Wow, such a powerful ability, it seems that Caesar will be unlucky this time, and his invincible myth will be broken"

The excitement said under the stage, and the stage was also hot. When Dolvia recited a spell, Ike also rushed out. The distance between the two was no more than four feet. Ike took five steps in a row, and each step would be close to one foot in size. Five steps passed. There was only one sword between the two, but Ike wanted to move forward again. It was impossible. At this time, the black fireball had already hit his chest.

The black fireball is like willow catkins in the wind, swaying, and the steaming water vapor sets off a demon. Ike dares not let such a fireball hit him. Unknown things are always full of awe. When he made a mistake, he narrowly avoided the fireball, but the clothes on his left shoulder were burned off a large piece, and the skin still had a faint tingling feeling. Although it was not very strong, it was because it did not directly touch the fireball. If the body directly hit such a fireball, it would never feel good.

With his stable body, Ike punched out with a straight blow. He can't give Dolvia a chance to shoot again. The Nether Fireball is too threatening him. Although Ike's combat experience is not rich, his basic knowledge is very solid. Thanks to Elonzoko's huge library, once the magician is After approaching, the fighter will basically be tired of dealing with the fighter's attack. After all, they need to recite spells, and only senior mages can not need the instantaneous spells. Dolvia obviously would not have an instantaneous, but he did not panic at all. His fat body just turned slightly, and the fist that should have hit him on his side waist fell on his stomach. Although Ike's punch was used in a hurry, he also had seven or eight points of strength. Even a bucket of thick wood would be interrupted twice, but Isaac was extremely depressed. This punch was like hitting a pile of mud. The fat flesh contracted and wriled, miraculously resolved the strength of his fist, and even a fist. The feeling of being caught in meat, Ike hurriedly pulled out his fist. At the same time, the other hand was a palm like Dolvia's chest. Since the fist was not good, he changed his palm. This palm was combined with the powerful cow magic fist. The power was extremely strong, the fist was like the wind, and the palm was broken green pine.

Dorvia seems to be relaxed, but only he knows that although he has just solved the punch, it has reached his own limit. If Ike uses all his strength, I'm afraid he will lie to the ground. Now that he sees Ike's empty slap, how can he dare to shake it? You have to use your own cards.

The crisp sound of "pop" was not the sound of slapping on the meat day. There was an additional black light mask beside Dolvia. Ike's palm was just printed on the light mask, but he could not make any more.

"Damn, it turned out to be a magic shield. It turns out that he is a double-sided magician"

"I said that the magician's fireball should not be so big"

"If you can't break the magic shield, Caesar will never win"

Ike also saw the two-sided realm of the other party. He couldn't help but have a big head. He has personally experienced the strength of the magic shield. With his current strength, he should not be able to break it. With such a turtle shell to release magic, Ike really couldn't think of any good way to deal with him for a moment.

"I didn't want to expose all my strength so early, but I have to say that your strength is really strong. I almost can't stand your punch just now. The players I met before are enough to defeat them with ordinary fire magic. In order to show my respect for you, I revealed my identity as a fire magician early. It seems that I still can't take you down, so I can only show all my strength to deal with you. Now you are honored to lose," Dolvia said, as if she felt that once she released the realm of the double magician, she would win the battle.

This guy hid so deeply that Linda didn't receive any news. He couldn't help but think about it. A small red fireball has shot over. It seems that the little fat man can freely control the conversion between his fire system and the underworld fire system. Although this small fireball is not as big as the previous underworld fireball, it is fast. A lot, and basically I didn't hear much of the other party's spell, and it seemed that such a fireball was sent out after only a few bytes.

Ike smashed the fireball in the air with one punch, and a stream of heat came through the boxing, but it soon disappeared. His guess was indeed right. Such a small fireball is not powerful enough to cause danger as long as it does not hit the body.

Small fireballs floated towards Ike one by one, with different angles. Some hit Ike's head, and some shot at his knees. Ike flashed left and right. Occasionally, he couldn't dodge well and directly smashed it. He circled several times around the field. During this period, he also punched Dolvia from time to time. Unfortunately, he was all the opponent's The magic shield was blocked.

"You only know how to hide, are you so good? Your story is circulating everywhere in this college, and it turns out that you are just a disreveted guy, which disappoints me so much."

The battle has lasted for more than half an hour. Both of them gasped tiredly. A game that they thought was very easy almost dragged down the little fat Dolvia. At this time, he made a sound, hoping to make Caesar impulsive, so that he can win the game, otherwise it is really hard to say whether he will win or lose.

But he was disappointed. Ike didn't care what he said at all. No matter how unpleasant he was, he had heard it. His mind was firm, and there was only victory or defeat in his heart. He couldn't break his mood for a moment. This was his only chance. His body was stronger than Dorvia and could consume the other party's physical strength and magic. When Fang couldn't support the magic shield, it was the moment of his comprehensive counterattack.

Finally, there is not much magic left in Dolvia's body, and the frequency of firing fireballs has been significantly reduced. He didn't expect that Ike's body was so good, and his toughness was not lower than that of the double-sided fighter. The fireball skill was not hit, and the shield was almost unbearable. The attack could not form lethality, and now he was also exhausted. Suddenly, he came down and stood there, just maintaining the posture of holding a stick.

"I thought I would definitely win the championship, but I didn't expect to meet you, a guy who used to be domineering and now witty. I have to say that you are a model of my generation. If it goes on like this, I must lose, but I hope you can give me a chance to fight fairly. At this time, he didn't care about winning or losing, but he was so unwilling to lose that he made this request.

"Okay", Ike didn't know why he promised the other party. As long as he insisted on it, he could win, but he promised it ghostly. Maybe it was the young and hot-blooded ** in his heart, but since he promised Ike, he would not go back on his word, so he also stopped and was ready to welcome him. The final victory and defeat.

Dolvia saw that he agreed, and stopped talking nonsense. He called all the mana of his body and gathered to the staff in his hand. A black fireball the size of a basin slowly formed. As the saying goes, quantitative change can cause qualitative change. Such a big fireball is almost three or four times the size of the previous black fireball, when it expands to the limit. Suddenly, it shrank again and suddenly became the size of two fists, but Ike knew that its power was definitely much stronger than the first one.

Ike did not dare to be careless and spread the energy in his body evenly throughout his body. This is a defensive method inspired by the magic shield. Although it may not be practical, he can always try it.