Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 15 Start Hunting

Ike's cultivation relies on the artifact "Genesis Belt" to absorb the energy provided by the magic core, so he does not need to absorb elemental energy from the air, saving more than half of the cultivation time, so he can reach the current level in a year, but he has not ignored his ability to control energy, no Whether it is Andre's teaching or his own understanding, it is meticulous, and how can a killer apprentice not understand the structure of the human body? So Ike carefully controlled the operation of the energy silk line and finally reached the top of the Rubik's Cube smoothly.

Ike's blood refining method, he transported the wrapped blood to the top of the Rubik's Cube, and then removed a trace of energy, like cutting a small cut on a plastic bag full of water, and the blood flowed out of it and dripped on the Rubik's Cube.

Ike is single-minded and uses it. While controlling the circulation of Warcraft blood, he runs the Rubik's Cube. The blood drips on the Rubik's Cube, and then is absorbed by the Rubik's Cube and converges into the Rubik's Cube.

Ike's internal vision does not work in the Rubik's Cube, so he can't understand what is happening in the Rubik's Cube, but he believes that all this is a good start. After all, Jorad has no need to deceive himself.

He continued to run the Rubik's Cube according to the method in the hemolysis refining body and absorbed the blood of Warcraft. Gradually, a large bowl of blood dripped clean and was all absorbed into the Rubik's Cube.

With the passage of time, Ike's forehead sweated, and the temperature in the dark forest was still relatively low, which could make him sweat. It is thought that his body must have produced great heat.

If someone can see through his body, he will scream in surprise, because the Rubik's Cube in his body is now like a kettle full of boiling water, steaming white air.

Ike didn't know what was going on. He wanted to ask Jorad, but he didn't dare to be distracted and could only continue to practice. I don't know how long it took, and it was finally over. Although the Rubik's Cube was still spinning, the steaming white gas was getting less and less. In the end, it simply disappeared. Ike put down and mentioned it. With a heart, it's really a lie to say that you don't worry. After all, he has never experienced such a thing, and he has never seen a similar introduction from the college library. Unknown things are always frightening.

Ike took a deep breath, turned the Rubik's Cube suddenly, and then braked sharply. Suddenly, he forced it to stop with the opposite force. This move is a second to reach the peak of subtle control of power. A little more force will make the Rubik's Cube rotate in reverse, and less force can't stop it. Ike's power I just knocked on the benefits and let it stop.

The red blood silk crawled all over the lower side of the Rubik's Cube, and then gathered together, and finally condensed into a drop of blood. This drop of blood red is extremely enchanting, and it also reveals a trace of luster, as if with a trace of golden color.

At this time, Ike had no intention to think that a trace of fusion energy wrapped the blood droplets through the meridians everywhere, and finally sent them into the heart.

"Hush", Ike took a breath. Just as the last drop of blood entered the heart, an unspeakable feeling suddenly came to his heart. This is a cold and hot collision, a comfortable and bloody struggle, complex and unspeakable.

bang! Bang! Bang! As the heart kept beating, the blood finally completely melted into Ike's blood and swam all over his blood.

Ike stood up, did a chest expansion exercise, and felt a little disappointed. He didn't find any improvement.

"You are satisfied. You want to improve with such a drop of fusion blood. Are you too naive?" Jorad naturally knew what he was thinking and couldn't help saying with contempt.

"Ha", Ike giggled. He was just confused for a moment and figured it out as soon as it said it. If a warcraft can bring great improvement, it would be too unreasonable, so he could only smile awkwardly.

"But you are bold enough to send the fusion blood directly to the heart. Aren't you afraid of anything?" Jorad paused for a pause before continuing.

Ike didn't know whether it was sarcasm or praise, so he could only ask puzzledly, "Did I do something wrong?"

The last step in the fusion refining body is to integrate the fusion Warcraft blood into your own blood, but it does not say which bloodline to fuse. In Ike's mind, the heart is the place where the blood meets. Of course, it starts from here. Just listening to Jorad's tone, it seems that he has done something wrong.

"I can't say that you are wrong or right. After all, I haven't practiced this method, but I just feel that your behavior is too bold." Jorad continued to enlighten like a teacher teaching students.

"The heart is the concentration of blood. Theoretically, it naturally fuses from here, but at the same time, the heart is also the most vulnerable part of the human body. You will fuse blood from here, just like stuffing something into the balloon. It is easy to blow up the balloon. Whether you are lucky, it doesn't come out. What's wrong now!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Ike was afraid for a while, and at the same time he was a little annoyed. Why did he tell himself the right choice after doing something every time? What a hateful guy.

"You didn't ask me", Jorad's arrogant look made Ike helpless for a while. Indeed, Ike never seemed to have asked him how to do it.

"Humph", Ike snorted coldly and turned his head to the body of another goblin. Although he didn't like to drink blood, he couldn't waste this goblin for the sake of his strength.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you that it took you half an hour to practice. This Goblin's blood is dead and can't be used. Only the blood within ten minutes after death can be used." Jorad kindly reminded this time that he was afraid that if he didn't say it this time and let Ike drink it again for nothing, he would be furious.

"Bang", Ike kicked, turned the Goblin over, then squatted down and took it out. Then he said, "I know, I'm just to see if there is a treasure map on it. I don't want to drink its blood."

"Roar", Jorad made a strange laugh and then sneered, "Little Ike, I didn't expect you to learn to deceive others, but you seem to have forgotten that there is an equal contract between us. If it weren't for your special closed consciousness, we could explore any thoughts in each other's minds."

When his lies were broken, Ike couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He wanted to say something to make up his loopholes, but when he thought that the other party could explore his thoughts, although he could be closed, he also seemed to cover up, and he simply spoke again.

patted the dust on the edge of his robe, and Ike embarked on the "journey" again. Jorad quickly followed, bounced and easily landed on Ike's shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Jorad asked. Although it could read the other party's thoughts directly, it did not do so, but kindly expressed its respect.

"Hunting", a strange light flashed in Ike's eyes, as if an old hunter wanted to wave his butcher's knife at his prey.

He went to a bush to look, pulled away the grass and observed it carefully. Finally, he found two shallow footprints. These are the footprints of the previous two goblins. As long as you follow the footprints to find their nests, this is a necessary condition as a senior jungle hunter. Obviously, Ike is a combination. Ge's hunter.

In fact, as long as Jorad is willing, he can know where all the goblins are, just like radar sweeping, but Ike doesn't want to borrow its power. This is a kind of exercise for himself. If everything needs to be solved by others for himself, what's the use of retaining himself? Question mark

"The brittle", Ike found a hill along his footprints, in which there were about 100 goblins. Obviously, this was a small tribe. It seemed that the previous two goblins were in this tribe.

"What are you going to do?" Jorad asked in Ike's mind.

"Did you see the two big stones over there? There is only one exit in the middle, which is obviously their gate. As long as I go around behind the stone, and then one of them comes out, I will kill one. If there are too many, then I will naturally have to run away." Ike was not afraid of shame and directly said his plan.

Jorad nodded and agreed with this opinion. The place where they are standing now is above the hill, and the two goblins climbed up from the hill, but the two of them can't slide down from here, otherwise they are afraid of alarming all the goblins, so what Ike said is the only way, Bi Unexpectedly, they have not yet had the strength to annihilate a tribe.

"Wow", Ike squatted under the bushes, followed by the cover of the grass, and moved forward slowly. Although he was not close to the Goblin's tribe, he was still afraid of alarming the other party, so every step was particularly careful. Looking at Jorad swimming like a snake on the ground, Ike couldn't help but A little envy. Sometimes it's a very convenient thing not to have legs. Even if it moves at high speed, it will only make a small friction sound. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all. However, if you let him choose, he will definitely not be a snake man. Thinking about his lower body of a snake, Ike's face will turn white. , quickly threw this idea out of my mind.

The Goblin in the cove seemed to be holding some kind of ceremony. All the goblins gathered together and didn't know what they were doing. They were far away and didn't see it real, but it was convenient for Ike. Decades later, Ike finally moved behind one of the two boulders and was ready to wait. The fish is hooked.