Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 16 Stone Murder

The two boulders in front of the col are about the same size, each of which is more than 20 meters high. Even if they are some tall trees in the dense forest, they are slightly higher than them. Ike hid behind the boulders and looked at the boulders. The surface of the boulders was uneven and looked extremely rough. Of course, Ike did not come to appreciate them. Stone, the reason why he chose to hide behind the stone is naturally his own ideas. In his opinion, these goblins may have some wisdom and power beyond ordinary beasts, but they are absolutely unable to climb these two stones, so as long as he can hide on the boulder after killing the goblin, he will be safe. .

He secretly poked out a head and looked into the mountain. All the goblins were still gathered together to hold their ceremony. Ike smiled and took the opportunity to experiment. Don't let a group of goblins come, but he couldn't climb the stone.

"Pa", Ike stared at a point and watched it. A jump, the man stretched out his left hand and grabbed a small protruding stone in the air. His left and right feet stepped on the selected landing point respectively, and then his empty right hand continued to grasp the raised stone above, and his feet rotated to step on the bulge grasped by his previous hand. The whole person Like a broken-tailed gecko, he moved up close to the stone. During this period, although he scratched his chest and abdomen, his skin was tough enough to be scratched and his stomach was not cut open, but a few red marks were faintly wiped out.

After about a few minutes, Ike finally climbed to the highest point, grabbed the last raised right hand with force, and stepped on his feet, and the man flew into the air. A flexible somersion fell steadily on the boulder.

If you stand high, you can see far. Sometimes this sentence is not correct. At least now Ike is standing very high, but he can't see the following situation clearly. Even the monsters in the mountain pass are not clear. This is not covered by the canopy. After all, most of the giant trees are higher than these two stones. It's just that the perpetual fog and opaque light in the dark forest seemed extremely dark, so I stood high, but my vision was confused by most of the fog.

"It seems that it's better to go down first!" Ike whispered to himself.

As the saying goes, it is easier to go down the mountain, but this sentence is true. Ike only thought about whether his plan could be implemented. When he wanted to go down, he found that he was facing a dilemma.

If it is on a big tree, you can naturally slide down with the trunk, but the surface of this boulder is uneven, and it is also a flat surface. It is impossible to slide down. It is even more impossible to jump down so high. Although his body is stronger than ordinary people, it is 20 or 30 meters high. It's impossible for Fang to jump off without an accident.

How can we go down safely? Ike fell into a hard thought.

He took out a golden pipe, lit the tobacco on it, and smoked two sips. He is now used to smelling the smoke of Lanxi grass and thinking about it, as if this smell will open a door in his mind. Anyway, it is 20 to 30 meters high from the ground, and the slightly blowing wind is towards the back of the mountain pass. So don't worry about being smelled by Goblin.

After taking a few quiet breaths, Ike suddenly flashed his mind and came up with a wonderful idea, and then his spirit penetrated into the space ring and turned it. Although Ike's space ring is not big, the things stored in it are various. In addition to the pile of magic cores "accepted" from Mary Kay, there are also food, use and a lot of things. Ike checked it in a meal of items that were obviously debris.

After a while, Ike's eyebrows stretched out. It seemed that he had found what he wanted. A light flashed in his hand, and an iron claw appeared in Ike's hand, and a two-finger-thick rope was put under his claws. It was clearly the fly specially created by Ike in the Warcraft Empire to climb the cliff. Although he didn't use this thing in the end, he still kept them and didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

"Dang", Ike grabbed the iron claws and grabbed the boulder fiercely, and the curved claws were deeply grasped into the stone. Ike was worried and stepped on it again. He stepped on the whole flying claw into the stone, and then grabbed the rope and pulled it. After confirming that it was safe, Ike grabbed the rope and put his feet against the stone. Jump down step by step.

The rope of the flying claws was long enough to drag it directly to the ground. Ike grabbed the rope and jumped down easily.

"Roar", just as Ike just stood firmly, a roar came from the hill. This roar gathered hundreds of goblin voices, so it was particularly loud that Ike was almost shocked and stood unsteadily.

Take another peek. The ceremony in the canyon should have been completed. The goblins dispersed one by one. Some found a place to take a nap, some wandered around, and some walked towards the boulder. I think they must have gone out for food.

"Finally", Ike shouted excitedly. After waiting for so long, there was finally Goblin to take the bait. I don't know whether Ike was excited or nervous, and his hands trembled a little. Fortunately, his sword could still be firmly in his hand.

"In order not to disturb you to enjoy this wonderful time, I'll go back to your Rubik's Cube first." Jorad had been rolling on Ike's shoulder before, but now as soon as he saw seven or eight goblins coming this way, he immediately got into Ike's Rubik's cube.

"coward", Ike mocked. Although he knew that Jorad was not afraid of these goblins. With his ability, he could drive them all away with one thought, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his behavior.


took a closer look. This time, there were a total of seven goblins together, with a small pinch of hair on their necks, which is a sign of adulthood. Ike has found this password through so many observations, so he only glanced and knew that it was seven adult goblins. Naturally, he was not afraid of one-on-one, but If it's a pair of seven, he won't have enough confidence.

Ike shrank behind the boulders and waited for their arrival, but these goblins seemed to deliberately let Ike wait, walking while smelling and sniffing, and then shouting a few words that only they themselves could understand.

Ike naturally couldn't understand what they were saying, but he didn't need to know. He listened attentively to their conversations just to judge how far they were from him based on their voices.

Approaching, approaching, Ike kept reminding himself in his heart that his hands holding the sword were sweating. Ike did not dare to wipe it. At this time, a slight action may expose himself.

came, Ike's heart was stunned. The first goblin had come out of the back of the boulder. Ike did not attack, but continued to squeeze his body into the gap between the boulder and the mountain wall. At the same time, his eyes stared at them motionless. As long as they looked at him, he would definitely take the initiative to attack.

"chirp", the leading Goblin seemed to find nothing, shouted and continued to walk forward. Perhaps because of the downwind, it did not ask about Ike's smell.

"Wang", the second goblin stepped out behind it and did not look at Ike. Perhaps in their opinion, their doorstep must be very safe, there can be no danger, and there is no food.

Several Goblins came out one after another, and none of them could find Ike hiding there. Of course, this is not that they are not good enough to hunt. The main reason is that they are careless, or this is their weakness, relying too much on their poor wisdom.

Action, just as the last Goblin appeared, Ike rushed out without hesitation, because he knew that if he didn't attack again, there would be no chance. The leading Goblin should have smelled his smell and his head was trying to turn this way, so he wanted to seize the machine. Will, kill with one blow.

The number of seven goblins is a little large. According to Ike's own estimate, he should be able to deal with three, maybe four at the same time, but the words of seven can't be stopped, not to mention their home behind them, and there are more than 100 goblins in them, so this battle is destined not to last too long.

"Wow", a sword spirit dragged its long tail and rushed to the last Goblin, which was still in a confused state, while Ike himself rushed to the penultimate Goblin after emitting a sword spirit.

"Puff", the two voices sounded almost at the same time, taking away the lives of the two goblins. The last one was cut in half by sword gas, while the penultimate one was pierced through the head by a sword.

"Gaga", the remaining five goblins reacted at this time and screamed and rushed to Ike.

"Bang", Ike's sword was on his chest, blocking the nearest Goblin's blow, and then an iron claw grabbed Ike's head, trying to blow his head. Obviously, Ike couldn't let it succeed. He punched it out with his left hand and smashed it at the wrist joint of Goblin and smashed its claws. Another iron claw came, and this was the third goblin that had attacked.

Ike didn't have time to think about it. His body rotated, a leg whip, kicked the attacking claws away, turned his body back again, and stabbed a sword into a goblin's head.

"Puff", like the sound of a sword piercing watermelon, the goblin was stabbed to death on the spot.

"Wow", as if a baby was crying, and the remaining four Goblins had a strange voice. This time they were not in a hurry to attack, but surrounded Ike.