Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 66 1 against 3

Ike opened the stone door, and the scene in front of him made him a little stunned. Everyone's eyes focused on him, which made him a little unable to react for a moment. Did he do anything unintentionally?

Soon he understood that it was not what he had done, but what these people wanted to do. Their eyes were full of surprise, anxiety, excitement and pity.

This group of people is obviously headed by the front three people, a teenager in red, a big man in black and a peerless enchanting beauty. He has never seen these three people. Are they waiting for themselves?

The answer is yes. As soon as he appeared, the scene was immediately ignited. These people waited hard for more than ten days. Today, they finally met the Lord, and naturally they would not easily let him go.

"You finally came out. We have been waiting for you here for more than ten days!" said the young man in red first.

"Oh," Ike replied faintly. I didn't ask you to wait for me. You are going to do this yourself. Do you still want to apologize for this? He felt a little unhappy.

"Little brother, don't be angry. He speaks like this, and we are willing to wait for you!" The poisonous snake opened his mouth, and his voice was full of charm, as if it could melt people's hearts.

Ike glanced at her and quickly looked away. He felt that this woman was too terrible, especially a pair of killers on his chest, which were absolutely shocking. He was also a person who had eaten meat. How could he resist this level of attack? Just by looking at it, he obviously felt his blood flowing. The speed has accelerated, and there have been obvious changes somewhere in his body. He can only change his posture and copy his pockets with both hands to cover up his changes.

"Ha ha", the poisonous snake naturally saw Ike's movements. She didn't feel embarrassed, but laughed.

"I want to fight with you!" The flying scorpion looked at the poisonous snake in disgust and then said.

"Are you three waiting for me to fight with me?" Ike asked.


"My sister is weak, and my younger brother should show mercy!"

Ike nodded. He had just succeeded in practicing and needed to compete with others. Someone just sent him to the door. Why didn't he do it?

"You three go together!" Ike waved.

Although these three seem to be very strong, he has enough confidence in himself. If he is alone, he is absolutely sure to defeat the other party, but if he can't force himself to the last moment, it is not good for his argument, so he let the other three go together, not that he is arrogant, but He wants to use this method to force himself to use the strongest combat power.

"Too arrogant!"

This is the voice of everyone. Each of the three giants is a dragon and a phoenix among people. Now they are actually pointed to let them go together. This is an insult to them, and it is also said that people who are three realms like them are looking for death.

The three giants who know themselves best are often their own enemies. The three giants have been fighting for a long time, and they can understand what the other party is thinking with one look. Ike's arrogant attitude does anger them. Even "nobility" like Chuck dare to fight against three, so they decided to defeat Ike and let him know that arrogance has to pay a price.

Without any hesitation, the three took action one after another, and the people around them quickly retreated aside and gave up the whole practice square.

The young man in red grabbed the scabbard with his left hand and the hilt with his right hand, and quickly rushed to Ike, but the long sword was always hidden in the scabbard and was not pulled out.

The weapon of the demon woman is very special. It turned out to be a long whip. You know, the whip is one of the most difficult weapons to use. If you want to use the long whip well, you will never be able to do it in more than ten years. The demon woman's wrist trembles, and the black long whip spits out letters like a spirit snake. At a glance, Ike judged that the woman was There is a very high attainments in the whip method.

The flying scorpion uses two three-headed forks, which is not compatible with his figure, but from his flexible movements, you can know his flexible combat route, rather than taking a rough route like his face.

A sword that has not come out of its sheath, a long whip as flexible as a snake, a strangely shaped fork, and three weapons approached Ike at the same time. The speed was very fast. Before the people around him retreated, the weapon came to Ike.

A smile appeared on the faces of the three sides. Even the strongest people on three sides of the Dark Parliament recognized that they could never avoid it. Of course, they would not really kill Ike, but just wanted to teach him a lesson, but soon the smile on their faces disappeared.

Just as the three weapons were about to appear, Ike finally moved. With a mistake, "Green Snake Movement" has been successfully used. His waist twisted, avoided the attack of the long whip, and then took a step back to avoid the straight stab of the three-headed fork. At this time, the man in red man's long sword was about to be pulled out, and Ike punched him. He hit his arm and choked back, and naturally the sword could not be pulled out smoothly.

Ike avoided two people with one blow and repelled one person. This record is absolutely enough to make most people proud.

"Show all your strength, otherwise you can't win me!" Ike stood still and said quietly.

The blow just now has made them lose some face. It is not a glorious thing for three people to fight one, not to mention that they have not won. Although they have not lost, in the eyes of everyone, they have lost. Next, they can only win, so that they can save some face.

"Don't stop, let's go together!" Flying Scorpio was originally reluctant to join hands with the other two, but the fact made him have to accept it. The blow just now has made him feel the gap with Ike. Obviously, he can't win alone. Only three people can win together, so he temporarily I put down my pride and no longer have any reservations.

The teenager in red and the viper beauty nodded at the same time, and the long sword in the hand of the red clothes was finally pulled out. Inside the long scabbard was a sword that was not long, about five feet long, which was different from the ordinary sword. Obviously, it was specially created.

The three rushed up again. This time, the speed was faster. Obviously, the three of them used all their strength. The long sword suddenly stabbed out and burst out a ball of silver light. In a moment, they actually stabbed eighty-one swords. Each sword was enough to break the water and crack the stone, with the power of an ordinary three-sided swordsman.

The poisonous snake was unwilling to fall behind. His hand pressed on the handle of the long whip, and countless barbs grew on the whip. This turned out to be a weapon with hidden mystery. If it is entangled by such a weapon, the skin and flesh will be cut off.

Flying Scorpio has no tricks and still rushes up as before, but Ike knows that his attack will definitely be more fierce, but he hasn't done it yet.

It was late. At that time, in the blink of an eye, the three of them all came to Ike's eyes. This is the first battle that Ike closed up, and it is also the most difficult battle. These three are known as the three giants. Each of them can be released alone. The three can attack each other. Even the four-sided magic cube has to drink hatred. Ike dares not ask Big, at the first time they moved, he also moved. The green snake Dateng movement technique was fascinated by him. A dodge avoided the long whip first, and then the thunder ape boxing method hit the sword of the teenager in red.

If the master moves, the fight is often not wonderful. One or two moves can be divided into victory or defeat. This sword is the full power of the young man in red, and the power is not small. Ike actually fought directly with his fist. No one is optimistic about Ike, but the result is that people's eyes are broken.


The long sword was blown into two by Ike's fist. The young man in red was lifted out by the air, fell to one side, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell into a coma.

"The man in red was stunned with one move. Is this guy's fist beaten with iron?"

People have overestimated Ike's combat power, but they didn't expect that the battle had just begun, and one of them had been eliminated, and he was one of the three giants. Ike ended the battle with just one punch, which had to make people reassess his battle index.

Ike is not as relaxed as expected. After all, that sword is the full blow of the teenager in red. Although Ike broke his sword, he also suffered a lot of damage, but his physique is too strong. Even if he does not use magic and golden body, with his simple body, he will also resolve the anti-shock force. Most of it, only a small part of it failed to resolve, and his qi and blood fluttered.

Flying Scorpio is also a master. Naturally, he will not let go of this great opportunity. Perhaps this is also his only opportunity. He accelerated again, and the three forks in his hand went to Ekza at the same time, trying to pierce him.

Ike just punched the young man in red. It was when the old power was exhausted and the new power was not born. The timing of the flying scorpion was in place. This blow was almost a must-kill blow. If Ike had not practiced the "Green Snake Moving Technique", this blow would definitely not be avoided, but he had practiced this unique skill. So the flying scorpion is doomed to failure.

Ike's body and feet did not move. Just as the three-headed fork was about to touch the skin, 28 muscles moved at the same time. In an instant, his waist vibrated more than 100 times, and his whole waist shrank a circle and rotated his waist slightly, just avoiding the must-kill blow of the flying scorpio.

Fly Scorpio obviously did not expect that he would dodge his attack in this way. He was obviously stunned for a moment, but he was also a master and reacted quickly, but it was too late. At this moment, his loss was doomed to his end. He saw a fist continue to enlarge, and his body moved more than thinking and had opened. He began to retreat, but it was too late. He felt that his nose was hot and a stream of blood rushed out. Then he felt that he had flown up and hit something. Finally, he could not feel anything. He also fainted like the teenager in red.

The beautiful poisonous snake gently shook his wrist, and the long black whip scratched the strange arc and rolled it towards Ike's arm. Ike had already noticed her, but he chose to fight hard and get rid of the Scorpion first. At this time, he could not avoid it, and his arm was covered by a long whip. .

"Brother, do you admit defeat? As long as you admit defeat, my sister will not hurt you. The barb on my long whip is made of cold iron, extremely hard, cutting iron like mud. As long as I pull it gently, your arm can't be preserved!" said the poisonous snake delicately.

"You can try!" Ike's body was golden for a while, and his whole arm turned golden. Although he had confidence in his body, he would not take this risk, and he still felt relieved to release his magic gold body.

"Since you don't cooperate, your sister will be offended!" The poisonous snake is not a delicate woman. Ike was unwilling to admit defeat, so she pulled the long whip fiercely.

"Oh! ! "Oh!"

The long whip scratched on Ike's arm, just like a knife scratching iron and stone. Unexpectedly, sparks came out. The viper was shocked. Is this still a human? Is his body really made of iron?

Ike grabbed the long whip and suddenly pulled it. The poisonous snake lost its strength, loosened its strength, and the long whip came to Ike's hand.

Ike was originally going to destroy her weapon, but he had a bad problem and couldn't be cruel to the beautiful woman. After thinking about it, he still threw the long whip back to the poisonous snake.

"Go away, I don't want to hit women!"