Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 67 Break through the Tower

In the end, the poisonous snake did not dare to continue to fight and chose to leave sadly. Naturally, the two fainted were carried away. Soon, they walked away in the practice square. Unexpectedly, no one was willing to stay and make friends with Ike. Maybe they thought that they and Ike were not from the same world.

Ike was not annoyed by their departure. Although the battle just now was short, it was as dangerous as any previous battle, especially the weapons of poisonous snakes and flying scorpion, which also gave Ike a coping experience.

Closing his eyes and summarizing, Ike returned to his mansion contentedly. This time, Mary Kay did not come out to greet him. When he had dinner, he saw the little girl come out of the room sleepily.

Ike cared a little, and Mary Kay smiled brightly and said that she had nothing to do with it, so she gave up.

"I want to break through the Sky Tower again in a few days!" Ike said.

Mary Kay was shocked. It was only half a month after the last time she broke through the Sky Tower. Originally, she thought it would take a long time for Ike to go again. She didn't expect that the time would be so tight. She frowned and asked, "Can I wait for a few days?"

Ike looked at Mary Kay doubtfully and didn't know why she asked herself so. Is she really going to go with her?

"I have something to solve these two days. Five days, five days is enough. Then you can take me with me. This is the last time you promised me." Mary Kay's big eyes were full of expectation at Ike.

Ike originally planned to stay for two days, but he finally couldn't bear to refuse Mary Kay, nodded and agreed.

"Yeah, that's great! Brother, you are so kind!" Mary Kay jumped up with joy.

Ike killed Mary Kay's family. Normally, she should hate Ike, but she chose to be with him. Ike was also willing to take her. This is a strange pair of people. As the two stayed together longer and longer, Ike found that Mary Kay loved herself more and more. Of course, he did not reject it. On the contrary, I like it a little.

Ike didn't know what Mary Kay was going to do in these five days, and he didn't want to ask. Everyone had their own privacy. Although she was his slave, he never thought so. He only regarded her as his sister. Anyway, he also needed a few days to consolidate his realm and practice more. A few days are equally good for yourself.

In the next time, the two fell into practice again, but this time their actions were very "gentle" and did not destroy the house again.

The first three days were very calm. On the fourth day, Ike suddenly felt that the energy of the surrounding world gathered in a place, which turned out to be Mary Kay's room. After a little thought, Ike understood that Mary Kay was going to break through, so she had to wait for her for five days.

Mary Kay also reached the double-sided realm early. This breakthrough can become a three-sided mage. She has received the inheritance of Caili Mountain and has endless knowledge treasures. She does not need Ike to choose and practice for her. Her path has been planned for her by predecessors. She only needs to go step by step in the future. I will definitely be able to become a leader of a generation.

The energy of heaven and earth is gathering faster and faster. Ike dodged out of the house. He stood in the yard and was always wary of his surroundings. If someone came to make trouble, he would definitely beat him.

This is the residence of the god of the Dark Council. No matter how bold he is, no one dares to come here to make trouble, so Mary Kay passed this upgrade safely and officially became a three-faced mage.

Looking at Mary Kay in a blue robe coming out, Ike noticed that the girl had quietly grown up unconsciously and had reached her own level.

"Brother, I'm also a three-sided Rubik's Cube now, and I won't be your burden," Mary Kay said with a smile.

Ike nodded heavily. The girl practiced desperately just to not become her burden. How happy she was. He touched Mary Kay's hair and said, "You are not a burden. You will be the most powerful mage in the world in the future, for sure!"

"Well, for sure!" Mary Kay clenched her pink fist and made up her mind.

After a day's rest, the next morning, Ike took Mary Kay to the entrance of Tongtian Tower. There was also an episode. Mary Kay had no identity card and could not enter, and was regarded as an invader. Because she came with Ike, she was not arrested. Later, Ike found the fat president. , helped Mary Kay get a certificate before she was able to enter.

Entering the Tongtian Tower again, Ike had a feeling of being peeped at, but he couldn't find anyone, but he failed to dispel his suspicions, which made him more careful.

Tongtian Tower will change according to the strength of the entrants. Both of them are three-sided magic cubes, so the monsters in them are also three-level monsters, and no matter how many floors they broke into last time, they still have to start from the first level next time.

Under the leadership of Ike, the two soon broke into the third floor. In the same situation as the last time, they encountered a siege. The difference was that Ike chose to fight back this time instead of running away like last time.

"Thunder Ape Boxing" has achieved small success. Although one punch can't kill a giant red spot ant, it can seriously injure it. Three punches can scatter a red spot ant.

Mary Kay hid behind Ike, waved the staff in her hand, and suddenly there was a thick fog around. The red spot ants were close at hand, but they were blind and crawled around. Ike easily cleaned up all the red spotted ants.

"I haven't been to the next floor. It should be two saber-toothed fish. Be careful!" Ike reminded.

Mary Kay nodded and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will take care of myself!"

Although her combat power is not strong, her illusion is very useful and can't be prevented. If Ike is not careful, she will also be involved in it, so she still has a certain ability to protect herself.

The two found the transmission array leading to the fourth floor. The white light flashed, and the two were immediately transported to an isolated island, surrounded by water, and there were fish swimming in the water. The island was only 100 meters in size, and the light of the transmission array kept flashing. It seemed that if they wanted to leave here, they had to leave from this transmission array, and the premise of leaving was to fight Warcraft in the defeated water.

Ike has inquired about the situation of the warcraft in Tongtian Tower. Naturally, he can recognize the saber-tooth fish. There are many fish in the sea, but there is no warcraft, all of which are the most common creatures. Of course, they are also condensed by energy. Ike is a little strange to know this. Although creatures are not warcraft, each of them only needs a little energy, but thousands of fish also need to consume a lot of energy. Why does this Tongtian Tower consume so much energy to do something useless?

Ike released the divine consciousness, and countless moving points suddenly appeared in his divine consciousness. At this moment, he understood that these creatures are not useless. Their role is to interfere with themselves. Although the divine consciousness can scan, it can't distinguish objects. All the fish have become points in his sight, and he has nothing The unfavorable consciousness was easily broken. It seems that this layer can only be hard to fight!

Mary Kay's little face is a little white. Although her fantasy can also be used in water, there are too many fish around her. They will consume a lot of their own energy. I'm afraid that the fantasy can last for a few minutes to reach the limit, so she dares not use it easily.

Of course, Ike understood her situation and blocked her behind to prevent accidents. He did not take the initiative to attack, and his consciousness was useless, just like being poked blind. He dared not attack. The best way is to wait for the enemy to launch an attack.

Finally, the saber-toothed fish couldn't wait. One was in the front and the other was in the back. At the same time, it launched an attack on the two people. Two water arrows shot out of the sea and shot at them. As soon as the water arrow left the sea, it turned into ice arrows, with a forest cold air on it. If it hits the enemy, it will not only shoot through, but also cold air. It constantly erodes the enemy's meridians and can even freeze the Rubik's Cube.

Mary Kay is a mage. She can't cope with the ice arrows of this speed. Ike turned slightly, changed a direction, picked her up and put her in front of him. He punched her left and right at the same time, hitting two ice arrows.

"Bang! "Oh!"

"Thunderape Boxing" is extremely powerful and domineering. Naturally, the two ice arrows were smashed by Ike, but the coldness of bone erosion was wrapped around his fist, and his fists were suddenly frozen white.


Ike snorted coldly, and his blood flowed faster. His fists shook, which actually expelled the cold air. Two more ice arrows flew towards him. "Bang, bang" were broken again. This time, Ike did not stop and suddenly waved his fists somewhere in the water. The air rippled like a transparent fist. Just like going out, a splash of water was blown up, and countless fish were blown into the sky. They churled down in the sky. One of them was particularly huge, bigger than an adult. It was strange-looking, with obvious pointed back fins, long and deadly sword-shaped jaws. There was a hole in its head, water The arrow was launched from that hole.

It was not easy to bombard a saber-toothed fish into the sky. Ike naturally would not put it into the water. He jumped and stretched out his left hand to grab the sword-shaped upper jaw of the saber-toothed fish, and then waved his arm and threw it fiercely to the island.

Mary Kay jumped to the side and just dodged. It was not easy for the saber-tooth fish to move out of the sea. What's more, it was thrown by Ike and could only be appointed to hit the island. Fortunately, the island was very strong and did not shake at all, but the sabre-tooth fish was directly smashed. , turn into a light spot and dissipate.

The other saber-toothed fish knew Ike's power and was unwilling to approach it. It hid far away and kept releasing water arrows. However, the water arrows flew from far away, which also gave the two people enough time to react and could not pose a threat to them at all.

"Be careful, I'll go down and catch it!" said Ike.

The saber-tooth fish hides from him, and he can only catch it, otherwise he will be trapped here. Only by defeating them can he leave here.

With a "pung", Ike jumped off the sea. Although he knew that everything around him was formed by energy, it was very real and indistinguishable. Ike could clearly feel the coolness of the sea water coming from him, which was no different from the real sea.

Ike's water quality is not very good, and his movements in the water are obviously affected. Originally, he was worried that if the sabre-tooth fish escaped, he would not be able to catch up with it, but the sabre-toothed fish did not escape, but rushed to Ike. Maybe he thought he was the overlord in the water, and Ike would not be his opponent if he went into the water.

The saber-toothed fish is indeed a bully in the water. It is extremely fast in the water. At least Ike can't catch up with it, and it has a sword-shaped upper jaw that can easily pierce the enemy. This is its ultimate weapon. The saber-tooth fish also uses this sword-shaped upper jaw to stab Ike.

Ike did not hide, because he knew that he could not hide even if he hid. The saber-toothed fish was so fast in the water that he could not catch the other party at all, and his consciousness was useless, so he could only use the most dangerous method to try the method, so that he could have a chance to seize the other party.