Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 68 Reappearance

No matter how fast the other party moves, when it finally attacks itself, it must contact itself. At that time, you can feel its orientation. As long as you seize that opportunity, you can catch the other party. Of course, this practice is a little risky, but Ike can't think of any other way for a moment, so he can only take risks.

"Brother, be careful!" Mary Kay looked at the saber-toothed fish rushing to Ike with its long sword-shaped upper jaw and shouted anxiously.

Ike simply closed his eyes. His speed can't keep up with the speed of the saber-tooth fish swimming. It's better to close his eyes, which can increase his sense of touch.

He was not careless and launched his magic golden body. With his physique comparable to that of a three-level warcraft and the blessing of his magic golden body, the saber-tooth fish may not be able to pierce his skin, which is his biggest reliance on him to dare to do so.

The saber-toothed fish sprinted quickly, and the water around it formed a vacuum zone. No drop of water could enter that area, and its long sword was extremely sharp, cutting the water in half.


The sword-shaped upper jaw is like a peerless killing sword, stabbing Ike fiercely, but the killing sword hit the iron mountain, making a sound of gold and iron collision, and almost directly breaking the upper jaw of the sword-toothed fish.

Ike felt strong water pressure when his upper jaw was about to stab his chest. His movements were very fast, but due to the resistance of water, he failed to stop the attack of the sabre-tooth fish, but Fortunately, his defense was at a perverted level, blocking the attack of the sabre-tooth fish, when it wanted to retreat. It was too late, and Ike grabbed its upper jaw.

The sword-shaped upper jaw of the saber-toothed fish was caught and turned violently. Its power in the water was so great that Ike almost didn't catch it. Finally, he could only grasp it tightly with his hands and tossed for more than ten minutes. Finally, the sabre-toothed fish was defeated and had no more strength.

Ike grabbed the sabre-toothed fish and jumped onto the island and smashed it with a few punches, but this time there was no waste of energy. A red light flashed on his body and sucked the energy of the sabre-tooth fish clean.

Two saber-toothed fish were killed, and the transmission array started naturally. Ike asked Mary Kay to go back first. If the next floor was still in such an environment, he could not guarantee that she could protect her well in the face of the attack of 20 sabre-tooth fish, so he could only let her go back and wait first.

Mary Kay also knew that she could not help Ike, so she obediently transmitted it back, while Ike chose to go to the next level.

As imagined, it is also a small island. The difference is that there is an additional stone wall on the island, which is equivalent to giving yourself an immovable shield to protect yourself from harm.

As soon as Ike stood firm, ten water arrows broke through the air. The arrows were in the air, but the cold air had frozen the water around the island.

Ike roared and used the thunder ape boxing with both hands to smash all ten ice arrows, but the remaining coldness froze him whole. At this time, ten ice arrows were shot. Ike's body dissipated the cold air for a burst of time. The thunder ape boxing was used again, and the ten ice arrows were smashed into ice slag.

It's not a way to go on like this. Standing on the island, although you don't have to worry about being attacked behind your back, you can only defend yourself. The power of ten ice arrows attacking together is very powerful. If you stay for a long time, you must take the initiative.

Ike jumped into the water without hesitation. He noticed that these water arrows only turned into ice arrows after leaving the sea water, and did not become ice when they were in the water, so he jumped into the water. In this way, although his actions were blocked, he could hurt himself the most. Small, as long as these saber-toothed fish can't break through their own defenses, they can consume them all to death.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

There are constantly sabre-tooth fish hitting Ike's body, but none of them can break through Ike's defense with the magic gold body, but the power of ten sabre-tooth fish to hit together is also extraordinary. One impact makes Ike's qi and blood boil, and he can really be hit by them several times.

The first time, he was not prepared. When the saber-tooth fish launched the second round of attack, Ike moved his hands together and endured this round of attacks, but he also caught two sabre-toothed fish and patted his hands fiercely in the middle. The two sabre-toothed fish collided together and were smashed. The red light on Ike's body sucked, two The saber-toothed fish turned into a vigorous energy.

Two out of ten, the remaining eight will bring less pressure to Ike, or the same attack or the same defense. Ike destroyed two again, and this time he paid the price of blood.

For the third time, Ike bled again, but successfully eliminated two, leaving only four saber-toothed fish.

This time, the sabre-tooth fish learned to be obedient and did not launch an attack together, but one after another. When Ike grabbed the first one, the second one would hit his arm and knock his arm away. The sabre-tooth fish in the water was extremely fast. Ike couldn't catch up. The four sabre-toothed fish cooperated with each other tacitly, and Ike could only suffer losses. After three rounds of attack, Ike never caught a saber-toothed fish again, but he spit out three mouthfuls of blood.

If this doesn't work, we must find a way. The reason why these saber-toothed fish can be invincible is that they are fast enough, faster than themselves. If they can't catch them, they can only be passively beaten, so they can only break the union between them faster than them, but if you want to be simple and do it. However, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Even if you perform the green snake's big movement in the water, your speed can't improve much, which can't be compared with the speed of the saber-toothed fish.

What should I do? Ike dealt with the joint attack of four saber-toothed fish over and over again, thinking about how to resolve the situation.

Suddenly, Ike remembered that when he was in the third layer, he confusedly practiced evil spirit. At that time, he was as fast as lightning and his attack was as rapid as thunder. If he could enter that state again, even if 200 sabre-toothed fish went together, he would not be afraid, but how could he release the evil spirit? What about coming out?

"Come out, come out, evil spirit field", Ike shouted a few times, but there was no reaction. The red light on his body was not controlled by himself at all.


Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and the four sabre-toothed fish attacked and defended. Each time, they could successfully resolve their counterattack and make themselves only be beaten, which was simply more tacit than the cooperation of quadruplets.

If you come out, I will die here if you don't come out, Ike shouted.

Finally, a voice sounded. Of course, it was not an evil spirit, and it was impossible for the evil spirit to speak. It was Jorad who scolded, "You fool, can the evil anger answer you?"

"Practicing into evil spirits, evil spirits are just an upgraded version of murderous spirit. You have no intention of killing in your heart, how can you attract evil spirits"

Ike was shocked that he came to break through the Sky Tower. He really didn't want to kill them, or he didn't think of them as a living object. He only thought of destruction, not killing, so he really didn't want to kill.

Awakened by Jorad's words, Ike immediately adjusted his mentality. Naturally, he could not stimulate enough murder to measure the four, so he imagined them as four evil bullies, and he became justice.

The red fog on Ike's body became thicker and thicker, and finally dyed the sea around him red. When the red fog condensed into a halo, Ike's eyes also turned into blood-colored eyes.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill the people who can be killed all over the world!

There was only one idea left in Ike's heart, that is, to kill all his enemies. The sabre-toothed fish hit him, but he didn't even move, as if it had no effect at all. When the second sabre-toothed fish came, Ike moved and grabbed the sabre-toothed fish with his left hand. His hand moved slowly, but the sabre-toothed fish escaped. No, he was directly caught in his hand. At this time, the rescue of another saber-toothed fish arrived. Ike kicked it in the head and kicked it out. His palm suddenly clenched his hand and heard a "bang" sound. The sabre-toothed fish in his hand was abrupted and exploded by him.

The remaining three saber-tooth fish readjusted their formation and rushed to Ike together. Ike was not in a hurry. He poked out his hands and grabbed the two sabre-toothed fish on the left and right. The middle one bit them with his mouth. The two eels worked hard to bite the sabre-toothed fish. The sabre-tooth fish on his hands were also smashed by him, red light The ring absorbs the energy of the three saber-toothed fish, and the color is brighter and brighter.

Kill! I haven't killed enough yet. I still want to kill all the people. The three giants deserve to die, the twelve elders deserve to die, Caesar deserves to die, all those who are against me deserve to die, I want to kill them!

Aike's blood eyes flashed, and his eyes had no focus. Obviously, his spirit was unstable. The red aura was beautiful, but it was full of killing. As long as the creatures dared to approach, they were all murderous and directly destroyed their souls. For a moment, countless dead fish turned over on the sea. Fortunately, they were all formed by energy. In a short time, the energy dissipated and condensed new fish again in the distance.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Jorad is a little afraid. Ike's state is extremely dangerous. If he can't wake him up, he may become a humanoid beast that can only kill.

"Wake up!"

Jorad shouted three times in a row and used a soul-shocking technique to finally return Ecla to reality. His bloody eyes gradually returned to clarity, and the red aura on his body gradually disappeared.

"Thank you for waking me up!" Ike also secretly called a fluke. If Jorad hadn't woken up early, he might have lost himself today.