Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 102 It's coming

Three space whirlpools, three holy land teams, each team must choose a path. Since they have entered the world, they can only follow the rules of the world, which is the only choice.

"I choose the one on the left," Bertan said, pointing to the space whirlpool on the far left.

"Well, I'll choose the one on the right," Sauron said.

Here is the team led by the Holy Lord of the three holy places. Of course, all the decisions are decided by the Holy Lord, but two of the three roads have been picked away, and the dark council can only choose the middle one.

"Let's go in the middle," Rashidler said helplessly.

The path has been selected, and the next step is the beginning of each other. Although there is fear in their hearts, they are still eager to try.

"Although this is a space whirlpool, there will actually be many channels in it. Everyone will actually take a different path, that is to say, you will be separated and everyone will have to break their own way."

"When you break through, you will come to a square and fight in the center of the square. Of course, it can only be carried out one-on-one. This is not only the right to survive, but also the battle of the three holy holy wars. You have to grasp it," Rashidler told the members of every dark parliament.

Ike raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the so-called jihad was like this, which was a huge gap from what he believed, but the danger was higher than he thought, and he would fall if he was not careful.

Someone over there has walked towards the space whirlpool. Ike did not hesitate and also walked to the whirlpool in the middle. Behind him was Mary Kay. He took Mary Kay's little hand. Although Rashidler said that everyone would be separated, he still led Mary Kay to enter together, otherwise he would not be worried.

"I'm here waiting for you to come back," Rashidler said with tears in his eyes. I don't know how many of the elites of this dark parliament will be broken here, and now will be their last look.

Caesar slowly came up and finally stood side by side with Ike. Ike noticed that his wings were missing. Although he was confused, he did not ask.

"Good luck!" Caesar said.

"I won't die!" Ike said, which is his belief.

Caesar smiled. He liked Ike's self-confidence. Of course, he was more confident. He hasn't seen this level of adventure yet.

"Huh" the two walked into the whirlpool at the same time, and Ike held Mary Kay's small hand tightly. A huge force came and almost tore him to pieces. This huge force kept hitting his arm, as if to force him to let go.

"Brother, let me go!" Mary Kay shouted anxiously and felt the same pain on her arm, but she couldn't stand it. She just didn't want Ike to suffer. She knew that Ike's persistence was for herself, so she didn't want to drag her down.

"I won't let you go. Don't worry, I will definitely take you out alive," Ike said firmly.

"Well, I believe in my brother!" Mary Kay cried and nodded.

This pain persisted for a long time, but Ike didn't know exactly how long it was. Time seemed to be vague to him. When he recovered, he looked aside as soon as he regained consciousness. His right hand still held Mary Kay's hand tightly, while she lay quietly beside him. Ike breathed a sigh. Finally, Mary Kay was brought by her side.

"Wake up!" Ike patted Mary Kay's little face.

"Well, why did I fall asleep?" Mary Kay rubbed her eyes.

"Ah, brother", she also came back. Seeing Ike staring at her, she was relieved and didn't lose it.

"Well," Ike nodded, stood up and looked into the distance.

The two stood at the end of a corridor, behind which was a closed wall and the same stone wall on both sides, so there was only one road. At the other end of the corridor, the bright light reflected the shadow of the trees.

"It seems that this is the only way we can go," Ike said to himself.

They were not in a hurry to set out. First, they checked themselves and there was no discomfort before they carefully walked out. They had heard about the ridiculously high mortality rate here. Of course, he had to be careful.

The two walked out like a crab against the wall. The corridor was very long, and it took more than ten minutes to come out, but Fortunately, there was no danger, but this also made Ike more guard. The more relaxed he was, the more likely he was to be attacked.

At this end of the corridor is a primitive forest, and the surrounding trees cover the sun, but it is strange that both of them can clearly see a tower in the distance. The tower does not seem to be real, emitting light, and nothing can stop it, as if it can be printed directly in people's minds. .

"Is that the exit?" said Ike.

"I think so," said Mary Kay.

Ike also thought so, so as soon as the two discussed, they decided to go in the direction of the light tower.

The forest is very quiet, and you can hear the sound of two people stepping on fallen leaves, but this quietness makes people panic. Ike holds Mary Kay's hand tightly, and his consciousness has been released for a long time, always paying attention to everything around him.

"ji, ji", as if there was a low-sounding mocking sound.

Ike's scalp exploded. The sound was very penetrating, and it sounded as if it was nearby, but his consciousness did not scan any creatures.

"Is it the same as the warcraft in the Tongtian Tower?" Ike couldn't help thinking that it was the same when he first broke into the Tongtian Tower. His divine consciousness could not scan the red spot ants. Maybe the warcraft here is the same as that in the Tongtian Tower, so he couldn't scan it.

Thinking of this, Ike narrowed the range of the divine stone, so that the intensity of the divine consciousness would increase a lot and scan more clearly.

"Here!" As soon as Ike narrowed the scope of his consciousness, he felt a fierce murder. Needless to think about it, Ike punched him in the back of his head.

"Dang!" There was a crisp sound, and a figure flew back. Before Ike could see what it looked like, the thing disappeared.

"It's so fast!" Ike sighed.

"It's really fast. I haven't seen what it looks like!" Mary Kay also said.

"Be careful!" Ike reminded.

Mary Kay nodded. She didn't react at all just now. If that thing attacked herself, it would probably be killed by it. Mary Kay sweated coldly and was already highly alert to the surroundings. Now she has shown her illusions and wrapped herself and Ike, as long as If someone enters the surrounding ten-foot range, they can know in advance.

After being attacked just now, the two were more careful. The range of Ike's consciousness was smaller, with a radius of less than 100 meters. Although the enemy could not be found in advance, at least they could scan the surrounding environment clearly and would not be evade by the enemy.

"Wang", the thing followed the two people and made horrible calls from time to time.

"It also follows us," Mary Kay whispered.

"Well", Ike's face was solemn, and neither side took advantage of the previous brief confrontation, but in fact, Ike knew that if it hadn't been for his sudden sense of crisis, he would have really learned it.

"No, this thing has been following me but doesn't take action. What is it waiting for?" Ike thought to himself that he has been walking for more than half a day, but he has never taken action except for the first attack of that thing, but it has not left, but followed himself. I'm afraid it is Waiting for a fatal blow.

At that time, I just reduced the divine consciousness. That thing seemed to have a hunch and immediately launched an attack, but later I kept the range of divine consciousness within 100 meters, and it did not take action. Is it uncertain? If I release the divine consciousness, maybe it will think that the opportunity has come. Will it take action? Ike thought of a possibility.

Now that it has been following him, Ike feels very unsteadily, so he decided to take the initiative to attack. He can't find that thing. Of course, he can't leave Mary Kay. He is afraid that she is in danger, so he can only take the initiative to lead it.

The two watched as they walked, but this time Ike released his consciousness to a kilometer away, and everything around him was scanned by his consciousness, but only the figure of that thing could not be seen.

"Hang" is another cry, as if it is very close to me.

Ike held her breath nervously, clenched her fists, and even slowed down, quietly waiting for its arrival. Mary Kay naturally found Ike's "abnormality", but she cleverly did not ask, but took the initiative to slow down her steps and cooperate with Ike's walking speed.

"Wow", a black figure rushed out of the forest at an extremely fast speed, and its flight route turned out to be a straight line. If someone could see the process of its flight, he would be surprised to open his mouth. Nothing could stop it from flying. If the trees blocked it, it flew directly from the tree trunk. The trunk of the tree was directly knocked out of a big hole, but the process was silent, as if the tree was "heartless" in the first place.

Ike's consciousness did not scan it, but he had a hunch that it came. Ike did not look back. His forehead had a cold sweat. This is betting on his life. If he can't kill it this time, one of them will die, so he must kill it with one blow. It is also his purpose to release his divine consciousness.

The atmosphere was solemn, and the black figure flew all the way, as fast as lightning, and came out of the illusion. When it plunged into the fantasy, its speed was obviously slower. It was the change of this moment. Ike clearly captured it, and his fist also smashed out.

The black figure seemed to be smiling proudly. Its goal this time chose Mary Kay. Although it was a little slower just now, it was still much faster than the Warcraft that Ike had seen before, and it hit Mary Kay straight into the back of the head.

Ike has read more than 4,000 secrets. Even Elonsoco may not be able to see so many secrets in those years, so his knowledge is extremely rich. Combined with his own expertise, Ike has modified the thunder ape boxing and the green snake movement to make them more suitable martial arts.

Ike's punch is a thunderbolt in the thunder ape boxing, but after his modification, the punch has become more rapid and domineering. At the same time, it is surrounded by lightning, and the hit person will have a paralyzed effect.