Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 103 Dangerous Channel

"Puff", Ike punched the shadow on the body, directly smashed it and blew it into a ball of blood.

"There is blood, is it not an energy creature?" Ike thought that this shadow should be formed by energy like the creatures in the creation mountains. He didn't expect that it was a real creature with flesh and blood.

"It should be a nightingale," Mary Kay said, looking at the broken body on the ground.

She has been inherited by the illusionist of Caili Mountain, which is a real ancient inheritance. A lot of knowledge is not available to people nowadays, such as Ike. Although he has also been inherited by Elonsoko, he does not know some ancient knowledge.

"Nightingale is a five-level warcraft of the dark system. It is good at sneak attacks and never attacks the enemy head-on," Mary Kay whispered.

Ike nodded. That's true. Just now, it just wanted to attack Mary Kay. If it hadn't been for the fluctuation of that moment by Ike, I'm afraid Mary Kay would be a dead person now.

"It's terrible!" Ike was afraid.

The Nightingale Beast is not only a five-level warcraft, but also good at sneak attack. If its physical strength is not too strong, it will be blown up with one punch, then both of them will be in danger.

"Ah, brother, your hand is bleeding!" Mary Kay exclaimed. She hadn't noticed it just now, and now she found that there was blood dripping from Ike's fist.

Ike shook his hand. Although the punch just now was strong, the other party was not weak. After all, it was a five-level warcraft. It was not so easy to deal with. Although he successfully killed the other party, Ike himself was also injured and his arm was almost broken.

"It's just a little broken skin, it's okay," Ike rubbed his arm and said indifferently.

His body has been transformed by the golden lion Aeolia, which is comparable to the physique of Level 4 Warcraft. When he breaks through to four sides, he feels the benefits brought to him by that golden blood, so that he can directly strengthen his body again without absorbing the blood of Warcraft. Now his physique is comparable to that of Level 5 Warcraft. , a small fracture returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

Although Mary Kay believed Ike's words, she was still very worried. She tore off a piece of cloth and bandaged it for Ike. Ike naturally couldn't live up to her heart and let her toss around. Soon his fist was wrapped up.

"Let's get out of here quickly!" Ike said.

Mary Kay naturally had no problem and followed Ike. The distant light tower was like a beacon in the dark, guiding them on the way forward, but because of the previous attack of the nightingale, they walked very carefully, so they were not fast.

At this time, outside the space vortex, Rashidler, Sauron and Bertan stood quietly, staring at the space vortex nervously.

"I don't know if it will succeed this time. I didn't expect that the 3,000-year-old jihad was just because of an ancient legend. It's ridiculous!" Rashidler said with a wry smile.

"Well, legends are not necessarily false. As long as the door of confinement is opened, we can leave the world and go to the world to find our source. Why do we care about the life and death of these people," Sauron said coldly.

"Our three holy places have been fighting for so many years, not for detachment. If we still can't succeed this time, we have to find another way," Bertan said.

Both Rashidler and Sauron looked at Bertin. They didn't expect that Bertin, who had always been the most active, would give up here. Is it really impossible to get through here?

If others see this scene, they will be surprised that their jaws will fall off. The three holy places can be sworn enemies to each other, but it is really puzzling why the leaders of these three holy places seem to be cooperating in a secret thing.

In the rest of the space channel, members are struggling, but there are still many people who have fallen, and more people are falling. I don't know how many people can finally come out of the space channel.

In a dark world, Caesar opened his wings, and his white wings scattered a blazing light, illuminating the dark world. He held a long sword in his hand and constantly waved around, and his seemingly relaxed sword could burst out the most dazzling light, and in the dark, there were painful howls from time to time. The sound showed that Caesar hit the target with every blow.

"It's just an ape beast, and it dares to block my way. It's really looking for death!" Caesar snorted coldly.

"Yi" is like the cry of a baby. Countless black baby's heads appeared in the dark space, but each of them is huge. They have no body. Under their heads, they are like a firefed their heads. I'm afraid there are 17 or eight. They opened their huge eyes one by one and stared at Kai. Sa.

"What the hell is this?" Even with Caesar's blog, I don't know what kind of warcraft these baby heads are, maybe they are not warcraft at all.

More than a dozen babies' heads floated to Caesar, and a stream of smoke spewed out of their mouths.

"It smells bad!" Caesar frowned. This blue smoke was extremely pungent and I'm afraid it was poisonous. Caesar quickly closed his pores. At his level, he could hold it for ten days and eight days in one breath without breathing at all.

"Head, I'm so dizzy," Caesar was shocked. Just now, when these babies' heads sprayed smoke, he had already reacted and closed their pores. He didn't expect that they could still poison himself. What a poisonous smoke.

"Yiyi", more than a dozen babies saw Caesar covering their heads and laughed happily. Perhaps they thought that the poisonous smoke had poisoned Caesar. At this time, they could get on, and suddenly more than a dozen babies flew to Caesar together.

"purification", Caesar shouted loudly, and a diamond-shaped crystal appeared in the chest, and white gas flowed in the crystal, making the crystal look like a beating heart.

With Caesar's roar, the crystal released infinite light, the darkness around it was dispersed, and the feeling of dizziness in his mind suddenly swept away.

The baby's head realized that it was not good and turned around and wanted to escape, but Caesar certainly would not give them a chance to raise the sword in his hand and cut it fiercely.


There was no warning. A baby's head was split in half from the middle, but to Caesar's surprise, the baby's head was empty, nothing, only a wisp of black smoke rose.

"If you want to run, there is no way", a light came out of Caesar's hand and soon formed a light ball. He threw the light ball at the rising black gas, and could only make a "crackling" sound. The black gas melted quickly like ice sprinkled with hot water.

"You can't run away," Caesar spread his wings and became extremely fast. He dodged behind another baby's head and cut it in half with a sword. Just like just now, the same black gas was angry. Caesar had experience and directly threw an energy photosphere to clean up the black gas. It's clean.

His speed was too fast. With one sword, more than a dozen baby heads were killed without any resistance, and all the black gas was purified by him with energy balls.

The black world turned white, and a huge glowing tower appeared not far from him. Caesar walked there without thinking about it.

In another world, Chuck kept wielding his fists. In front of him, more than a dozen big gray birds flew around in the sky, and huge claws came to him from time to time, but Chuck was not the easy to provoke. He used his fists against the big bird. Although it was difficult, he was not powerless to resist at all. It can be seen from the bodies of several gray birds lying in a pool of blood on the ground.

"Go to hell!" Chuck roared, his upper body's clothes were torn, and there were many wounds on it, all of which were new wounds. Obviously, it was left by the previous battle. At this moment, it had been broken, and the blood stained his body red, but he didn't care at all. His fists kept punching out, and diamond stars came out one by one, even The air is going to tremble.

"Bang, bang, bang"

A big gray bird was blown up, and the red blood scattered all over the ground, and all kinds of mutilated bodies. Chuck sat on the ground without hesitation, gasping loudly. There were many more wounds on his body, all of which were left by the blow just now. Although he killed all the big gray birds with one blow, Only he knew how many punches he waved at that moment, and his body was under great load. I'm afraid he had left a hidden injury, but he didn't dare to stay in place to heal his wounds. He took out the ointment and applied it by the way, put on his clothes and was ready to leave the same place.

"Oh," Chuck just wanted to leave when he saw an illusory light tower in the distance.

"Is that the way out?" Chuck quickly thought that there was no way to go here, and the light tower was obviously the way out. Without much thought, Chuck walked towards the light tower.

On a muddy road, a woman walks quickly. If you look carefully, you will find that every time she steps on the ground, the small piece of mud will turn into ice, so no matter how difficult the road is, it will not cause any trouble for her.


A long whip suddenly appeared in the muddy road, like the tentacles of some kind of warcraft. The long whip was like the woman. The woman slipped and dodged. The long whip hit the ground and split a deep ditch on the earth, which shows how amazing the power of the long whip is.

Messi's face was slightly moved. She had long felt that something was wrong with this space channel, and it was not until this moment that there was a real test.


Just now, when she lost her mind, Messi felt that her feet were wrapped in something and couldn't move for a moment. Before she could think about how to deal with it, three long whips pulled him again.


Although she tried her best to avoid it, she was still hit by a long whip, and her body shot like a cannonball. With a "bang", she slid out of the ground for a long distance before stopping.

Messi secretly congratulated that she froze the ground, so she was not injured when she was sliding, otherwise she would have to cross half of her body.


When Messi looked at it, he saw a huge head emerging in the middle of the road. His eyes were as big as a silver disk, and his eyes were all black, without eyelids. He grew so abruptly on his head, without a nose, only a huge mouth. Outside were four huge fangs, as if they could put anything. What's more strange is that there is no body or legs under it, only eight long and thick tentacles. Just now, it attacked itself with tentacles.

"Eight Barbarian Beasts!"

Messi likes to read ancient scrolls, especially the knowledge about ancient warcraft. She pays special attention to it, so she can recognize this kind of warcraft at a glance.

Eight beasts are an ancient warcraft. Although their overall strength is not high and the highest can only be cultivated up to the fifth-level warcraft, the single body is very powerful. General warcrafts are not their opponents, especially in the swamp, where they are their world. No warcraft can defeat the hidden in the swamp. They are not allowed by the legendary dragons.

Fortunately, it's not a swamp here, it's just a little muddy, and Messi is secretly glad.

"Wo, sw, search, sw"

This beast seems to know Messi's strength. It only uses four tentacles to support its body, and the remaining four tentacles are used to attack Messi. Its tentacles look soft, but the speed of the explosion at that moment is extremely strange, and its power is also extremely strong, and it can make a "chirp" sound.

Messi made three consecutive backflips dodge the attack, and then a cold sword appeared in her hand and rushed directly to the eight beasts.



On the way forward, Messi did not attack, but kept resisting the attack of the tentacles of the eight barbarians with a long sword. Although her body would be knocked away every time she resisted, it would soon be modified by her.

Finally, at the cost of being knocked away seven or eight times and spitting out two or three mouthfuls of blood, she finally approached the eight barbarian beasts. She stabbed out with a sword, but not at the eight barbarian beasts, but in the mud under it.

"Kka, Kaka"

A cold hurricane blew, and a tentacle of the eight barbarian beast fanned Messi again. The rest of the tentacles wanted to support its body. It had already felt dangerous, but when its tentacles touched the ground, it was surprised to find that its tentacles had been frozen.

It couldn't lift the tentacles. Without the help of the tentacles, it couldn't stand up. The cold air was still converging, and the muddy ground quickly formed ice, and the tentacles of the eight beasts were completely frozen, and the ice spread up along the tentacles. Although the eight beasts struggled hard, they were finally pierced. The bottom is frozen.

Mesie wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, walked to the "ice sculpture" and kicked the head of the eight beasts.

With a click, the whole "ice sculpture" was kicked to pieces and scattered all over the ground.

A light lit up, and a light tower appeared not far away. Messi thought about it, picked up his ice sword and walked towards the light tower.