Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 105 The Lost Magic Core

As the giant beast rolled, Ike bumped around like a overturned cup in its body. Fortunately, it was the interior of the giant beast, and there was no hard place, so although he was embarrassed, he was not injured.

After rolling for a long time, the giant beast finally didn't hurt so much. Maybe it was because the pain was too long and numb, so it made it feel much better. It struggled to get up from the ground.

"My stomach hurts so much. What's going on? How can I have a stomachache?" The giant beast doesn't understand. Since he was a child, he has never had a stomachache. How can it hurt so much today?

The incomprehensible beast focused his attention on Mary Kay again. He has been locked up for endless years in the alien space. He hasn't eaten human flesh for a long time. He has just tasted one, and he hasn't enjoyed it yet. Of course, now he has to seize the time to eat Mary Kay.

"Ah! So painful! It hurts!" The giant beast covered the edge of the heart, and there was a great pain just now, and it lasted for a long time, which made it alert. There must be something wrong.

Ike just grabbed a small sarcoma-like thing and pulled it fiercely without breaking it. Then he felt that the world was rolling again. It must be that the giant beast outside rolled in pain again. Ike sneered.

He looked for it in the body of the giant beast and wanted to find its heart and give it a fatal blow. Unfortunately, the body of the giant beast was very large and its internal organs were crowded together, which was not easy to find for a while.

What is that? Ike was just dumped for a while, and now he didn't know where he fell. Not far away, he saw a stone-like thing bigger than his fist shining, and a strong energy kept coming out of the stone.

"It's a magic core," Ike exclaimed. He didn't expect to see the magic core of the living Warcraft. Once the magic core is removed, the Warcraft will die immediately. Therefore, no one has seen what the living magic core looks like, and Ike also repeatedly confirmed that it dares to conclude that this is the magic core, because it is very similar to the magic core that I usually see. The big difference is that it is like the heart, and the light emitted will be bright and dark, instead of always emitting light.

Do you want to attack the magic core? If the magic nucleus is broken, the giant beast will die immediately. Ike immediately shook his head. The magic nucleus contains terrible energy. If it approaches at this time, it may be torn to pieces by the energy storm, and even if he smashes the magic nucleus, I'm afraid there will be an energy explosion. At that time, he will be equally dangerous. Look at the level of this magic core, it should be a magic core with five-level fire energy. If it explodes, the energy contained in it can raze a kilometer around it, and neither Mary Kay can avoid it, so Ike gave up this idea helplessly.

Let's go find its heart! Ike looked at the magic core reluctantly. The previous five-level nightingale beast did not leave a magic core after his death. Ike thought it was normal. Now he actually saw the magic nucleus in the body of the beast, which means that the nightingale should have a magic core at that time, but he didn't know why it disappeared.

I still can't figure out this problem for the time being. Ike still seizes the time to climb up. Mary Kay will be in danger outside alone at any time. She and she does not have the protection of the magic gold body. If she is eaten, she will immediately turn into a pust pool of pus. Thinking of this, Ike speeded up again.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The rhythmic voice came, and Ike was overjoyed. This is the sound of the heart beating. As long as you follow this sound, you can find the heart of the giant beast.

Ike crawled over the internal organs and opened all kinds of intestines, covered with mucus, but he didn't have time to wipe it. He opened a section of intestines, and a huge meat ball appeared in front of him, the size of a house, and he kept jumping.

"It's the heart, I finally found it," Ike said happily.

Just when Ike found the heart of the giant beast, the giant beast finally thought of the reason for the pain twice. He couldn't believe that someone could not be digested by himself and escaped from his stomach, and the other party was just a four-sided Rubik's Cube.

Mistake, if I had known that I shouldn't have eaten him, or bit him to death! The beast regretted it. If it had known that Ike had the ability not to be digested, it would not swallow it. It was only to blame it for having just come out of the space cage. It was too excited for a moment and just wanted to eat the other party. Now it was too late to regret. The other party was already in his stomach, and he didn't do it if he wanted to deal with him. Law.

"I know you're in my stomach. Don't do it. How about we talk about it?" The voice of the beast echoed in his stomach.

Ike had just found the heart of the giant beast and was about to do it. When he heard its voice, he suddenly stopped. Anyway, he was not in a hurry. He hid in his stomach, and he had no choice but to slaughter it by himself.

"What are you talking about?" Ike asked.

"Talk about the transaction, you come out of my stomach, and I'll let you two go, how about it?" said the giant beast.

"You want beauty, it's not that you can't let us go now, but that I can't let you go," Ike said viciously.

Now that he has found his heart, he hides in his stomach, which is equivalent to mastering his life and death. What qualifications does he have to negotiate with himself?

"You're not afraid that I'll kill this little girl first," the giant beast said coldly, but it hasn't approached Mary Kay yet. When it speaks, it has carefully moved over and wants to catch her in your hand, so that the other party will avoid it.

Ike was shocked. If Mary Kay was really in the hands of the giant beast, he really had to think about it. It was impossible for him to ignore Mary Kay's safety, but when he swept his consciousness, he found that the giant beast and Mary Kay were moving in the direction of Mary Kay.

Ike sneered. Since Mary Kay is not in his hands, he has nothing to worry about. Now as long as he kills it before it gets Mary Kay, everything will be fine.

Ike did not deliberately stop talking, but his fist was already beginning to accumulate strength. He wanted to punch the heart of the giant beast, otherwise with the vitality of the other party, if he could not die for a while, he might hurt Mary Kay.

"New Thunder Ape Boxing - Thunder Strike"

Ike's right fist with a fist came out fiercely, and a wave visible to the naked eye spread out, and even the air made a sharp sound.

"Bang! "Puff!"

Ike punched the heart of the giant beast and directly pierced its heart. The blood suddenly sprayed down, like a river of blood.

"Ah! You bastard! I want you to die!" The beast cursed at the end of his life.

Whether it is a human or a warcraft, the heart will die immediately. Although the vitality of the giant beast is very strong, it still loses its life immediately.

The body of the giant beast fell down. Ike grabbed a piece of meat in its body and stood firm. Now that the giant beast has also died. The first thing he thought of was Mary Kay's safety. His mind scanned it and found that her breath was a little short. It seemed that she was seriously injured, but at least the giant beast was dead and threatened After that, it will be better to have a good rest and recuperate.

"I don't know how the magic core is?" Ike muttered to himself that the nightingale beast did not see the magic nucleus last time. Now the magic nucleus of this unknown beast has been seen with his own eyes and should still be there.

Ike opened the layers of meat and intestines and crawled in a familiar direction. When he reached the place where he had seen the magic core, he was dumbfounded, leaving only a depression in place, but the magic nucleus had disappeared.

What's going on? Ike thought doubtfully that if he had not seen this magic core before, Ike might have thought that these magic nuclei were a little similar to the energy magic core in the Tongtian Tower, but the magic nucleus was seen with his own eyes, and he had never seen anyone after killing the giant beast, and his consciousness had not scanned anything. Why? Is the magic core gone?

Ike circled in place. Now there is no energy in the body of the giant beast. The magic core must be gone, but there is no clue where the magic core has gone.

"Oh," Ike circled around the original magic core.

Why does this place seem to have been dug up manually? Ike is puzzled. Even if he has not dissected the body of Warcraft, he knows that the magic core of Warcraft should be the same as the human magic cube, floating in the body, but there is an obvious depression in the body of this giant beast, which is exactly the same size as the size of the magic core seen before. The most important thing is There are obvious artificial traces in this depression.

"Is this magic core put in by someone else?"

The more Ike thinks about it, the more he feels strange. How can someone put the magic core into the living Warcraft? Even if it can be done, the Warcraft already has a magic core, so why should he change it? If you want to change to a high-level magic core, how can Warcraft resist the violent energy?

This series of questions made Ike unable to answer, but the current all this clearly told him that this giant warcraft had been tampered with.

I can't figure it out! Ike rubbed his forehead. All this was too strange. Although he had read a lot of magic cube secrets and miscellaneous notes, he still couldn't figure out what all this was for and how it was done.

I don't want to, let's take one step! Ike couldn't think of a reason for a long time, so he stopped thinking about it. Maybe it will be revealed naturally at the last minute.