Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 106 Black Ghost Face

The magic nucleus of the nameless Warcraft suddenly disappeared. Although it made Ike feel confused, it is not the time to think about this matter. There have been two super-strong Warcrafts on this road in a row, both of which are five levels. If the two were not careful enough, I'm afraid they would have encountered a vicious hand, so Ike is thinking now. Just get out of here quickly.

Warcrafts that have lost their magic core generally do not have much value, unless they are some highly defensive monsters or corpses with unique materials that have a certain value. The corpse of this nameless warcraft is obviously not valuable, so Ike did not put away its corpse and continued to walk forward with Mary Kay.

Neither of them knew how many tests there were on this road, so they would remain vigilant when they were on their way, but in the end, no monsters continued to come out to attack them.

After two days of travel, Ike and Mary Kay finally reached the peak of a mountain. In front of them was a six-story tower emitting light. The surrounding space kept fluctuating, making the light tower look more illusory, as if it were formed by light and shadow, but it revealed ancient times. The breath is so real that it makes people feel like they have returned to the ancient times.

The light tower has six floors, each of which is ten feet high. Only the first floor has a seven-foot high gate. Obviously, this is the entrance.

"You stand aside," Ike rubbed his hands and put his palms on the door, ready to push the door open.

Mary Kay knew that Ike was afraid of any danger in it. If she suddenly rushed out, her strength was not enough to deal with it, so she obediently retreated to one side.

"Ah!" Ike used his palms to push the door. The gate is really too big, and the ancient atmosphere on the gate shocked people's souls even more, making people a little distracted.

"Squeak", although Ike has used great power, the door has only slowly opened a gap. You know, today's Ike's physical strength is equivalent to that of a five-level warcraft. Even if it is not pushed with all his strength, the strength is not small, but such a big force can only barely push open a crack. Just a gap, you can see the weight of this gate.

"Open it!" Naturally, Ike would not give up easily. His blue veins in his arms burst out, his muscles protruded, and sweat came out on his forehead. He shouted. This time, he used ten points of his strength.

"Boom!" The door finally opened under Ike's insistence.

The hall on the first floor was very big, but it felt very gloomy, as if a devil hidden in Ike was staring at him, which made Ike shiver.

"It is obviously a tower of light that emits endless light. Why does it give people such a dark feeling, as if there is something in it?" Ike thought to himself.

Mary Kay waited for a while and didn't see anything coming out of the light tower, so she ran to the front of the gate and looked inside.

"Ah!" Mary Kay screamed, her body stepped back, tripped, and her body fell back.

Ike quickly held her. Although he felt gloomy, he was not scared like this. What's wrong with her?

"How are you?" Ike asked with concern.

"I, I, I see something in it! It scared me a lot!" Mary Kay statteringly.

Is there something? Ike just scanned it very carefully. There was nothing in the empty hall, and he saw it with his own eyes and didn't see anything.

"It's a ghost face with long red hair, which is terrible!" Mary Kay carefully described what she saw, and Ike listened to it even more.

Of course, Mary Kay can't lie to herself. She said that she saw something and could describe it so clearly, which means that there must be some. As for why she didn't see it, it can only be attributed to the fact that she is not an illusionist. Maybe only an illusionist can see it!

"I want to go in and have a look. You wait for me outside," Ike thought for a moment and said to Mary Kay.

If Mary Kay can really see that thing, it will help him to go in with him, but he is afraid that Mary Kay's strength is too weak, and he can't even see that thing. In case he launches an attack, he may not have time to protect Mary Kay, so he let Mary Kay stay outside the tower.

The light tower was obviously unusual. He could only feel that there was a crisis in the tower, but not that feeling outside the tower, so he felt that it was safe outside the tower. It was not a bad thing to let Mary Kaye avoid it, while Mary Kay did not refute Ike's decision and waited quietly outside, but her eyes stared at it. Although she was still a little scared in the tower, she just wanted to help Ike in this way.

Ike's foot entered the light tower, and the surrounding world suddenly changed, and the smell of blood came to his nose. Ike subconsciously held his breath, but immediately gasped. The scene in front of him was so exciting that he saw him standing on a hillside full of bones, animals and people. It is not clear. In the distance, there are dead bodies and white bones everywhere. The hillsides are piled up of bones, and the same is true of the place where you stand under your feet. The bright red blood converges into streams flowing between the hillsides, and then converges into a blood lake at the lowest place.

"vomit", Ike endured the discomfort and vomited. Although he had killed many human beings and warcraft, it was the first time he had experienced this scene of a sea of corpses. Even if the battle between the Tianfang Empire and the Warcraft Empire in Helan Mountain City, there was no such scene, which was really too stimulating, such as I'm afraid that people with a slightly weak will will collapse directly.

Where is this place? Ike couldn't remember how he came here. His previous memory suddenly turned blank. He couldn't remember. He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and his whole body trembled slightly. Such a bloody scene scared him. He didn't know if there would be one of his own in this pile of bones in the future, as if he came here. The purpose is to be the same as their partner.

"Ah," Ike shouted. He just tried to recall the past, but all the pictures he could remember were killing himself, and every action was clear, as if someone had taken a video stone to record it. He was like a bystander, watching the process of killing himself over and over again. A proud smile when you see yourself killing.

"Is I a murderer?" Ike couldn't help doubting himself, as if he was really a murderer, and he seemed to enjoy killing very much.

"Child, you're back." Ike heard a familiar voice. When he looked up, he saw a white light in the bloody sky, which lit up the world and made people feel unusually warm.

Ike stretched out his hand to hold the white light, but he couldn't hold anything. His face was full of chagrin and depression. At this time, a slender figure fell from the birthplace of the white light.

It was a woman's figure. She was tall, wearing a peach-red robe and wrapped her whole body in it. Her face and a pair of bright eyes looked at Ike gently. The woman's long black hair was coiled behind her head and looked very mature.

"Child, mother came to see you!" The woman said gently. At the same time, she stretched out her hand and gently grabbed one of Ike's hand, put it on the palm of her left hand, then covered her right hand on Ike's right hand and patted it three times.

"Mom!", Ike's eyes are a little empty, and he is not very impressed by this word. After all, he has no mother since he was a child. I remember that when he was a child, he was severely beaten because others said that he had no mother, but he can't remember these things at all now.

"Are you really my mother?" Ike asked confusedly.

The woman smiled, put her hand around Ike's head, pulled him into her arms, gently patted Ike on the back, and said gently, "Silly child, of course I'm your mother!"

"Mom!" Ike is now like a lonely child. He suddenly saw his biological mother, and his grievances turned into tears. He cried regardless of his image, and his voice could be described as tragic.

"Why did my brother cry?" Mary Kay has been staring at the situation in the tower, but the grimace did not appear again. As soon as Ike entered the tower, he stood still and did not move again. Originally, she thought that Ike did it out of caution, but now she heard his crying, she felt the matter. Something is wrong. Why did you cry? And in her impression, Ike has always been the strongest person in the world. No matter what happens, he will not shed a tear. Such a person can't cry at all, but he cried when he just stepped into this strange tower, which must be strange.

"Let me see what's the secret!" Mary Kay whispered.

Although she has no divine knowledge to find out the situation around her, she has her own means. As soon as she shakes it, several magic nuclei fly out and fall in different directions. It seems to be casual, but the landing points of these magic nuclei are very exquisite, just surrounding Ike and Mary Kay in it, and if you draw a line If it is connected, it can form a large outline.

As soon as the fog rose, and then it dimmed. It seemed that nothing had changed around, but it seemed that everything had changed, as if everything was covered with a layer of tulle and became hazy and unreal.

"Well, there's a ghost!" Mary Kay shouted angrily.

Looking along her eyes, it should have been empty beside Ike, but now there is a black air mass floating in Ike's ear, as if she was saying something to him. Mary Kay looked carefully, and this thing turned out to be the grimace she had seen before.

"Ghost, get out!" Mary Kay stabbed her with a long sword. At this time, she had forgotten her fear and wanted to kill it. It must be be bewitching her brother, otherwise how could she would suddenly cry.

The black ghost face turned his head and looked at Mary Kay, and her empty eyes suddenly glowed, which seemed to mock her over her power. In the face of Mary Kay's attack, it did not avoid, but after looking at Mary Kay for the first time, it completely ignored her. Is it really such strength or something else? What's the reason?