Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

1, Departure

1, departure

Lin Zhen's injury finally recovered. Yang Xiaobai asked him if he wanted to go to the capital with her, and he looked like I would go anyway. Yan Xu also said that he must go with him this time. It's too boring to stay at home alone. For him, Fengcheng is simply his backyard. It's too familiar and boring. If he has a chance to go to the capital, he will definitely go there.

Yang Xiaobai didn't want to inform Yu Yingmu, but wanted to tell Qin Yueya, but he couldn't get in touch with her. Yan Xu thought it was difficult to tell Yu Ying directly, but Yang Xiaobai really didn't want to. However, as a friend, Yu Qingyu should still say something and ask Yan Xu to inform him. Anyway, he is happy to have such a thing.

The most unhappy person is probably Yang unhappy. Yang Xiaobai is 15 years old, and he is very worried! However, Yang Xiaobai doesn't listen to him at all now. She has grown up and has her own thoughts. Yang Bule is just worried about her safety on the way, but Yang Xiaobai actually told him that she and Lin Zhen have reached the fourth level. He is a little unbelievable, but he is still proud for a long time. He is worthy of being his daughter Yang Bute! Of course, he himself doesn't practice. If he wants to practice, there must be no eightfold and ninefold. Look at Yang Xiaobai, she has only started practicing for a few years. In less than three years, she has been fourfold!

Anyway, Yang Bule still agreed. Dad can't help her when she's big! He just didn't know that Yu Ying Wu didn't actually follow. If he knew, he would still be worried.

Master Black Lily is very supportive. He said that for more than a year, he has almost taught them. It is better to go out and practice. However, she still gave them a little elixir, some for detoxification, some for internal injuries, and some for trauma. It is said to be prepared or something. Yang Xiaobai didn't think that they would get hurt, but it's better to have an elixir than nothing, isn't it?

The four maids also wanted to follow, but were sent away by Yang Xiaobai. She is going to practice. How can she take four maids to practice? Others thought it was the young lady who went shopping! Yan Xu's expectation was disappointed. He also thought about the hero saving the beauty or something. On the way, maybe the four maids fell in love with him? Yang Xiaobai gave him a shiver: Four maids are going to fall in love with you. They should have loved you long ago. How many years has it been! However, she comforted him that there were likely many beautiful women waiting for him to save her beauty along the way!

The three people went out happily. Although Yang Xiaobai has a little shallow sadness.

Lin Zhen has got along well with Yang Xiaobai these days and has begun to have signs of talking too much. I don't know if he learned from Yan Xu.

Out of the city gate, Yang Xiaobai glanced around and didn't see someone at all. He didn't know what to do in his heart and was very disappointed. She thought, maybe it was because he was waiting for them here when he went to Heiyun Mountain last time, right? This time, he didn't come. Maybe it can only be an ordinary friend!

A woman is such a strange animal. She says she can't do it, but she still hopes that one day he can at least break the inherent thoughts in her heart. After thinking about it, she was happy again. At least, she was missing a thing on her mind. If she really wanted to follow, she might be happy, but she was also annoyed.

"Xiao Bai, do we really want to walk slowly to the capital like this?" Yan Xu is very depressed. Obviously, he can take a car or drive cloud boots. Can anyone tell him why Yang Xiaobai suddenly went crazy?

"Master Xu, we are coming out to practice!" Yang Xiaobai gave him a hygienic eye! If he wants to enjoy it, just stay at home, and no one cares about him.

"I'm not talking, talking!" In fact, he is worried that if he meets a powerful monster along the way, I guess the three of them will be finished, right? One triple and two four-fold novices, of course, they have actually had a whole year of experience fighting monsters, but the question is, are those powerful monsters? Besides, at that time, there was still a five-fold afterglow?

He completely forgot that the afterglow was only a four-fold level at the beginning.

The four people walked slowly all the way without hurrying at all. In fact, the reason why Yang Xiaobai went to the capital this time also wanted to inquire about Black Rose. After all, the mysterious man once asked her to defeat her, although her current level is definitely not good. Do you think it's strange? It seems that two groups of people have been following us since we left Fengcheng?

Lin Zhen suddenly said.

"Do you have it?" Yang Xiaobai and Yan Xu both felt that he was a fuss. Although two groups of people are also on their way, the road is so wide that it is not opened by his family, so others can't leave?

"Look, they have cars, but the cars are slowly following behind, and they are also at the same speed as us." Lin Zhen didn't say that he didn't miss his intuition since he was a child.

"Xiao Zhenzhen, don't think too much about it. What are they doing with us? First, we don't have much money, and second, we don't have any beauty. Who wants to follow us? Yang Xiaobai went out this time. If she didn't talk, others may not know that she was a girl. After all, she is not a girl with big breasts, and in this era, there are many men with long hair.


"Hey, our Xiaolin is really good! Are you worried that they will like you? Hahaha..." Yan Xu seemed to be more and more funny. The smile was loud. Yang Xiaobai glanced at him. Lin Zhen was good-looking, but after all, he was a boy. It was too dizzy for Yan Xu to say so.

"What? I said Xiao Xuxu, don't you like Xiaolin Zhen by yourself? If you like it, how do you know if you don't tell me? Yang Xiaobai deliberately tricked him...

Lin Zhen only heard a chill. There is no certain reason why these two people can become cousins.

"Stop it. It seems that someone is coming." Lin Zhen was really defeated by them. At least one is three years older than him and the other five years older than him, okay? Why does he think he should be the biggest person instead?

(Sorry for being an hour late today, my stomach hurts so much! By the way, I was talking about embarrassing things yesterday, but no one reacted? Friends who are reading should at least go out to the book review area to talk about it! Ha ha, maybe what I said was not embarrassing enough. In fact, the most embarrassing thing was that after I got off the bus, I actually met an acquaintance, still a man, or a 38 man. He was curious when he saw that I was holding a box of mysterious things and covered by newspapers. He asked me to show him what it was, and I ignored him. As a result, he took advantage of my preparation. Just opened the newspaper... I... petrified)