Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

2, an old man is here

2, an old man is coming

"Excuse me, Miss Yang?" A servant really came and asked.

"I am." Yang Xiaobai's face turned green. She really didn't expect that someone would appear casually and know that she was a young lady! Yan Xu was happy and dizzy when he looked at it.

"My young master wants to be with Miss Yang and say that he is an old friend!" The little man is polite and polite, but there seems to be a little ghost in it.

"Your young master? No, the three of us have company, so we don't need to be together anymore. She is angry. She is specially dressed in gray and dark! How can you know that she is a woman so far away? How is it possible?

"This..." The little boy didn't ask and ran back. Yan Xu smiled exaggeratedly: "Hahaha, old friend! Old friend! Yang Xiaobai, who is your old friend? When did you have any old friends? Haha, it's so funny!"

"You laugh! Do I know you well? Do you know if I have any old friends? This Yan Xu is very careful and gentle to other girls. How can he be so sarcastic to Yang Xiaobai and me? Really, occasionally, you should also consider her identity as a girl!

"I..." Yan Xu was stunned. He and Yang Xiaobai have been joking with each other like this. She has never been angry. Today is the first time he is so angry. He is a little at a loss. In fact, he didn't know that Yu Ying had not appeared. Yang Xiaobai was actually very depressed.

"Don't make trouble for you two. The last team has caught up." Lin Zhen suddenly said. He now feels that the burden on his body is very heavy. The two cousins, so out of tune, safety, are tied to him.

"It's true! Is it really my old friend?" Yang Xiaobai said to himself.

When I got close, I found that it was Uncle Chen Yaojin, and one of his arms was still empty. Yang Xiaobai was shocked to see Uncle Chen. He was really an old friend! When she came to this world, except for a few people she knew in Fengcheng, the rest was Uncle Chen.

"Little white girl, long time no see!" Uncle Chen smiled brightly. As soon as you look at it, you will feel why his teeth are so white!

"Uncle Chen, why is it you?" Yang Xiaobai is also very happy. Uncle Chen is a rare good person! Suddenly, I found that I haven't seen my uncle for two years. The uncle seems to be a little mulberry!

"The little white girl is getting more and more beautiful! I happened to have something to do in Fengcheng with the people of our Zhongyuan Martial Arts Museum this time. After the matter was over, I was about to visit you. As a result, I met Yu Shaozhu on the way. I heard him say that you were leaving for the capital today. Well, we were just going back to the capital, so I caught up quickly. The more Uncle Chen said, the happier he became. He didn't notice Lin Zhen's black face next to him.

Lin Zhen still remembers that Xiaobai almost agreed to Uncle Chen's request. The person he hates the most is Uncle Chen. Yu Ying is fine. At least everyone has almost the same starting point, but Uncle Chen is different. The age gap is too big. If he likes Yang Xiaobai, he will feel that the risk factor is too high.

"Little white girl, what are you doing when you go to the capital this time?" Uncle Chen is very familiar!

"We just practice all the way!"

"That's it! Hello, Uncle Chen, I'm Yang Xiaobai's cousin Yan Xu!" Yan Xu looks very good! In fact, he didn't know the details of Yang Xiaobai and others * Heiyun Mountain at all. He didn't expect that Yang Xiaobai also knew such a stylish uncle!

Ah, hello! Yan Xu! My name is Chen Yaojin. Uncle Chen's serious face made Yang Xiaobai laugh again!

"Uncle Chen, don't you hurry when you go back?" Lin Zhen's tone is not good.

"Ah, don't hurry, don't rush back! Shall we make a partner together? You can also have a good chat!" Uncle Chen still looks gloomy with a smile.

"Good, good!" He likes chatting the most! Yan Xu likes people like Uncle Chen the most. He seems to be able to talk and see a lot of the world. No way!" Lin Zhen's voice is also very loud! It's a little overshadowed Yan Xu. It shocked everyone.

"Lin Zhen, why not?" Yan Xu is very puzzled. Lin Zhen is usually a low-key person. Why is he so angry this time? Uncle Chen seems to have offended him. It seems that you have to ask Yang Xiaobai. It's too much if you don't tell him anything interesting!

Yang Xiaobai is also very puzzled. What's wrong with Lin Zhen?

"We came out this time, isn't it just for experience? Why do you want to go with Uncle Chen? Then what else can we talk about? There are some reasons that can't be said directly.

"This is easy to do! Handsome Lin, when there are monsters, you can fight by yourself. If it really doesn't work, I'll send someone to come forward. Is that okay? Children can't compete with adults. Lin Zhen's children must remember this sentence! Uncle Chen's words were so convincing that he completely fell in the heart of Yan Xu.

"So that's it!" Yan Xu, who was high-five, suddenly shattered the heart of Lin Zhen's little teenager!

"Uncle Chen, can you tell us what's interesting in Beijing? In addition, you haven't told us how you went back with the rootless flower at that time? Also, are your hands all right?" Yang Xiaobai's curiosity is comparable to that of Yan Xu!

"Well, rootless flower, I gave it to my father when I went back. I heard him say that he also helped a very important person get it. I don't know exactly who wants it. My hands are fine now. The Jinchuang medicine we brought at that time was all top-notch. It's just that without a hand, life is very inconvenient! We can talk about the capital all the way! However, when I arrived in the capital, I would first introduce you to a beautiful woman, that is, my sister. Ha ha, I told her about my adventure to Heiyun Mountain. After listening to her, she kept asking me to introduce Yu Shaozhu and Lin Zhen to her! If she knew that there was another handsome man Yan Xu, she would be happier!" Uncle Chen said it naturally, but Yang Xiaobai always felt that the capital seemed to be more complicated. I don't know if it's a psychological relationship.

"Uncle Chen, you are too biased to introduce a few little beautiful women to them, but there are no handsome men to introduce to me?" Since she wants to change the topic, she will do what he wants.

"Xiaobai, I'm also a handsome man!" Lin Zhen patted himself and looked at Xiaobai and said that he was very worried about Uncle Chen's style. - His courage seemed to have also become a little bigger.

"Puff... Xiao Zhenzhen, you are getting cuter and cuter! Yes, you are a handsome boy! Ha ha... The most handsome little man is you!" Yang Xiaobai pinched Lin Zhen's little face, which is much thinner now. I don't know if it's because of this injury or because he has grown up. She actually likes him more when he was a child.

Lin Zhen's face turned red again. He is very depressed. Why does he never seem to grow up in Xiaobai's eyes?

"Uncle Chen, can you introduce me to more beautiful women? I like those with bigger breasts, thinner waists, raised buttocks, and longer legs. Well, it's best, and the face should also be beautiful..." Yan Xu felt that he seemed to have found a fellow person and actually pulled Uncle Chen to talk about this.

(These two chapters are less. I'll update another chapter at 9 p.m.! Happy weekend, everyone.)