Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

22, in fact, I came through time

22, in fact, I came through time

This pair of beautiful big eyes, from a pair of dull and motionless big eyes, suddenly became a lot more, like a curved spring, suddenly injected into dry land, and became soul - just in this second, Xiaolin Zhen's heart was raised and raised again.

"Ah, Lin Zhen..." Xiaobai blushed. Why did Lin Zhen suddenly lean on her so close? What are you going to do?" You don't want to kiss her secretly, do you? This is not the first time he has done such a thing!

"No...No..." Lin Zhen's face was also terrible. He was actually looking forward to it and was afraid of falling. She didn't scold him or blame him. She shouldn't have failed, did she?

"Lin Zhen, do you think the man in black will come?" I don't know why, a sentence has been echoing in my mind: The person I love is Lin Zhen. When did she start to fall in love with Lin Zhen? Why is she not impressed at all? Thinking of the little boy's actions all the time, she feels that she is really in love with a man who treats him as a younger brother? Well... But to be honest, Lin Zhenchang is really cute. Although she has grown up and grown taller now, in fact, every time she looks at his face, she really wants to pinch him. Well, she also wants to kiss him!

His little mouth seems to say: Kiss me, kiss me!

Ah? Man in black? I don't know..." His eyes darkened. Alas, I guess he failed, right? Then she probably doesn't know about his spell on her, right? At least, he still has a chance to follow her!

"Look at me, how can I ask you this question? In fact, I'm just asking myself! Xiaolin Zhen, do you think Yu Ying is poisoned and lies alone at home? Is he lonely? Will he be afraid?" I don't know why, Yu Yingmu's name keeps coming out in my heart, and I will always worry about him. I don't know if he is doing well now.

"Xiao Bai, don't think about it! We will all try to find the magical water, won't we?" This is the first time that she mentioned Yu Ying Wu to him. She was worried about him! It's a good thing to say it!

"Lin Zhen, do you think that if we all die here, do you have any wishes?" As soon as she turned her head, she suddenly remembered this question. She just got him out to ask him what he thought! She remembered that Yu Ying had confessed to her and seemed to have something else, but she didn't know why, but suddenly she didn't remember it very well. However, for her, in the last three days of her life, she really wants to talk about a booming love!

If only Yu Ying was not here! If he was here, in the last three days of her life, she wouldn't care if he had any marriage contract with Qin Yueya or something!

It turned out that Yang Xiaobai automatically ignored that she had a short relationship with Yu Ying. She only remembered that they had had ambiguity and confessions, but they had never started. Thinking of love, the sentence came out of her heart again: the person she loves is Lin Zhen.

Will it be Lin Zhen?

Look at Lin Zhen carefully again! Can he say that he is magnificent? No, he is very beautiful, more beautiful than her. Because of his beauty and long hair, he looks like a girl, but after practicing martial arts for many years, his figure is really burly. Obviously, he is a man's figure with wide shoulders, long and tall, and his chest feels very strong and easy to hug.

If it is really the last three days of life, it's good to have a relationship with him. Thinking of this, she blushed.

"Do you wish?" Her words reminded him of his own actions just now. In fact, his wish was over. Although he failed, he also worked hard, didn't he? Maybe, or should I let her know his heart?

"Xiao Bai, you have been in a coma for four days this time. Why?" Well, let him ask her what's on her mind first!

Ah? Have you been in a coma for four days? Xiaobai frowned and seemed to understand why he was in a coma for four days. I don't know either! It seems that at that time, I suddenly felt hopeless. It seemed that the whole fate was held in the hands of others, and I was like a chess piece. The chess player wants me to take a step forward, and I seem to take the same step..."

"Don't do this..." Lin Zhen couldn't help hugging her tightly!" Xiaobai, even if I make a chess piece, I will be the chess piece next to you. If you take a step forward, I will also take a step forward, but if there is an enemy, I will be that little soldier first.

A simple sentence shocked Xiaobai: Does he also like her?

"Fool, didn't I wake up? If their chess players want us to do this, we won't do this. So, Lin Zhen, we just sit here and don't go out. Let's see how they kill us!" Yes, chess players, they won't leave now. Let's see how he plays this game.

"Well, okay. I'll be with you!" Lin Zhen smiled. Even if she doesn't have him in her heart, it doesn't matter. Just stay with her!

"Ha ha, with a handsome man to accompany you, you will die without regret!" Zhengtai's smile is always very infectious, and she can't help laughing. It's just a pity that Yu Ying has no little master. He lies alone at home and doesn't know how long he will lie down!" Why, when it comes to Yu Yingmu, there seems to be a needle in her heart. I always feel that I have forgotten something.

"Is he?" Why do you always feel that what he just did doesn't seem to have failed? Xiaobai, can I ask you a question? Maybe he should try again?

"Ask! We are all dying. There is nothing we can't ask. She grinned and drove away the idea that had just floated in her mind. She always felt that she seemed a little strange. Was it because she was about to die?

"Xiao Bai, do you like Yu Ying Wu?" In fact, he asked seriously, but looking at her smile, he knew that she was joking.

"Ha, I like it, Lin Zhen, you also like him, right? In fact, the little master is not bad, a little more serious, but as a master, shouldn't he be more serious and serious? I always feel that I don't just like it, do I? Maybe it's because of her own secret love attempt?

"Well, the little master is good. Xiaobai, I'm asking you, do you like him between men and women? Why did he say so plainly?

"Ah?" Xiaobai was stunned. Did Lin Zhen see through this long ago? But a big smile bloomed on his face, suppressing the dullness just now, "You hate it! At a young age, what is not easy to learn? Learn these. And the love between men and women... Ha, don't you have that kind of love between men and women? Come on, tell my sister that if we can't die this time, I will help you!"

"..." I always feel that it's so difficult to get into her heart. He has never been unable to talk about her. Alas, forget it, it's okay. If he fails, he will fail. At least, her personality seems to have changed back. She is not so depressed, which is enough.

"Come on, come on, tell your sister, who do you like? I'll make the decision for you!" Sure enough, she likes to tease Xiao Lin Zhen. It's very funny to see him blush. The white and tender face, like a transparent glass, can suddenly fill with red colors. How cute!

"...Don't say..." She's all right. How can he tell her that the person he likes is her? In fact, he was afraid of losing the opportunity to stay by her side.

"Lin Zhen, we are all dying. Can't you meet my little request?"

"Lin Zhen, you can satisfy my poor curiosity. Curiosity will kill a cat! Do you know? A cat has nine lives, but a cat with nine lives can be killed. Do you want me to die so that I can't die again?

.................Poor Xiaolin Zhen was nagging half to death.

"Why don't I tell you a secret, and you can also tell me?" Suddenly thinking of those beautiful days with Xiaolin Zhen, Lin Zhen is actually a perfect listener. He is going to die. Maybe she should have told him?

Ah? What secret?" Lin Zhen's curiosity was really seduced! She wants to say that she really likes someone, right?

"Well, I said, you can't tell anyone!" This is a secret that has been suppressed in her heart for many years. It is also a good thing to make it public before she dies. Speaking of it, she has no heart knot. Maybe in her next life, she will have the opportunity to be Song Qiulian's daughter and repay her. She picked up the wine and took a few sips, as if she was encouraging herself to say it.

"Good..." Why did the heartbeat suddenly accelerate? Does it work?

"Actually, I came from a beautiful blue planet. Her name is Earth..............." Crackling, she poured out all the secrets buried in her heart for seven years. Lin Zhen was stunned. Well, that's what it is. I'm done."

Xiao Bai took a long breath and took another sip of wine. She is now doing nothing! There are no worries. Of course, there is still a little regret left. However, life is not as good as it is*!

"Your name is Yi Xiaoli? Do the man in black also know? Lin Zhen only felt that his thoughts were shaking too much today! Love, crossing, earth, everything is coming! However, since practicing the Avenue of Light and seeing that space, he actually believes that these are real.

"Well, not only that, she also knows the mysterious woman on the top of Heiyun Mountain!" These are all her secrets! Alas, keep drinking! It's nice to have someone share her secret! She doesn't have to worry alone.

Ah? Does she know too?"