Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

23, out?

23, out?

I didn't expect that there were so many things hidden in her small body... When they first met, she should be very helpless, right? However, at that time, she still smiled so beautifully and made him happy. Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking a step forward and hug her again! But she smiled and dodged away.

"Lin Zhen, come on, I'll buy you a drink! You are also an adult. Drink, drink, it doesn't matter..." It's also a pleasure for someone to chat and talk about things together. Well, taking advantage of this rare time, I'll tell you about our world..."

Two people, drinking and chatting, eating snacks, one talking, one listening, and occasionally, the other has to ask a few words, and laughter keeps ringing in this dark place. Unconsciously, they hugged each other and fell asleep!

Maybe it's because I haven't had a good sleep for a long time or drinking, and both of them slept soundly.

The man in black is here again.

Boo are unconscious.

He looked at the two people who were sleeping and shook his head - his look was obviously spoiled inside. He seems to know Yang Xiaobai's intention. With a wave of his hands, it seems to have directly removed the boundary.

Then, just as he came silently and left silently.

It was the warriors under Wenjian who woke them up. Since Yang Xiaobai's carriage was found to be missing, they have been searching in two groups. In less than half a day, I basically searched within 1,000 meters and didn't even let go of the ant nest. However, I didn't see such a big carriage.

On the first day, they looked for five times for fear of omissions, but they still couldn't find anything. Everyone is exhausted, but they can't figure out why. Because the carriage was invisible under everyone's eyes, all the people held their breath and wanted to expand the scope the next day.

Who knows that it was not long before the carriage appeared careless on the main road where everyone used to walk. Such a big carriage was so conspicuous that everyone looked up and saw it immediately. Everyone unconsciously leaned towards the carriage and wanted to touch it. Was it an illusion? How could it be silent? This approach saw a beautiful picture: two beautiful men and women, who were already a little incredible, hugged and lay together. They seemed to be a little cold and hugged tightly! The boy was obviously much taller, and the girl was completely snuggled up in his arms, and his whole face seemed to be buried in her long hair!

They slept so soundly, and the picture was so beautiful - no one dared to open this mouth to wake them up. However, when everyone checked the interior of the carriage, they found that there were only two of them left in the five-person carriage, and there was a well not far away! Finally, Wen Jian had to find someone to wake them up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a row of people standing in front of her, and she was lying herself. Well, is there anyone behind her? There was a breath on the top of her head, itchy, which made her want to laugh a little... Ah, and a hand was holding her waist. She quickly wanted to get up. Lin Zhen behind her was confused and was woken up. Then Xiaobai shook his hand away and was about to sit up, reflexive. He wanted to help her up, but he didn't expect himself Her hands and feet were a little inflexible. This took her hand and took her down again.

She lay straight on him this time.

Such a picture made the crowd laugh. Originally, everyone was worried, but when they saw the two of them like this, they didn't know why they relaxed. It's just that Lin Ruoshi can't help it!

"You two, get up quickly! Where's my sister?" She ran over, pulled them up, and asked. As an off-topic, when I hit my sister, I thought of your sister... Poof, I didn't laugh much... I finally used the mantra of poetry.)

"@#$%..." Unfortunately, both of them have not recovered and are blushing!

"Your sister, who is your sister?" I really can't talk to the person who is staying. I didn't laugh again, ha, I'm a bad guy.)

"Your sister...Where's Lin Ruoyu?" She finally broke out.

"Oh, she is with Yan Xu! It's okay..." It seems that they really came out. In front of this violent woman, Xiaobai finally figured out his mind. But what should I do? Do these people want to know that she has a space magic weapon? What is she going to do? She looked at Lin Zhen and wanted to ask him if he had any good suggestions.

Lin Ruoyu's light is fine, but with so many people, she doesn't believe that no one will be moved by this space magic weapon.

"Xiao Bai... What's going on? What about Miss Ruoyu and Mr. Yan Xu? Where did they go? And what about the coachman? Wen Jian also began to ask questions! In fact, this is also the question of all the people in the audience. After searching for so long, they are finally going to get the answer. Everyone is waiting for Yang Xiaobai's answer.

"Ah... I... I... I'm in a hurry... I must have drunk too much... Toilet... I want to find a toilet..." At this time, only urine can follow!

"I'm also anxious..." Lin Zhen's reaction was not generally fast! He really slipped away behind Xiaobai.

There are circles of people left in place. Now they are thinking about the same thing: Yang Xiaobai went to the toilet, and Lin Zhen also went in the same direction... in the same direction...

She found a super-large tree and hid behind it. She quickly wanted to take back the well and let the three people out. In the blink of an eye, three people stood in front of her. Well, Lin Zhen also followed.

"Don't look, we're out." Xiaobai felt that it was better to make it clear first. I don't know what's going on. The man in black let us out. Wen Jian, they are all over there. Peng San, I hope you can keep your mouth shut about space. Rarely, her eyes, with a warning, stared at Peng San until she felt that Peng San should not say, "Yes, Ruoyu, you can do it, can't you?"

This is Yan Xu's favorite woman, and I guess Yan Xu's mouth is unreliable.

"I have one condition." Lin Ruoyu's answer was beyond Yang Xiaobai's expectation.

"What conditions?" Dare to negotiate terms! Amazing!

"I also want to learn your elemental martial arts." Yes, how can such a fun thing leave her alone?

"Sweat..." Xiaobai couldn't help rolling his eyes. Learn from Yan Xu yourself! Peng San, do you think you will say it?

"I..." Peng San's face seemed to be a little excited and excited, but when he looked at the other four people present, his face seemed to be dark. I guess he felt that he was too old to learn this elemental martial arts.

"Peng San, come here with me and I'll tell you something." The sound was actually Xiao Lin Zhen. Yes, he wants to use his true eyes again to make Peng San forget this matter. As for Lin Ruoyu, Yan Xu should worry about it himself. He seemed to see Yang Xiaobai looking over questioningly and nodded to her, saying that it was okay, so he took Peng San far away.

"Yan Xu, I know you have already told Miss Ruoyu about the Guangming Avenue." Xiaobai's voice was very harsh, "I don't blame you. However, I'm still angry." The feeling of wanting to laugh but not being able to laugh is actually very uncomfortable. If you do this well, I will forgive you!"

Ah? What's the matter?" Yan Xu felt very innocent. No matter how he fought, he seemed to be unable to fight against Yang Xiaobai.

"In the future, when we enter the space to practice, you and Lin Ruoyu will watch for us outside. How about that?" Yes, that's the idea she made. Haha, it's really boring to go in and practice alone. She wants to study a problem, but no one talks to her. Ah, thinking of this, she suddenly remembered her little flower. It seemed that after putting the little flower in the space, she almost forgot the little flower.

"Okay, no problem!" What's the matter with this? He can take the opportunity to have a good relationship with Ruoyu outside!

"You can say that this matter must be done well! Don't be as sloppy as before!" Why does she keep a straight face when she wakes up? However, it seems that it doesn't work for Yan Xu to talk about things with a straight face.

"No! You have to trust your brother Xu!" Yan Xu patted his chest, but his eyes kept looking at Lin Ruoyu... The two of them, in the space, ten days and ten nights, well, the person who knows him best now is his Lin Ruoyu. He doesn't want to have more time and space!

Lin Ruoyu also seemed to find him looking at her, with red cheeks! With a low head.

"Xiao Bai, I made Peng San forget about the space with my real eyes!" Xiaolin Zhen and Peng San came back. He came to her ear and said gently. The gentle breath vomited at the root of her ear, numb and itchy. Suddenly, it reminded her that she was sleeping in his arms just now. At that time, the breath spit on her hair, which was also so numb and itchy...

And the sentence that always comes up from the bottom of her heart: the person she loves is Lin Zhen.

XIU's ears suddenly turned red... She didn't dare to look at Lin Zhen, but just nodded to show that she knew. Then I asked the big guy to go back! He also asked them to leave in batches to find a good excuse.

Lin Zhen walked behind her as usual. But her heart suddenly beat so fast! She always felt that she could still smell him. There seemed to be his smell on her body... The two of them were so close?

The more you think about it, the faster your heart beats! The face is getting redder and redder!

(Well, do you want to see the side story of Yan Xu and Lin Ruoyu? The rabbit said he wanted to bring H... He also said that if he liked it, he would directly H... It's not big. I mean that the rabbit is really evil!)