Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

38, plain days

38, plain days

Since returning to Fengcheng, Yang Xiaobai's life has returned to calm.

I usually have time to go shopping with four maids, drink tea and so on, and live a comfortable life. She was surprised to find that there were many new things on the market.

"Miss, this is the latest bikini. Stripes are popular this summer!" Xia Ye's impatiation will always be the first to speak.

"Yes, miss, the four of us are all stripe fans now!" Spring flowers are still so charming.

"That's right, miss, it's a pity that you came back late! It's autumn now, or buy a set. Let's go swimming together!" Qiu Ju always thinks far away.

"Well, miss, look, our clothes are all because of this bikini! Now everyone has several sets!" Winter grass is getting more and more beautiful.

Xiaobai sweated, and she said, why did she see zebras everywhere as soon as she returned to Fengcheng? So that's the reason.

"Alas, who do you think is the person who designed these strange things?" Yes, she has been curious about this since she first came to this world, and now she is even more curious. As soon as this curiosity comes up, I can't stop. Maybe you can ask about it!

Maybe he is also a traveler? Haha, that's good! She won't be alone, will she?

"Miss, you forgot that we asked before, and the boss said he didn't know!"




As little white round eyes blinked, there was a way, "You wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." Haha, she has a way. She didn't think so much when she first came here, but now, she really wants to know who she is and has such ability. If she is a time traveler, haha!

"Brother, where is your boss from?" This is Xiaobai's voice. Yes, that's right. She wants to start with the sophomore in this bikini shop.

The shopkeeper didn't want to pay attention to her, but when she looked up, there was a beautiful beauty in front of her, with her long slender legs, her small waist, and round eyes that seemed to speak. "This girl, there are all styles of bikinis in our store! What style do you like? You can try it on!" Speaking of this, his eyes are about to protrude! At a glance, he automatically made up the picture.

"This guy, let's chat!" Xiaobai blinked at him, and someone flew into the sky.


"Brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Wu Useful."

"Brother, you are so handsome! I don't know where your boss is?"

"Ah, our boss is from the people of Dayun City in the capital. Let me tell you, the goods in our store are all the latest models, and they are directly designed and produced by the designers in the capital..." #¥%... This Wu is a useful brother who really sells bikinis into his bones all the time. I'm not thinking about selling his family's things.

"Really? Designers in the capital? Is it so awesome?"

"That's to tell you secretly that we are the same boss as Zui Xian Lou! I heard that our top designers can freely enter and exit the top floor of the Zuixian Building in the capital!"

"What?" Xiaobai was shocked. She remembered that from the sixth floor, it was not enough to enter with money. This designer could freely enter and exit the top floor. Isn't this the ninth floor? It seems unusual!" Useful brother, have you seen this designer?

"How can we designers meet anyone who wants to meet such a powerful designer? However, I have really seen it!" Wu You said it was mysterious, but Xiaobai knew that he might have begun to brag.

"Ha ha, useful brother, my father suddenly called me home for dinner. I'll have a good chat with you next time..." She ran out as she spoke. If we continue to talk, I don't think we can talk about it for no reason. Fortunately, now I know that the designer of this magical bikini is actually from Drunken Fairy Tower.

Maybe, when she accompanies Yangbule to live a peaceful life, she can go to the capital again to see Pan Bao'an. I don't know how her married life is going with Yu Wuji? At that time, you can go to Zuixian Tower by the way. Maybe you can take the Prince of Thunderbolt's ride and get to know this magical designer.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel happy.

Although Yang didn't say anything these days, she knew that he had been thinking about Yan Xu in his heart. However, for Yan Xu's miss - well, the people who miss him are not only Yang unhappy? Even four maids will talk about him when they encounter a lot of things! Perhaps, we should go to Baoyintu Temple with Lin Zhen again to find out if there are any clues.

For nearly a year of tense days, she really enjoys the leisurely life now, but if she doesn't find Yanxu or him, she can't live happily no matter what.

"Miss, how's it going? Have you asked?"

"Who are we ladies? I must have asked."

"This is not necessarily, and I don't think about it. How many times have the four of us asked? Isn't it, winter grass?

"That's right, the whole city wants to ask this information! But I can't ask who it is. I heard that even the lord's wife of the city can't ask. Dongcao's words aroused Xiaobai's curiosity.

"Ah, why?"

"What and why?" Dongcao felt that Yang Xiaobai's question was inexplicable.

"Why do people in the whole city want to know who the designer of the bikini is!"

"This, miss... the reason you want to know is the reason why everyone wants to know?"


"That's right... Who doesn't want to know the designer and then let him design a unique bikini of his own?"

"@#$%..." Xiaobai felt that she overestimated four maids.

"Miss, have you asked?"




Four people returned home.

When they came back from the death desert, the four maids found that Master Yu did not seem to have come to find the young lady.

It seems that the relationship between Miss and Lin Zhen has become a little strange.

But, Lin Zhen, he is really beautiful! Last time I came back from the capital, I didn't come to look very closely. Now when I look at it again, I think it's really beautiful. The four of them don't even dare to look at it again. I feel that if they match his eyes, it will make people blush and heartbeat.

Since Lin Zhen followed the five of them on the street several times, all kinds of animal clothes have become popular in Fengcheng, and even short-haired men can be seen everywhere.

Lin Zhen's charm is really not only that the four maids can't resist, but maybe their young lady can't resist either? Or, why do the two of them always feel strange?

(Because I'm in the countryside and said that the technician will not come back in a week, so I haven't heard from my notebook yet... Whoo... I don't know how to update it... I'm still trying to find a way... If the update is interrupted, it must be temporary, please understand!)