Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

39, a new day, an old man comes

39, a new day, an old man comes

"Miss, miss, get up..."

"Miss, miss, get up quickly..."

Early in the morning, Xia Ye was screaming. Since returning to Fengcheng, Yang Xiaobai feels that it seems to be a rare rest day, and she has completely given up practicing or something. The joy of life is still eating, drinking and sleeping! Of course, she knows that even if she doesn't practice now, her body will be running spontaneously, so it should be a matter of time before she breaks through six to seven.

"What's wrong? What happened?" After returning home for several days, she quietly waited for Lin Zhen to wake her up every morning, which seemed to be a tacit understanding between them. Moreover, four maids basically do not come to her yard every morning. Xiaobai thought, something should be more urgent, or something really happened, right? Thinking of this, she quickly jumped out of the quilt and opened the door, but almost bumped into Xia Ye. Since practicing martial arts, this kind of thing basically won't happen to her. Today, I don't know what happened. She rubbed her forehead with a dull expression.

Maybe she chatted with Lin Zhen for too long last night?

"Miss...Hualy...Hualy..." Xia Ye didn't care whether she was in a daze or not, took her hand and immediately ran away.

"Xia Ye, what's the matter, say it quickly..." Xiaobai did not break away from her hand. Now she is much calmer than before. She thought, it shouldn't be a big deal, right? Otherwise, this Yang Mansion should not be as quiet as it is now! Well, she thought that Xia Ye's impatience should have occurred again. Ha ha, it's really fun to have such a maid!

"Miss... There is a handsome man outside who is so beautiful. He is more beautiful and much more beautiful than Brother Lin Zhen."

"Oh, handsome man, why don't you come to see me and pull me?"

"He...he said, his name was Thunderbolt, and then, he... he said he wanted to see you!" Xia Ye's eyes, not red hearts, what is it?

Humph, stinky Xia Ye, isn't he just a handsome man? Even if the Heavenly King comes, let her get dressed before going out, right? What's more, it's just that the Thunderbolt prince has come.

"Oh, I thought it was a big deal! Xia Ye, do you think I don't have to put on clothes? Just go out in this pajamas?" It turned out that it was Prince Perak who came to Fengcheng! No wonder after returning to Fengcheng, she felt a little strange: Why didn't that literary sword leave when he arrived in Fengcheng? Maybe he is here waiting for Thunderbolt to come?

"Ah... I'm sorry... Miss... Hurry up..." Xia Ye actually pushed Yang Xiaobai straight into her room, which made her really laugh and cry.

But what is Prince Perak's sudden 'visit' to Fengcheng for? Moreover, it seems that you came directly to her when you arrived in Fengcheng? Did he come to Fengcheng to find her?

Xiao Bai seriously recalled all the things about Thunderbolt, but she found that there was no special impression of Thunderbolt. Of course, except for one thing, this matter left a particularly deep impression on her. Of course, this is: he sent Wen Jian and others to support her desert trip.

For his love alone, she should treat him well. Thinking of this, she is not slow.

Of course, Lin Zhen, who lived in the room next to Yang Xiaobai just now, naturally heard Xia Ye's words. Unlike Yang Xiaobai's thought, Lin Zhen knew that his rival had come again. Thinking of these two words, he was nervous, opened the door and deliberately pretended to stand leisurely at the door of Yang Xiaobai's room to wait for her. Uh-huh, when there is a rival in love, he has to follow Yang Xiaobai step by step. Otherwise, in Yang Xiaobai's words, he will lose a lot.

Sure enough, there are rows of guards standing outside the hall of Yangfu. In the Yangfu Hall, Yangbule was accompanying the prince of Thunderbolt, and of course, Wen Jian. ( Wen Jian has been living in Yangfu since he arrived in Fengcheng. It seems that he should be in contact with Prince Thunderbolt in private. How can he be here at the first time?)

"Prince Thunderbolt, it's all right!" In fact, if you look at his face, you will know that he is doing well.

"What? Is it Prince Thunderbolt? I said this name, why are you so familiar with it? Yang Bile was very depressed. Fortunately, he didn't do anything wrong! However, listening to this tone, her daughter and the prince of Thunderbolt seem to be very familiar? Well, he needs to take a good look.

"Ha ha, little white girl, I haven't seen you for nearly a year, and you are getting more and more beautiful..." The second half of Thunderbolt's words are: more and more like someone. However, it seems to be less and less different. He should have put it down about her. Otherwise, how can the feeling of coming up from the bottom of my heart be so different?

"Ha, ha ha... Prince Perak is so loved, and Xiao Bai hasn't thanked Prince Perak for his escort yet!" She doesn't know him very well, does she? Maybe the man in the emperor's family likes to talk like this?

"I don't know what Prince Perak is doing when he comes to Fengcheng this time?" This latter half of the sentence is the top priority of her speech!

"If I have nothing to do, can't I come to this Fengcheng to find a little white girl and play together for half a day?" His tone is plausible. Maybe only he knows. Is that what he means?

"Prince Perak joked! It's too late for me to welcome Xiaobai!"

Is that right? Then it's settled. I'm going to stay here for a few days, so you can take me to play everywhere!" Thunderbolt smiled. His smile was very charming. At least, he made the four maids dizzy with a direct smile, but Yang Xiaobai did not pay attention to his smile. When she heard what he said, she kept thinking: Damn it, Prince Perak, in this Fengcheng, you just need to stand on a high place and call casually: I'm Prince Perak. I'm going to take a day trip to Fengcheng. If anyone wants to be a guide, I'm sure a bunch of people will want to. However, this group of people does not include her, Yang Xiaobai! That's why she wants to spend her time!

"I don't know where Prince Perak likes to play?" Forget it, for the sake of being a handsome man, she will reluctantly lead the way!

"Aha, it's okay, it's okay, little white girl, as long as it has the characteristics of Fengcheng!" Thunderbolt smiled innocently.

"@#¥%..." Who can tell her what are the characteristics of the so-called Fengcheng?" Well, let's ask Prince Perak to stay in our Yang's house first. As for the itinerary, I'll make good arrangements. How about it?"

"Very good..." He smiled happily. In fact, when he came to Fengcheng, he had something to tell Yang Xiaobai, but as soon as he saw her, he unconsciously wanted her to spend more time with him. Just think of it as an errand fee for him, right?

"Dad, will you arrange the residence of Prince Perak?" She also has to have a headache about the next trip. Alas, Fengcheng, when will Fengcheng be her local head snake?

"Ah, yes, yes..." Yang Nole has been listening carefully to their dialogue. The more he listened, the more worried he became. Yang Xiaobai called him, and he woke up.

Yang Bule's question, first press the table. In Yang Xiaobai's small room, she is asking the four maids with a sad face!

"All four of you, tell me, what's the interesting place in Fengcheng?"

"Miss, on fun? I don't know, go shopping?"

"Are you a pig? He is the Prince of Perak. Isn't the capital bigger than our Fengcheng? Is there still a place to go shopping? I think the most interesting place in Fengcheng is Zuixian Tower. How delicious the food there is!"

"Are you a pig? Drunken Fairy Tower, the young lady said that there are nine stories high in the capital! Our Zuixian Tower in Fengcheng is a P?

"That's right... You're the pig..."

"You are the pig..."


"You, stop and talk about it. I want to listen to suggestions and local suggestions. Don't talk nonsense!" Really, when will the four maids talk well?

"Miss, let's climb the mountain. Dayan Mountain is good... Let's climb the mountain with such a handsome man, ah..."

"Stop - Xia Ye, Dayan Mountain. All right, next, don't talk nonsense." Yang Xiaobai's rare face was stiff. Early in the morning, this Thunderbolt brought her such a problem. She was really depressed!

"Emerald Lake - Rowing." Chunhua forced her to hold two more words in.

"North River - Fishing." Qiu Ju has also learned from it.

"Wen's hunting ground - hunting."

@#¥%... Can you be more creative? None of these things she wants to go to. She frowned and was very depressed.

"Lin Zhen, do you have any good suggestions?"

"I... have no problem with other places except the Northern River, but I'm also going." Lin Zhen's words brightened the eyes of the four maids. Wow, handsome Lin Zhen, you spoke out everyone's voice!

"Miss, I'm going too..."

"I want it too"

"I want it too"

"I also want..."

@#¥%...Lin Zhen is causing her trouble, right?

By the way, this Thunderbolt prince doesn't know how long she will stay. If it really doesn't work, she will go to one place. Anyway, he said it should be distinctive, not what she said. She thinks these are also 'characteristic'!

What Yang Xiaobai and Lin Zhen don't know is that Prince Perak is chatting with Wenjian in the highest level of Yangfu.

"Your Highness, don't you really have to tell Miss Xiaobai first?"


"Stop, I'll tell her about it myself!" Prince Perak frowned and seemed to be very unhappy that Wen Jian asked him this.

"Prince Thunderbolt, can I go home to take care of the year?"

"Wen Jian, you can't say that. What do you mean by Yang Tiannian? You are still young!" Seeing that Wen Jian's face had changed, he smiled again, "Haha, you are not bad these days, are you? Will you play with me for a few days?
