Through the Warring States

Chapter 125 Liu Family

After talking with the emperor, Zhang Fenghuo entered the state of meditation again. Now he doesn't have to worry about the things of the Yangtian family and the Haotian family. The members of the predestined family also practice separately, and recently, panic is not the best time to expand, so they can only give up.

Because of the existence of this branch of the blood clan in the border city, the population is lost every day. Zhang Fenghuo's intention is to let the Yangtian family of the border city gradually transfer to the Tiger City. After all, the blood clan branch in the border city is beyond his fault. The other party is an intermediate martial emperor. As long as he stretches out his finger, he can crush him to death.

Although Ouyang Zhen and the Yangtian family are a little reluctant to live in the border city, Zhang Fenghuo is resolute and can only obey. In any case, they still trust Zhang Fenghuo very much. Although they don't know the beginning and end of this matter, they think it is also for their lives, so the speed of relocation is very fast, which is exactly That's why I saved my life. Later, when I recalled it, everyone was a little happy and grateful.

A month after the Yangtian family left, the border city was slaughtered by the blood clan. Aihong was full of blood. The originally prosperous city turned into a 40%, and you can smell the decay of corpses in the city far away.

Before everyone could react to such a bloody practice of the blood clan, countless blood clan branches began to follow suit. At the same time, countless towns were slaughtered. At the same time, countless blood clans were killed. Because the people of the Fire Sect finally took action, accompanied by the people of the fire sect and the barracks, these two Tianmen eight sects officially appeared. In front of people, martial law in five continents and the ensuing disaster were declared at the same time.

Zhongzhou forces also joined forces with the barracks, and Huozong jointly announced that the five continents were boiling for a moment. This boiling was because of fear and panic. The news they received was that the irresistible demons were about to appear and would usher in troubled times. Far from the struggle between countries, gangs and gangs. As long as they lost, they would face It is the survival of the five continents.

Although the accident changed too quickly, Zhang Fenghuo has not yet broken through to Wusheng, but he did not panic. First of all, he proposed a union. After discussing a joint method with the Zhang family in Hucheng, he began to promote the whole city. Zhang Tianba did not object and strongly supported it. This way of union is to put down each other's pres and materials. Enjoy, unite to resist the enemy until the end of this chaos. As for the election of leaders, it is not a reckless person who can convince everyone.

Although this method is very well publicized in Tiger City, few families have joined, because they do not correctly realize how strong this chaos is. At the same time, they overestimate their own strength and underestimate the strength of the enemy. Although there are few people joining, there are still many visionary or weak families participating. Zhang Tianba naturally became a leader, and Zhang Fenghuo also managed with him on his recommendation.

At the same time, Zhang Fenghuo paid close attention to the situation of Dongzhou and Xizhou, which is his foundation. Xizhou is the place where he has developed. Both states have feelings, so it is impossible for him to sit idly by, so he sent people to quickly pass on his opinions, but he did not know that he saved many people because of his letter. The human life allowed the Sihai Gang and the Fire City in Dongzhou to survive. Of course, these are the afterth.

"Pear Zhang, we should unite the surrounding towns and then look for a strong fortress, or we can present a triangular defense camp that can reinforce each other." At this time, Zhang Fenghuo sat at Zhang Tianba's house and discussed.

Now their power is getting bigger and bigger. There are more than 5,000 allies with the Zhang family, the Yangtian family, the Haotian family, and more than ten small families. Their strength is extremely strong. Those who did not join mocked the ignorance of these people and were swallowed by the Zhang family. Only then did those who joined know that this alliance is reliable. Zhang Instead of annexing them, the family has really achieved the sharing of materials, making these admiration and work harder at the same time.

"You have a good idea, but how can you tell these forces to join? And management in the future is a problem. There are many people who are more prestigious than me. I have no problem with them as leaders, but there will always be conflicts. Zhang Tianba frowned and said that now the merger is full of small families, which is naturally easy to play with, but it will be a little tricky if the big forces join in.

Zhang Fenghuo also thought of this problem, so he opened his mouth and said, "At present, we are just writing a book for each force to explain the pros and cons, and then secretly recruit more small families to practice diligently to ensure their own safety first. If I guess correctly, the current chaos is only the first prelude, and the next big Chaos is about to appear on the stage. At that time, as long as we can resist the two attacks of the enemy, they will naturally move closer to here without us to find them.

Zhang Fenghuo knew how horrible the eight demons were and what God said to him, so he knew very well how fragile these powerful families would be once they really messed up. At that time, when they found that their greatest dependence was broken by the enemy's sneeze, they would naturally lower their posture and come to participate in the same At that time, the right to choose will be in the hands of Zhang Fenghuo. He is not a Bodhisattva and has no responsibility to universalize all sentient beings. What he wants is to survive in troubled times, so it is necessary to choose the best and the bad. Some disobedient forces, and the forces with low strength will certainly be eliminated.

Zhang Tianba likes this young man more and more. Although he still maintains a skeptical attitude about the chaos in Zhang Feng's mouth, he still believes what he said. No matter what, their alliance is still solid at present. Zhang Tianba, like other patriarchs, believes that a blood clan is in chaos despite its cultivation. Gao Qiang, but there is no need to make the whole five continents panic.

However, the next thing completely subverted everyone's understanding, and they also had a definite understanding of the ancient eight demons. With the blood clan, the emergence of the demon clan made some towns in the five continents become forest hell.

Although the barracks and the fire sect have appeared, their personnel are limited, and the movements of the demon clan and the blood clan do not know that it is easy to defend the city, and it is difficult to attack the city. However, the defense of the city is different. The mobility is not as high as the mobility of the siege, so it is very passive.

Every time they received the news, when they arrived, the town was either turned into mummies by the blood clan, or the blood flowed into rivers by the demon clan.

Because of these things, some families that originally didn't care too much became worried. At this time, Zhang's mansion has an endless stream of visitors every day and hopes to join the alliance, but some big forces mean to jointly manage this alliance. At this time, there is a departure Representatives of the Liu family in Hecheng, 30 miles away from Hucheng, came to the Zhang family for discussion.

This person is a middle-aged woman with a charming appearance, but people can notice how shrewd this person is. She was received by Zhang Tianba and Zhang Fenghuo. After all, the Liu family is not a small family, much stronger than the Zhang family.

"Zhang has lost a long way to welcome. Please don't blame the Liu family." After entering the hall, Zhang Tianba opened his mouth and said, his face full of apology. He didn't know it until the other party entered the house. No wonder that the Liu family did not inform anyone in advance.

The woman's name is Liu Yan, a junior military general. She has a good division in the Liu family. She is regarded as the think tank of the head of the Liu family. Many things are handled by her. Liu Yan replied, "The patriarch Zhang is polite. It's the little woman who should make amends for the gift. She bothered the Zhang family uninvited."

The two politely for a while before sitting down. Zhang Fenghuo followed Zhang Tianba and did not say anything. Of course, Zhang Tianba still introduced him to Liu Yan, but Liu Yan praised him. Anyway, he didn't lose anything.

"Patriong Zhang, the little woman came this time to ask about the alliance. My family head Liu was also moved, but the Liu family led the whole body and sent me to inquire first." Liu Yan looked at Zhang Tianba and said.

The meaning of her words is a little euphemistic, but both Zhang Tianba and Zhang Fenghuo understand that the Liu family wants to join the alliance, but how big my Liu family is. The so-called leadership is that I have many and strong strength. What position can you give to join the alliance?

It is absolutely a good thing for the Liu family to join. Zhang Tianba was a little moved. He took a look at Zhang Fenghuo and didn't pay attention to how to arrange him for the other party. Zhang Fenghuo said, "The Liu family's alliance is a happy event for us and all the families. Hecheng is only a few dozen miles away from the local area. With the benefit of mutual reinforcement, the Liu family can unite all the families in Hecheng and form an alliance with Hucheng.

Zhang Fenghuo means to let you unite the Hecheng first to negotiate with us. Because of the evolution of the ancient eight demons, 90% of the families in Tiger City have joined the alliance, and the remaining 10% are comparable to the Zhang family, but now the Zhang family is stronger than before. To an unparalleled extent, these families will join sooner or later.

When Liu Yan heard the words, her eyes turned, covered her face and smiled and said, "I will report this matter to the patriarch. To be honest, the Liu family in Xizhou has reached an agreement with the Sihai Gang. In the future, the Liu family may rush to Xizhou to fight with them."

Zhang Tianba heard this and said, "Four Seas Gang? Why did the Liu family decide to go to Xizhou?

Liu Yan said sadly, "Although Xizhou is not as strong as Nanzhou, Xizhou is united. Chief Zhang is looking at Nanzhou. There are too many families. If you want to unite than climbing to the sky, it is different in Xizhou. The Sihai Gang is very famous. In Xizhou, it is the top three gangs, led by Sihai gangs. Yue Qun took the lead, and the other two gangs also participated in the management together. The three gangs are united. Is there any opportunity for others to choose? Now Xizhou can be said to be a piece of iron.

Zhang Fenghuo was funny, but he didn't expect Yue Qun to really follow his method, so he said, "Xizhou certainly has the advantages of Xizhou, but Nanzhou also has the advantages of Nanzhou. Because the overall strength here is strong, I dare not say whether it can unite everyone together. But after a long time, these people will have a common point.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianba and Liu Yanqi asked, "What do they have in common?"

Zhang Fenghuo said, "That's to live."

When the two heard the words, they looked at each other and were puzzled in the other's look. Although the current crisis was very big, they did not expect that the crisis would spread to the whole five continents. After all, the people they had come into contact with died, and those who survived because of their age also died, and no one wrote a book to tell future generations. So no one knows how much change the ancient demons will bring.

"Why do you say that?" Zhang Tianba asked.

Zhang Fenghuo said, "With the appearance of the blood clan and the demon clan, six other demon clans will appear one by one. The further they go, the stronger they are, and the generals can't even raise their faces. When I was in the border city, I pursued a blood clan to their residence and was found. That man was the commander of the blood clan branch and was an intermediate martial emperor. He disdained to kill me. I Only then did he escape."

Zhang Tianba and Liu Yan took a cold breath. The intermediate Wudi was actually only the leader of the branch, so how strong the real ancient eight demons were, as if they had miscalculated the strength of the ancient eight demons at the beginning.

"But now that Nanzhou is scattered, who has the ability to condense Nanzhou together?" Liu Yan suddenly asked. She felt that the young man in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person, so she could say these words to him.

Zhang Feng frowned and said, "At present, no one in Nanzhou really has the strength to integrate all the forces. At the same time, many people have not realized how terrible the next situation will be. When they want to unite, I'm afraid that the demon clan will not give them that opportunity. We can only contact Only when the nearby forces unite can they save their lives, and Elder Liu just said that the head of the Liu family has a good relationship with Lord Yue Qun, but?

Liu Yan wondered why the other party asked so and nodded and said, "Yes, the head of the Liu family and Lord Yue Qun are old acquaintances, and the two have been dealing with each other."

Zhang Fenghuo said, "Did Elder Liu know what the original name of the gang of Lord Yue Qun was?"

Liu Yan said, "The original name is Feng Gang."

"Yes, the word Sihai is taken from the Sihai family. I used to be the patriarch of the Sihai family." Zhang Fenghuo said.

Liu Yan was stunned when she heard the words, and Zhang Tianba was also stunned. What did the two figured out in an instant? A gang changed its face and set up a new gang with the name of a family. What does this mean? The meaning is a little thought-provoking, but both of them also know that Zhang Fenghuo is absolutely important in the Sihai Gang. As for why the other party came to Nanzhou, they don't know, but they don't want to know. After all, the current problem is still about the alliance.

"I will make it clear to the patriarch when I get back to this matter." Liu Yan said goodbye to the two at the same time, and she wanted to report what she had seen and heard here to her family as soon as possible.

When sending her out of the house, Zhang Fenghuo suddenly asked, "How is the Liu family's dealings with Zhongzhou?"

Liu Yan was not used to Zhang Fenghuo's headless questioning and said a little, "The Liu family has some dealings with several families in Zhongzhou. What does patriarch Zhang need help?"

Zhang Fenghuo said, "If the head of the Liu family distrusts us and still hesitates to join the alliance, I promise that the alliance will only bring unexpected benefits to them in the name of the predestined family."

Liu Yan subconsciously nodded. Obviously, the name of Yuanju Family is a little strange, but the other party mentioned Zhongzhou, which is worth remembering the name.

Now it has been a long time since Zhongzhou Dabi. Although the Yuanju family is loud, it is like a dazzling meteor. It disappears in the sight of everyone. No one knows where they have gone. Moreover, except for Zhongzhou, who has a deep impression of the Yuanju family, the other four continents are very popular. I forgot more, but as long as I think about it, I can think of the fate family that once shocked the five continents, and Zhang Tianba is the one who thinks of it.

He always felt that the Yuanju family was a little familiar, so after sending Zhang Fenghuo away, he returned to the house and thought about it. Finally, he remembered who the Yuanju family was, and at the same time shocked him in a cold sweat! Although the strength of this family can only be medium-high for the big forces, its potential and * are unmatched by any other force. Zhang Fenghuo said the name of the fateful family, and naturally he has his intention.

He does not plan to return to Dongzhou or Xizhou. Here, he wants to take advantage of the troubled times to make a foundation. The name of the predestined family can attract many forces to defect. Coupled with the threat of the ancient eight demons, the speed of cohesion is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

And this time, there is no doubt that Zhang Fenghuo did it right again! Shortly after Liu Yan returned, the head of the Liu family came to discuss the alliance in person. The reason was that Liu Yan first mentioned the Sihai Gang after she went back. Then Liu Cheng, the head of the Liu family, asked Yue Qun, and the answer he received was shocked. Yue Qun's evaluation of Zhang Fenghuo was very brief, writing: I have today, and I need his help. It means that Yue Qun has today's situation, all with the help of Zhang Fenghuo.

Originally, Liu Chengcheng had planned to form an alliance with this point. After that, Liu Yan said that the family might be Zhongzhou. Liu Cheng hurriedly sent a letter to Zhongzhou to inquire. On the day the letter was just sent, Liu Cheng remembered who the Yuanju family was.

Is it a rookie family that once shined in Zhongzhou and affected many forces, and Zhang Fenghuo said that it represented the fate of the family. The meaning of this sentence is obvious. He is the patriarch.

So Liu Cheng hurried on his way to the headquarters of the alliance, the Zhang family.

Although the Yangtian family also has an industry in Tiger City, because of the alliance, all the families' residences have been integrated. The Zhang family's mansion is very large and can accommodate so many people, so it is chosen here.

Zhang Fenghuo also moved to Zhangfu in recent days. Because many facilities are not perfect, craftsmen rushed to work and specially made a number of houses for these patriarchs. After Liu Cheng came to Zhang's house, it caused a sensation, because Liu Cheng did not keep a low profile at all and led the core figures of the Liu family into the city, and countless people stopped to watch. Liu Cheng can be said to have given Zhang Fenghuo enough face.