Through the Warring States

Chapter 126 Promotion to Wu Sheng

Zhang Tianba and Zhang Fenghuo rushed out after being notified. Liu Cheng's arrival did not surprise Zhang Fenghuo, but the other party came too fast, which surprised him a little, but you can understand how the reputation of the Yuanju family is. How could the other party still put on a posture of seniority?

Liu Cheng is kind-looking and has a majesty in his eyebrows. He is about 50 years old and dressed in blue clothes. He looks very capable. After seeing Zhang Fenghuo and Zhang Tianba, Liu Cheng stared at Zhang Fenghuo at a glance and quickly stepped forward and said, "I have heard the name of the Zhang family for a long time. Today's sight is really my blessing. ." His tone is sincere, and people can't see any hypocrisy. Although Zhang Fenghuo also knows that his words are not true, most of them are still true for Liu Cheng. After all, the name of the predestined family, plus their * is really not something that anyone can see.

"The patriarch Liu carries his love. The beacon is just a nobody. How can he deserve you to be so powerful?" Zhang Fenghuo hurriedly replied, with a slight playful tone, which suddenly loosened the atmosphere, otherwise these onlookers would definitely pick up Zhang Fenghuo's ancestral graves to see who this person was.

For the Liu family, he can tell his true identity, but for many forces in Nanzhou, he can't say that now is the critical time. If someone knows that the Yuanju family is in this place, I'm afraid that before they react, people from the blood clan will come up and kill it clean, otherwise Zhang Fenghuo will really make something and let these It's okay to be in a group.

After entering the house, the three sat down, and the rest of the attendants also chatted with each other in the outer hall.

"Pear Zhang, can you tell me how serious this catastrophe is?" Liu Cheng's face is serious and straight to the topic. Zhang Fenghuo must know more than him. Just by looking at the other party's so big * in Zhongzhou, you can know.

Zhang Tianba also pricked up his ears and looked at Zhang Fenghuo.

He was stared at by the two, and he was a little awkward, but he said, "How serious this disaster is. It can be said that if the battlefield is in Xizhou, then Xizhou will no longer exist. Similarly, if it is in Nanzhou, Nanzhou will no longer exist. The strength of the eight demons and Tianmen in ancient times is far from what we can imagine. This kind of strength is not bad, so we must get together. We can not only resist together, but also leave when the time is not right.

Listening to Zhang Fenghuo's words, Liu Cheng's face was heavy, but he still asked, "Long Zhang, do you know how strong these people are? Can we resist it?"

Zhang Fenghuo said, "Apart from Emperor Wusheng, there are also those above Emperor Wu. What do you think about their strength? Whether they can resist or not depends on our creation, but a plate of scattered sand is definitely not as long as the united family."

Liu Cheng thought for a moment when he heard this, and finally said, "Pear Zhang, I decided to merge the Liu family into the alliance and contact the rest of the family in Hecheng, but I have a condition."

Zhang Fenghuo said, "Please say it."

"You must be the leader of the alliance." Liu Chengdao.

Zhang Fenghuo was stunned and didn't expect that the other party to put forward this condition, but after thinking about it, he understood that as long as he is in Zhongzhou*, as long as these people follow his footsteps closely, even if there is no one in Zhongzhou to save them in times of crisis, there will be news, so that their chances of saving their lives will be much higher. As for who The leader is an indifferent thing. As long as the crisis passes, they go back to their respective families to find their mothers. If they can't get through, they will definitely die. Who will fight for that?

Zhang Tianba also agreed when he heard the words. Zhang Fenghuo could only reluctantly respond. Now he doesn't want to be the first bird, but it seems that he can't help him.

After the three just discussed, Liu Cheng led the Liu family back. They wanted to merge the family of Hecheng as soon as possible and then talk about others.

After Zhang Fenghuo returned to his room, he entered meditation and began to practice. Recently, he felt that his desire to break through Wusheng was getting stronger and stronger, but these days he was a little busy and delayed. Seeing this, the emperor appeared in front of him and said, "You have now reached the stage of breakthrough. Eliminate distractions. I'll help you protect the Dharma."

Zhang Fenghuo did as he heard the words, and the whole room was banned by the emperor, and even the existence of this room could no longer be seen outside.

At this time, Zhang Fenghuo broke through with all his strength and only felt that the top of his head was about to crack. It seemed that there was an energy struggling out from his body. He could only suppress it strongly. However, at the reminder of the emperor, he began to be happy and let the energy leave. He saw that the energy was blue and rushed straight up directly above his head, but Fortunately, the room was banned by the emperor, and the energy could not rush out of the house, otherwise it would definitely attract the attention of the whole Tiger City.

After this power was vented, Zhang Fenghuo felt that the remaining power in his body was very pure. When he took a closer look, it was all the original power, that is, the mysterious power he got in the treasure house of the Heaven Emperor. As for the role of this power, the emperor was not clear.

However, the emperor gave a high evaluation, saying that if this force is used properly, the future achievements will never be low, and it is even possible to break through the existence of Emperor Wu.

Zhang Fenghuo is very weak at this moment, but the promotion has not been completed. This is only the first step for a general to promote Wusheng. He expels the cultivation that is not pure enough in his body and leaves only the best, just like a seed.

The second step is the most difficult and the key to promotion, that is, the refining of the body. All the meridians in the body will be broken, and then repaired to form a new meridians to withstand the cultivation of Wusheng.

If you can't stand the pain of breaking your muscles and veins, or if something goes wrong during repairing, this person will become a useless person in the future and can no longer practice.

The risk is very high. This method of promotion also explains why there are so many peak generals, but there are few martial arts saints. They dare not be promoted rashly when the peak generals are not fully prepared, otherwise there will be nothing to practice for a lifetime.

Feeling the crack of the meridians, Zhang Fenghuo gritted his teeth and his body ached to **, full of sweat, but he didn't say a word.

The next morning, the Yuanju family and others and Zhangfu suddenly found the abnormal situation in Zhang Fenghuo's room. They were a little panicked and thought that Zhang Fenghuo had encountered some attack. When the wolf smoke stepped forward to walk to the " open space" in front of them, they were suddenly blocked by a layer of prohibition.

At this moment, the wolf smoke's body was banned and flew away, and at the same time, the Phantom also found that the room had not disappeared. Although they did not know why Zhang Fenghuo was like this, there must be a purpose, so the Yuanju family and others stayed around the house and did not allow anyone to enter and disturb.

Zhang's family has also entered a state of martial law. Many patriarchs are a little strange, but Zhang Tianba's reason is that blood clans may come to attack recently, so these people have been patrolling day and night for fear that some blood clans will sneak into the house or come to kill people.

Keeping others is equivalent to keeping themselves. They have all seen the means of blood clan killing. That kind of death method is not as good as giving them a knife. No one can stand to die after their body's blood is drained out. Therefore, they joined the alliance in order to survive, the purpose is only One is to rely on everyone's strength to survive.

Zhang Fenghuo is experiencing a very painful situation at this moment. The meridians of his body have all been broken, and his face has changed and turned pale. No one can feel this feeling. His whole body is full of pain, which makes people crazy.

Zhang Fenghuo couldn't hold on. The emperor was very confused when he looked at his situation. He had experienced it before when he was promoted from general to Wusheng, but it was definitely not so serious. Zhang Fenghuo's meridians ruptured very slowly. It seemed that the meridians could be seen with the naked eye that the meridians were slightly broken. The pain can be imagined.

"Ah!" Zhang Fenghuo roared and fainted. He had reached the limit of endurance. The emperor quickly checked his body and was surprised to find that he had successfully promoted. There were countless magics on Zhang Fenghuo's body.

First, the promotion is different from ordinary people, and it is more difficult. Second, he obviously relaxed at a critical moment, but was successfully promoted to martial arts saint. Not to mention that the emperor has never seen this kind of thing, it is not recorded in the classics he has read in his life.

In the days when Zhang Fenghuo was promoted, the Yuanju family and others were a little anxious. They didn't know what had happened, but judging from the prohibition of the house, they should not have happened, so they could only stick to their posts day and night and not let anyone disturb them.

In these days, with the emergence of demons and blood clans, many families finally showed a momentum of grouping. One of the forces looked at the position of the Tiger City and heard that there was a Zhang family here, so they sent people to negotiate, hoping that they could merge, but they must take the lead. Naturally, Zhang Tianba could not agree to this condition. It's not a joke that their territory will not only take these people.

However, the strength of this group of forces is too strong. The other side has three peak generals, and only Zhang Tianba is the peak general of the Zhang family. In contrast, no wonder the other party is so strong. Obviously, he has figured out the details of the Zhang family.

Zhang Tianba also sent someone to inform the Liu family in Hecheng at the same time, hoping that the other party could help. It happened that the owner of the Liu family was not there. For a moment, the Zhang family was in a dilemma. Whether they agreed or not.

This group of forces is a family named Fucheng that was destroyed by the blood clan. The escaped patriarch and some family elites gathered together and formed an alliance called Demon Extermination. The place where they passed attracted countless families to join, which has today's considerable strength and quantity.

The leader's name is Wang Yang, who is a peak martial saint. He was originally a patriarch of the family. He is over 40 years old, brave and resourceful. In addition, he knows people well so that he can be elected as the leader of the alliance. This person has no bad habits, but the only shortcoming is lust.

Although lust was not a shortcoming in the Warring States period, the key depends on who the lust was. Wang Yang led several relatives into the Tiger City. When wandering on the street, he suddenly found the Phantom of Yanran. Because the Phantom of Yanran did not wear a mask, the charming face and enchanting figure made Wang Yang give up just a glance. I have to leave, and I can't help but talk to him.

Yanran's Phantom was a little bored at first. When she wanted to teach the other party a lesson, she found that Wang Yang's strength was above her. She suddenly felt troublesome, so she led this person all the way to Zhang's door.

Seeing the phantom of Yanran entering Zhang's house, Wang Yang drew an arc at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes flashed uncertainly. He didn't know what he was paying attention to.

He also followed in, and Zhang Tianba and others came out after the subordinates reported it.

"This is the king's leader." Zhang Tianba is very polite. Before Zhang Fenghuo comes forward, it is impossible for him to quarrel with the other party, because he does not have that strength. Only with Zhang Fenghuo, the peak general, can protect himself even if he is defeated.

Wang Yang ignored Zhang Tianba, but looked left and right, as if he was looking for something, and then asked, "You have a beautiful woman here."

Zhang Tianba's face darkened when he heard the words. He didn't expect this person to be so unreasonable and opened his mouth to find any beauty in Zhang's house. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to them. Zhang Tianba was really right about this. Wang Yang just didn't pay attention to them.

Now he is strong and strong. It is only a matter of time to subdue the Tiger City. At present, he is only waiting for an opportunity. When there is opposition within the Zhang family alliance, it is the date of his attack. Only in this way will the casualties be minimized, and at the same time, he can bring some families to use it.

Seeing that Zhang Tianba ignored himself, Wang Yang sneered and said, "Pear Zhang, everyone is a smart person. I'm giving you three days. If you still don't agree with my conditions after three days, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

The threatening smell of this sentence is very strong. If you want to completely defeat these people, or disperse these people, Wang Yang's idea is not to give the other party a little affection to let the people who follow him understand who is more powerful.

At this time, Zhang Tianba said, "If you want to talk about these things, I can't make the decision at present. You have to wait for our leader to come back."

Wang Yang sneered and said nothing. He just thought that Zhang Tianba was evadeing him. He didn't think there was any other person in the Zhang family that was more powerful than Zhang Tianba.

At this time, the fate of the family and others suddenly came out. Wang Yang saw the phantom at a glance. He quickly stepped forward and flattered, "Beauty, I'm looking for you for so much."

"Lead Wang, please pay attention to your words." Zhang Tianba suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

The Yuanju family and others also reacted and looked at the other party with a disgusted face. Lang Yan even took out a short blade to see the other party's behavior of meeting each other.

Wang Yang didn't expect these people's reaction to be so extreme. He said, "It's just a joke. Don't be nervous. Zhang Ling still remember what I said. Three days, I only give you three days." After saying that, Wang Yang looked at the Phantom of Yanran reluctantly and turned away.

After Wang Yang and others left, Zhang Tianba and the Yuanju family came to the inner hall to discuss countermeasures. The meaning of mindlessness is to procrastinate. They now do not have the strength to confront the other party. They also asked the Liu family to contact Liu Cheng to rush to Tiger City as soon as possible. No one can think of any other way for the time being, and it can only do so.

Zhang Fenghuo has now woken up. His whole body is weak and he is meditating and practicing in place. The emperor's prohibition in the room has not been reduced but strengthened a lot, because Zhang Fenghuo's fragile body now does not allow any mistakes.

And during his meditation time, he didn't know that the outside had turned upside down. Three days soon came. The people of the Demon Extermination Alliance came outside the Tiger City Gate. Wang Yang led more than a dozen people into the city. These more than ten people were all generals, including Wang Yang's three peak generals, two of whom The ranks of generals and five junior generals have an extremely strong lineup.

And Liu Cheng has at least caught up. At this time, he has led the core members of the Liu family in the Zhang family. Now the Zhang family has two peak generals, three intermediate generals, and ten junior generals, which are no less than the other.

Even if Zhang Feng doesn't go out now, Wang Yang and others have no choice. It can be said that Liu Chenglai is very timely.

After entering Zhang's house, Wang Yang and others were very surprised when they saw the Liu family. With the current strength of the two sides, if they fight, the gains will outweigh the losses.

"I don't know what the patriarch Zhang is thinking about?" Wang Yang came straight to the point and asked directly.

Zhang Tianba is quite tough now, so he replied, "It's not negotiable at this time. He has already given the answer to Wang leader at the beginning. Can't you hear it clearly?"

Wang Yang was a little annoyed when he heard the words. Three days ago, the other party did not have such an attitude. Now he regrets why he did not attack directly on that day. By the time the other party's assistance arrived, he had already completed the boat, but there was no regret medicine, and he could only think of other countermeasures.

"A small group of the blood clan will attack Tiger City. I don't know if you have any news. There is also Wusheng among this group of people. If we don't unite, we will definitely be killed by the blood clan at that time." Wang Yang said.

Zhang Tianba and Liu Cheng's faces changed when they heard the words. Unexpectedly, there was still such a situation. The other party should have no reason to deceive them.

So Liu Cheng said, "As for the merger, we need to wait for our leader to come back to discuss it in detail. For the time being, we can let you enter the city and make an open space for him to rest, but we can't walk around the city."

Hearing that the leader was not here again, Wang Yang was a little puzzled. Does the other party really still have a leader? It is unknown whether the other party is a peak general or a higher figure, but he understands that this Tiger City alliance is definitely not as simple as he thought. A small team of blood clan is coming soon, and he can only temporarily agree to the other party's request.

At this time, the Phantom of Yanran suddenly came in with Zhang Fenghuo and only heard Zhang Fenghuo say, "There is no need to let them progress. We have our own strength to fight against the blood clan." Zhang Fenghuo has been out of the customs, but his body is still very weak. Yanran's Phantom has been guarding in front of the door. Seeing him come out and very haggard, he has been helping him. On the way here, he also heard Wang Yang's evil deeds. Zhang Fenghuo was very disgusted, so he said this.

Seeing Zhang Fenghuo, Yuan gathered the family and others, the Zhang family and others, the Liu family and others got up together, and Zhang Fenghuo also sat directly on the main position.