The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 20 Immortal Residence, Qingqing's Home

As he was thinking about it, there was a long clear cloud. He stood up in surprise and looked at it: a small black spot swooped down from the top of the mountain, and the small black spot quickly became bigger and turned into a colorful cloud. The cloud fell very fast. In a blink of an eye, he was close to him and saw that it was a huge colorful bird with big bird with big wings rolling wings. A gust of wind made his clothes hunting sound. At this time, he had made a small achievement in practicing the explosion formula. Under the strong wind, he couldn't stand up, retreated, and took a few steps to stand still.

The big bird stood with its wings, extremely tall. Compared with him, Xiao Tian only reached his shoulder.

The big bird has two wings and turns into a middle-aged man. Light blue face, long colorful hair to the shoulders, eagle eyes hooked nose, wearing a colorful clothes, deep eyes, looking at Xiao Tian grimly.

Is this a man or a bird?

Xiao Tian was shocked. He saw Qingqing's mother as a colorful bird. He expected that this was Qingqing's elder, but he didn't know how to turn into a human form. He gave a deep bow and said, "Xiao Tian, the younger generation, has met his predecessors."

The middle-aged man asked, "Are you a friend of 18?" The speed of this sentence is extremely fast and the voice is clear and loud.

Although Xiao Tian doesn't know who Lao 18 is, he guesses that he is Qingqing.

He replied more and more respectfully, "The senior is talking about Qingqing. That's a friend of the younger generation. Where did he go? Please teach him."

The middle-aged man ignored him and asked, "Why are you locked in the cave? Who is that dead old man?

Who are you? Why do you ask me this? I can't tell you everything! What if you are also a bad person?

Xiao Tian muttered in his heart, knowing that this bird must have a lot to do with Qingqing, but he didn't know whether to answer his question.

I guess this bird won't hurt himself, right? Qingqing can't let others harm themselves.

He thought for a moment and replied vaguely, "The father of the younger generation was killed by the thief, and the thief locked the younger generation in the cave. The younger generation is young, so I really don't know the reason. As for the dead old man, he was the neighbor of the younger generation. He was ashamed to die because of the younger generation.

Xiao Tian kept his mind and only told the other party what Qingqing knew, but at this point, he remembered the tragic situation when his father and Xiao's father died, and he couldn't help but look miserable.

When the middle-aged man saw his miserable face, it was not easy to ask again. He snorted coldly and said, "I'm not afraid of being affected by you. Ordinary people can't go up to this Yuping Peak, but the 18 wants you to avoid disaster." The middle-aged man said this and remembered that the teenager in front of him called Lao 18 to be green and couldn't help smiling. He continued, "You have to examine your heart to prevent evil people from sneaking in."

Xiao Tian was shocked and saw that the peak was so steep. He was still aware of himself. I'm afraid he fell down after climbing a few feet. It's better not to be ugly.

He saluted the middle-aged man and said, "The younger generation dare not. Please tell Qingqing that the younger generation has said goodbye!" Walk the way.

In front of it is a lush virgin forest with a sound of forest waves.

He was melancholy and didn't know if he could see each other again in the future. He was looking forward to seeing him again.

Xiao Tian took a few steps, turned around and said, "I don't know if the senior can let Qingqing come down and see the younger generation again?"

The middle-aged man was quite surprised to see him leave - this stinky boy is quite proud!

At this time, when I saw him turn back, I couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the difficulty for you to see him? I'll take you there!"

He stretched out his arms and turned into a big bird. Two huge claws grabbed his shoulder, shook it straight up and flew to the top of the mountain.

Xiao Tian lost his voice and shouted, and then he was shocked. He was afraid that the big bird would look down on him, so he clenched his teeth and stopped making a sound.

I only heard the wind roaring in my ears, my mouth and nose were full of wind, and it was difficult to breathe. He peeked down and saw that the forest was rapidly getting smaller. The mountain wall flew past his eyes. He suddenly felt dizzy. He closed his eyes and did not dare to look again. He was uneasy: "If this "bird man" loses his claws, I will really become a meat pie if I fall down."

The strangest thing is that every once in a while, there is an invisible pressure. It seems that the air has become sticky and the resistance is extremely great. He silently counted in his heart and went through a total of nine times of pressure.

Suddenly, I felt that the wind stopped, my feet were on the ground, and the claws on my shoulders were also released. Xiao Tian opened his eyes, and the middle-aged man was looking at him with a smile.

He was about to ask where Qingqing was, but he felt that the breath in his stomach surged, and there was a sudden nausea. There was a sound in his throat, and there was a dry vomiting lying underground, but he heard Qingqing's crisp cry, which seemed to be blamed.

He jumped with joy and shouted, "Qingqing!"

Qingqing ignored him and only cared about the middle-aged man's ear, and the middle-aged man also laughed and made a chirping sound.

The two argued a few words, but saw that the middle-aged man could not argue, and their expression was quite embarrassed. They smiled at Xiao Tian and said, "You can tell your good friend, I still have something to do!"

Middle-aged people turned into big birds and spread their wings and flew away.

Qingqing just flew to Xiao Tian's shoulder and stopped, still muttering something. Xiao Tian smiled. I guess this little guy didn't have a good word.

There is a huge bluestone facing the southeast on the top of the mountain, like a naturally formed screen, blocking the wind blowing in the northwest.

At this time, they were in front of the screen, and the wind made Xiao Tian's clothes hunt, as if they wanted to fly away in the wind.

Qingqing took Xiao Tian to turn the screen, and the wind suddenly became less.

Xiao Tian only felt a light in front of his eyes, and the scenery behind the screen was so beautiful that he could hardly breathe.

Contrary to the steepness of the northwest when you come up, the slope of the mountain is extremely gentle. The hillsides are green and grassy, and the hillsides rise one after another. There are some unknown trees on the slope. The canopy is very large, and there are spire huts among the branches and leaves. The roof of the hut is dyed in various colors, which is like a tree. It grows like a huge pointed mushroom.

There is a pool with a diameter of more than ten meters in the middle of the mountain. Several springs in the pool are distributed in the shape of flowers, rolling out of the water. The spring water is very urgent, protruding more than one meter from the water surface. It is divided into dozens of small streams on all sides of the side of the pool. The stream winding down the mountain, forming more than a dozen small ones in a slightly sloped area. At the end of the waterfall is a small pool with clear bottom. The bottom of the pool is paved with large and small colorful stones. Under the sunlight, silver beads splash, and the colorful stones at the bottom of the pool and the rainbow over the pool reflect each other.

At the foot of the mountain is an endless, green grassland. More than a dozen large and small colorful lakes are like colorful pearls falling on the green carpet. The winding river is like a silver-white ribbon. The river flows slowly, and the colorful stones at the bottom of the river are clear and visible. There are cyan birds playing, and from time to time colorful giant birds pass through the sky.