The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 21 Mr. Hillbilly

At the far end, there seems to be a large dark green virgin forest in the southeast of the grassland, and the other direction is surrounded by mountains, which is actually a huge basin.

A magnificent golden-walled towering tree stands at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by all kinds of strange flowers and plants, blooming brilliantly.

At this time, it is late winter, and the yellow leaves are all over the ground, but the flowers and grass are flourishing here, like spring.

Xiao Tian opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it. The scene in front of him was like a dream. For a moment, he didn't know where he was.

When Qingqing saw that he was shocked, she was very proud and circled around him a few times. Seeing that he was still staring at the foot of the mountain, he fell on his shoulder and pecked into his ears.

Xiao Tian was shocked, looked back at Qingqing, and asked stupidly, "Is this the residence of the immortals?"

Qingqing is just a small bird. He can't curl his lips or transform into a human shape. He has to despise it in his heart: "Our Qingwu clan is originally a fairy, and this is the residence of immortals!"

It thought for a moment and added a new word that has learned in the past few months: "You country bumpkin!"

Xiao Tian didn't know these thoughts in Qingqing's little brain at all. Even if he knew it, he just smiled. Can he still grab Qingqing and spank him?

Qingqing flew in front, and he followed behind. Only then did he find that there was a path where only two people could walk side by side. They were paved with five-color stones and curvedly hidden in the grass. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

Xiao Tian followed Qingqing, only looking at the beautiful scenery around him and didn't notice how long he walked. In front of him was the huge tree. Qingqing stopped, motioned him to wait, and then flew into a wooden house in the canopy.

From a close point of view, the giant tree is more magnificent. The trunk is about ten feet in diameter. Wooden houses of various shapes and sizes are built on the branches. In the middle, vines are cleverly woven into a path. There are also leaves on the vines, blooming various small flowers, and it is obviously still growing. The branches are covered with shiny seven-color stones, reflecting soft light in the sunlight.

Xiao Tian specializes in the two elements of light and darkness. Although he does not have the ability to face the enemy at present, he dares not say that he is one of the best in the world, and it is not a big problem to count three or four.

Although I don't know that the seven-color stone on the tree is an elemental stone of various systems, I don't know that any elemental stone here will be dreamed of by countless people on the mainland. But instinctively felt that the reflected light was unusual. After all, he was young and was about to get up and get closer to see what was going on. Qingqing flew out, followed by a young man in blue and colorful hair.

The young man is thick-looking and simple, giving people the feeling of being very honest and kind.

The teenager walked up to him, looked at him up and down curiously, and saluted him, "The patriarch, please, sir."

Xiao Tianchang was so old that it was the first time he was called Mr. He couldn't help blushing. He couldn't say anything. He replied at a loss, but he didn't know what to say.

Qingqing fell on the teenager's shoulder and chattered for a while, and his little round eyes were full of cunning smiles.

The teenager's simple face showed a listening expression and said, "Xiangba old?"

Qingqing nodded desperately, and his little wings were about to fall off the teenager's shoulders one by one.

The teenager turned around and said to Xiao Tian, "Mr. Xiangbarao, please follow me."

Then he walked to the giant tree.

Xiao Tian shook his head helplessly: This stinky bird played with me again! He walked with the teenager with a wry smile.

There was a earth-shaking laughter in the blue bird's beak, and a man stood unsteadily and fell off the teenager's shoulder...

The teenager didn't care when he heard Qingqing's laughter - Qingqing was used to such a neurotic smile.

In front of the giant tree is a corridor woven with vines. The teenager stood on the edge of the corridor, leaned slightly, and said to Xiao Tian, "Mr. Xiangbarao, please go first."

Qingqing just struggled to get up from the ground and spread her wings to follow them. Hearing this, she laughed again. This time, her wings cramped and fell down like a top, falling on the grass, still twitching.

This time, even the teenager felt that something was wrong. He looked back at Qingqing and the wry smile on Xiao Tian's face. He felt that it was wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

Xiao Tian doesn't bother to explain to him. What did he say? Say I'm not a country bumpkin? He came here by himself as a country bumpkin.

He went to the corridor and was about to go up, but he saw leaves and flowers on it. He couldn't bear it and stopped in the air.

The teenager smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Just go ahead." This time, he learned well and didn't call Xiao Tian's "name"

Xiao Tian tried to put his foot gently. He was afraid of stepping on the leaves and delicate flowers. When he fell, he tried to put it where there were few leaves, but he saw that wherever his feet went, the leaves and flowers stretched out to both sides as if they were spiritual, so that the strong vines could bear his footsteps.

On both sides of the corridor are the same vine woven armrests. A small yellow flower swings around his wrist. The teenager smiled and said, "They also know your kindness. This is thanking you!"

Xiao Tian's embarrassment eased slightly and said with a smile, "This flower is quite spiritual!"

The corridor is winding and connected in all directions. At every fork in the road, there is a string of light pink flowers swinging in one direction, as if pointing the way.

At the beginning, Xiao Tian didn't know what he meant. The teenager pointed him in the direction Xiaohua pointed. After walking through two intersections, Xiao Tian knew what he meant. When he encountered a fork in the road, he did not wait for the teenager's guidance, and walked in the direction pointed by Xiaohua.

After more than a dozen forks, the cloister leads to a blue spire cabin, and the teenager took Xiao Tian in.

The cabin looks small from the outside, and the space in the house is actually very spacious. Only the space element master above the fifth level can use the folding space to make the interior of this small room so large.

Xiao Tian doesn't understand these, and only feels that what happened today is more amazing.

I saw a snow-white carpet in the room, embroidered with green branches in the four corners of the carpet, and a woman sitting in the hall. The beautiful woman's skin is better than snow, and her skin seems to be a little whiter than the carpet. Her eyes are deep and her expression is kind. A long colorful hair tied a bun with a black wooden hairpin on it.

Originally, there were several middle-aged men and women with different faces sitting on both sides, all with long colorful hair, and the middle-aged man who grabbed him up the peak was also among them, but set off by this beautiful woman, these people did not seem to exist.

The teenager who led him in shouted, "Pyal, Mr. Hillbilly has arrived!"

The woman looked around, and several men and women next to her were also looking at her with surprise.

Xiao Tian was embarrassed and hurried forward to salute and whispered, "Xiao Tian, the younger generation, has met several predecessors."

Several middle-aged men and women looked at each other and smiled. Although the woman was ordinary strict, she couldn't help laughing at this time.

The teenager was still surprised and said to Xiao Tian, "Didn't you say that you are called a villager old man? Why is it called Xiao Tian? Did you also call a name before you were a minor and another name when you became an adult?

Xiao Tian lowered his head and smiled bitterly and dared not answer.

Qingqing has rolled on the carpet with laughter.