The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 22 Settling in the Medicine Fairy Valley

The woman knew that it was Qingqing's prank, so she smiled and scolded Qingqing, "You child, bullied your third brother who hasn't gone through the world, and actually made fun of the guests. Look if I won't let your mother take you out next time!"

Qingqingqiang suppressed her smile, flew up and bowed in the air. Her wings flapped like a windmill. When the beautiful woman saw it, she also smiled and said, "You two go out. I have something to say to the guests."

The teenager and Qingqing retreated, and only heard the teenager's words come from afar: "Old 18th, you have to tell me what the villagers mean, or I can complain to your mother!"

Everyone in the hall couldn't help laughing. The woman said softly, "18 This child has been naughty since he was a child. Don't be surprised. Please sit down!"

Xiao Tian did not dare to sit down and replied, "Qingqing is a little friend in trouble of the younger generation. It's okay to joke."

The woman said, "18's mother also told me about your situation and hoped that the clan would accept you to avoid disaster. But I don't know what you plan to do?"

Xiao Tian is happy to live and practice in this fairyland-like place. Of course, he is very happy. This mountain is so high that it is difficult for the enemy to fly up even if he inserts his wings.

He didn't know that the nine sticky places of air that the "Uncle Bird" grabbed him through were nine space barriers. Ordinary people, let alone come up, can't even see the whole picture of the peak.

Xiao Tian hurriedly saluted and said, "I'm afraid to disturb you."

The woman looked at several people next to her and said, "18 has already told you about your situation, but I need to ask again, who is the dead old man and why you are imprisoned in the cave?"

Maybe he was afraid that Xiao Tian would think too much and didn't wait for Xiao Tian to answer. The woman said, "It's not that we must find out your privacy, but that no outsiders have come here. Although 18 has said that your heart is not bad, we still need to know the details."

Xiao Tian thought nervously: It is impossible for Qingqing and his mother to harm themselves, but they have a secret. Do you want to tell them? Well, let's bet once, just bet that the Qingqing people will not harm themselves!

He immediately knelt on the ground and talked about the test, treasure, father's mourning, trapped and so on.

Xiao Tian's eloquence is not very good, but everything is personal experience. When it comes to sadness, he can't help but shed tears.

The woman took a handkerchief, walked slowly to him, handed it to him, and then helped him up and sat down in the chair.

Xiao Tian lost his mother when he was young. Although the woman's face was young, her voice and expression on her face were quite vicissitudes. Xiao Tian's heart was warm and he seemed to see his dead mother smiling at him again.

After he finished speaking, several people asked some questions, which did not matter to him. Only the middle-aged man who caught him on the peak was called Qinghe and asked his master's eyes were also black?

Xiao Tian's heart tightened: Why did you ask this? Are they the master's enemies?

But he can't lie anymore, and he answered yes for sure.

The middle-aged man looked at the woman, and they nodded at the same time.

The woman handed him a glass of water and said to him, "It turns out that you are light and dark. No wonder the 18th mother said that your elemental attributes are a little special, and even she can't see what they are. You stay here and practice your skills. If you need anything, just ask 18 and Qingwu. The child can't speak but shape, but he is ghostly!"

Speaking of Qingqing, several people looked at each other and smiled, and shook their heads helplessly.

Xiao Tian was still thinking about the master. Why did they ask the master's eyes so solemnly?

In fact, what he doesn't know is that he can avoid disaster here, half of which is the role of Qingqing, and the other half is the role of the master.

The energy of this master is far from what Xiao Tian, a teenager, can imagine.

The patriarch waved to a teenager standing in the corner of the house and shouted, "Ayan, come here." The teenager came over, and the patriarch leaned over his ear and said a few words. The teenager nodded and walked to the door. When he passed Xiao Tian, he saluted and smiled at him and said, "Hello!"

Xiao Tian hurriedly returned the gift and said, "Hello!" The teenager went out.

The patriarch saw the teenager out and said to Xiao Tian, "In a moment, let 18 and Qingwu, the teenager who was teased by Qingqing, let them take you around the clan and familiarize yourself with the situation in the valley. There are many rules of the clan. You are a guest, and you don't have to abide by one by one, as long as you abide by the first three."

Xiao Tian looked at her and waited for her to explain what the first three were, but she said, "Okay, go out!"

Xiao Tian said, "Yes!" He saluted the crowd, stepped back a few steps, and then turned around and went out.

Coming out of the hall, Xiao Tian took a long breath and was surrounded by several people to ask and look at him. He was really nervous just now. His back was full of cold sweat and his underwear was all wet.

Qingqing and the teenager Qingwu are already waiting under the tree. Qingwu smiled and said, "Let's take you around the clan. Shall we go after dinner or leave now?"

Xiao Tian said, "Thank you. I'm not hungry. Let's go now!"

The two walked slowly along a colorful gravel path. Qingqing squatted on Xiao Tian's shoulder and seemed to be asleep. Qingwu explained to him all the way: "This valley is called Yaoxian Valley, and this mountain is called Yuping Peak. Don't you think this mountain looks like a screen?"

"Do you look like a curved jade belt on the river on the grassland? That's the Yudai River."

"The mountains in the southwest are called the Porta Mountains, and the dark green forest in the southeast is called the Magic Jade Forest. Well, I haven't been there either. Because of the ethnic rules, the Qingwu people are not allowed to enter the Magic Jade Forest."

Hearing this, Xiao Tian interrupted and asked, "What are the first three clan rules?"

Qingwu turned his head to look at him and said strangely, "Why do you ask this? The first three rules of the clan are not allowed to fight and hurt people at will. The second is that stealing is not allowed. Article 3 You are not allowed to enter the Dan room without permission.

Xiao Tian said, "I understand. The patriarch said that I should abide by the first three clan rules. I don't even know what the first three clan rules are. Thank you!"

Qing Wudao: "It's okay. I guess you won't do it. If you need anything, just go to the leader of the warehouse, or tell me. The patriarch told me what you want me to get for you. Just don't miss the Danfang. The Danfang is there."

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the west. Xiao Tian looked in the direction of his finger: he saw a large smooth slope, fenced with shrubs, surrounded by a huge garden, with grass, trees, and several mirror-like pools. At the foot of the mountain by the garden, there are more than a dozen rooms of various colors, large and small.

Unlike other tree houses, it is built on the ground, so far away that you can't see what material it is built. The house community is further west, which is divided into small pieces of fields.

Qing Wudao: "That big garden is a medicine garden belonging to the clan, and the medicine there cannot be picked casually. If you pick it without permission, you will violate the second rule of the clan, haha! Those small medicinal fields are the private plows of the pharmacists in Danfang. Of course, they can't be picked randomly. If necessary, there are many kinds of wild drugs on the grassland, and you just need to spend more effort.

Xiao Tian said, "I know, I won't walk around."