The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 109 Disgusting Fat Man

When Yan Duoduo appeared in front of the crowd again, all three of them were bright:

White melon seed face, straight eyebrows, bright big eyes, and rosy lips under the small nose.

He was dressed in a black suit and bowed his hand to everyone with a smile. His expression was simply a beautiful prince.

Feixuan's eyes were straight: "No, Duoduo, it turns out that you look better than me in a man! Zeng Jian also has some vision!"

Feixuan said regretfully, "It's a pity that Duoduo is too fierce, * is too hard, otherwise... but it's too familiar to start. Forget it!" He shook his head gently.

Yan Duoduo noticed his action: "Why did you shake your head? Am I not good-looking like this?"

"Good-looking!" Guke and Lin Jie shouted with one voice, "It's beautiful!"

Gu Ke smiled and looked up and down at Yan Duoduo. It was not until he saw her white face climb two red clouds, and then said with a smile, "Duoduo is really right. This is really much more convenient. Let's go!"

I don't know if it's because of Yan Duoduo, a fierce woman dressed as a man, Lin Jie did not take the initiative to make trouble this time.

Silver tickets are in hand, accompanied by beauty. Although this beauty is a little fierce and men's clothing, it has a unique flavor, isn't it?

The three big boys were in a happy mood, but they were not in a hurry. They walked slowly all the way, looked at the mountains and rivers, and enjoyed the customs of various places, but they were also leisurely.

As for Yan Duoduo, this public-funded trip has discovered another hobby: eating.

It turns out that such a beautiful woman as Duoduo is a foodie! How on earth did she maintain her devilish figure?

The three teenagers said in their hearts more than once, but no one dared to ask.

After spending half a year in the same school, I didn't find that Yan Duoduo was a foodie. I can't blame a few teenagers.

The food at Locke College is already good. Xiao Tian, the boss, has not squeaked them on the issue of food, but there are only dozens of school meals, and most of Yan Duoduo's activities are on campus, so he has no chance to eat more kinds of food.

For various reasons, her attribute was successfully hidden.

Now that the right conditions have been met, the seeds have finally sprouted.

Every place, in addition to visiting mountains and rivers, Yan Duoduo's biggest hobby is all kinds of local snacks.

Morning, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, supper, mixed with various snacks in the middle...

Gu Ke touched his bulging stomach and looked at Fei Xuan and Lin Jie, who were also much fatter, with bitter smiles.

Silver is a small thing. The money given by the boss is enough for the four of us to spend three years, but this is how to eat...

Gucco feels that with the growth of his belly recently, his elemental power has decreased a lot, and his brain has become much slower.

Look at Lin Jie, he is no longer the original black bamboo pole. He has become a bundle of black bamboo poles.

The handsome Feixuan has a tendency to get fat recently. His cheeks are bulging, and his little belly also comes out.

Only Yan Duoduo is not only in good shape, but also seems to be much more beautiful, her skin is whiter, and her face is so tender that it can be broken.

Looking at the outline of the city gradually emerging at the end of the road, Guke secretly made up his mind: I don't know what snacks there are in this city? If Yan Duoduo wants to eat this time, let her eat by herself, and I won't accompany her!

The blue-gray wall was tall and towering. The soldiers guarding the city wore neat and beautiful uniforms, wore polished silver belts around their waists, and stood on both sides of the gate with a majestic and proud look. The midday sun shone on their faces, and the soldiers looked handsome and extraordinary.

There is no need to go to the city. The city gives people a sense of rejuvenation from the outside.


The carriage passed through the tall gate, and the bright residents on the street greeted each other in dialects that sounded awkward;

Yan Duoduo shrugged her small nose and smelled it: Well, the air is fresh and filled with a faint spicy smell - people here like to eat spicy food!

She gently slapped the buttocks of the horse pulling the cart: Hurry up, I'm in a hurry!

The largest inn in Lingcheng: China Merchants Inn.

Gu Ke booked two rooms and looked depressedly as Lin Jie and Fei Xuan put their luggage in the room. There was already a crisp voice at the door: "Hurry up, let's go and see what's delicious?"

"Let's go. It's just a meal. I'll have another meal with her, and I won't eat in the afternoon." Guko comforted himself and the other two and couldn't help walking out.

Behind him, Feixuan and Lin Jie, who were also fat and bitter-faced, were followed.

A snack street.

It's strange, why does every city have such a street?

The three teenagers slandered and followed Yan Duoduo, looking at the stalls on both sides of the street.

The enthusiastic stall owners shouted loudly, with loud and full of breath.

Yan Duoduo ate two strings of insects with eight feet, a string of strangely shaped insect-like things, holding a string of pink animals that were still squirming with seasoning in her hand, and tilted her head and hesitated about how to eat.

Gu Ke, Lin Jie and Fei Xuan stared at her as if no one was eating happily. They all looked white and felt their throats itchy.

Lin Jie watched the pink animals move around and finally couldn't help clucking in his throat. He looked left and right, covered his mouth and hurriedly ran to the alley next to him.

After a while, Lin Jie came out with a bitter face, holding a * in his hand - spitting everywhere. The situation was serious, and he was fined a silver coin.

A bearded middle-aged fat man slowly walked out of the alley, throwing a silver coin in his hand. He breathed at the silver coin, listened to it, and smiled with satisfaction.

The fat man came over, stopped next to Yan Duoduo, and said to the stall owner, "Two strings of locust spiders, one is called spider, one is red skin, and more spicy."

The stall owner smiled respectfully: "Okay, come on. Xiaoyue, I haven't seen you recently. Why did you come out in person today?

The fat man smiled, and two rows of snow-white teeth appeared in his beard: "The little brothers are obedient, and I can't always come out to annoy them, otherwise, these guys will scold me for robbing their food."

Several teenagers looked at the fat man curiously: they were dressed in a green cloth robe, the greasy on the front and cuffs were black and shiny, their eyebrows were very long and thick, the same long and thick had a dirty beard, and their round eyes were slightly wrinkled at the corners of their eyes, and they looked like they were in their thirties.

When the fat man saw Gu Ke and others looking at him, he nodded to them friendlyly and smiled at Yan Duoduo, "Children, this is how this red skin is eaten."

He raised his head, opened his mouth and sucked. Several pink animals strung on the stick slid into his mouth. His throat squirmed up and down for a while, and the animals magically disappeared.

Lin Jie turned around and ran to the alley again. Gu Ke and Fei Xuan also felt that their throats were itchy. They turned their backs and covered their mouths.

When they turned around, the two were stunned at the same time, covering their mouths and ran to the alley - the fat man's mouth was stained with the legs of several insects, and the mixture of oil and blood flowed to the sticky beard, which looked disgusting - the key was that the guy still clicked his mouth and ate it so delicious.

Yan Duoduo was stunned for a while, looked at the fat man's disgusting mouth, and then looked at the sign in her hand. Thinking that what she had just eaten was exactly the same as that of the fat man, she screamed, threw down the sign to cover her mouth, bent down and vomited loudly.

A white cloth bag appeared in front of Yan Duoduo. The cloth bag opened its mouth and put a leaf of a plant on the bottom of the bag. Yan Duoduo took it and spit it out in the bag.

"What a pity for such an expensive barbecue. It's worth three silver coins!"

The fat man smiled leisurely and said, "But the cloth bag is more valuable, four silver coins.

Yan Duoduo didn't care to talk to him, bent down and vomited loudly.

The shopkeeper looked bitterly: "Master Yue, please forgive me. It's so bold to eat. Being so disgusting by you, my business today is ruined."

The fat man had a cold face and pouted his mouth to the side: "I know you squeeze him again. I come to your place to eat every day! Don't worry, I won't eat you for nothing!"

On the stall next to him, a thin teenager opened his timid eyes and saluted the fat man: "Good morning, Xiaoyue!"

The fat man walked over with a smile and touched his hair: "It's been said to call me fat brother. Is your father better?"

Tears appeared in the teenager's eyes: "Last time I used the money you gave me to buy medicine, but now I'm much better. I can go to the ground yesterday. He was supposed to come today, but I won't let him rest at home for another day.

"Hmm!" The fat man nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Wait."

He turned back. Yan Duoduo had just vomited and dug his lungs. He just straightened up and his face turned pale.

The fat man stretched out four fingers with a smile: "Four silver coins in the cloth bag."

Yandauoduo's eyes widened and was about to have a seizure. The fat man suddenly slapped his hand in front of his face: "Oh, it smells really bad! They can't stand it when they come back. I'll throw it away for you!"

He reached out and took the bag, walked to the garbage bin more than ten meters away and threw it in.

Yang Duoduo's pretty face blushed, and she stared at the fat man hatefully: "They will come back to give it to you later!"

The fat man smiled kindly: "Do you need a total of seven silver coins for those three*?"

Yan Duoduo said hatefully: "No!"

Look at me, I look at you. The beard on the fat man's face trembled with a smile: "When I was a child, I was poor and couldn't bear to eat anything. Now that I'm old, I don't have any appetite to eat. I'm really envious to see you young people eating well!"

Yan Duoduo rolled her eyes at him: "Nima, you don't have an appetite yet? If you have an appetite, you will eat people!"

The fat man didn't mind her swearing: "There are really people eating people in this world, but you haven't seen it."