The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 110 Xiao Yueer, Urban Management and Helper

The more you talk about it, the more disgusting it becomes!

Yan Duoduo gave him a fierce look and turned his face to stop talking.

Gu Ke and others came out of the alley with a pale face and returned to the barbecue stall with a bitter face.

Gu Ke asked the owner of the barbecue stall, "Boss, pay the bill!" He didn't want to stay here for a while.

Yan Duoduo stretched out his hand to ask Gu Ke for money: "Four silver coins!"

Guge reached into his arms to pay for money.

The owner of the barbecue stall next to him smiled: "Sung, take on three silver coins."

Gu Ke's hand stopped: "Duoduo, he said it was three silver coins?"

"If I ask you to give it to you, what nonsense? Four are for me!"

Guke took out the silver coins, counted four and handed them to her, and muttered, "What else do you want money for?"

"What do you care about me?" Yan Duoduo grabbed the money and handed it to the middle-aged fat man: "Here you are, it's clear!"

The middle-aged fat man took the money with a smile and quickly took out a * from his arms: "Yes, ticket, three silver coins."

With an angelic smile on his face, he handed the ticket to Gu Ke: "My little brother became a treasurer at a young age, and his future is boundless!"

Gu Ke opened his eyes wide: "What, ticket?"

Lin Jie stabbed him awkwardly and whispered, "Gu Ke, spitting everywhere in Lingcheng is fined."

The middle-aged fat man looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment! You have vomited so much, and it is very difficult for sanitation workers to clean up! How difficult it is for workers. They get up five times and sleep in the middle of the night. They are covered with dust on sunny days and mud on rainy days. Day after day, year after year, conscientious and hard-working, whether it is the extreme heat or the severe cold, whether it is wind and rain or snow all over the sky, we always fight on the front line of environmental sanitation work! Clean a road, sweep out a wrinkle, clean a city, and devote a lifetime of effort. The cleanliness of the city is inseparable..."

"All right!" Gu Ke grinned painfully and interrupted his long speech. Anyway, the three of them did affect environmental sanitation: "These are four silver coins, no need to look for them!"

The long speech was interrupted, and the middle-aged fat man looked very unwilling and reached out to take the silver coin: "Thank you for the reward! Do you want to*?"

Yan Duoduo has come to her senses at this time: "No, where did you come from?"

The middle-aged fat man bowed slightly and said with a very elegant smile, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xiao Yueer, and I am an urban manager. It's my pleasure to serve you! Oh, I almost forgot that I have another identity," he smiled more happily, revealing his snow-white teeth and half of the locust spider's legs stuffed between his teeth: "The leader of the largest gang in Lingcheng."

Such a dirty, disgusting, sloppy, obscene, shameless and shameless middle-aged man called Xiao Yueer? Is he actually an urban manager? Isn't the city owner here funny? Is he still the leader of the biggest gang in Lingcheng? What kind of strange gang will make him the leader? I'm afraid the beggars don't want him, right?

Yan Duoduo maliciously thought: This middle-aged fat man's messy beard must be full of some kind of animal called lice, right? I wonder if he will eat those little things when he eats?

Thinking of this, she felt sick.

The owner of the barbecue stall smiled and interrupted her malicious conjecture: "Guest, Cheng Hui three taels of silver."

Yan Duoduo chinned at Guconu: "Aim him, he is in charge of the accounts!"

Guke shook his head helplessly and reached into his arms to withdraw the money.

The middle-aged fat man smiled and said, "This meal is my treat!"

Did you find this fat man's conscience?

Gu Ke stopped and looked at the middle-aged fat man with an expectant face.

The seven silver coins that the middle-aged fat man just got have already disappeared. At this time, he took them out in his arms:

A few wrinkled*.

A dirty handkerchief.

A red armband stained with oil.

Half of the leftover steamed buns.

I gnawed half of the bone.

I don't know the massive roots of plants.

The middle-aged fat man squatted on the ground and arranged these things in the same way. He was still taking out things. This time, he took out a smelly sock that could not be seen the color.

A strange smell came to his face. Gu Ke hurriedly stepped back a few steps and held his breath: "Master Xiaoyueer, Uncle Xiaoyueer, I'll pay for it. Please, don't pay!"

He is really afraid of taking it out again. This little Yueer's helper will take out a dry shit for him.

Guke hurriedly took out three silver coins from his arms and threw them on the stall: "Here you are."

Four people fled in confusion as if they were found as thieves.

"Goodbye, come often!" The fat man waved his hand.

Several people dare not go back: Damn it, I don't want to see you again!

Beard them, a few silver coins appeared in the fat man's hand. He reluctantly handed the silver coins to the kitten. The painful look on his face made the kitten very uncomfortable: "Master Yue, I really don't need it. My father is fine..."

"If you want to hold it, just take it! What nonsense!" The fat man had a black face, threw the silver coins on the kitten's stall with heartache, and walked away in a hurry.

He walked so resolutely that he didn't dare to look back, as if he was afraid that he would grab those money back as soon as he turned back.

Two lines of tears appeared on the kitten's face. The barbecue stall owner next to him shook his head, sighed silently, and shouted again: "Dark barbecue! It's so delicious! Only if you are bold dare to eat. Don't come here if you are timid..."

After the tossing of the middle-aged fat man, Yan Duoduo is no more interested in delicious food.

Several people hurried out of the snack street and stopped until they could no longer smell the nosey food.

Guke suggested: "Let's inquire about the good scenery nearby and go and have a look together?"

Although she was disgusted by the fat man after eating only a little bit, Yan Duoduo doesn't feel hungry now. To be more precisely, after the fat man's tossing, although her stomach is empty, she has no appetite.

She smiled and agreed: "Okay, let's go to the mountains and rivers first, and then come back to eat!"

"You still eat!" The three teenagers wailed together.

A clear and beautiful baritone came: "Where are you going to play? Huang Xiaobao would like to be a guide for several brothers. I don't know if I have this honor?

Everyone looked at the sound: a handsome and elegant young man came from the opposite side with a smile.

He was wearing a light yellow silk shirt, with a piece of pink jade on his belt. His figure was straight, sword eyebrows, thin red lips, and a faint smile at the corners of his slightly upturned mouth.

Yan Duoduo quietly shouted in her heart: "This man is so handsome that he doesn't seem to be much worse than his younger brother!"

Feixuan looked at the man's straight figure and quietly recovered his belly.

Gucault greeted him with a smile and arched his hand: "Thank you for your kindness. I'm here in Kegu. These are my brothers."

The young man smiled and saluted everyone, but his eyes stared at Yan Duoduo: "I don't know what these brothers are called?"

"People in the mountains are afraid of being dirty." Gu Ke arched his hand and said, "Brother, do you know any beautiful places in this city?"

Huang Xiaobao smiled slightly, and his handsome face was like a piece of jade shining in the sun: "There are many ordinary scenes in the city, but only the Qinghuai River is a little strolling, but there is a good place in the suburbs of the city, don't you know?"

Yang Duoduo's eyes lit up: "Qinghuai River, the name sounds good. Where is that?"

When Huang Xiaobao saw her answer, he hurried forward: "Little brother, that's the brothel..." He showed an ambiguous smile that men knew.

Although Duoduo wears men's clothes, she is not a man: "What is a brothel?"

Guke coughed: "Brother, don't ask what you shouldn't ask. That's not a good place!"

Lin Jie squeezed his eyebrows and shook his hand at Yan Duoduo. Feixuan tried to squeeze his mouth on the floor and looked at the ground carefully so that others could not see that he was drooling.

No matter how stupid Yan Duoduo is, she knows that it is not a good place to look at the expressions of these people, but she has always been spoiled and doesn't care about these at all: "Is it the legendary brothel? Brother Gu, take us there!"

Her straight eyebrows spread faintly, and she grabbed Guke's arm with a smile and shook it: "Brother Gu, you're the best. Take us there. I'm sure I won't cause trouble. Brother Lin Jie won't cause trouble, right, Lin Jie?"

Yan Duoduo, dressed in men's clothing, shook Gu Ke's arm. The heroic and charming temperament was like a clear stream flowing through the ice and snow, which made everyone dazzled.

Lin Jie opened his mouth and nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes, yes, I'm sure I won't cause trouble. I'm honest!"

The girl's faint fragrance was like sandalwood, and she drilled into Gu Ke's nostrils. Her beautiful and heroic face was unparalleled. She swayed in front of him. Gu Ke was dizzy for a moment and nodded confusedly and agreed.

He was pulled by everyone in a daze, and by the time he understood, he was already on the beautiful Qinghuai River.

In the afternoon, it was the most deserted time of the Qinghuai River. The wine flags and disguises of each restaurant hung at the door listlessly. The second child of the shop standing at the door seemed to be asleep. He saw them coming over and cheered up to solicit customers.

Feixuan lowered his head quietly and was secretly happy. He had heard that there was a place called a brothel in human society. There were countless beautiful women who could be picked by others. He had always wanted to see it. I was neither rich nor embarrassed when I was in Locke, but now I finally have a wish!

Lin Jie looked left and right curiously and talked to Huang Xiaobao with a saliva: "Brother Huang, the second child in these restaurants is really enthusiastic. The girls must be more enthusiastic, right? Well, how about we go into this house and have a look?

Huang Xiaobao smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, it's too noisy here. I'll take you to a more interesting place."

Several people turned around the bustling block and turned out from a deep alley. The vision in front of them was suddenly bright, and a river was in sight.

The river is about dozens of feet wide, and there are bursts of powder fragrance floating on the river, which is the fragrance of the girls' face wash water poured into the river.

On both sides of the river are brothel and song and dance restaurants, but there is no second child soliciting guests. The sound of women's songs and musical instruments can be faintly heard.