The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 138 The Dwarf Prince is not short

Master Copper Hammer threw out the door.

Xiao Tian rolled his eyes at the food on the table: "It seems that the master also understands. It's just that when the war starts again, I don't know who will go to the thatched hut? Humph, don't care, it's not me anyway!"

Xiao Tian was indeed hungry. He ate the food cleanly, sat on the ground cross-legged, and began to practice again.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Tian suddenly heard heavy footsteps outside the room.

Speaking of which, the ability of the nine-level elemental master is really extraordinary. After leaving the customs, Xiao Tian has not touched anyone and does not know any progress in actual combat. At present, this matter makes him very happy.

The footsteps were still dozens of meters away, and Xiao Tian heard them. Not only did he hear them, but they also felt that someone was approaching and the person did not seem to be hostile. Looking back on the past, I didn't know anything about foreign things as soon as I practiced it. This skill is really useful.

The footsteps approached quickly, and Xiao Tian smiled at the corners of his mouth: Isn't this the footsteps of Master Copper Hammer? Didn't he go home to bed? Did he get kicked out by his wife?

Wait for him to continue YY, the copper hammer has opened the door, and at the same time, the burning words sounded: "Brother Xiao, hurry up! Do me a favor, His Royal Highness is injured!"

"Ah?!" Xiao Tian hurriedly stood up and followed the copper hammer out.

The copper hammer introduced the situation as it walked.

It turned out that the copper hammer was dispelled by Xiao Tian's few words to chase the orcs, but it did not mean that every dwarf met Xiao Tian, a little slippery.

The straight-tempered silver mill is not as curved as a copper hammer. He thought that he could not let the orcs slip away from under his eyelids even if he violated the king's order.

If this is slipped away by the orcs and pierced the base in the hinterland of the mainland, won't the kingdom be attacked by the enemy?

The stubborn dwarf united several equally upright and fearless dwarfs and chased the tail of the orc army all the way.

When Xiao Tian heard this, he sighed in his heart: "How can you not be afraid of things? This is simply ignorant!"

Xiao Tian thought to himself that he didn't pay attention to it and said it.

The copper hammer patted the thigh: "That's right! It's okay for him to go, and he also recruited a more ignorant person. Well, now he has suffered such a serious injury. Fortunately, Brother Xiao, you are here!"

He forgot that he was going to jump at that time.

Xiao Tian still admires the copper hammer in his heart: Is this old guy still a dwarf? Before causing trouble, he went to pull a cushion. If he was not fooled, he could listen to his words and turn his head back to sleep. At that time, he scolded His Majesty for being as timid as a rat, and now he said that His Royal Highness was ignorant. The bronze hammer master was smart and bold enough.

Xiao Tian doubted whether Yin Mo would also be deceived by this old guy?

It turned out that Xiao Tian thought too badly of the copper hammer.

The blood stains all over the body of silver grinded and turned around anxiously outside the side hall. Seeing Xiao Tian and the copper hammer coming, he trotted over and grabbed Xiao Tian's hand and shook them: "Who, little brother, you can save your life!"

Xiao Tian is speechless. Today, his generation is ups and downs. At one time, he became the fourth generation of apprentice of the master, and at another time, he became the brother of these two hundred-year-old dwarfs.

He is not very worried about the injury of His Royal Highness. After all, he has too many elixirs in his hand. As long as His Highness does not die, he believes that there is no problem in the boutique rescue area treasured by the Black Master.

Xiao Tian was not very polite to Yin Mo: "Where is His Royal Highness?" While saying this, Xiao Tian had already seen that a line of blood was reflected on the blue carpet and extended to the side hall.

The copper hammer pulled away the silver mill's hand and chined into the side hall.

The atmosphere in the side hall is tense, and several dwarf women are cleaning the body of a human teenager with a large basin of hot water.

Human teenager? His Royal Highness the Prince of the Dwarf Kingdom is actually a human teenager?

When I approached, I found that the teenager was much taller than ordinary dwarfs, and the racial characteristics of the dwarfs were still obvious in other aspects.

His Royal Highness is relatively thin. Of course, the so-called thinness is compared with dwarfs.

His Royal Highness's body is much stronger than that of human beings. The brown beard and hair were stained with blood, and a blood-soaked armor was thrown aside.

Wu Yi and Napoleon squatted beside the teenager with anxious faces.

Seeing Xiao Tian come in, the two stood up at the same time and greeted him. Wu Yi stared closely into Xiao Tian's eyes: " apprentice, I heard that Master Black has given you a lot of elixir. Come and see if there is any way?"

Xiao Tian walked over, and Wu Yi and Napollen made way for him sideways.

Napoleon followed Xiao Tian eagerly and didn't know what he was muttering. Xiao Tian only vaguely heard the three words "Corria".

Seeing him coming, the dwarf woman who was scrubbing her body in the Prince's Hall dodged knowingly.

Xiao Tian looked at the prince's pale and almost completely ** body and found that there was no trauma at all. He couldn't help admiring the teenager: it seemed that the armor and the blood soaked in his body were the blood of the enemy, and the teenager in front of him should be a brave man.

While looking at the teenager with charming eyes, he explored the situation in the teenager's body with elemental power.

His Royal Highness's internal organs were broken in many places, which should have been hit by blunt objects. He relied on the dwarves's excellent armor to resolve the attack, but his internal organs were shaken.

"In this case, we can only use Ding Qiandan." Xiao Tian thought about many elixirs in the Black Ring, and finally decided to use the Dingqian elixir with the highest insurance coefficient.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart: "Cough! No wonder the hammer said that the naughty child was ignorant. That's Ding Qiandan, and there are only five left, and I'm going to leave one for Lei Shuang to help her improve her elemental power.

But the scene seen by the Eye of Charm immediately made him change his attitude.

In the eyes of charm, His Royal Highness secretly followed more than a dozen dwarfs such as Silver Mill. When he saw the rear army of about hundreds of orcs in front of him, His Royal Highness took off the mace on his shoulder and quietly hid the front of the dwarf team.

Before the orc found it, the dwarf prince shook off the shocked silver mill, like a tiger entering the sheep and burst into the procession of hundreds of people. The wolf's tooth stick hit the orcs with the sound of wind.

And this teenager is obviously very discerning. Those who do it are all armored men in the orc team. Obviously, these people are all officers. After more than ten minutes of stacking more than a dozen bodies, there was no more officer-like people in the orc team. The whole team was messed up by His Royal Highness alone and collapsed.

The silver mill and others behind followed and smashed them one by one, which made Xiao Tian frown.

Silver mill, this old bear! It's really not as good as a teenager.

His Royal Highness, who even covered his beard and eyebrows with blood and meat, was like a god, who fought three in and three times in the orc team with a force that was not commensurate with his thin and weak body. The remaining soldiers had to fight independently without the command of the officers, and the battlefield was in chaos.

The former army sensed the chaos behind, and a team of elite soldiers rushed in and divided into two teams about 100 meters away from the dwarfs and enveloped them from both sides.

A strong, ferocious-faced officer with long black hair met the dwarf prince with a team of relatively well- Armored soldiers.

The orc officer is about three meters tall and his body is extremely strong. Although he observes the battlefield through the eyes of charm, Xiao Tian is still shocked by the fierce animal breath of the officer: the eyes of the orc officer flashed with the bloodthirsty light of the orc officer, which seems to eat the dwarf in front of him.

Xiao Tian pinched a handful of sweat for His Royal Highness in his hand.

His Royal Highness greeted the orc officer and ordered Yin Mo and others without looking back: "Get back!! Open the way for me! I'll come right away!!"

There are no orcs on the way back, and the encirclement of the orcs has not yet been formed.

Several orcs who were struggling with the dwarves saw the rescuers and suddenly became energetic. The inferior weapons in their hands danced loudly. The dwarves were also obedient, threw away the unsolved orcs and hugged back.

The silver mill came to help the prince with a sharp-billed hammer.

The orc officer saw that most of the dwarves had retreated, leaving only the relatively thin teenager in front of him. Although he did not know that the teenager left behind was a real big fish, he did not underestimate the teenager in front of him.

The officer swayed the weapon in his hand: a pair of extremely dark eight-edned hammers and smashed them at the teenager.

The wolf's tooth stick shone with a blue-purple light and clicked on it: three weapons flew out of their hands at the same time, and the dwarf teenager spit out a mouthful of blood, and he didn't have time to pick up the weapon, pulled the silver mill and ran back.

The officer was still stunned: the thin teenager actually shook his two sledgehammers with one-handed mace?

It was this stunned effort that gave the teenager and silver mill a chance to escape.

The dwarfs who had followed the prince's instructions to retreat saw His Highness in danger and killed him back, responding to the two fled in panic.

In fact, they don't have to run so fast. The orcs behind have stopped attacking, threw down large pieces of the bodies of their companions, and strode after the front army to the hinterland of the mainland.

With more than a dozen people against hundreds of people, such a result is also brilliant.

Na Bolun and Wu Yi saw Xiao Tian frowning for a while, for a while they were deeply worried, and for a while they looked nervous. They didn't know what he meant, and their two hearts also kept shaking up and down.

If it hadn't been for the fear of disturbing his treatment, Wu Yi would have come up and picked up his ear and scolded him.

Xiao Tian took out a bottle containing Ding Qiandan from the black ring and poured one in the palm of his hand. Immediately, the elixir diffused a trace of red fog, forming the appearance of a burning bee, flapping its wings and trying to leave the elixir, but the elixir seemed to be attractive and sucked them back.

Xiao Tian reached out and pinched the prince's mouth, fed the elixir in, took out a small jade bottle from the black ring, poured the ** in the bottle into His Highness's mouth, put his hands on the top of His Highness's head, and began to help him refine the elixir.