The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 139 His Majesty Napoleon is afraid of his wife

Feeling that the elemental power of the whole body slowly passed through his hands to the teenager's body, first a trace, then gradually became faster, and finally turned into a torrent. Xiao Tian smiled bitterly in his heart: "Why did you forget this mess? Master Black told himself that this Dingqian elixir should be cautiously for others to help others refine Dingqiandan. Three days of effort is as weak as a baby.

Forget it, that's the only way. Xiao Tian comforted himself and thought: Anyway, there is no danger for Master to follow him, right?

There was a trace of blood on the prince's pale face. His face gradually turned brown and red. Originally, the breath was also heavy.

When Xiao Tian felt that the elemental power in his body had been empty, and there was nothing left, the dwarf prince finally opened his eyes.

At the same time, Xiao Tian rolled his eyes and fell back with a bang.


It was three days before he woke up again.

As soon as Xiao Tian opened his eyes, he was lightly hit on his head. Wu Yi's voice came to his ears: "Good disciple, you finally woke up. If you don't wake up, you won't live as a teacher!"

With the words, there was a warm ** dripping on Xiao Tian's face.

Xiao Tian was moved: "Master is so anxious for me!"

He looked at Wu Yi: a pair of bright smiling eyes looked at him with concern, with an unknown drop hanging on the corners of his mouth**...

"Ah?!" Xiao Tian thought of the ** dripping on his face. A carp jumped up and stretched out his sleeve to wipe off the ** on his face: "Master, is your Highness all right?"

Wu Yi did not answer his words and turned back to another person: "See? I said he was all right, but you didn't believe it. For three days, I was not even allowed to eat, forcing me to stay here. Fortunately, I was in good health, otherwise my apprentice would not see the master when I woke up!"

Silver mill's thick arm pulled Wu Yi away and squeezed over: "Then who, are you awake?" The dwarf's face turned red, and Wu Yi, who didn't look at it with a bad smile: "Well, thank you for saving the prince!"

Xiao Tian hurriedly saluted: "Senior, it's the doctor's duty to treat diseases and save people," he asked again, "I don't know what's going on, Your Highness?"

Napoleon's voice sounded: "Good boy, he's fine. He has come to see you every day for the past three days. He just walked for a while today."

The embarrassed silver mill finally found something to do for herself: "I'll inform Your Highness!"

Silver mill twisted his big buttocks and ran out.

The three people in the hall looked at each other and smiled. Wu Yi quickly walked to the short people next to him: "I'm starving to death. This stubborn old man won't let me eat these days. He stared at me to find a way to save you. There's really can't do anything about him."

Xiao Tian understood why as soon as Master saw him wake up, his saliva flowed so long, and his feelings were tortured by silver grinding that he didn't eat for three days!

In fact, dwarfs are really sincere and have nothing to say except that they can't speak.

The short food has been cold. Bolun ordered to change the hot banquet. Wu Yi waved to Xiao Tian: "Apprentice, you haven't eaten for three days. Come and eat some!"

After a while, the new food was served.

Looking at the appearance of the two, it is estimated that His Majesty hasn't eaten much in the past few days.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the palace, and the prince came.

His Royal Highness is similar to that of ordinary human beings, but he is much stronger. His brown eyebrows and beard make him look very old.

His Royal Highness is holding a beautiful human woman.

The hall seems to light up.

There is a hazy fog permeating around the beautiful woman. Her figure is graceful and her face is like a flower. Her face hidden in the fog is a little pale, but it adds a touching style.

The hall is full of faint fragrance.

Napoleon jumped up and smiled, "Celia, you are not in good health. Why did you come here in person?"

The beautiful woman glanced at him, and her voice was soft and sticky, extremely charming and beautiful: "I'll take a look at my son's savior. What's wrong?!"

Xiao Tian lost his mind for a moment and only felt that his throat was dry and his heart beat to break his chest - he had never seen such a beautiful woman. Although Yueer is also beautiful, that kind of beauty is different from this kind of beauty. As for how different it is, Xiao Tian can't say.

It was just a moment of loss of distraction. Xiao Tian immediately came to his senses and lowered his head.

Napoleun's old face was full of flattering smiles: "Isn't this eating? Just let the child see you after eating. Why do you have to come so far? Sit down quickly and don't be tired!"

said that he wiped and wiped the chair he had just sat on with his sleeve and brought it behind the beautiful woman.

Xiao Tian and Wu Yi rolled their eyes in their hearts at the same time: "The guy who is afraid of his wife!"

The beautiful woman did not sit down and walked slowly to Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian quickly stood up and said, "Goodbye!"

A faint fragrance came, and the beautiful woman's eyes flowed and said with a smile, "Good boy, don't call me senior, call me aunt."

Looked at by the gentle eyes of the beautiful woman, Xiao Tian only felt that his whole body was warm and seemed to be immersed in warm water.

The beautiful woman reminded him of his mother's bright black eyes and gentle smile, and a sentence she hadn't said for a long time: the night gave me black eyes, but I used him to find light.

Wu Yi reminded him, "Why don't you salute the queen?"

Is she actually the queen of the Dwarf Kingdom?

Xiao Tian had guessed that the beautiful woman in front of him was the mother of the dwarf prince, but he didn't expect to be the queen.

A human becomes the queen of the dwarf kingdom?

Xiao Tian looked at Napoleon's majestic body, and then at the delicate and gentle woman in front of him. He really couldn't connect the two people.

Seeing that he was still in a daze, the beautiful woman said with a smile, "Thanks to you for saving my family, I really don't know how to thank you.

Xiao Tian didn't know how to answer. Wu Yi smiled and joked, "Napoleun is really good. I saved his wife for him, and my apprentice saved his son. In this way, some people always say that human beings can't do this, and that doesn't work."

Xiao Tian peeked at the master. Does the master still have this kind of hero's story of saving beauty? It seems that you don't have a teacher, right? Then why did the rescued beauty marry the dwarf king?

The beautiful woman is Queen Kolya in Polon's mouth, and her two violet eyes flashed with water in the hazy fog: "Thank you very much, Master and Apprentice. Olivia and her son feel the same virtue. Yan Dao, come and pay homage to the savior.

The dwarf prince Yan Dao came over and knelt down: "Thank you, Uncle Wu for saving his mother!"

Wu Yi was originally joking, but now he got a big red face and hurriedly helped Yan Dao up and was no longer embarrassed to talk too much.

The fog suddenly floated, the queen's eyebrows frowned tightly, and her face turned pale as paper.

Napoleon kept paying attention to the queen. Seeing this, he rushed over and helped the queen sit on the chair.

The queen sat for a while, and her face gradually improved. She smiled at the crowd and said, "I'm not feeling well. I'll leave first!"

Yan Dao helped the queen retreat.

The hall was deserted, and the dark fragrance had not dissipated for a while. The hall was full of a strange gloomy mood.

Xiao Tian felt that this atmosphere was very awkward, and he couldn't tell why it was awkward.

"Sar" twice, and he broke the silence: "Master, Your Majesty, about a thousand orcs have entered the hinterland of the mainland. Have the orcs finally built a big ship?"

Xiao Tian adopted a policy of non-resistance against Wu Yi and Napoleon, and it was very puzzled to put the orcs into the hinterland of the mainland. It was easy for Yan Dao and the queen to leave, and there were only three of them in the side hall, so I couldn't help but want to bring it up. But he can't question the two old guys directly, so he can only turn around and ask.

The two immediately played with a tacit understanding:

"Ha ha, I'm scared enough today, thanks to your good apprentice."

"That's right, I didn't expect that half of Yin Mo's brain would do such a thing."

"Old monster, what other decorations do you think are short of my palace?"

"Well, let me take a look for you..."

Wu Yi and Napoleon sang and walked around in the corner of the hall, but did not answer Xiao Tian's words.

Xiao Tian compared his middle finger in his heart and did not ask questions knowingly: Didn't he just dig a hole for the orcs to jump? I almost put my prince in, what are you dragging! If I hadn't taken Master's Ding Qiandan, it would have been too late for you to cry now!


The silver sword holds a pair of mallets in his hand, and a pair of metal sticks in the left armpit of the iron arm, which are connected by a thin metal chain.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the two dwarves became more and more majestic, like two moving hills, walking on the floor of the room pedaling.

Wu Yi smiled shyly: "You two really believe in people. No wonder people say that the dwarf's promise is worth a lot of money. Today, I have seen it."

Of course, the silver sword and iron arms looked like this. The silver sword happily put the things in his hand on the table: "Of course, we dwarves keep our word! Besides, Brother Wu helped the dwarf kingdom a lot, and it can't be said without gratitude.

Ah? Is this thing actually thanks to me? Then you're welcome!" Wu Yi exaggeratedly opened his mouth, picked up the mallet on the table and looked left and right: "Brother Silver Sword is really interesting. I know that I don't have a heavy weapon, so I specially made a pair of mallet for me. Thank you. I'm thinking about such a pair of weapons!"

"Ah?" The silver sword's mouth was bigger than Wu Yi's, and he saw his throat: "This, this is not for..."

"This is not for my apprentice, but for my apprentice, I know. In fact, it's enough for you to thank my apprentice. Why do I still get credit as a master? Anyway, I really have to thank Brother Yinjian. Next time I will give you a good daughter-in-law from outside. Just say, do you like elves or humans?

"I like... Ah, I don't like them... They are too tall..." Silver Sword has completely forgotten what he originally wanted to say and was led by Wu Yi.

"It's a pity that I'm going to introduce an elf girl to my brother as my daughter-in-law, but I didn't expect you to like height? Your queen is also quite tall, and Bolun is also happy, doesn't he?

"That...he is him, I am..."

Wu Yi patted Silver Mill on the shoulder: "Do you also think his taste is not good?"