The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 145 Wusu City

Sulu, the city guard of Wusu City, is in his 40s, with a white face and a long beard under his chin. Although he practices fire attribute elements, Sulu is not as hot-tempered as those who practice fire attribute elements. He is calm and elegant, kind-hearted, fair, and is quite loved by the residents of the city.

Su Lu was breaking a discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at this time.

My mother-in-law is in her prime, with a fat head and big ears, a wide waist, sitting on the ground crying...

The thin daughter-in-law looked only sixteen or seven years old. She lay on the ground pitifully and dared not look up. Tears wet a large area of the ground.

People watching the scene in the hall whispered into Sulu's ears from time to time:

"Grandma Yan bullied her daughter-in-law again..."

"This time my daughter-in-law has learned so well that she knows how to report to the official?"

"Well, what do you know? It's not the daughter-in-law who wants to be an official, but the mother-in-law!"

Yan Po's snot in everyone's mouth cried with tears: "Master, you have to make the decision for me. I can't live any longer. My daughter-in-law is going to poison me..."

The young man next to the two was Yan Baiyan, the son of Yan Po. He knelt silently on the ground, with blank eyes and without saying a word.

He was tired from doing business all day and was about to go to the government to rest, but he met such an unreasonable shrew. Sulu didn't bother to pay attention to her at all. He turned around and wink at the beautiful document standing next to him: "Come and conclude this case. I still have urgent business to deal with."

Wen Yu and obediently nodded and agreed. Seeing that the city owner's slightly disgusting eyes stayed on Yan Po for a moment, he shook his sleeves and went back to the government.

Yu He also heard the comments of the people in the hall. Because he often deals with trivial matters in the city, he knows more about the Yan family than the city owner.

This evil mother-in-law has bullied her daughter-in-law a lot.

Thinking of the eyes of the city owner just now, how to break this case, Yu He had a bottom in his heart.

He didn't ask his mother-in-law or judge his daughter-in-law, but pleasantly asked the young man kneeling in the hall: "Yan Baiyan, tell me what's going on?"

The young man looked at the ground without focus and seemed not to hear Yu He's words.

"Bang!" Yu He patted the table: "Yan Baiyan! I'm asking you, what's going on?"

Yan Baiyan was shocked and raised his head. His eyes were blank and his lips were speechless.

Yan Po cried and howled: "It's none of the children's business. It's all this damn bitch. She wants to kill me..."

" shut up, I didn't ask you - Yan Baiyan, you say it."

"I don't know what's going on. My mother shouted that she had a stomachache after lunch. She suspected, oh, no, maybe there was something wrong with her daughter-in-law's cooking."

The thin daughter-in-law didn't say a word, just kowtowed, her forehead touched the ground and made a sound, and blood stains were added to the tears.

Yu He motioned to the government official next to him: "Go and help her up. If you kill her again, you will really die."

"Did your daughter-in-law eat lunch?"

"I didn't eat it."

"Why don't you eat it?"

"No, I didn't have time..."

Yan's crying and howling: "Master, the little bitch poisoned the meal. How dare she eat it herself..."

"Is there any leftover lunch?"

"Yes, but my mother said she couldn't eat it, so she gave it to the dog."

"Whose dog?"

"My home."

"Is the dog still alive?"


"That's the end. Your mother and the dog have eaten, and now they are fine, and they don't look like poisoning. I think she looks energetic. I'm afraid she can kill Warcraft!"

With a "hoo", the onlookers laughed.

"That's right, Grandma Yan looks fine at all, but the daughter-in-law is dying."

"Dogs are alive, and people are also alive. How can poisoning be so energetic?"

Grandma Yan begged for a lot of fun, muttered, got up from the ground, lowered her head and walked away. The onlookers whispered and dodged a passage for her.

Yan Baiyan got up and was about to leave. Yu He said, "Wait a minute, take your daughter-in-law home and treat her well. Your mother is just confused. You are young, and you don't even know what kind of person your daughter-in-law is? This time, I won't investigate your mother's false accusation. Next time you do it again, I won't be polite!"

Yan Bai turned around to help his daughter-in-law, but his daughter-in-law struggled to get up and kowtowed to Yu He a few times before she stood up and lowered her head and left.

From beginning to end, the cowardly daughter-in-law didn't say a word.

"Lord Yu is really wise. He broke the case in a few words."

"That's, Lord Yu is young, talented, wise and decisive. There are such officials in Wusu City, which is the blessing of the people in our city!"

Yu Hezhi sat proudly in the chair, listened to the words below, looked left and right, and was proud, eager to show himself two more shocking cases.

The case is really coming.

When receiving the report of the hunter's grandchildren, Yu He didn't believe at all: on this continent, human beings have eliminated all intelligent creatures except human beings themselves. On the continent, human beings are the ones who unify the world. Where did people with various hair come from? This old man should be crazy, right?

If it hadn't been for the old hunter's age, Yu He would have beaten him out.

Looking at Yu's impatient and disdainful expression, everyone in the hall laughed and coaxed: "Haha, are monsters? Slaughtered the whole town? It's a pity that Grandma Yan just left, otherwise she would have subdued all those monsters alone!"

"That's right, bring it back and pull the car for us!"

"It's okay to cultivate land! Then who, isn't there a lack of a servant in your family? Monsters are also quite stylish as servants!"

No one believed the words of the old hunter's grandson. The hunter's grandson cried loudly to the crowd: "Grandpa is telling the truth. The second girl next door was also killed by them and kicked the second girl's head. I saw it with my own eyes, woo..."

Yu He restrained the smile on his face and waved his hand: "Are you sick? Come on, take them to Kangfutang and let the doctor see it. The money is recorded in my account!"

The surroundings are like a tide.

The old hunter took his grandson out. He entrusted his grandson to his relatives in the city, went to the weapons shop to buy a long knife, carried his hunting bow, and returned to the city's main government once again.

The old man has only one request: ask the city owner to send a team of soldiers to follow him to take a look outside the town.

Yu He drove them away and vaguely regretted: the child didn't seem to be sick, let alone lying just now. Is there really a monster? The depths of the Porta Mountains are so dangerous that few people dare to go in, and it is possible for some monsters to come out there.

Seeing that the old hunter came back again, Yu He dared not take it any further and hurried to inform Sulu in person.

Sulu sent a team of soldiers to Lugou Town with the old man.

On the big tree outside the town, the soldier leader and the old hunter witnessed the orcs's walk together: by this time, the orcs had eaten and drank enough, but entertainment was still going on.

The performance of a group of soldiers was worse than that of the old hunters. They covered their mouths, retreated while vomiting, stumbled back to the city, and reported what they saw to the city owner Sulu.

Su Lu was shocked and hurriedly arranged a messenger to report to the capital. At the same time, he quickly sent people to inform neighboring cities against orcs, and in the letter, he requested neighboring cities to send troops to attack, defend and rescue each other. As for whether they will send troops to save them, only God knows.

Su Lu was so anxious that he circled back and forth on the ground.

There are less than 500 troops stationed in the city, and there are 50,000 permanent residents. Even if the orcs are ferocious and strong, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to guard for ten days and eight days. At that time, the capital will also receive news and send troops to help, right?

The news of the appearance of orcs has been circulating in the city, and everything has been said.

Some people say that soldiers are dazzle, but it's just a group of monsters coming out of the mountain to find food.

Some people say that the old hunter made a fuss and was scared by the wild animals in the mountains and got crazy.

It was not until Sulu officially issued a notice stating that the traces of brigade of orcs were found in Lugou Town that the residents of the city believed it.

Unlike Sulu's worries, the orcs did not attack Wusu City immediately.

The orcs delayed two days in the town, and these precious two days gave Sulu time to prepare.

He recruited a wide range of people in the city, strengthened the city walls, and prepared equipment to guard the city.

The gentry and warriors in the city also came to help and come up with ideas.

The fat-hearted rural landlord came to labor with a whole plate of silver coins.

The common people stuffed the boiled eggs and snow-white steamed buns into the hands of the soldiers on the wall.

There are a little armed guards in the city, bodyguards and other people wearing rusty armor handed down from their families, and take the initiative to report to the city's main government with weapons of different lengths and shapes.

Sulu is very gratified to see their green and rusty weapons - at least it is better than the thin iron kitchen knife in the hands of the orcs.

The soldiers received unprecedented respect. Usually, these troublesome Qiu Ba people have never suffered from this. They were so excited that they vowed to risk their lives to defend their hometown and fight with the orcs to the end!

In the two days delayed by the orcs, Wusu City has been fully mobilized. Even the children with runny noses are holding a fire stick in their hands and preparing to fight with the orcs first.

In fact, the delay of the orcs is not that the officer leading the team does not want to leave, but because all the orcs can no longer move after entering the town.

Sufficient food, such a beautiful woman, and such weak human beings fascinate most orc soldiers. No matter how the orc officers leading the team whip and intimidate, the soldiers have the same attitude: play here for two days.

Two days later, when these orcs came out of the town, the town was dead. Except for scavengers such as vulture and crows, no animal dared to approach here.

For orcs, the only sequela is that they are used to hungry stomachs and suddenly encounter a lot of oil and water, and all orcs suffer from the same disease: diarrhea.

The environment on the overturned island is so bad that even basic survival is a problem, not to mention civilized etiquette. For defecation, the solution has always been to find a shelter from the wind and squat down.

Where the orc army passed, there was a pool of yellow and white things left on the ground, which was stinking.