The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 146 Orc Siege

Despite the psychological preparation, when the orcs came to the Dongcheng Gate two days later, all human beings, including Sulu, were still shocked. These ferocious monsters with black-green or brown hair and walking upright on both feet were the legendary orcs?

Wearing dirty and shabby animal skins and holding simple weapons, the orcs gasped and stared at the "big city" in front of them with greedy eyes.

As if all the monsters in the nightmare have turned into entities and appeared in front of people:

He was covered with gray-black hair. He was not tall, but he was very fierce. He was full of energy and squatted under the city on all fours. His two small lantern-like eyes stared at the defenders in the city without saying a word. This is a werewolf.

It is the dog man who is shorter and more noisy than the werewolf. They stretched out their scarlet tongues, circled excitedly on the ground, and gritted their teeth from time to time to make deep curses from the depths of their throats.

The tall bear man with thick hair nibbled corn cobs from nearby farmland. This kind of food just discovered is their favorite, and many bear people still carry one in their armpits - it can be seen that the saying that the bear breaks a stick and loses one is wrong, at least he There is another one in our armpits.

The bear man's small eyes flashed with ferocious and bloodthirsty light, and sometimes looked at the performance of the dog man with disdain, and then looked at the defenders at the top of the city.

The tamore with huge nostrils and two sharp horns on his head seemed to be the kindest. They looked at the city silently, as if they were trying to figure out how powerful their future opponents would be.

The tareans are taciturn, tenacious and warlike. This time, the number of people came is the smallest, and many of them were destroyed by the dwarves led by Yan Dao, leaving only more than 50. They gathered together under the wall, far away from the orcs of other races - they don't like to communicate with people of other races.

Donkey heads belong to a minority even on the local overturned stone island of the orcs, and the number is extremely rare. They have long ears, the same long faces, developed limbs, standing and carrying inferior bows and arrows on their backs - they are excellent archers and have extremely strong long-range attack capabilities.

All the orcs actively and carefully keep a certain distance from the donkey head. Even within the orcs, they are not willing to deal with donkey-headed people. It is said that this creature is very deceptive and natural**. It is a natural liar. Their ears are elongated by the Creator because they lie too much.

No orc dares to make friends with donkey-headed people. After all, donkey-headed people are not only liars, but also **. Friends of donkeys don't know when they will dye their hair green, and they have to help them count the money.

The donkey man's eyes flashed with green greedy light, imagining the money and beauty in the city after the city was destroyed, trembling with excitement.

At the head of the city, both officers and soldiers looked at these demonic creatures in the city and thought of the tragic situation of Lugou Town described by the soldiers who went to scout. Their faces turned pale and their eyes showed horror.

Sulu, the lord of the city, patrolled the wall as if nothing had happened, casually joking with the soldiers about the orcs:

"Look at that tarean, don't you think there is anything missing from his nose?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and a bold soldier shouted boldly, "Report to the lord of the city, it seems to be missing a nose ring?"

"Congratulations on getting it right!" Sulu smiled and said, "If we catch him, we will put a nose ring on him and let him help you plow the land!" Soldier, how many acres of land do you have?

"Report to the lord of the city, my family has no land!"

"Is that so? It doesn't matter. It will be there when the battle is over! The reward given to you by the court is not only enough to buy land, but also to marry another beautiful wife!"

"Hahaha..." The soldiers on the head of the city laughed together. The calm of the city lord infected the soldiers and officers, and they talked about it:

"That dog-headed man can watch the door..."

"The city owner is right. Tauren are the most useful and can cultivate land..."

"Look at that long face, your ears will still move! It's really like a donkey, which can be pulled by him!"

"Bear man is not very useful..."

"Who said that bear paws are a good dish!"

"I dare not eat the meat of intelligent creatures - who is like you, eat everything!"


Su Lu was confident on the surface, but he was extremely anxious. He secretly congratulated that the old hunter reported in time and strengthened the city defense, and the soldiers were also psychologically prepared to know that the end of the city would be extremely miserable after the city was destroyed. Otherwise, I'm afraid that as soon as they fought, the soldiers would shout and surrender.

His eyes turned to the city: the dirty and sloppy orcs howled and waved the new weapons obtained from Lugou Town:

Cooking knife for cooking;

The hoe for arable land;

Ax for claping wood;

a gull for animals;

The shovel for digging the ground...

and so on, and so on.

The orcs cut down a large number of trees in the forest east of Wusu City, and made ladders, long poles, carts and other siege equipment on the spot.

The human on the wall looked straight at a brown-haired orc who raised a kitchen knife, cut a knife on a thick-mouthed tree, then stepped back a few steps, straightened his shoulders and hit it, and the trunk was broken from the place where it was cut.

It cut off the branches on the crown with a kitchen knife and returned to the city with the stick.

Is this okay?

Although the soldiers are afraid of these ferocious creatures, they are not completely confident.

There is a strong wall, and the orc weapons on the opposite side are really not on the table. In addition, the city owner has reported it, and I believe that reinforcements will come soon - it seems that his side has a great chance of winning.

Wusu City is an inconspicuous small city. The strategic location is not important, and there is no moat outside the city. Because it is located inland, there is a great lack of equipment to defend the city. There are only some spears, swords, shields and other weapons used to prevent thieves. Bows and arrows are ordinary long bows, even the simplest crossbow.

No one expected that one day such a group of vicious orcs would rush out of the Porta Mountains.

In the face of this army of orcs, the strategic location of Wusu City immediately became extremely important.

It grabbed the throat of the orcs marching into the mainland.

It took the orcs half a day to make siege equipment.

The siege began at noon. The orcs wore simple animal skins and stood under the eastern wall gasping, with all kinds of weapons waving in their hands.

A simple ladder was pushed over and built on the wall, and the orcs pushed forward and behind, clustered under the ladder and scrambling to climb up.

From afar, the wall east of Wusu City is full of gray and green, black-haired orcs, like a piece of sugar covered with three colors of ants, which is disgusting.

The body is covered with long brown hair, and the number of thick bear orcs is small. In pairs, they pushed the cart and crashed into the city gate.

The gate was hit to make a dull thumping sound, but it was still motionless: Sulu had already built the gate with sandbags and stones.

The human soldiers on the wall pulled their bows to shoot arrows at the orcs under the city, but the arrows of these soldiers who had never experienced the baptism of war were limited, and the orcs stood sparsely. It was impossible for them to line up to shoot. Most of the chaotic arrows fell to the ground, and only a few of them shot at the orcs. On the top, the orc didn't seem to care at all. He reached out and pulled out the arrow, spit out a mouthful of foam in his hand, wiped it on the bleeding wound, and continued to rush up indifferently.

Every time the stone thrown down on the wall falls, it will take away the lives of two or three orcs, but as long as they are not killed on the spot, even if one leg is broken, these orcs will still climb up the city with one leg.

The hot boiling oil was poured on the orc's body, and a stream of meat fragrance floated over the wall. The orc, whose hair was faded by the oil, still stretched out his half-cooked claws and climbed up the ladder.

Humans are the best, and the strongest elemental force has little effect on orcs.

The fire dragon eye emitted by the fire element seemed to burn into the orc's team, but it seemed to pass through the orc's body, and the orc's long hair was not burned off.

The water blade emitted by the water element fell on the orc, which only aroused a splash. The orc was as easy as if he had taken a cold bath.

Gold elemental force can only cause damage to orcs when it is supported on weapons, and simple elemental force attacks also do not work.

Wood and soil systems are mainly based on protection, not to mention.

Is this still a human? All human beings think tremblingly.

The best effect is actually close attack:

The rolling stones kept thrown on the top of the city smashed the climbing werewolf under the city and smashed into mud with the climbing dog man;

A bear man's claws had just hit the wall. The snowy knife light flashed and cut off half of the bear's claws. The bear man screamed and fell under the wall and died. By the way, he killed an unlucky bull-headed man. His own buttocks were also poked by the bullhead's horns. The unlucky bear man struggled to get up and raised his face. Looking up, he was haired by a pot of oil, screaming and twitching in the pool of blood.

Sulu** realized that the closest attack that human beings are least good at and valued is about to play a big role in the battle against orcs.

He carefully remembered the experience summed up in these battles and prepared to report to his superiors when the battle was over. While writing, Sulu smiled bitterly in his heart: I don't know if he has the opportunity to report to his superiors in person?


When night fell, the blue moon and the silver moon rose together, and their faces were covered by dark clouds.

The orcs stopped attacking and threw down a piece of corpse to eat.

The night is dark, but the city is as bright as day.

When I got the news that the orcs were coming, the people in the two small villages adjacent to Wusu City fled to the city. The orcs found no people and food in it, so they set fire to the village, and the sky turned red.

The orcs have never seen such thick trees. Such a dense forest is like revenge for the lack of firewood before - thousands of torches are burning, and the bonfires are everywhere in the east and west. The city wall in the east is as bright as day, making the guards above the city white.