Spring flowers

Chapter 14, the wall with ears

Relying on the place, let Lin Xiaochu go to his sister's house with Xiaoyi. The land has agreed with his sister, and then with his fifth aunt that he will help sell Xiaochu's house, and he can also exchange a few taels of silver for Xiaochu as capital.

Lin Xiaochu won the first battle and was in full bloom. He must wait to see Sun Erhai's joke before leaving. I can't beat her, so I can only let her stay for a few more days.

The money matchmaker's house was smashed and lost a large amount of money. He asked to agree with the merchant Sun and spent another sum of money. In addition to the pain of the matchmaker, she urged Lin Xiaochu to go to the Chu family and wait for the money of the middleman of the Chu family.

"Xiaochu, there is another new restaurant in the city. You will go with me tomorrow." Zhu Niang, who sang a little song, shouted Xiaochu outside. Xiaochu was really reluctant to leave here. Except for the money matchmaker, everyone else is very good.

It's just that Xiaochu didn't have Zhu Niang's low eyebrows when she encountered something, and there were no other flower girls who met eating tofu. If they couldn't avoid it, they would not take it in their hearts. Xiaochu felt that it was better to leave.

The next day, she went to the new restaurant with Zhu Niang, which was still the same. Zhu Niang went in to sing a song, played with the pipa twice, and went to sell flowers at the beginning of the beginning. After entering, everyone must be either intoxicated in the sound of the pipa of Zhu Niang, or intoxicated in the atmosphere of wine and vegetables. When the fragrant white orchids came, everyone was refreshed and had to buy a few more.

The guests at the third table were all acquaintances, and Mr. Liang came to hold Zhu Niang again and pulled Mr. Chu up. Mr. Chu could only pay for the flowers knotted on the tree in his yard. Whenever Chu Huaixian is funny, is there something wrong with me? I can't expose her.

To the attentive and clear smile, Mr. Chu could only choose to shut up. After buying flowers in this way, Xiaochu had one more smile, and Mr. Liang would make fun of him more. Lin Xiaochu, who went out, would never hear it.

In the afternoon, Zhu Niang and Xiao Chu sat on the wall of the restaurant to rest. They invited the boss to do business, and the boss also found such a small compartment for them to sit down. Zhu Niang needs to replenish some powder, and Xiaochu needs to take care of her clothes.

"Cunzi is unusual to you."

"No, these nobles are happy for fun for a while, but they are just painstaking**." Xiaochu felt that her evaluation was very pertinent.

Zhu Niang was stunned first, and then smiled helplessly. What Xiaochu said was reasonable.

Xiaochu's talk box was opened, and the anger forced by the money matchmaker came out endlessly.

"It is to have money and power to pursue with your own heart. Zhu Niang, you are smart. It's good to get some money in your hand. When he falls in love with others in the future, he doesn't have to worry.

"Ms. Liang is not such a person. Since you think so, how much benefit are you going to get from Mr. Chu? Zhu Niang was not angry at all, just joking Xiaochu.

Lin Xiaochu's nose was upturned: "Hmm, I've worked hard to sell flowers. What's the matter with him!"

When two people talk here, they didn't expect that there would be ears across the wall. Liang Long, standing outside the compartment, was pulling Chu Huaixian away quietly. He didn't go back to the elegant room and stood in front of the railing of the hall building. Liang Long was whispering to Chu Huaixian, "Is that what this girl said about you?"

It's not as good as Zhu Niang. I know how good I am. Liang Long is worthless for Chu Huaixian: "She smiled at you more. It turned out that she was tied to you to buy flowers." Chu Huaixian corrected it in his heart and asked me to buy flowers and not to say anything.

For a smile given by the flower girl, Liang Long is pulling Chu Huaixian out: "Look at them. She is shy and can't talk to you more. I'll find a chance for you."

After I got there, I heard these comments. Chu Huaixian also felt angry, but as a self-cultivated scholar and respected, he was not angry with Lin Xiaochu.

I tried my best to persuade myself not to be angry. The next day, through the window, he saw Lin Xiaochu with a flattering smile to get the flowers. Mr. Chu felt that he could not let her go for nothing and had to make her suffer a little.

"Call that girl in."

When Lin Xiaochu came in, Mr. Chu also asked her as usual, "I'm 30%. Have you prepared the money for these days?"

"The prince said he would give it once a month?"

"Think about it, I have contributed to your hard work selling flowers. I'll give you two days. Are you ready?

Lin Xiaochu calculated the time and delayed it for a few more days, and maybe he would leave by himself. It's important to run away. Who will give him the money?

"Please give me a ten-day grace." Lin Xiaochu had a bitter face.

Chu Huaixian didn't look at her bitter face and made a decision rudely: "Money is fine. It is said that the apricot blossoms outside are blooming well. I want to invite a few friends to enjoy apricot flowers. I'm afraid that if there is no floor outside, you will turn the money into wine and vegetables, and someone will send it if it's not enough. Let someone tell you when to go.

Lin Xiaochu didn't understand what Mr. Chu meant when she came out. She only felt sorry for her money and wanted to fly away. If you don't want to give it to him, there will be no flowers to sell in the future. Lin Xiaochu scolded Mr. Chu several times in his heart.

Appreciating flowers and drinking alcohol. Let you drown in the sea of flowers and can't get out, so that the matchmaker will only stare at me.

Two days later, Jin Xier rode a tall horse to Xiaochu's house. When she got off the horse, she frowned and frowned even more when she entered the yard.

"It's too dirty here. You sweep it well and sweep it now."

Lin Xiaochu dared not say anything, so he went to sweep the floor.

Jin Xier and then entered the room: "The bench and table must be brushed with water. What I said is hot water and brushed. Don't fool me with cold water. You can't wash it. It must be cleaned. This bench needs to be brushed in the seams of the table.

The supervisor of Jin Xier, who crossed his legs, was very strict. He sat with a horse whip in his hand and commanded Lin Xiaochu and Lin Xiaoyi to start cleaning up.

At the end of the day, Lin Xiaochu was so tired that her back and back ached. She was afraid that Xiaoyi would be tired and sent her to her fifth aunt's house at noon. In the second half of the day, only one person worked hard here, and another person supervised the work here.

In the evening, Xiaoyi saw Jin Xier riding away. When she came back, Xiaoyi was also shocked: "Sister, is this still our room decoration?" The corners of the kang corner are spotless.

Lin Xiaochu, who was lying on the table, was weak: "Can it not be clean? All of them have been washed with hot water. Fortunately, it dries quickly in summer, and the house dries in a short time.

"Sister, what did you eat?" Lin Xiaoyi came to help beat Lin Xiaochu's back a few times. When she came in, she smelled the food in the room, but she didn't see the food.

"Don't mention the two leftover cakes I ate at noon, and he ate the hot food brought to him. Don't let me rest after eating and let me continue to work. In the evening, I said I wanted to cook, so he gave me the meal. There are a lot of delicious food. There is a plate of steamed buns. I thought you must love them, so I told him that I worked so hard that I wanted to stay for a snack, but he took them all away.

Lin Xiaochu only wanted to shed tears, but he sweated a lot in a day, and there was no extra water on his body to shed tears.

"Will the prince come to enjoy the flowers tomorrow? I can't go out to sell flowers today, and I lost another day's money.

When it comes to this, Lin Xiaochu is even more sad: "These dboys don't know when they will come." It would be good to book a date and brush it on the first day.

Asked Jin Xier, he only said, "The prince may come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and I will come the day after tomorrow until the day the prince comes. You have to wash this room every day as it is today.

What is powerful to bully people? Lin Xiaochu saw a living example. What's more annoying is that this example appeared alive on her.

I slept all night and still feel sore. Lin Xiaoyi went to the city early to sell flowers, leaving Lin Xiaochu to be enslaved by Jin Xier. This time, there is also Housekeeper Pang.

"Pang Housekeeper, what are you doing here?" The peasants here are all the land of the Chu family, and someone greeted the housekeeper Pang.

Housekeeper Pang smiled and said, "Our son is going to visit Miss Lin's house. Let's take a look first."

The greeting man looked at Lin Xiaochu, who bowed his head and swept the floor in the yard, and then listened to a few more words from the money matchmaker: "The prince said that the little girl is sharp, the little girl is pleasing, and the prince came to see her in person."

Lin Xiaochu blushed, the clear person is self-clear, and the turbid person is self-turbid. Of course, these villagers are ignorant. Lin Xiaochu felt that he didn't care, and naturally he would understand.

The two supervisors watched a person work. Lin Xiaochu was tired for another day. At night, he had only one idea: let the prince come and enjoy the flowers quickly. If you don't appreciate it, you can only enjoy the petals.

Mr. Chu came late, but he still came. One night three years later, the moon shone on the earth. Lin Xiaoyi whispered to Lin Xiaochu in the room, "It's so clean that you can't see it at night."

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, and the dusty wild flowers and plants look like jade carvings during the day. Lin Xiaochu told himself that he was not angry. He also wanted to enlighten Lin Xiaoyi: "This is a rich man's cleanliness fetish."

"I don't want this cleanliness fetish." Lin Xiaoyi is very scared. It's almost sick.

"Xiaochu, you work hard to clean up the yard and come and have a drink." Mr. Chu shouted slowly in the courtyard with drunkenness.

There is a large round table in the yard, and there are scattered food boxes on both sides of the floor. Lin Xiaochu hated to come up again. The table and bench were all brought by Mr. Chu, and there was no use for the washed furniture at Lin Xiaochu's house.

The prince couldn't but shout out. Lin Xiaochu still smiled. Mr. Chu held a glass in his hand and stood up and was still far away from Lin Xiaochu. He was elegant, his voice was gentle, and he could not see any rudeness.

handed the wine glass to Lin Xiaochu's Chu Huaixian and said, "This is an unused wine glass. You have worked hard all day and have a drink."

Liang Longzheng is the most coaxing: "Little girl, I didn't know that Brother Huaixian loved you so much. He said that he would really enjoy flowers tonight."

The matchmaker Qian curled her lips in her yard, and Lin Xiaochu loved to be serious. Maybe there is something unclear about the prince, otherwise the prince will come. Seeing that she also has a smile under the moon, she must be proud to have a noble son at home.

Lin Xiaochu has a wry smile on his face!