Spring flowers

Chapter 15 This is how rumors come out

By this time, Lin Xiaochu had not seen Mr. Chu's bad intentions. Chu Huaixian was angry for a moment. At this time, he suddenly regretted Lin Xiaochu's clear smile.

What will happen to a girl in the future? Mr. Chu no longer felt guilty when he thought about Lin Xiaochu's hateful words. If it's not easy to do in the future, come to my house. Mr. Chu held his hand and let Xiaochu with a smile: "Multiple seats, you can also sit down."

"And my sister," Lin Xiaochu did not forget Lin Xiaoyi when facing a table of delicious food.

"In Xi'er, send a portion of edible food to the house." Mr. Chu didn't let Lin Xiaoyi come out to sit at the table. Except for the princes, Xiaochu and Zhu Niang sat in this yard.

The sound of the pipa under the moon is ringing, and it is even longer. Lin Xiaochu, who was angry with money matchmaker and Sun Erhai a few days ago, also fell drunk in the sound of the pipa.

After the second update, the countryside was silent, and the princes went on horse and left. Some people are still chattering immediately, "This time it's a good time. After all, Brother Chu is elegant, which is much better than the mountain village shop."

Rumors flooded the village, and the fifth aunt also slept uneasily all night. I got up early in the morning and came to find Xiaochu: "What's the matter with you and Mr. Chu?"

"It's nothing. Not everyone saw it yesterday." Lin Xiaochu was asked by her fifth aunt, which made her heart feel empty, and she instinctively replied to this sentence.

The fifth aunt's face-to-face was a reprimand: "It's not that everyone could see it clearly yesterday." The fifth aunt reminded with some pain: "Xiaochu, you are not Zhu Niang. She has no choice but to sing small songs to make money. Yesterday, you and Mr. Chu, alas, think about it yourself.

Lin Xiaochu turned pale and drank a few glasses of wine last night. Mr. Chu said to look at the flowers. There was an apricot flower on the road outside the yard, and the two of them looked side by side.

Sure enough, it can be seen clearly by the villagers.

"I have something else to do at home. I'll go back first." The fifth aunt said, "You don't have to do this even if you want to leave. It's only dozens of miles apart. If someone recognizes you, this matter can also be passed on.

The fifth aunt who came out of her childhood home met the money matchmaker standing at the door and talking to the mother-in-law in two villages.

"His fifth aunt, are you going to ask for Xiaochu's wedding wine?" The money matchmaker said so.

"Sister Qian, you are an elder, and you can't arrange the younger generation indiscriminately. I asked Xiaochu that she had nothing to do with the prince. The fifth aunt also helped to distinguish.

"Xiaochu, this child, I haven't told you yet." The matchmaker Qian smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, go to the lotus flower. Xiaochu, you are going to Chu's house."

A sentence has been completed, which stunned the fifth aunt. She came over and inquired clearly, "What's going on?"

"It's Xiaochu and Hehua went to the Chu family to be maids. They are the maids in the prince's room." When the matchmaker Qian said the word "in-law", her voice was particularly low.

The two talkative women standing together laughed loudly together. The fifth aunt sighed and went home. When she came home, she thought that it would be better for Xiaochu to be Mr. Chu's aunt than selling flowers every day. The fifth aunt became happy again.

The matchmaker Qian has been running around the village all day, and many people welcome her to talk about the news of Xiaochu. Then accompany the matchmaker to guess how long it will take for Xiaochu to enter the Chu family and become an aunt.

Lin Xiaochu, who was in the dark, came back at night with a pale face, and the fifth aunt was persuading him.

"Xiaochu, do you really want to be an aunt at Mr. Chu's house?" The place is very angry.

"No thing!" Lin Xiaochu is resolute.

The land only grinned and became angry: "The money matchmaker said that you went to the Chu family to let people see it. And last night, what happened?"

Lin Xiaochu, who was annoyed by this matter, was not angry: "I think you are my brother. What does it have to do with you!" One sentence made the ground angry and ran out.

The fifth aunt persuaded Xiaochu slowly again: "Wait for me to persuade the place slowly. Xiaochu, it's also good for you to go to the Chu family. Be a good girl, and have children with a family in the future. It's okay to have a house and money; if the prince is true..."

After listening to the fifth aunt patiently, Lin Xiaochu asked the money matchmaker how she was doing today. Her heart was already a clear mirror and was tricked by the prince. Lin Xiaochu, who slept on the bed, couldn't remember a few words he said, but he was puzzled.

Mr. Chu has always been a good person. From stealing flowers and letting himself go to negotiate with him, Lin Xiaochu felt that it was different from the old man and Mo Xiaobao he met in the book. What's the reason why the prince wants to do this?

Lin Xiaochu was puzzled. She casually said a few words to Zhu Niang, which was forced by the money matchmaker to go to the Chu family, and Xiao Xiao was depressed. Lin Xiaochu didn't understand at all because of Mr. Chu's doing this.

Lin Xiaochu felt the pressure of public opinion for the first time when the rich matchmaker made momentum like this. I went to Mr. Chu's house to get flowers. I had never seen Mr. Chu again. Jin Xier gave flowers the same as before; and the next day, I came back to listen to Lin Xiaochu's explanation.

Everything looks good. After believing in Lin Xiaochu, he comforted her: "Anyway, there is no longer a place here." Lin Xiaochu was ready for everything. When Sun Erhai was unlucky, she was about to leave, regardless of the money matchmaker and Mr. Chu.

Sun Erhaibu's bureau needs a long time to find someone to find a place. Shen, who was included in this bureau, lived in the largest inn in the city.

"Big official, breakfast is here." Xiao Er attentively knocked on the door of Shen's official and put the boiled dried silk, shumai, and fine porridge on the table one by one.

Mr. Shen came over for breakfast and listened to Xiao Er's mouth: "Where are you going tonight? The yards here have been turned around, and you can also go to see the nearby town.

"A few friends asked me out tonight," Shen was a guest with silver in his waist. When I go out and travel alone, I love to relieve my boredom with these people.

"Shangguan, please use it slowly. You can always eat well and take a nap, and go out happily at night." Xiao Er arranged to receive the reward money and went out happily.

In the middle of eating, a stone suddenly flew into the half-open window and fell to the ground with a "pop" sound. There is also a letter on the stone, which is written to the official Shen.

"In the evening, Yichun Hongfang is the top card on the second floor; when you encounter gambling, you must prevent things in the bottle." Just these two sentences.

Shen senior official put away the note and had breakfast. As Xiao Er said, he slept in the room and waited for the people who accompanied him to call him at night.

Sun Erhai, Zhang Gouzi and Liu Xiaodao called him. Take advantage of the evening breeze to get out of the city.

"If you don't come back at night, don't worry about not being able to enter the city. Lao Liu found a good place. The owner is not here, so we just stole the incense. Sun Erhai said this to Shen officials.

Four people took the two families of the Shen official, a total of six people, riding six horses. It was not until dark that Sun Erhai pointed to a brightly lit house and said, "We are here."

A second courtyard can't see old and new in the dark. Several lanterns hung on the door, swaying in the wind. Two families came out under the lantern: "It turned out that several masters have arrived. Our master is not here, but the lady is there."

"There is an account in a hurry. The master is not here, and it's the same as your wife."

Shen is funny in his stomach. He has only heard of such a scam, and he doesn't want to encounter one by himself. Anyway, it's for fun. Official Shen people think that we will talk about it later tonight.

The silver brought is divided into two places, one is thrown in the inn; the other is placed in the worship box in front of Sun Erhai and several people, let the family hold it behind him.

Sun Erhai and others went in and kept looking at the worship box on the way. By tomorrow morning, the silver will be their own.

Madam came out to meet. She was a beautiful person. The official Shen thought to himself that he would give them some money if he was happy all night. When the banquet was held, more than a dozen concubines came out, all of whom were beautiful and delicate.

The official Shen was so happy that he rushed to the gentle countryside. That is, he is happy and refuses to drink too much. After dinner, he listened to people say that the long night was boring, and it was better to have fun than to play the dice. The senior official Shen praised this step by step, promised, and looked at the family who was holding the box.

The master and servant exchanged glances, and the senior official Shen was even more relieved. He walked outside all year round, and the family he was looking for was also a powerful person. Although there are many people here, they are not afraid of him robbing.

Sun Erhai stood behind people and just smiled, with a smile on his face and a smile in his heart. Sun Erhai is proud to play with money. This old man is the best at it!

I accidentally remembered that the money matchmaker had been doing unstable things recently. When the money matchmaker heard Lin Xiaochu say that she had done too many bad things, she suspected that this matter was related to Lin Xiaochu to Sun Erhai. This is a little suspicious intuition, and Sun Erhai did not pay attention to it. In a few days, the girl of the Lin family went to Mr. Chu's house and took the money, no matter what she said behind her back.

"I've lost all my money. What should I do!" The concubine who lost the most money is the most beautiful. She lost all the earrings on her ears and bracelets on her hands. Official Shen was about to say, "Stay with me. I don't want your things."

I didn't want this concubine to get up angrily and go to the room. After a while, she came out with a big vase in her hand: "Can I bet on this for another game?"

"This is the master's favorite vase. If you lose again, how can you see the master?"

"You lost very hard. Talk to this man well. He may not want your things."

In the seven-mouthed advice, the senior official Shen woke up again. Thinking about the reminder on the note, he looked at the treasure flowing vase, which could put a lot of things in the vase.

If you want to come to the next game, they are sure that I will lose. The official Shen smiled. The vase was full, and the thousands of silver tickets in my box were not enough.

"Master, bet on the last game again. If I lose, I'll go to bed!" The master came back and lost something. I'll hold it!" Meiji's voice is fierce.

Shen Daguan smiled and said, "Slow down, let me see what else is in this vase?"

Shen, a smiling official, said slowly, "You have to pay for the situation before you can gamble."